Enter a command. For example: fio, mytop, mediainfo, crontab.


A modern replacement for ls (List directory contents). More information:
  • List files one per line:
    exa --oneline
  • List all files, including hidden files:
    exa --all
  • Long format list (permissions, ownership, size and modification date) of all files:
    exa --long --all
  • List files with the largest at the top:
    exa --reverse --sort={{size}}
  • Display a tree of files, three levels deep:
    exa --long --tree --level={{3}}
  • List files sorted by modification date (oldest first):
    exa --long --sort={{modified}}
  • List files with their headers, icons, and Git statuses:
    exa --long --header --icons --git
  • Don't list files mentioned in .gitignore:
    exa --git-ignore

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.