Enter a command. For example: imapsync, subl, htop, pre commit.

gh api

Makes authenticated HTTP requests to the GitHub API and prints the response. More information:
  • Display the subcommand help:
    gh api --help
  • Display the releases for the current repository in JSON format:
    gh api repos/:owner/:repo/releases
  • Create a reaction for a specific issue:
    gh api --header {{Accept:application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview+json}} --raw-field '{{content=+1}}' {{repos/:owner/:repo/issues/123/reactions}}
  • Display the result of a GraphQL query in JSON format:
    gh api graphql --field {{name=':repo'}} --raw-field '{{query}}'
  • Send a request using a custom HTTP method:
    gh api --method {{POST}} {{endpoint}}
  • Include the HTTP response headers in the output:
    gh api --include {{endpoint}}
  • Do not print the response body:
    gh api --silent {{endpoint}}
  • Send a request to a specific GitHub Enterprise Server:
    gh api --hostname {{}} {{endpoint}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.