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git show

Show various types of Git objects (commits, tags, etc.). More information:
  • Show information about the latest commit (hash, message, changes, and other metadata):
    git show
  • Show information about a given commit:
    git show {{commit}}
  • Show information about the commit associated with a given tag:
    git show {{tag}}
  • Show information about the 3rd commit from the HEAD of a branch:
    git show {{branch}}~{{3}}
  • Show a commit's message in a single line, suppressing the diff output:
    git show --oneline -s {{commit}}
  • Show only statistics (added/removed characters) about the changed files:
    git show --stat {{commit}}
  • Show only the list of added, renamed or deleted files:
    git show --summary {{commit}}
  • Show the contents of a file as it was at a given revision (e.g. branch, tag or commit):
    git show {{revision}}:{{path/to/file}}

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