Enter a command. For example: apt moo, lastlog, udevadm, guake.


Key management utility for the APT Package Manager on Debian and Ubuntu. Note: apt-key is now deprecated (except for the use of apt-key del in maintainer scripts). More information:
  • List trusted keys:
    apt-key list
  • Add a key to the trusted keystore:
    apt-key add {{public_key_file.asc}}
  • Delete a key from the trusted keystore:
    apt-key del {{key_id}}
  • Add a remote key to the trusted keystore:
    wget -qO - {{https://host.tld/filename.key}} | apt-key add -
  • Add a key from keyserver with only key id:
    apt-key adv --keyserver {{}} --recv {{KEYID}}

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