Enter a command. For example: plesk, balena, volta, mullvad, pyenv virtualenv.

docker exec

Execute a command on an already running Docker container. More information:
  • Enter an interactive shell session on an already-running container:
    docker exec --interactive --tty {{container_name}} {{/bin/bash}}
  • Run a command in the background (detached) on a running container:
    docker exec --detach {{container_name}} {{command}}
  • Select the working directory for a given command to execute into:
    docker exec --interactive -tty --workdir {{path/to/directory}} {{container_name}} {{command}}
  • Run a command in background on existing container but keep stdin open:
    docker exec --interactive --detach {{container_name}} {{command}}
  • Set an environment variable in a running Bash session:
    docker exec --interactive --tty --env {{variable_name}}={{value}} {{container_name}} {{/bin/bash}}
  • Run a command as a specific user:
    docker exec --user {{user}} {{container_name}} {{command}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.