Compiles C++ source files. Part of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). More information: https://gcc.gnu.org.
- Compile a source code file into an executable binary:
g++ {{path/to/source.cpp}} -o {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Display (almost) all errors and warnings:
g++ {{path/to/source.cpp}} -Wall -o {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Choose a language standard to compile for (C++98/C++11/C++14/C++17):
g++ {{path/to/source.cpp}} -std={{c++98|c++11|c++14|c++17}} -o {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Include libraries located at a different path than the source file:
g++ {{path/to/source.cpp}} -o {{path/to/output_executable}} -I{{path/to/header}} -L{{path/to/library}} -l{{library_name}}
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