Enter a command. For example: wpscan, nginx, gzip, babel, xprop.


Dust gives an instant overview of which directories are using disk space. More information:
  • Display information for the current directory:
  • Display information for a space-separated list of directories:
    dust {{path/to/directory1}} {{path/to/directory2}}
  • Display 30 directories (defaults to 21):
    dust --number-of-lines {{30}}
  • Display information for the current directory, up to 3 levels deep:
    dust --depth {{3}}
  • Display the biggest directories at the top in descending order:
    dust --reverse
  • Ignore all files and directories with a specific name:
    dust --ignore-directory {{file_or_directory_name}}
  • Do not display percent bars and percentages:
    dust --no-percent-bars

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.