Enter a command. For example: git release, dolt config, gh gist.


Manage groups of computers remotely over SSH. (use the /etc/ansible/hosts file to add new groups/hosts). Some subcommands such as ansible galaxy have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • List hosts belonging to a group:
    ansible {{group}} --list-hosts
  • Ping a group of hosts by invoking the ping module:
    ansible {{group}} -m ping
  • Display facts about a group of hosts by invoking the setup module:
    ansible {{group}} -m setup
  • Execute a command on a group of hosts by invoking command module with arguments:
    ansible {{group}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'
  • Execute a command with administrative privileges:
    ansible {{group}} --become --ask-become-pass -m command -a '{{my_command}}'
  • Execute a command using a custom inventory file:
    ansible {{group}} -i {{inventory_file}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'
  • List the groups in an inventory:
    ansible localhost -m debug -a '{{var=groups.keys()}}'

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.