Enter a command. For example: git changelog, docker exec.

dolt commit

Commit staged changes to tables. More information:
  • Commit all staged changes, opening the editor specified by $EDITOR to enter the commit message:
    dolt commit
  • Commit all staged changes with the specified message:
    dolt commit --message "{{commit_message}}"
  • Stage all unstaged changes to tables before committing:
    dolt commit --all
  • Use the specified ISO 8601 commit date (defaults to current date and time):
    dolt commit --date "{{2021-12-31T00:00:00}}"
  • Use the specified author for the commit:
    dolt commit --author "{{author_name}} <{{author_email}}>"
  • Allow creating an empty commit, with no changes:
    dolt commit --allow-empty
  • Ignore foreign key warnings:
    dolt commit --force

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