Enter a command. For example: hg add, hugo, yt dlp, gunzip, laravel.


Utility to annotate console logging statements with timestamps and find slow processes. More information:
  • Use UNIX (or DOS) pipes to pipe the stdout of any command through gnomon:
    {{npm test}} | gnomon
  • Show number of seconds since the start of the process:
    {{npm test}} | gnomon --type=elapsed-total
  • Show an absolute timestamp in UTC:
    {{npm test}} | gnomon --type=absolute
  • Set a high threshold of 0.5 seconds for the elapsed time; exceeding which the timestamp will be colored bright red:
    {{npm test}} | gnomon --high {{0.5}}
  • Set a medium threshold of 0.2 seconds (Timestamp will be colored bright yellow):
    {{npm test}} | gnomon --medium {{0.2}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.