Enter a command. For example: pwsh, jetifier, graphml2gv, kind.

az pipelines

Manage Azure Pipelines resources. Part of azure-cli. More information:
  • Create a new Azure Pipeline (YAML based):
    az pipelines create --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}} --name {{pipeline_name}} --description {{description}} --repository {{repository_name}} --branch {{branch_name}}
  • Delete a specific pipeline:
    az pipelines delete --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}} --id {{pipeline_id}}
  • List pipelines:
    az pipelines list --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}}
  • Enqueue a specific pipeline to run:
    az pipelines run --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}} --name {{pipeline_name}}
  • Get the details of a specific pipeline:
    az pipelines show --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}} --name {{pipeline_name}}
  • Update a specific pipeline:
    az pipelines update --org {{organization_url}} --project {{project_name}} --name {{pipeline_name}} --new-name {{pipeline_new_name}} --new-folder-path {{user1/production_pipelines}}
  • Get a list of agents in a pool:
    az pipelines agent list --org {{organization_url}} --pool-id {{agent_pool}}

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