Enter a command. For example: conntrack, mpg123, rspamc, ntfsfix.


Parse command line arguments. More information:
  • Parse optional verbose/version flags with shorthands:
    getopt --options vV --longoptions verbose,version -- --version --verbose
  • Add a --file option with a required argument with shorthand -f:
    getopt --options f: --longoptions file: -- --file=somefile
  • Add a --verbose option with an optional argument with shorthand -v, and pass a non-option parameter arg:
    getopt --options v:: --longoptions verbose:: -- --verbose arg
  • Accept a -r and --verbose flag, a --accept option with an optional argument and add a --target with a required argument option with shorthands:
    getopt --options rv::s::t: --longoptions verbose,source::,target: -- -v --target target

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.