Enter a command. For example: phpcs, zek, ansible, phpcbf, gpg tui.


Command-line tool for concourse-ci. More information:
  • Authenticate with and save concourse target:
    fly --target {{target_name}} login --team-name {{team_name}} -c {{}}
  • List targets:
    fly targets
  • List pipelines:
    fly -t {{target_name}} pipelines
  • Upload or update a pipeline:
    fly -t {{target_name}} set-pipeline --config {{pipeline.yml}} --pipeline {{pipeline_name}}
  • Unpause pipeline:
    fly -t {{target_name}} unpause-pipeline --pipeline {{pipeline_name}}
  • Show pipeline configuration:
    fly -t {{target_name}} get-pipeline --pipeline {{pipeline_name}}
  • Update local copy of fly:
    fly -t {{target_name}} sync
  • Destroy pipeline:
    fly -t {{target_name}} destroy-pipeline --pipeline {{pipeline_name}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.