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btrfs restore

Try to salvage files from a damaged btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Restore all files from a btrfs filesystem to a given directory:
    sudo btrfs restore {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • List (don't write) files to be restored from a btrfs filesystem:
    sudo btrfs restore --dry-run {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files matching a given regex ([c]ase-insensitive) files to be restored from a btrfs filesystem (all parent directories of target file(s) must match as well):
    sudo btrfs restore --path-regex {{regex}} -c {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files from a btrfs filesystem using a specific root tree bytenr (see btrfs-find-root):
    sudo btrfs restore -t {{bytenr}} {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files from a btrfs filesystem (along with metadata, extended attributes, and Symlinks), overwriting files in the target:
    sudo btrfs restore --metadata --xattr --symlinks --overwrite {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}

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