Enter a command. For example: exit, avrdude, nms, shc, nbtscan.


Pull ansible playbooks from a VCS repo and executes them for the local host. More information:
  • Pull a playbook from a VCS and execute a default local.yml playbook:
    ansible-pull -U {{repository_url}}
  • Pull a playbook from a VCS and execute a specific playbook:
    ansible-pull -U {{repository_url}} {{playbook}}
  • Pull a playbook from a VCS at a specific branch and execute a specific playbook:
    ansible-pull -U {{repository_url}} -C {{branch}} {{playbook}}
  • Pull a playbook from a VCS, specify hosts file and execute a specific playbook:
    ansible-pull -U {{repository_url}} -i {{hosts_file}} {{playbook}}

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