Enter a command. For example: tlmgr update, doas, nix collect garbage.


Server daemon for the CUPS print server. More information:
  • Start cupsd in the background, aka. as a daemon:
  • Start cupsd on the [f]oreground:
    cupsd -f
  • [l]aunch cupsd on-demand (commonly used by launchd or systemd):
    cupsd -l
  • Start cupsd using the specified [c]upsd.conf configuration file:
    cupsd -c {{path/to/cupsd.conf}}
  • Start cupsd using the specified cups-file[s].conf configuration file:
    cupsd -s {{path/to/cups-files.conf}}
  • [t]est the [c]upsd.conf configuration file for errors:
    cupsd -t -c {{path/to/cupsd.conf}}
  • [t]est the cups-file[s].conf configuration file for errors:
    cupsd -t -s {{path/to/cups-files.conf}}
  • Display all available options:
    cupsd -h

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