Enter a command. For example: pip install, yapf, iverilog, amass intel.


Execute tasks defined in playbook on remote machines over SSH. More information:
  • Run tasks in playbook:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}}
  • Run tasks in playbook with custom host inventory:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -i {{inventory_file}}
  • Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined via the command-line:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "{{variable1}}={{value1}} {{variable2}}={{value2}}"
  • Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined in a JSON file:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "@{{variables.json}}"
  • Run tasks in playbook for the given tags:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}} --tags {{tag1,tag2}}
  • Run tasks in a playbook starting at a specific task:
    ansible-playbook {{playbook}} --start-at {{task_name}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.