Enter a command. For example: nx, highlight, pdftex, ngrep, doctl account.


Compiles resource files (e.g. images) into a binary resource bundle. These may be linked into GTK applications using the GResource API. More information:
  • Compile resources referenced in file.gresource.xml to a .gresource binary:
    glib-compile-resources {{file.gresource.xml}}
  • Compile resources referenced in file.gresource.xml to a C source file:
    glib-compile-resources --generate-source {{file.gresource.xml}}
  • Compile resources in file.gresource.xml to a chosen target file, with .c, .h or .gresource extension:
    glib-compile-resources --generate --target={{file.ext}} {{file.gresource.xml}}
  • Print a list of resource files referenced in file.gresource.xml:
    glib-compile-resources --generate-dependencies {{file.gresource.xml}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.