Enter a command. For example: svgr, mdp, truncate, 2to3, security checker.


Manipulation toolkit for CSV files. See the individual commands: csvclean, csvcut, csvformat, csvgrep, csvlook, csvpy, csvsort, csvstat. More information:
  • Run a command on a CSV file with a custom delimiter:
    {{cmd}} -d {{delimiter}} {{filename.csv}}
  • Run a command on a CSV file with a tab as a delimiter (overrides -d):
    {{cmd}} -t {{filename.csv}}
  • Run a command on a CSV file with a custom quote character:
    {{cmd}} -q {{quote_char}} {{filename.csv}}
  • Run a command on a CSV file with no header row:
    {{cmd}} -H {{filename.csv}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.