Enter a command. For example: jupytext, ogrinfo, fastboot, sonar scanner.


A command-line interface for synchronizing GitHub labels. More information:
  • Synchronize labels using a local labels.json file:
    github-label-sync --access-token {{token}} {{repository_name}}
  • Synchronize labels using a specific labels JSON file:
    github-label-sync --access-token {{token}} --labels {{url|path/to/json_file}} {{repository_name}}
  • Perform a dry run instead of actually synchronizing labels:
    github-label-sync --access-token {{token}} --dry-run {{repository_name}}
  • Keep labels that aren't in labels.json:
    github-label-sync --access-token {{token}} --allow-added-labels {{repository_name}}
  • Synchronize using the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable:
    github-label-sync {{repository_name}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.