INSTRUCTIONS: Download REBOL/View from (.6 MB) Run REBOL, click the "Console" icon, and paste in any of these examples. *** THAT'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED WITH THIS TEXT *** To make REBOL automatically open to the console every time it starts, click the "User" link, and then uncheck "Open desktop at startup". To use REBOL's built in text editor, type "editor none" at the console. Press the F5 key while in the editor to save and run any edited code. Be sure to type the header "REBOL []" at the top of any edited scripts. If you install REBOL, any file saved with a ".r" extension will run when its file icon is clicked (.r code files run just like .exe files). Type "desktop" to reopen REBOL's default graphic desktop. See thousands of additional code examples by clicking the "REBOL" and "Public" icons. See for a complete REBOL tutorial with line-by-line explanations of all the code in these examples. See the last example in this document for a useful quick reference manual. Metapad ( is a great editor for REBOL. Click Options -> Settings -> Primary External Viewer, and set your REBOL path (usually C:\Program Files\rebol\view\rebol.exe). DEMO APPLICATION (10 apps in 2890 characters): REBOL[title:"Demo"]p: :append kk: :pick r: :random y: :layout q: 'image z: :if gg: :to-image v: :length? g: :view k: :center-face ts: :to-string tu: :to-url sh: :show al: :alert rr: :request-date co: :copy g y[style h btn 150 h"Paint"[g/new k y[s: area black 650x350 feel[engage: func[f a e][ z a = 'over[p pk: s/effect/draw e/offset sh s]z a = 'up[p pk 'line]]] effect[draw[line]]b: btn"Save"[save/png %a.png gg s al"Saved 'a.png'"]btn "Clear"[s/effect/draw: co[line]sh s]]]h"Game"[u: :reduce x: does[al join{ SCORE: }[v b]unview]s: gg y/tight[btn red 10x10]o: gg y/tight[btn tan 10x10]d: 0x10 w: 0 r/seed now b: u[q o(((r 19x19)* 10)+ 50x50)q s(((r 19x19)* 10)+ 50x50)]g/new k y/tight[c: area 305x305 effect[draw b]rate 15 feel[engage: func[f a e][z a = 'key[d: select u['up 0x-10 'down 0x10 'left -10x0 'right 10x0]e/key]z a = 'time[z any[b/6/1 < 0 b/6/2 < 0 b/6/1 > 290 b/6/2 > 290][x]z find(at b 7)b/6[x]z within? b/6 b/3 10x10[p b u[q s(last b)]w: 1 b/3:((r 29x29)* 10)]n: co/part b 5 p n(b/6 + d)for i 7(v b)1[ either(type?(kk b i)= pair!)[p n kk b(i - 3)][p n kk b i]]z w = 1[clear( back tail n)p n(last b)w: 0]b: co n sh c]]]do[focus c]]]h"Puzzle"[al{ Arrange tiles alphabetically:}g/new k y[origin 0x0 space 0x0 across style p button 60x60[z not find[0x60 60x0 0x-60 -60x0]face/offset - x/offset[ exit]tp: face/offset face/offset: x/offset x/offset: tp]p"O"p"N"p"M"p"L" return p"K"p"J"p"I"p"H"return p"G"p"F"p"E"p"D"return p"C"p"B"p"A"x: p white edge[size: 0]]]h"Calendar"[do bx:[z not(exists? %s)[write %s ""]rq: rr g/new k y[h5 ts rq aa: area ts select to-block(find/last(to-block read %s)rq)rq btn"Save"[write/append %s rejoin[rq" {"aa/text"} "]unview do bx]] ]]h"Video"[wl: tu request-text/title/default"URL:"join"" "/m54ltm"g/new k y[image load wl 640x480 rate 0 feel[engage: func[f a e][ z a = 'time[f/image: load wl show f]]]]]h"IPs"[parse read tu join"http://" ""[thrucopy my to]i: last parse my none al ts rejoin["WAN: "i" -- LAN: "read join dns:// read dns://]]h"Email"[ g/new k y[mp: field"pop://"btn"Read"[ma: co[]foreach i read tu mp/text[p ma join i"^/^/^/^/^/^/"editor ma]]]]h"Days"[g/new k y[ btn"Start"[sd: rr]btn"End"[ed: rr db/text: ts(ed - sd)show db]text{Days Between:}db: field]]h"Sounds"[ps: func[sl][wait 0 rg: load sl wf: 1 sp: open sound:// insert sp rg wait sp close sp wf: 0]wf: 0 change-dir %/c/Windows/media do wl:[wv: co[]foreach i read %.[z %.wav = suffix? i[p wv i]]]g/new k y[ft: text-list data wv[z wf <> 1[z error? try[ps value][al "Error"close sp wf: 0]]]btn"Dir"[change-dir request-dir do wl ft/data: wv sh ft]]]h{FTP}[g/new k y[px: field""[ either dir? tu va: value[f/data: sort read tu va sh f][editor tu va]]f: text-list[editor tu join px/text value]btn"?"[al{Type a URL path to browse (nonexistent files are created). Click files to edit.}]]]] LANGUAGE BASICS: print "Hello world" alert "Alert is a FUNCTION. This text is its PARAMETER (or ARGUMENT)." alert ("Parentheses can enclose parameters, but they aren't required.") editor "This text is a parameter of the 'editor' function ... edit it." browse ; this function is 'browse' the parameter is a URL request "Functions perform ACTIONS. Parameters are DATA. Make sense?" ; this is a comment { This is a multi line comment. Comments don't do anything in a program. They just remind the programmer what's happening in the code. } request-text ; These requester functions don't require any parameters, request-date ; but like most functions, they RETURN a useful value. request-color request-file request-dir request-pass alert request-text ; In all these examples, the 1st function uses a value editor request-date ; RETURNED by the 2nd function, as its parameter. To print request-file ; complete the 1st function, user response is needed. editor request request-text ; Here, return values are CASCADED. alert "First function on this line" alert "Second function, same line" alert "No" alert "line" alert "endings" alert "are" alert "required" alert "functions are" editor "automatically grouped with their parameters" request-text/default "Text" ; many functions have "refinements" (options) request-text/title "The /title refinement sets this header text" request-text/title/default "Name:" "John Smith" ; 2 options together request-text/title/offset "/offset repositions the requester" 10x100 request-pass/offset/title 10x100 "title" alert "Processing" ; 2 functions request-file/file %temp.txt ; default file name request-file/filter ["*.txt" "*.r"] ; only show .txt and .r files request-file/only ; limit selection to a single file request-file/save ; save dialog (instead of open dialog) request-file/save/file/filter %temp.txt ["*.txt" "*.r"] print 10 + 12 / 2 ; 22 / 2 = 11 Math is ALWAYS evaluated left to print (10 + 12) / 2 ; 22 / 2 = 11 right. The only exception: print 10 + (12 / 2) ; 10 + 6 = 16 Parentheses are evaluated first. print "This is a string of text." print { Curly braces are used for multi line text strings (instead of quotes). } alert {To use "quotes" in a text string, put them inside curly braces.} alert "You can use {curly braces} inside quotes." alert "'Single quotes' can go inside double quotes..." alert {'...or inside curly braces'} alert {"ANY quote symbol" {can actually be used within} 'curly braces'} alert "In many cases" alert {curly braces and quotes are interchangable.} rejoin ["Hello " "World"] ; "rejoin" CONCATENATES (joins together) values rejoin [{Concatenate } {as } {many items } {as } {you } {want.}] rejoin [request-date { } request-color { } now/time { } $29.99] alert rejoin ["You chose: " request "Choose one:"] ; CASCADE return values join {"Join" only concatenates TWO items } {("rejoin" is more powerful).} print rejoin ["This text is followed by a carriage return." newline] print "This text is also followed by a carriage return.^/" prin {'Prin' } prin {doesn't } prin {print } print {a carriage return.} prin newpage ; clear console screen print read ; "read" retrieves the data from many sources editor ; the built in editor can also read many sources print read %./ ; the % symbol is used for local files and folders editor %./ write %temp.txt "test" ; write takes TWO parameters (file name and data) editor %temp.txt editor request-file/only ; "only" refinement limits choice to 1 file write clipboard:// (read ; 2nd parameter in parentheses editor clipboard:// print read dns:// ; REBOL can read many built in protocols print read nntp:// write/binary %/c/bay.jpg (read/binary write/binary %tada.wav (read/binary %/c/windows/media/tada.wav) write/binary %temp.dat (compress read ; COMPRESS DATA print decompress read/binary %temp.dat ; DECOMPRESS DATA print read ; user/pass required write "text" ; user/pass required editor ; can save changes to server! editor pop:// ; read all emails in this account send "Hello" ; send email send (read %file.txt) ; email the text from this file send/attach "My photos" [%pic1.jpg %pic2.jpg pic3.jpg] call/show "notepad.exe c:\config.sys" ; run OS shell command view layout [image %pic1.jpg] ; view an image view layout [image request-file/only] ; view a user selected image insert s: open sound:// load request-file/only wait s close s ; play sound insert s: open sound:// load %/c/windows/media/tada.wav wait s close s rename %temp.txt %temp2.txt ; change file name write %temp.txt read %temp2.txt ; copy file write/append %temp2.txt "" ; create file (or if it exists, do nothing) delete %temp2.txt change-dir %../ what-dir list-dir make-dir %./temp print read %./ x: 10 ; The COLON symbol assigns a value to a word label (a "variable") print x x: x + 1 ; increment variable by 1 (add 1 to the current value of x) print x y: "hello" z: " world" print rejoin [y z] probe rejoin [y z] ; PROBE shows RAW DATA (PRINT formats nice output) print join y z person: "john" ; variables (word labels) ARE ** NOT ** CASE SENSITIVE print person print PERSON print PeRsOn value1: value2: value3: "yes " ; here, all 3 variables are set to "yes " print rejoin [value1 value2 value3] name: ask "Enter your name: " ; "ask" gets text input from the user print rejoin ["Hello " name] filename: request-file/only alert rejoin ["You chose " filename] osfile: to-local-file filename ; REBOL uses its own multiplatform syntax to-rebol-file osfile ; Convert from native OS file notation back to REBOL the-url: split-path the-url ; "split-path" breaks any file or URL into 2 parts some-text: { This is a multi line string of text. Strings are a native data type, delineated by quotes or curly braces, which enclose text. REBOL has MANY other built in data types, all delineated by various characters and text formats. The "type" function returns a value's data type. Below are just a few more native data types: } type? some-text an-integer: 3874904 type? an-integer a-decimal: 7348.39 type? a-decimal web-site: type? web-site email-address: type? email-address the-file: %/c/myfile.txt type? the-file money-amount: $343.56 type? money-amount color-tuple: 123.54.212 type? color-tuple a-character: #"z" type? a-character a-word: 'asdf type? a-word html-tag:
type? html-tag binary-info: #{ddeedd} type? binary-info image: load type? image a-sound: load %/c/windows/media/tada.wav a-sound/type to-decimal an-integer ; Convert values TO different types ("cast") to-string web-site ; now the web site URL is surrounded by quotes form web-site ; "form" also converts various values to string form $29.99 alert form $29.99 ; the alert function REQUIRES a string parameter alert $29.99 ; (this throws an error) 5 + 6 ; you can perform math operations with integers "5" + "6" ; (error) you can't perform math with strings (to-integer "5") + (to-integer "6") ; this eliminates the math problem to-pair [12 43] ; creates a coordinate pair as-pair 12 43 ; a better way to create a coordinate pair to-binary 123.54.212 ; convert a REBOL color value to hex color value to-binary request-color ; convert the color chosen by the user, to hex to-tuple #{00CD00} ; convert a hex color value to REBOL color value form to-tuple #{00CD00} ; covert the hex color value to a string write/binary %floorplan8.pdf debase read clipboard:// ; email attachment 6:30am + 00:37:19 ; REBOL computes values appropriately for type now now + 0:0:59 now - 10 23x54 + 19x31 22x66 * 2 22x66 * 2x3 + * 9 ; note that each IP segment value is limited to 255 0.250.0 / 2 ; an easy way to adjust color values $29.99 * 5 x: 12 y: 33 q: 18 p: 7 (as-pair x y) + (as-pair q p) ; very common in graphics apps using coords remove form to-money 1 / 233 remove/part form to-time (1 / 233) 6 random/seed now/time ; always use this line to get real random values random 50 ; a random number between 0 and 50 random 50x100 ; left side is limited to 50, right limited to 100 random 222.222.222 ; each segment is limited to #s between 0 and 222 random $500 random "asdfqwerty" ; a random mix of the given characters FLOW CONTROL (Conditional Evaluations and Loops): if now/time > 12:00 [alert "It's after noon."] ; if (true) [do this] if not now/time > 12:00 [alert "It's morning."] unless now/time => 12:00 [alert "It's morning."] if not now/time = 12:00 [alert "It's not noon."] if now/time <> 12:00 [alert "It's not noon."] if error? try [0 / 0] [alert "Divide by 0 error"] ; if error [do this] if attempt [1 / 1] [alert "Successful"] ; if no error [do this] attempt [0 / 0] ; ignore error either now/time > 8:00am [ ; same as if/else alert "It's time to get up!" ][ alert "You can keep on sleeping." ] favorite-day: request-text/title "What's your favorite day of the week?" switch/default favorite-day [ "Monday" [alert "Monday is the worst! The work week begins..."] "Tuesday" [alert "Tuesdays and Thursdays are both ok, I guess..."] "Wednesday" [alert "The hump day - the week is halfway over!"] "Thursday" [alert "Tuesdays and Thursdays are both ok, I guess..."] "Friday" [alert "Yay! TGIF!"] "Saturday" [alert "Of course, the weekend!"] "Sunday" [alert "Of course, the weekend!"] ] [alert "You didn't type in the name of a day!"] name: "john" case [ find name "a" [print {Your name contains the letter "a"}] find name "e" [print {Your name contains the letter "e"}] find name "i" [print {Your name contains the letter "i"}] find name "o" [print {Your name contains the letter "o"}] find name "u" [print {Your name contains the letter "u"}] true [print {Your name doesn't contain any vowels!}] ] name: "brian" found: false case/all [ ; /all evaluates ALL conditions, without breaking find name "a" [print {Your name contains the letter "a"} found: true] find name "e" [print {Your name contains the letter "e"} found: true] find name "i" [print {Your name contains the letter "i"} found: true] find name "o" [print {Your name contains the letter "o"} found: true] find name "u" [print {Your name contains the letter "u"} found: true] found = false [print {Your name doesn't contain any vowels!}] ] value1: true value2: false if ((value1 = true) and (value2 = true)) [ print "both true" ] if ((value1 = true) or (value2 = true)) [ print "either one OR the other is true" ] alarm-time: now/time + :00:10 forever [if now/time = alarm-time [alert "10 seconds have passed" break]] while [now/date < 21-dec-2012] [print "Press [ESC] to quit"] until [now/date >= 21-dec-2012] [print "It's now December 21, 2012"] loop 50 [print "REBOL is great!"] count: 0 loop 50 [ count: count + 1 print rejoin ["This is loop #: " count] ] repeat count 50 [print rejoin ["This is loop #: " count]] for counter 1 10 1 [print counter] for counter 10 1 -1 [print counter] for counter 10 100 10 [print counter] for counter 1 5 .5 [print counter] for timer 8:00 9:00 0:05 [print timer] for dimes $0.00 $1.00 $0.10 [print dimes] for date 1-dec-2005 25-jan-2006 8 [print date] for alphabet #"a" #"z" 1 [prin alphabet] folder: read %. foreach file folder [print file] SERIES ("blocks", data lists): new-block: copy [] ; a new, empty block some-names: ["John" "Bill" "Tom" "Mike"] ; a list of text strings more-names: copy some-names ; a copy of the above list probe more-names same? more-names some-names ; NOT the exact same list, but a copy same-names: some-names ; THESE labels now refer to the EXACT SAME list probe same-names same? same-names some-names ; change some-names and same-names CHANGES TOO sortednames: sort copy some-names ; "copy" keeps some-names from changing sortednames: sort some-names ; here, the some-names block has been sorted print first sortednames ; here are 3 different ways to pick the 1st item: print sortednames/1 print pick sortednames 1 print second sortednames ; 3 different ways to pick the 2nd item: print sortednames/2 print pick sortednames 2 find some-names "John" first find some-names "John" find/last some-names "John" select some-names "John" ; use series like dictionaries reverse sortednames length? sortednames head sortednames next sortednames back sortednames last sortednames tail sortednames at sortednames 2 skip sortednames 1 extract sortednames 3 ; every third item index? sortednames insert (at sortednames 3) "Lee" append sortednames "George" remove sortednames remove find sortednames "Mike" change sortednames "Phil" change third sortednames "Phil" poke sortednames 3 "Phil" copy/part sortednames 2 replace/all sortednames "Lee" "Al" probe form sortednames probe mold sortednames join some-names sortednames intersect sortednames more-names difference sortednames more-names exclude sortednames more-names union sortednames more-names unique sortednames clear sortednames empty? sortednames probe same-names probe more-names index-num: length? more-names print pick more-names index-num print pick more-names (index-num - 1) print pick more-names (random length? more-names) index-num: ((index? (find more-names "Tom")) - 1) print pick more-names index-num ; 4 ways to pick items at a variable index print more-names/:index-num print compose [more-names/(index-num)] print reduce [more-names/(index-num)] ; "READ" reads data byte-for-byte from file, "LOAD" performs a CONVERSION ; "WRITE" writes series byte-for-byte to file, "SAVE" performs CONVERSION save %names.txt more-names ; series data saved to a text file loaded-names: load %names.txt ; use "load" to read it into a variable write %names2.txt mold more-names ; series saved but WITH SQUARE BRACKETS loaded-names2: load %names2.txt ; "load" also correctly loads that file read-names: to-block read %names.txt ; "read" requires "to-block" convert read-names2: to-block read %names2.txt ; block within a block probe read-names2 ; [["John" "Phil" "Tom" "Mike"]] first read-names2 ; ["John" "Phil" "Tom" "Mike"] write/binary %compressed.dat compress mold more-names ; compress and save probe load decompress read/binary %compressed.dat ; read and decompress save %compressed.dat compress mold more-names ; another way to save probe load decompress load %compressed.dat ; and load compressed series foreach name more-names [print name] ; FOR EACH item in list [do this] foreach month system/locale/months [print month] foreach file (read %./) [print file] items: ["car" "boat" "house"] foreach item items [print rejoin ["I like my " item]] count: 0 foreach item items [ count: count + 1 print rejoin ["^/Item #" count ": " item] ] big-block: [ [may june july] [ [1 2 3] [ [yes no] [monday tuesday friday] ] ] ] ; Indentation makes the block easier to read, but is not required: big-block: [[may june july][[1 2 3][[yes no][monday tuesday friday]]]] probe first big-block ; 3 ways to get the first item in the block probe big-block/1 probe pick big-block 1 probe second big-block ; 3 ways to get the second item in the block probe big-block/2 probe pick big-block 2 probe first second big-block ; 1st block in the 2nd block in big-block probe big-block/2/1 probe second second big-block ; 2nd block in the 2nd block in big-block probe big-block/2/2 probe first second second big-block probe big-block/2/2/1 probe second second second big-block probe big-block/2/2/2 probe big-block/2/2/2/1 probe big-block/2/2/2/2 probe big-block/2/2/2/3 users: [ "John Smith" "123 Tomline Lane Forest Hills, NJ" "555-1234" "Paul Thompson" "234 Georgetown Pl. Peanut Grove, AL" "555-2345" "Jim Persee" "345 Pickles Pike Orange Grove, FL" "555-3456" "George Jones" "456 Topforge Court Mountain Creek, CO" "" "Tim Paulson" "" "555-5678" ] probe extract users 3 ; the name column (every 3rd item) probe extract/index users 3 2 ; address column (skip 3, starting on 2) probe extract/index users 3 3 ; phone column (skip 3, starting on 3) probe form users ; convert entire block to a string foreach [name address phone] users [ ; get groups of 3 consecutive items print rejoin [ "^/Name: " name "^/Address: " address "^/Phone: " phone ] ] foreach name (extract users 3) [ if find name "a" [ print pick users ((index? find users name) + 2) ] ] ; prints phone numbers for all names that contain the letter "a" do [ prin newpage field: to-integer ask {Field to search (1=name, 2=address, 3=phone): } search-text: ask {Text to search for: } foreach [name address phone] users [ if find (pick reduce [name address phone] field) search-text [ print rejoin [ newline "Name: " name newline "Address: " address newline "Phone: " phone newline ] ] ] ] ; "do" allows us to run some interactive console code such as "ask" forever [ prin newpage count: 1 sorted-names: sort extract users 3 foreach name sorted-names [ print rejoin [newline count " - " name] count: count + 1 ] choice: to-integer ask "^/^/Selection: " unless choice > (length? sorted-names) [ chosen: index? find users (pick sorted-names choice) print newline for i chosen (chosen + 2) 1 [print pick users i] continue: ask "^/^/[ENTER] to continue, 'Q' to quit..." if continue = "q" [prin newpage halt] ] ] append users ["Joe Thomas" "" "555-321-7654"] ; append to end of list name: "Alex Sharp" address: "937 Boll Rd" phone: "555-294-2834" repend users [name address phone] ; append variable values insert (at users 4) [ "Tom Adams" "321 Way Lane Villageville, AZ" "555-987-6543" ] remove (at users 4) ; remove 1 item remove/part (at users 4) 2 ; remove 2 items change (at users 1) "Jonathan Smith" remove (at users 1) insert (at users 1) "Jonathan Smith" foreach item users [ replace item "John Smith" "Jonathan Smith" ] new-users: copy [] foreach [name address phone] users [ append/only new-users reduce [name address phone] ] ; append/only inserts blocks as blocks, instead of as individual items editor new-users field: 2 sort/compare new-users func [a b] [(at a field) < (at b field)] editor new-users ; sorted by the 2nd field (by address) users: copy [] foreach block new-users [append users reduce block] ; "flatten" block editor users copy/part users 3 copy/part (at users 4) 3 copy at tail users -3 copy/part (at users 7) 3 copy/part (find users "Jim Persee") -3 copy/part (skip (find users "Jim Persee") -6) 3 alert form (copy/part users 3) chosen: request-list "Choose a person: " (extract users 3) alert form reduce [copy/part find users chosen 3] alert reform [copy/part find users chosen 3] chosen: request-list "Choose an address: " (extract/index users 3 2) alert reform [copy/part at (find users chosen) -1 3] x: ["one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six"] move/to (find x "five") 2 print x ; item position changed x: ["asdf" "qwer" "zxcv" "uiop" "hjkl" "vbnm"] y: head clear skip tail x -2 probe y ; last 2 items removed data: [ 1 2 3 [4 5 6] 7 8 9 [0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1] 3 4 5 [6 3 1 7 8 0] ] counter: 1 foreach [col1 col2 col3 col4] data [ print rejoin [ "Row: " counter newline "Column1: " col1 newline "Column2: " col2 newline "Column3: " col3 newline "Column4 (sorted): " (sort col4) newline newline ] counter: counter + 1 ] foreach file read %. [ if (suffix? file) = %.tester [ rename file to-file (replace to-string file ".tester" ".test") ] ] ; directories are just lists of files - all series operations work list-dir for i 1 length? pp: open pop:// 1 compose [ ask find pp/(i) "Subject:" ] foreach line reverse copy system/console/history [print line] replace/all replace/all replace/all replace/all form now/precise trim { /} "" ":" "x" "-" "q" "." "" ; useful unique string generator some-items: ["item1" "item2" "item3" "item4"] an-image: load append some-items an-image ; block now contains 4 strings and an image save/all %some-items.txt some-items ; save it all to a simple text file some-items: load %some-items.txt ; load it back and use it later view layout [image fifth some-items] photo1: load photo2: load photo-block: reduce [photo1 photo2] ; or photo-block: compose [(photo1) (photo2)] foreach photo photo-block [view layout [image photo]] STRINGS (series of characters): the-string: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" copy/part the-string 7 copy at tail the-string -7 copy/part (at the-string 12) 7 copy/part (find the-string "m") -7 copy/part (skip (find the-string "t") -12) 7 the-string/7 pick the-string 7 seventh the-string replace the-string "cde" "123" change (at the-string 7) "7" poke the-string 7 #"7" poke the-string 7 (to-char "7") print the-string remove/part (at the-string 3) 15 print the-string insert (at the-string 3) "cdefghijklmnopq" print the-string insert/dup head the-string "-+ " 3 print the-string replace/all the-string "-+ " " " print the-string trim the-string print the-string extract the-string 3 to-integer third the-string to-char 99 to-string to-char 99 to-string now to-string $2344.44 to-string to-char 99 to-string system/locale/months form now form $2344.44 form to-char 99 form system/locale/months the-block: copy [] foreach item the-string [append the-block item] probe the-block GUI WINDOWS (graphic user interfaces): ; VIEW LAYOUT [block of widgets] ; basic syntax ; ; view layout [ ; widget1 properties [BLOCK OF ACTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY WIDGET1] ; widget2 properties [BLOCK OF ACTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY WIDGET2] ; ] view layout [area btn "Click Me"] ; text area and button with some text view layout [ area btn "Click Me" [alert "You can type in the square area."] ] view center-face layout [ ; center the GUI window on the screen a: area ; label this text area "a" btn "Save" [ ; do this when the button is clicked: write %temp.txt a/text ; write the text in the area to a file alert "Saved" ; notify the user ] ] view layout [ f1: field "123" ; Text fields ONLY hold string values. f2: field "" btn "Show Data Types" [ print type? f1/text ; Field text must be CONVERTED to print type? f2/text ; expected REBOL data types for use: ] btn "Multiply" [print (to-integer f1/text) * 2] ; convert to number btn "Browse" [browse (to-url f2/text)] ; convert to URL btn "Error" [print f1/text * 2] ; you can't perform math on strings ] ; ALWAYS use "show" to update ANY screen changes, as in this text editor: view layout [ a: area 600x350 wrap ; 600 pixels wide by 350 pixels tall across ; layout next widgets horizontally f: field 500 "filename.txt" ; 500 pixels across, with default text btn "Load" [ ; do the following lines when clicked: f/text: request-file/file f/text ; set text to selected file name show f ; TEXT CHANGED so widget must be updated a/text: read to-file f/text ; set area text to data read from file show a ; TEXT CHANGED so widget must be updated ] btn "Save" [ ; do the following lines when clicked: write (request-file/only/save/file f/text) a/text ; write the alert "Saved" ; text in the area widget, to a file ] ; selected by the user, notify when done ] view gui: layout [ ; label the entire GUI layout size 600x400 ; set the window size backdrop white ; set the window background color field1: field 560 field2: field 560 area1: area 560x235 wrap btn "Save" [ save-block: copy [] append save-block field1/text append save-block field2/text append save-block area1/text save %save.txt save-block alert {SAVED -- Now try running this script again, and load the data back into the fields.} ] btn "Load" [ save-block: load %save.txt field1/text: save-block/1 field2/text: save-block/2 area1/text: save-block/3 show gui ; UPDATE ENTIRE GUI to show changes ] ] view layout[ h1 "Send:" ; big bold text widget (h1, h2, h3, ...) btn "Server settings" [ ; save user's email settings in REBOL: system/schemes/default/host: request-text/title "SMTP Server:" system/schemes/pop/host: request-text/title "POP Server:" system/schemes/default/user: request-text/title "SMTP User Name:" system/schemes/default/pass: request-text/title "SMTP Password:" system/user/email: to-email request-text/title "Email Address:" ] a: field "" s: field "Subject" b: area btn "Send" [attempt [ send/subject (to-email a/text) b/text s/text alert "Sent" ]] ; "attempt" handles potential errors sending mail h1 "Read:" f: field "pop://" btn "Read" [editor to-url f/text] ] REBOL [title: "My Title"] ; this appears in the title bar of a GUI window view layout [ h3 "SOME POSITIONING EXAMPLES:" across btn "side" btn "by" btn "side" return btn "on the next line" tab btn "over a bit" tab btn "over more" below btn 160 "underneath" btn 160 "one" btn 160 "another" at 359x256 btn "at 359x256" ] write/append %save.txt "" ; A useful data management program view center-face gui: layout [ text "Part Number:" x: field 560 text "Part Name:" y: field 560 text "Description:" z: area wrap 560x235 across btn "Save" [ do-face d 1 ; do all the delete button's code save %save.txt repend file [x/text y/text z/text] ] btn "Load" [ chosen: request-list "Select:" extract (file: load %save.txt) 3 if chosen = none [return] i: index? find file chosen x/text: pick file i y/text: pick file (i + 1) z/text: pick file (i + 2) show gui ] d: btn "Delete" [ if true = request "Sure?" [ remove/part (find (file: load %save.txt) x/text) 3 save %save.txt file alert "Done" ] ] btn "Clear" [x/text: copy "" y/text: copy "" z/text: copy "" show gui] do [focus x] ] write/append %recipes.txt "" ; The program above, altered to hold recipes view center-face gui: layout [ text "Recipe Name:" x: field 560 text "Ingredients:" y: area wrap 560x135 text "Preparation Instructions:" z: area wrap 560x135 across btn "Save" [ do-face d 1 ; do all the delete button's code save %recipes.txt repend file [x/text y/text z/text] ] btn "Load" [ chosen: request-list "Select:" extract (file: load %recipes.txt) 3 if chosen = none [return] i: index? find file chosen x/text: pick file i y/text: pick file (i + 1) z/text: pick file (i + 2) show gui ] d: btn "Delete" [ if true = request "Sure?" [ remove/part (find (file: load %recipes.txt) x/text) 3 save %recipes.txt file alert "Done" ] ] btn "Clear" [x/text: copy "" y/text: copy "" z/text: copy "" show gui] do [focus x] ] write/append %s "" ; A very compact version of the above program view center-face g: layout [ h3 "Name:" x: field h3 "Info:" z: area wrap across btn "Save" [do-face d 1 save %s repend f [x/text z/text]] btn "Load" [ c: request-list" Select:" extract (f: load %s) 2 if c = none [return] x/text: first find f c z/text: select f x/text show g ] btn "New" [x/text: copy "" z/text: copy "" show g focus x] d: btn "Delete" [ if true = request "Sure?" [ remove/part (find (f: load %s) x/text) 2 save %s f alert "ok" ] ] ] s: ; edit this account info write/append s "" ; an Internet version of the above program view center-face g: layout [ h3 "Name:" x: field h3 "Info:" z: area wrap across btn "Save" [do-face d 1 save s repend f [x/text z/text]] btn "Load" [ c: request-list" Select:" extract (f: load s) 2 if c = none [return] x/text: first find f c z/text: select f x/text show g ] btn "New" [x/text: copy "" z/text: copy "" show g focus x] d: btn "Delete" [ if true = request "Sure?" [ remove/part (find (f: load s) x/text) 2 save s f alert "ok" ] ] ] ; browse s ; The word "value" refers to data contained in a currently active widget: view layout [ text "Some widgets with values and size/color properties. Try them:" button red "Click Me" [alert "You clicked the red button."] f: field 400 "Type some text here, then press the [Enter] key" [ alert value ; SAME AS alert f/text ] t: text-list 400x300 "Select this line" "Then this one" "Now this" [ alert value ; SAME AS alert t/text ] check yellow [alert "You clicked the yellow check box."] button "Quit" [quit] ] print "GUI Output:^/" view layout [ h1 "Some More GUI Widgets:" box red 500x2 drop-down 200 data system/locale/months [ a/text: join "Month: " value show a ] a: field slider 200x18 [bar1/data: value show bar1] bar1: progress scroller 200x16 [bar2/data: value show bar2] bar2: progress across toggle "Click here" "Click again" [print value] rotary "Click" "Again" "And Again" [print value] choice "Choose" "Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" [print value] return x: radio y: radio z: radio btn "Get Radio States" [print [x/data y/data z/data]] return led arrow below code "Code text" tt "Typewriter text" text "Little Text" font-size 8 title "Centered title" 500 ] ; List Widget: y: read %. c: 0 x: copy [] foreach i y [append/only x reduce [(c: c + 1) i (size? to-file i)]] slider-pos: 0 view center-face layout [ across space 0 the-list: list 400x400 [ across space 0x0 text 50 purple text 250 bold [editor read to-file face/text] text 100 red italic return box green 400x1 ] supply [ count: count + slider-pos if none? q: pick x count [face/text: none exit] face/text: pick q index ] scroller 16x400 [ slider-pos: (length? x) * value show the-list ] ] view layout [ area 400x400 load effect [ Fit Flip Emboss ; you can fit images on most widgets ] ] effects: [ ; and there are MANY more effects: invert contrast 40 colorize 0.0.200 gradcol 1x1 0.0.255 255.0.0 tint 100 luma -80 multiply 80.0.200 grayscale emboss flip 0x1 flip 1x0 rotate 90 reflect 1x1 blur sharpen aspect tile tile-view ] view layout [area effect [gradient red blue]] ; gradients are color fades view layout [ size 500x400 backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] box effect [gradient 123.23.56 254.0.12] box effect [gradient blue gold/2] ] view layout [ btn "Right/Left Click Me" [alert "left click"] [alert "right click"] ] gui: layout [ across btn "Fields" [window/pane: pane1 show window] btn "Text List" [window/pane: pane2 show window] return window: box 400x200 ] pane1: layout/tight [field 400 field 400 area 400] pane2: layout/tight [text-list 400x200 data system/locale/days] window/pane: pane1 view center-face gui svv/vid-face/color: white alert "New global background color is now white." ; The word "offset" refers to a widget's coordinate position. ; The word "style" builds a new widget with the specified style & actions: view center-face layout [ origin 0x0 space 0x0 across style piece button 60x60 [ if not find [0x60 60x0 0x-60 -60x0] (face/offset - empty/offset) [ return ; exit from the widget action (don't do anything else) ] temp: face/offset face/offset: empty/offset empty/offset: temp ] piece "1" piece "2" piece "3" piece "4" return piece "5" piece "6" piece "7" piece "8" return piece "9" piece "10" piece "11" piece "12" return piece "13" piece "14" piece "15" empty: piece 200.200.200 edge [size: 0] ] view center-face layout [ size 600x440 h3 "Press the left or right arrow key" key keycode [left] [alert "You pressed the LEFT arrow key"] key keycode [right] [alert "You pressed the RIGHT arrow key"] btn #"a" "Click Me or Press the 'a' Key" [alert "clicked or pressed"] ] ; Here's a little program to show all key codes: insert-event-func func [f e] [if e/type = 'key [print mold e/key] e] view layout [text "Type keys to see their character/keycode"] view gui: layout [ ; how to refer to the main layout window: btn1: btn "Button 1" btn2: btn "Remove all widgets from window" [ foreach item system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane [ remove find system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane item ] show gui ] ] ; "Feel" and "Engage" together detect events: view layout [ text "Mouse me." feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'up [print "You just released the mouse."] ] ] ] print "Click anywhere in the window, then click the text." view center-face layout [ size 400x200 box 400x200 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ ; f a e = face action event print rejoin ["Mouse " a " at " e/offset] ] ] origin text "Click me" [print "Text clicked"] [print "Text right-clicked"] box blue [print "Box clicked"] ] movestyle: [ ; generic click and drag code engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'down [ initial-position: e/offset remove find f/parent-face/pane f append f/parent-face/pane f ] if find [over away] a [ f/offset: f/offset + (e/offset - initial-position) ] show f ] ] view layout/size [ style moveable-object box 20x20 feel movestyle at random 600x400 moveable-object (random 255.255.255) at random 600x400 moveable-object (random 255.255.255) at random 600x400 moveable-object (random 255.255.255) at random 600x400 moveable-object (random 255.255.255) at random 600x400 moveable-object (random 255.255.255) text "This text and all the boxes are movable" feel movestyle ] 600x440 ; The following box code creates a repeating, multitasking loop in a GUI. ; The "within" function checks for graphic collisions: view center-face layout [ size 400x400 btn1: btn red at 175x175 btn2: btn green box 0x0 rate 0 feel [engage: func [f a e] [if a = 'time [ btn1/offset: btn1/offset + 5x5 show btn1 if within? btn1/offset btn2/offset 1x1 [alert "Collision" unview] ]]] ] ; Here's another, faster performing way to do GUI loops and multitasking: gui: view/new center-face layout [ size 400x400 btn1: btn red at 175x175 btn2: btn green ] forever [ wait .02 btn1/offset: btn1/offset + 5x5 show gui ; show btn1 if within? btn1/offset btn2/offset 1x1 [alert "Collision"] if btn1/offset/1 > 300 [alert "done" quit] ] view center-face layout [ ; follow all mouse movements size 600x440 at 270x209 b: btn "Click Me!" feel [ detect: func [f e] [ if e/type = 'move [ if (within? e/offset b/offset 59x22) [ b/offset: b/offset + ((random 50x50) - (random 50x50)) if not within? b/offset -59x-22 659x462 [ b/offset: 270x209 ] show b ] ] e ] ] ] ; To trap other events (this example traps and responds to close events): insert-event-func [ either event/type = 'close [ really: request "Really close the program?" if really = true [unview] ] [event] ; always return other events ] view center-face layout [size 600x400] insert-event-func [ ; this example traps resize events either event/type = 'resize [ fs: t1/parent-face/size t1/offset: fs / 2x2 t2/offset: t1/offset - 50x25 t3/offset: t1/offset - 25x50 show gui none ] [event] ] svv/vid-face/color: white view/options gui: layout [ across t1: text "50x50" t2: text "- 50x25" t3: text "- 25x50" ] [resize] ; Use "to-image" to create a SCREEN SHOT of any layout: picture: to-image layout [ page-to-read: field "" btn "Display HTML" ] save/png %layout.png picture ; save the image to a file browse %layout.png flash "Waiting..." wait 3 unview ; a simple info screen inform layout [btn "Click Me" [flash "Waiting..." wait 3 unview]] ; Embed files (images, sounds, etc.) in code: system/options/binary-base: 64 editor picture: compress to-string read/binary to-file request-file/only view layout [image load (to-binary decompress picture)] logo-pic: load to-binary decompress #{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} ; this example embedded image was created with the script above view layout [image logo-pic] ; Here are all the main GUI words that you should get to know: VID-STYLES--GUI-WIDGETS: [ face blank-face IMAGE BACKDROP BACKTILE BOX BAR SENSOR KEY BASE-TEXT VTEXT TEXT BODY TXT BANNER VH1 VH2 VH3 VH4 LABEL VLAB LBL LAB TITLE H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 TT CODE BUTTON CHECK CHECK-MARK RADIO CHECK-LINE RADIO-LINE LED ARROW TOGGLE ROTARY CHOICE DROP-DOWN ICON FIELD INFO AREA SLIDER SCROLLER PROGRESS PANEL LIST TEXT-LIST ANIM BTN BTN-ENTER BTN-CANCEL BTN-HELP LOGO-BAR TOG ] LAYOUT-WORDS: [ return at space pad across below origin guide tab tabs indent style styles size backcolor backeffect do ] STYLE-FACETS--ATTRIBUTES: [ edge font para doc feel effect effects keycode rate colors texts help user-data with bold italic underline left center right top middle bottom plain of font-size font-name font-color wrap no-wrap as-is shadow frame bevel ibevel ] SPECIAL-STYLE-FACETS: [ ARROW: [up right down left] ROTARY: data CHOICE: data DROP-DOWN: [data rows] FIELD: hide INFO: hide AREA: hide LIST: [supply map data] TEXT-LIST: data ANIM: [frames rate] ] FUNCTIONS: ; ANY string or block of data can be treated like a function: some-actions: [ alert "Here is one action." print "Here's a second action." write %/c/anotheraction.txt "Here's a third action." ] do some-actions write clipboard:// {alert "This code was run from the clipboard"} do read clipboard:// ; copy, paste and run ANY code this way write %some-code.r { REBOL [] ; executable code saved to a file must begin with this header print rejoin [newpage "The code in %some-code.r just ran." newline] } do %some-code.r write { REBOL [] print "The code in just ran." } do the-word: to-word request-list "choose a word:" (first system/words) do rejoin ["help " the-word] ; you can DO any rejoined text cls: does [prin "^(1B)[J"] ; same as "prin newpage" cls ; no "do" required when a word is defined with "does" x: 10 change-x-globally: func [y z] [x: y + z] change-x-globally 10 20 print x x: 10 change-x-locally: func [y z /local x] [x: y + z] change-x-locally 10 20 print x compute: func [x y /multiply /divide /subtract] [ if multiply [return x * y] if divide [return x / y] if subtract [return x - y] return x + y ] compute/multiply 10 20 compute/divide 10 20 compute/subtract 10 20 compute 10 20 concatenate-string-or-num: func [ "This function will only concatenate strings or integers." val1 [string! integer!] "First string or integer" val2 [string! integer!] "Second string or integer" ] [ join val1 val2 ] help concatenate-string-or-num concatenate-string-or-num "Hello " "there." ; this works correctly concatenate-string-or-num 10 20 ; this works correctly concatenate-string-or-num 10.1 20.3 ; this creates an error do [ print "^/This example builds a line of code, and then executes it.^/" function: ask "Enter a function, such as 'print' or 'editor': " parameter: ask "Enter a parameter, such as some random text: " print rejoin [function { "} parameter {"}] do rejoin [function { "} parameter {"}] do compose [(to-word function) (parameter)] print "That's a very simple way to accomplish metaprogramming tasks." ] write %imported-func.r { REBOL [title: "play-sound"] play-sound: func [sound-file] [ wait 0 insert sound-port: open sound:// load sound-file wait sound-port close sound-port ] } do %imported-func.r play-sound %/C/WINDOWS/Media/chimes.wav editor mold :read-cgi ; get the code of any function request: do replace/all mold :request "bold" "" ; redefine function request/ok/type "An alert without bold text" 'alert SEVERAL APPLICATION EXAMPLES: REBOL [title: "Data Card File"] write/append %data.txt "" ; create the file if it doesn't exist database: load %data.txt view center-face gui: layout [ text "Load an existing record:" name-list: text-list blue 400x100 data sort (extract database 4) [ if value = none [return] marker: index? find database value n/text: pick database marker a/text: pick database (marker + 1) p/text: pick database (marker + 2) o/text: pick database (marker + 3) show gui ] text "Name:" n: field 400 text "Address:" a: field 400 text "Phone:" p: field 400 text "Notes:" o: area 400x100 across btn "Save" [ if n/text = "" [alert "You must enter a name." return] if find (extract database 4) n/text [ either true = request "Overwrite existing record?" [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 ] [ return ] ] save %data.txt repend database [n/text a/text p/text o/text] name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 4) show name-list ] btn "Delete" [ if true = request rejoin ["Delete " n/text "?"] [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 save %data.txt database do-face clear-button 1 name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 4) show name-list ] ] clear-button: btn "New" [ n/text: copy "" a/text: copy "" p/text: copy "" o/text: copy "" show gui ] ] REBOL [title: "Calculator"] prev-val: cur-val: 0 cur-eval: "+" display-flag: false print "0" view center-face layout/tight [ size 300x350 space 0x0 across display: field 300x50 font-size 28 "0" return style butn button 100x50 [ if display-flag = true [display/text: "" display-flag: false] if display/text = "0" [display/text: ""] display/text: rejoin [display/text value] show display cur-val: display/text ] style eval button 100x50 brown font-size 13 [ prev-val: cur-val display/text: "" show display cur-eval: value ] butn "1" butn "2" butn "3" return butn "4" butn "5" butn "6" return butn "7" butn "8" butn "9" return butn "0" butn "." eval "+" return eval "-" eval "*" eval "/" return button 300x50 gray font-size 16 "=" [ if display-flag <> true [ if ((cur-eval = "/") and (cur-val = "0")) [ alert "Division by 0 is not allowed." break ] prin rejoin [prev-val " " cur-eval " " cur-val " = "] print display/text: cur-val: do rejoin [ prev-val " " cur-eval " " cur-val ] show display display-flag: true ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Simple Search"] phrase: request-text/title/default "Text to Find:" "the" start-folder: request-dir/title "Folder to Start In:" change-dir start-folder found-list: "" recurse: func [current-folder] [ foreach item (read current-folder) [ if not dir? item [ if error? try [ if find (read to-file item) phrase [ print rejoin [{"} phrase {" found in: } what-dir item] found-list: rejoin [found-list newline what-dir item] ]] [print rejoin ["error reading " item]] ] ] foreach item (read current-folder) [ if dir? item [ change-dir item recurse %.\ change-dir %..\ ] ] ] print rejoin [{SEARCHING for "} phrase {" in } start-folder "...^/"] recurse %.\ print "^/DONE^/" editor found-list halt REBOL [title: "Catch Game"] alert "Arrow keys move left/right (up: faster, down: slower)" random/seed now/time speed: 11 score: 0 view center-face layout [ size 600x440 backdrop white across at 270x0 text "Score:" t: text bold 100 (form score) at 280x20 y: btn 50x20 orange at 280x420 z: btn 50x20 blue key keycode [left] [z/offset: z/offset - 10x0 show z] key keycode [right] [z/offset: z/offset + 10x0 show z] key keycode [up] [speed: speed + 1] key keycode [down] [if speed > 1 [speed: speed - 1]] box 0x0 rate 0 feel [engage: func [f a e] [if a = 'time [ y/offset: y/offset + (as-pair 0 speed) show y if y/offset/2 > 440 [ y/offset: as-pair (random 550) 20 show y score: score - 1 ] if within? z/offset (y/offset - 50x0) 100x20 [ y/offset: as-pair (random 550) 20 show y score: score + 1 ] t/text: (form score) show t ]]] ] REBOL [title: "Catch Game"] random/seed now s: 0 p: 10 r: func [x] [y/offset: as-pair random 550 20 s: s + x] view/new center-face g: layout [ size 600x440 backdrop white across at 270x0 t: text 100 "Score: 0" at 280x20 y: btn 50x20 orange at 280x420 z: btn 50x20 blue key keycode [left] [z/offset: z/offset - 10x0] key keycode [right] [z/offset: z/offset + 10x0] key keycode [up] [p: p + 1] key keycode [down] [if p > 1 [p: p - 1]] ] forever [ y/offset: y/offset + as-pair 0 p if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 440 [r -1] t/text: join "Score: " s show g wait .02 ] REBOL [title: "Catch Game"] s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func [x] [y/offset: random 550x-20 s: s + x p: p + .1] view/new g: layout [ size 600x440 backdrop white t: text 200 y: btn red #" " [d: negate d] at 350x415 z: btn blue ] forever [ y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 435 [r -1] t/text: rejoin ["Pieces: " s " | Score: " now/time - n] show g wait .01 if s = 0 [alert "Game Over" quit] ] REBOL [title: "Catch Game Stop"] s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func [x] [y/offset: random 550x-20 p: p + .1 s: s + x] view/new center-face g: layout [ size 600x440 backdrop white t: text 200 y: btn red #" " [d: negate d] at 350x415 z: btn blue ] forever [ y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d z/offset/1: switch/default z/offset/1 [0 [0 + d] 550 [550 + d]][ z/offset/1 ] if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 420 [r -1] t/text: rejoin ["Pieces: " s " | Time: " now/time - n] wait .01 if s = 0 [alert t/text quit] show g ] REBOL [title: "Catch Game Stop Minimal (favorite)"] s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func [x] [y/offset: random 550x-20 p: p + .1 s: s + x] view/new center-face g: layout[ size 600x440 t: text 200 y: btn red #" "[d: negate d] at 350x415 z: btn ] forever [ y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d z/offset/1: switch/default z/offset/1[0[0 + d]550[550 + d]][z/offset/1] if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 420 [r -1] t/text: form now/time - n wait .01 if s = 0[alert t/text quit] show g ] REBOL [title: "Catch Game Stop Minimal High Score (favorite)"] s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func [x] [y/offset: random 550x-20 p: p + .1 s: s + x] view/new center-face g: layout[ size 600x440 t: text 200 y: btn red #" "[d: negate d] at 350x415 z: btn ] forever [ y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d z/offset/1: switch/default z/offset/1[0[0 + d]550[550 + d]][z/offset/1] if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 420 [r -1] t/text: form now/time - n wait .01 show g if s = 0 [ write/append %h "" save %h append h: load %h reduce [request-text/title "Name:"t/text now]request-list"High Scores:"h q ] ] REBOL [title: "Catch"] bonuses: 1 speed: 3 direction: 10 starttime: now/time random/seed now restart: func [add-or-subtract] [ faller/offset: random 550x-20 speed: speed + .1 bonuses: bonuses + add-or-subtract ] view/new center-face gui: layout[ size 600x440 scoreboard: text 200 faller: btn red #" " [direction: negate direction] at 350x415 player: btn ] forever [ faller/offset/2: faller/offset/2 + round speed player/offset/1: player/offset/1 - direction player/offset/1: switch/default player/offset/1 [ 0 [0 + direction] 550 [550 + direction] ][ player/offset/1 ] if overlap? player faller [restart 1] if faller/offset/2 > 420 [restart -1] scoreboard/text: form now/time - starttime wait .01 if bonuses = 0 [ alert scoreboard/text quit write/append %highscores.txt "" save %highs.txt append highscores: load %high.txt reduce [ request-text/title "Name:" scoreboard/text now ] request-list "High Scores:" highscores quit ] show gui ] REBOL[]s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func[x][y/offset: random 550x-20 p: p + .1 s: s + x]view/new g: layout[size 600x440 t: text 200 y: btn red #" "[d: negate d]at 350x415 z: btn]forever[y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d z/offset/1: switch/default z/offset/1[0[0 + d]550[550 + d]][z/offset/1]if overlap? z y[r +1]if y/offset/2 > 420[r -1]t/text: form now/time - n wait .01 if s = 0[alert t/text quit]show g] REBOL[title: "Catch Bounce"] s: 1 p: 3 d: 10 n: now/time random/seed now r: func [x] [y/offset: random 550x-20 p: p + .1 s: s + x] view/new center-face g: layout[ size 600x440 t: text 200 y: btn red #" "[d: negate d] at 350x415 z: btn ] forever [ y/offset/2: y/offset/2 + round p z/offset/1: z/offset/1 - d d: switch/default z/offset/1 [0 [negate d] 550 [negate d]] [d] if overlap? z y [r +1] if y/offset/2 > 420 [r -1] t/text: form now/time - n wait .01 if s = 0[alert t/text quit] show g ] REBOL[title: "Catch Bounce"] count: 1 speed: 3 dir: 10 start: now/time random/seed now restart: func [x] [ faller/offset: random 550x-20 speed: speed + .1 count: count + 1 ] view/new center-face gui: layout [ size 600x440 timer: text 200 faller: btn red #" " [dir: negate dir] at 350x415 player: btn ] forever [ faller/offset/2: faller/offset/2 + round speed player/offset/1: player/offset/1 - dir if find [0 550] player/offset/1 [dir: negate dir] if overlap? player faller [restart 1] if faller/offset/2 > 420 [restart -1] timer/text: form now/time - start if count = 0 [alert timer/text quit] wait .01 show gui ] REBOL [title: "Simple Data Retrieval App - Console"] users: [ ["John" "Smith" "123 Tomline Lane" "Forest Hills, NJ" "555-1234"] ["Paul" "Thompson" "234 Georgetown Pl." "Peanut Grove, AL" "555-2345"] ["Jim" "Persee" "345 Pickles Pike" "Orange Grove, FL" "555-3456"] ["George" "Jones" "456 Topforge Court" "Mountain Creek, CO" ""] ["Tim" "Paulson" "" "" "555-5678"] ] a-line: copy [] loop 65 [append a-line "-"] a-line: trim to-string a-line print-all: does [ foreach user users [ print a-line print rejoin ["User: " user/1 " " user/2] print a-line print rejoin ["Address: " user/3 " " user/4] print rejoin ["Phone: " user/5] print newline ] ] forever [ prin "^(1B)[J" print "Here are the current users in the database:^/" print a-line foreach user users [prin rejoin [user/1 " " user/2 " "]] print "" print a-line prin "Type the name of a user below " print "(part of a name will perform search):^/" print "Type 'all' for a complete database listing." print "Press [Enter] to quit.^/" answer: ask {What person would you like info about? } print newline switch/default answer [ "all" [print-all] "" [ask "Goodbye! Press any key to end." quit] ][ found: false foreach user users [ if find rejoin [user/1 " " user/2] answer [ print a-line print rejoin ["User: " user/1 " " user/2] print a-line print rejoin ["Address: " user/3 " " user/4] print rejoin ["Phone: " user/5] print newline found: true ] ] if found <> true [ print "That user is not in the database!^/" ] ] ask "Press [ENTER] to continue" ] REBOL [title: "Simple Data Retrieval App - GUI"] users: [ ["John" "Smith" "123 Tomline Lane" "Forest Hills, NJ" "555-1234"] ["Paul" "Thompson" "234 Georgetown Pl." "Peanut Grove, AL" "555-2345"] ["Jim" "Persee" "345 Pickles Pike" "Orange Grove, FL" "555-3456"] ["George" "Jones" "456 Topforge Court" "Mountain Creek, CO" ""] ["Tim" "Paulson" "" "" "555-5678"] ] user-list: copy [] foreach user users [append user-list user/1] user-list: sort user-list view display-gui: layout [ h2 "Click a user name to display their information:" across list-users: text-list 200x400 data user-list [ current-info: [] foreach user users [ if find user/1 value [ current-info: rejoin [ "FIRST NAME: " user/1 newline newline "LAST NAME: " user/2 newline newline "ADDRESS: " user/3 newline newline "CITY/STATE: " user/4 newline newline "PHONE: " user/5 ] ] ] display/text: current-info show display show list-users ] display: area "" 300x400 wrap ] REBOL [title: "Blogger"] page: "blog.html" ftp-url: ; USER/PASS REQUIRED html-url: join page save/png %dot.png to-image layout/tight [box white 1x1] ; blank image view center-face gui: layout [ h2 (form html-url) text "Title:" t: field 400 text "Link:" l: field 400 text "Image:" i: btn 400 [i/text: request-file show i] text "Text:" x: area 400x100 across btn "Upload" [ if error? try [existing-text: read html-url] [ make-dir ftp-url write (join ftp-url page) "" existing-text: copy "" ] picture: last split-path to-file i/text write/binary (join ftp-url picture) (read/binary to-file i/text) write (join ftp-url page) rejoin [ {

} t/text {

} {

} now/date { } now/time {     } {} l/text {

} {

} existing-text ] browse html-url ] btn "View" [browse html-url] btn "Edit" [editor (join ftp-url page)] ] REBOL [title: "FTP Chat Room"] webserver: to-url request-text/title/default { URL of text file on your server:} "" name: request-text/title "Enter your name:" cls: does [prin "^(1B)[J"] write/append webserver rejoin [now ": " name " has entered the room.^/"] forever [ current-chat: read webserver cls print rejoin [ "--------------------------------------------------" newline {You are logged in as: } name newline {Type "room" to switch chat rooms.} newline {Type "lock" to pause/lock your chat.} newline {Type "quit" to end your chat.} newline {Type "clear" to erase the current chat.} newline {Press [ENTER] to periodically update the display.} newline "--------------------------------------------------" newline ] print rejoin ["Here's the current chat text at: " webserver newline] print current-chat sent-message: copy rejoin [ name " says: " entered-text: ask "You say: " ] switch/default entered-text [ "quit" [break] "clear" [ if/else request-pass = ["secret" "password"] [ write webserver "" ] [ alert { You must know the administrator password to clear the room! } ] ] "room" [ write/append webserver rejoin [ now ": " name " has left the room." newline ] webserver: to-url request-text/title/default { New Web Server Address:} to-string webserver write/append webserver rejoin [ now ": " name " has entered the room." newline ] ] "lock" [ alert {The program will now pause for 5 seconds. You'll need the correct username and password to continue. } pause-time: now/time + 5 forever [ if now/time = pause-time [ while [ request-pass <> ["secret" "password"] ][ alert "Incorrect password - look in the source!" ] break ] ] ] ][ if entered-text <> "" [ write/append webserver rejoin [sent-message newline] ] ] ] cls print "Goodbye!" write/append webserver rejoin [now ": " name " has closed chat." newline] wait 1 REBOL [title: "Image Effector"] effect-types: [ "Invert" "Grayscale" "Emboss" "Blur" "Sharpen" "Flip 1x1" "Rotate 90" "Tint 83" "Contrast 66" "Luma 150" "None" ] either exists? %/c/play_sound.r [ do %/c/play_sound.r sound-available: true ][ sound-available: false ] image-url: to-url request-text/title/default { Enter the URL of an image to use:} trim {} gui: [ across space -1 at 20x2 choice 160 tan trim { Save Image} "View Saved Image" "Download New Image" trim { -------------} "Exit" [ if value = "Save Image" [ filename: to-file request-file/title/file/save trim { Save file as:} "Save" %/c/effectedimage.png wait 1 save/png filename to-image picture ] if value = "View Saved Image" [ view-filename: to-file request-file/title/file { View file:} "" %/c/effectedimage.png view/new center-face layout [image load view-filename] ] if value = "Download New Image" [ new-image: load to-url request-text/title/default trim { Enter a new image URL} trim {} picture/image: new-image show picture ] if value = "-------------" [] ; don't do anything if value = "Exit" [ if sound-available = true [ play-sound %/c/windows/media/tada.wav ] quit ] ] choice tan "Info" "About" [ alert "Image Effector - Copyright 2005, Nick Antonaccio" ] below space 5 pad 2 box 550x1 white pad 10 vh1 "Double click each effect in the list on the right:" return across picture: image load image-url text-list data effect-types [ current-effect: value picture/effect: to-block form current-effect show picture ] ] view/options center-face layout gui [no-title] REBOL [Title: "Guitar Chord Diagram Maker"] fretboard: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFUAAABkCAIAAAB4sesFAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAA2UlEQVR4nO3YQQqDQBAF0XTIwXtuNjfrLITs0rowGqbqbRWxEEL+ RFU9wJ53v8DN7Gezn81+NvvZXv3liLjmPX6n/4NL//72s9l/QGbWd5m53dbc8/kR uv5RJ/QvzH42+9nsZ7OfzX62nfOPzZzzyNUxxh8+qhfVHo94/rM49y+b/Wz2s9nP Zj+b/WzuX/cvmfuXzX42+9nsZ7OfzX4296/7l8z9y2Y/m/1s9rPZz2Y/m/vX/Uvm /mWzn81+NvvZ7Gezn8396/4l2/n+y6N/f/vZ7Gezn81+tjenRWXD3TC8nAAAAABJ RU5ErkJggg== } barimage: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEoAAAAFCAIAAABtvO2fAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAAHElEQVR4nGNsaGhgGL6AaaAdQFsw6r2hDIa59wCf/AGKgzU3RwAA AABJRU5ErkJggg== } dot: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAIAAAACUFjqAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAAFElEQVR4nGNsaGhgwA2Y8MiNYGkA22EBlPG3fjQAAAAASUVORK5C YII= } movestyle: [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'down [ initial-position: e/offset remove find f/parent-face/pane f append f/parent-face/pane f ] if find [over away] a [ f/offset: f/offset + (e/offset - initial-position) ] show f ] ] gui: [ backdrop white currentfretboard: image fretboard 255x300 currentbar: image barimage 240x15 feel movestyle text "INSTRUCTIONS:" underline text "Drag dots and other widgets onto the fretboard." across text "Resize the fretboard:" tab rotary "255x300" "170x200" "85x100" [ currentfretboard/size: to-pair value show currentfretboard switch value [ "255x300" [currentbar/size: 240x15 show currentbar] "170x200" [currentbar/size: 160x10 show currentbar] "85x100" [currentbar/size: 80x5 show currentbar] ] ] return button "Save Diagram" [ filename: to-file request-file/save/file "1.png" save/png filename to-image currentfretboard ] tab button "Print" [ filelist: sort request-file/title "Select image(s) to print:" html: copy "" foreach file filelist [ append html rejoin [ {} ] ] append html [] write %chords.html trim/auto html browse %chords.html ] ] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x50 image dot 30x30 feel movestyle]] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x100 image dot 20x20 feel movestyle]] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x140 image dot 10x10 feel movestyle]] loop 6 [append gui [at 273x165 text "X" bold feel movestyle]] loop 6 [append gui [at 273x185 text "O" bold feel movestyle]] view layout gui REBOL [Title: "Thumbnail Maker"] view center-face layout [ text "Resize input images to this height:" height: field "200" text "Create output mosaic of this width:" width: field "600" text "Space between thumbnails:" padding-size: field "30" text "Color between thumbnails:" btn "Select color" [background-color: request-color/color white] text "Thumbnails will be displayed in this order:" the-images: area across btn "Select images" [ some-images: request-file/title trim/lines {Hold down the [CTRL] key to select multiple images:} "" if some-images = none [return] foreach single-image some-images [ append the-images/text single-image append the-images/text "^/" ] show the-images ] btn "Create Thumbnail Mosaic" [ y-size: to-integer height/text mosaic-size: to-integer width/text padding: to-integer padding-size/text if error? try [background-color: to-tuple background-color][ background-color: white ] images: copy parse/all the-images/text "^/" ; see "PARSE" below if empty? images [alert "No images selected." break] mosaic: compose [ backcolor (background-color) space (padding) across ] foreach picture images [ flash rejoin ["Resizing " picture "..."] original: load to-file picture unview either original/size/2 > y-size [ new-x-factor: y-size / original/size/2 new-x-size: round original/size/1 * new-x-factor new-image: to-image layout/tight [ image original as-pair new-x-size y-size ] append mosaic compose [image (new-image)] ][ append mosaic compose [image (original)] ] current-layout: layout/tight mosaic if current-layout/size/1 > mosaic-size [ insert back back tail mosaic 'return ] ] filename: to-file request-file/file/save "mosaic.png" save/png filename (to-image layout mosaic) view/new layout [image load filename] ] ] REBOL [title: "Table Grid Example"] x: copy [] for i 1 179 1 [append x reduce [i random "abcd"]] update: does [q: copy [] foreach face g/pane/pane [append q face/text]] do qq: [grid: copy [across space 0] forskip x 2 [append grid compose [ field (form x/1) 40 edge none field (form x/2) 260 edge [size: 1x1] return ]] view center-face gui: layout [across space 0 g: box 300x290 with [pane: layout/tight grid pane/offset: 0x0] slider 16x290 [ g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value show g ] return btn "Add" [ row: (to-integer request-text/title "Insert at Row #:") * 2 - 1 update insert at q row ["" ""] x: copy q unview do qq ] btn "Remove" [ row: (to-integer request-text/title "Row # to delete:") * 2 - 1 update remove/part (at q row) 2 x: copy q unview do qq ] btn "Col 1" [update editor extract q 2] btn "Col 2" [update editor extract/index q 2 2] btn "Save" [update save to-file request-file/save q] btn "Load" [x: load to-file request-file do qq] btn "History" [ m: copy "ITEMS YOU'VE EDITED:^/^/" update for i 1 (length? q) 1 [ if (to-string pick x i) <> (to-string pick q i) [ append m rejoin [pick x i " " pick q i newline] ] ] editor m ] ]] REBOL [title: "Jigsaw Puzzle - press SPACE for original image"] random/seed now pic: load request-file/only/filter ["*.png" "*.gif" "*.jpg" "*.bmp"] siz: pic/size while [any [ siz/1 > system/view/screen-face/size/1 siz/2 > system/view/screen-face/size/2 ]] [ siz: siz * .8 pic: to-image layout/tight [image pic siz] ] divs: request-list "How many pieces?" [4 16 36 64 100 144 256 400] sqr: square-root divs x-size: round (siz/x / sqr) y-size: round (siz/y / sqr) p-size: as-pair x-size y-size end: false movestyle: [ engage: func [f a e] [if end = false [ if a = 'down [ f/data: e/offset remove find f/parent-face/pane f append f/parent-face/pane f ] if find [over away] a [ unrounded-pos: (f/offset + e/offset - f/data) snap-x: (round/to first unrounded-pos x-size) snap-y: (round/to second unrounded-pos y-size) either any [ snap-x >= siz/1 snap-x < 0 snap-y >= siz/2 snap-y < 0 ] [f/offset: unrounded-pos] [f/offset: as-pair snap-x snap-y] ] show f if all [a = 'up pic = to-image system/view/screen-face/pane/1] [ end: true alert "Congratulations - you finished!" ] ]] ] gui: compose [size (siz) key #" " [view/new layout [image (pic)]]] repeat i (to-integer sqr) [ repeat ii (to-integer sqr) [ pos: as-pair (x-size * (ii - 1)) (y-size * (i - 1)) append gui compose/deep [ at random (siz - p-size) image pic (p-size) effect compose [ crop (pos) (p-size) ] feel movestyle ] ] ] alert {Press the space bar at any time to view the original image.} view center-face layout/tight gui HOW TO CREATE WINDOWS .EXE PROGRAMS FROM REBOL SCRIPTS: 1) Download XpackerX from: 2) Edit the following .xml file (save it in same folder as your script). 3) Click the red "!" button (make executable) in XpackerX. your_program_name your_program_name.exe false your_rebol_script.r your_rebol_script.r C:\Program Files\rebol\view\Rebol.exe rebol.exe $TMPRUN\rebol.exe -si $TMPRUN\your_rebol_script.r XpackerX is just an "sfx" packager that compresses the REBOL interpreter and your scripts into an executable zip file. When that .exe file is run, it automatically unpacks your file(s) then runs REBOL with the script file you specify. You can use most zip programs to do the same thing. Find the option in your zipping program to "create sfx", "self-extracting zip", or "executable zip" file. Put the REBOL interpreter, your script(s), and any other supporting files (images, sounds, dlls, executables, etc.), and be sure that the sfx file automatically runs "rebol.exe -si your_rebol_script.r" (or whatever you name the main script to be run). To create a Linux executable: 1) Tar REBOL interpreter, script(s), and resources into %rebol_files.tgz 2) Create this %sh_commands file (without the beginning tabs): #!/bin/sh SKIP=`awk '/^__REBOL_ARCHIVE__/ { print NR + 1; exit 0; }' $0` tail +$SKIP $0 | tar xz exit 0 __REBOL_ARCHIVE__ 3) Combine the above script with the bundled .tgz file, using this line: cat sh_commands rebol_files.tgz > 4) Set permissions and run: chmod +x (or run it with "sh") In general, instead of creating executable files, it's easiest to have users simply download and install the REBOL interpreter, and then just click any downloaded ".r" file icons in their file manager. PARSE (goodbye regex): my-text: {"apple","orange","pear"} parsed-block: parse my-text none code: "text1 <% replace this %> <% replace this %> text3" parse/all code [ any [thru "<%" copy new to "%>" (replace code new " text2 ")] to end ] print code some-text: { First Name Last Name Street Address City, State, Zip} parsed-block: parse/all some-text "^/" foreach item parsed-block [trim item] probe parsed-block parse read [ thru copy my-ip to ] parse my-ip [ thru "Your IP Address is: " copy stripped-ip to end ] alert to-string rejoin [ "External: " trim/all stripped-ip " " "Internal: " read join dns:// read dns:// ] html: read x: copy [] parse html [any [thru {src="} copy link to {"} (append x link)] to end] make-dir %./downloaded-images change-dir %./downloaded-images foreach i x [attempt [ print rejoin ["downloading: " i] write/binary (to-file last split-path to-url i) (read/binary to-url i) ]] foreach i read %. [view center-face layout [image (load i)]] bb: "some text" bb_temp: copy bb append bb_temp " " append bb " " parse bb [any [thru "http://" copy link to " " ( replace bb_temp (rejoin [{http://} link]) (rejoin [ {http://} link {}]))] to end ] bb: copy bb_temp print bb code: { view layout [ btn "some text" btn "some more text" ] } strings: copy [] parse code [ any [thru {"} copy a-string to {"} (append strings a-string)] to end ] foreach str strings [ if true = request rejoin [{Change "} str {"?}] [ replace/all code str request-text/title rejoin [ {Change "} str {" to:} ] ] ] editor code code: read to-file request-file parse/all code [any [ to #";" begin: thru newline ending: ( remove/part begin ((index? ending) - (index? begin))) :begin ] ] editor code ; all comments removed filename: %filename.csv data: copy [] lines: read/lines filename foreach line lines [ append/only data parse/all line "," ] info: copy "" foreach line data [ either find "Header" line/1 [ info: line/1 ][ append line info ] ] remove-each line data [find "Header" line/1/1] remove-each line data [ (line/3 = "TITLE") or (line/3 = "DESCRIPTION") ] format-decimal: func [x /local q] [ either find form x "E-" [ insert/dup (head replace (first q: parse form x "E-") "." "") "0" ((to-integer q/3) - 1) insert head q/1 "0." q/1 ] [form x] ] format-decimal 1 / 233 format-decimal 1 / 4 format-decimal 5 * 7 format-decimal 1 / 83723923452346546467 1 / to-decimal format-decimal 1 / pi DLLs, SO, and DYLIB LIBRARIES: lib: load/library %kernel32.dll play-sound: make routine! [ return: [integer!] pitch [integer!] duration [integer!] ] lib "Beep" for hertz 37 3987 50 [ print rejoin ["The pitch is now " hertz " hertz."] play-sound hertz 50 ] free lib lib: load/library %winmm.dll mciExecute: make routine! [c [string!] return: [logic!]] lib "mciExecute" if not exists? %test.avi [ flash "Downloading test video..." write/binary %test.avi read/binary unview ] video: to-local-file %test.avi mciExecute rejoin ["OPEN " video " TYPE AVIVIDEO ALIAS thevideo"] mciExecute "PLAY thevideo WAIT" mciExecute "CLOSE thevideo" free lib quit do [ lib: load/library %winmm.dll mciExecute: make routine! [ command [string!] return: [logic!] ] lib "mciExecute" file: to-local-file to-file request-file/save/title/file "Save as:" { } %rebol-recording.wav mciExecute "open new type waveaudio alias buffer1 buffer 6" mciExecute "record buffer1" ask "RECORDING STARTED (press [ENTER] when done)...^/" mciExecute "stop buffer1" mciExecute join "save buffer1 " file free lib print "Recording complete. Here's how it sounds:^/" insert snd: open sound:// load to-rebol-file file wait snd close snd print "DONE.^/" ] do [ if not exists? %AutoItDLL.dll [ write/binary %AutoItDLL.dll read/binary ] lib: load/library %AutoItDLL.dll move-mouse: make routine! [ return: [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!] ] lib "AUTOIT_MouseMove" print "Press the [Enter] key, and your mouse will move to the top" ask "corner of your screen, and then down diagonally to 200x200: " for position 0 200 5 [ move-mouse position position 10 ] free lib print "^/Done.^/" halt ] avicap32.dll: load/library %avicap32.dll user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll find-window-by-class: make routine! [ ClassName [string!] WindowName [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "FindWindowA" sendmessage: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" sendmessage-file: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [string!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" cap: make routine! [ cap [string!] child-val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] handle [integer!] val4 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] avicap32.dll "capCreateCaptureWindowA" view/new center-face layout/tight [ image 320x240 across btn "Take Snapshot" [ sendmessage cap-result 1085 0 0 sendmessage-file cap-result 1049 0 "scrshot.bmp" browse %scrshot.bmp ] btn "Exit" [ sendmessage cap-result 1205 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1035 0 0 free user32.dll quit ] ] hwnd: find-window-by-class "REBOLWind" 0 cap-result: cap "cap" 1342177280 0 0 320 240 hwnd 0 sendmessage cap-result 1034 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1077 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1075 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1074 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1076 1 0 do-events tt: "Your Title" user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll gf: make routine![return:[int]]user32.dll"GetFocus" sc: make routine![hw[int]a[string!]return:[int]]user32.dll"SetWindowTextA" so: :show show: func[face][so[face]hw: gf sc hw tt] view layout [text 400x400 "No 'REBOL -' in the title bar!"] CGI: #! /home/your_user_path/public_html/rebol/rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Photo Viewer"] print {content-type: text/html^/} print {Photos} ; print read %template_header.html folder: read %. count: 0 foreach file folder [ foreach ext [".jpg" ".gif" ".png" ".bmp"] [ if find file ext [ print [
] print rejoin [{}] print [
] count: count + 1 ] ] ] print {
} print rejoin [{Total Images: } count] print {} ; print read %template_footer.html quit #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Generic CGI Application, With HTML Form"] print {content-type: text/html^/} submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string print {Page title} either empty? submitted [ print {
} ] [ print rejoin [{Hello } second submitted {!}] print {} ] #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Logic"] print {content-type: text/html^/} submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string if submitted/2 = "option1" [ print "Now Doing Code For Option 1" quit ] if submitted/2 = "option2" [ print "Now Doing Code For Option 2" quit ] options: ["option1" "option2"] print {
} quit #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Generic GET and POST Form Handler"] write %form.html {



} print {content-type: text/html^/} switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ cgi-data: copy "" cgi-buffer: copy "" while [positive? read-io system/ports/input cgi-buffer 16380] [ append cgi-data cgi-buffer clear cgi-buffer ] ] "GET" [cgi-data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] submitted: decode-cgi cgi-data print { Your Form Has Been Submitted
] ] print rejoin [ { Thank You! The following information has been submitted:

Time Stamp: } now + 3:00 {

} entry: rejoin [{[^/ "Time Stamp:" } {"} form (now + 3:00) {"^/}] foreach [title value] submitted [ entry: rejoin [entry { } {"} mold title {" } mold value {^/}] ] append entry {]^/} write/append %submitted_forms.txt entry html: copy "" foreach [title value] submitted [ repend html [
mold title mold value
} html {

} { You'll hear from us shortly!

Copyright © 2009 This Web Site. All rights reserved.
} ] quit #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Copy All Files to New Web Server"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["wgetter"] foreach file (read [ print file print
write/binary (to-file file) (read/binary (to-url (rejoin [ file]))) ] print [] quit DRAW: view layout [ box 400x400 black effect [ draw [ pen red line 0x400 400x50 pen white box 100x20 300x380 fill-pen green circle 250x250 100 pen blue fill-pen orange line-width 5 spline closed 3 20x20 200x70 150x200 polygon 20x20 200x70 150x200 50x300 ] ] ] view layout [ box 400x220 effect [ draw [ fill-pen 200.100.90 polygon 20x40 200x20 380x40 200x80 fill-pen 200.130.110 polygon 20x40 200x80 200x200 20x100 fill-pen 100.80.50 polygon 200x80 380x40 380x100 200x200 ] gradmul 180.180.210 60.60.90 ] ] view layout [ scrn: box black 400x400 feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if find [down over] action [ append scrn/effect/draw event/offset show scrn ] if action = 'up [append scrn/effect/draw 'line] ] ] effect [draw [line]] ] pos: 300x300 view layout [ scrn: box pos black effect [ draw [image logo.gif 0x0 300x0 300x300 0x300] ] btn "Animate" [ for point 1 140 1 [ scrn/effect/draw: copy reduce [ 'image logo.gif (pos - 300x300) (1x1 + (as-pair 300 point)) (pos - (as-pair 1 point)) (pos - 300x0) ] show scrn ] scrn/effect/draw: copy [ image logo.gif 0x0 300x0 300x300 0x300 ] show scrn ] ] HELP: what help call ? call ? "request" ? system ? system/console/history ? system/options ? system/locale/months ? system/network/host-address ? system/view/VID ? svv editor extract svv/vid-styles 2 editor svv/vid-words editor svv/facet-words svv/vid-styles/TEXT-LIST/words source for editor mold :for echo %words.txt what echo off ; "echo" saves console activity to a file echo %help.txt foreach line read/lines %words.txt [ word: first to-block line print "___________________________________________________________^/" print rejoin ["word: " uppercase to-string word] print "" do compose [help (to-word word)] ] echo off editor at read %help.txt 4 PORTS: help open write/append %temp.txt "1234" ; this line is the same as: temp: open %temp.txt append temp "1234" close temp ; See ALL the properties of a port using "probe": temp: open %temp.txt probe temp close temp temp: open %temp.txt print temp/date print temp/path print temp/size close temp my-file: open %temp.txt set-modes my-file [ world-read: true world-write: true world-execute: true ] close my-file write %temp.txt "" print read %temp.txt temp: open %temp.txt append temp "1234" print temp/state/inBuffer print read %temp.txt update temp print read %temp.txt temp: head temp insert temp "abcd" print temp/state/inBuffer print read %temp.txt close temp print read %temp.txt append temp "1q2w3e4r" ; (error) print second read pop://user:pass/ ; requires download of ALL mail my-email: open pop://user:pass/ print second my-email ; port version only downloads single message the-sound: load %/c/windows/media/tada.wav insert s: open sound:// the-sound wait s close s print "" q: open/binary/no-wait console:// forever [if wait q [print join "You typed: " to-integer copy q]] q: open/binary/no-wait console:// while [120 <> x: to-integer copy wait q] [print join "You typed: " x] print "Goodbye!" wait 2 x: open/direct/lines %input.txt ; for very large files while [not empty? data: copy/part x 10] [ probe data ask "continue..." ] close file NETWORK PORTS: ; server (run this script first): port: first wait open/lines tcp://:55555 print join "Received: "first wait port ; client (run this script second, in a separate instance of REBOL): port: open/lines tcp://localhost:55555 insert port ask "Send: " REBOL [title: "Network Text Messenger"] view layout [ across q: btn "Serve"[focus g p: first wait open/lines tcp://:8 z: 1]text"OR" k: btn "Connect"[focus g p: open/lines rejoin[tcp:// i/text ":8"]z: 1] i: field form read join dns:// read dns:// return r: area rate 4 feel [engage: func [f a e][if a = 'time and value? 'z [ if error? try [x: first wait p] [quit] r/text: rejoin [x "^/" r/text] show r ]]] return g: field "Type message here [ENTER]" [insert p value focus face] ] REBOL [title: "Network Binary File Transfer"] ; server/receiver - run first: if error? try [port: first wait open/binary/no-wait tcp://:8] [quit] mark: find file: copy wait port #"" length: to-integer to-string copy/part file mark while [length > length? remove/part file next mark] [append file port] view layout [image load file] ; client/sender - run after server (change IP address if using on 2 pcs): save/png %image.png to-image layout [box blue "I traveled through ports!"] port: open/binary/no-wait tcp:// ; adjust this IP address insert file: read/binary %image.png join l: length? file #"" insert port file REBOL [title: "VOIP Intercom"] do [write %ireceive.r {REBOL [] if error? try [port: first wait open/binary/no-wait tcp://:8] [quit] wait 0 speakers: open sound:// forever [ if error? try [mark: find wav: copy wait port #""] [quit] i: to-integer to-string copy/part wav mark while [i > length? remove/part wav next mark] [append wav port] insert speakers load to-binary decompress wav ]} launch %ireceive.r lib: load/library %winmm.dll mci: make routine! [c [string!] return: [logic!]] lib "mciExecute" if (ip: ask "Connect to IP (none = localhost): ") = "" [ip: "localhost"] if error? try [port: open/binary/no-wait rejoin [tcp:// ip ":8"]] [quit] mci "open new type waveaudio alias wav" forever [ mci "record wav" wait 2 mci "save wav r" mci "delete wav from 0" insert wav: compress to-string read/binary %r join l: length? wav #"" if l > 4000 [insert port wav] ; squelch (don't send) if too quiet ]] REBOL [Title: "UDP Group Chat"] net-in: open udp://:9905 ; This is UDP, so NO known IP addresses required net-out: open/lines udp:// set-modes net-out [broadcast: on] name: request-text/title "Your name:" gui: view/new layout [ a1: area wrap rejoin [name ", you are logged in."] f1: field k1: at 0x0 key #"^M" [ if f1/text = "" [return] insert net-out rejoin [name ": " f1/text] ] ] forever [ focus f1 received: wait [net-in] if not viewed? gui [quit] insert (at a1/text 1) copy received show a1 ] OBJECTS: account: make object! [ first-name: last-name: address: phone: email-address: none ] account/phone: "555-1234" account/address: "4321 Street Place Cityville, USA 54321" get in account 'first-name get in account 'address ? account next first account foreach item (next first account) [print item] foreach item (next first account) [print get in account item] count: 0 foreach item (next first account) [ count: count + 1 print rejoin ["Item " count ": " item] print rejoin ["Value: " (get in account item) newline] ] user1: make account [ first-name: "John" last-name: "Smith" address: "1234 Street Place Cityville, USA 12345" email-address: "" ] complex-account: make object! [ first-name: last-name: address: phone: none email-address: does [ return to-email rejoin [ first-name "_" last-name "" ] ] display: does [ print "" print rejoin ["Name: " first-name " " last-name] print rejoin ["Address: " address] print rejoin ["Phone: " phone] print rejoin ["Email: " email-address] print "" ] ] user1: make complex-account [] user2: make complex-account [ first-name: "John" last-name: "Smith" phone: "555-4321" ] user3: make complex-account [ first-name: "Bob" last-name: "Jones" address: "4321 Street Place Cityville, USA 54321" phone: "555-1234" email-address: "" ; default function overwritten ] user1/display user2/display user3/display REBOL [title "Object Game"] hidden-prize: random 15x15 character: make object! [ position: 0x0 move: does [ direction: ask "Move up, down, left, or right: " switch/default direction [ "up" [position: position + -1x0] "down" [position: position + 1x0] "left" [position: position + 0x-1] "right" [position: position + 0x1] ] [print newline print "THAT'S NOT A DIRECTION!"] if position = hidden-prize [ print newline print "You found the hidden prize. YOU WIN!" print newline halt ] print rejoin [ newline "You moved character " movement " " direction ". Character " movement " is now " hidden-prize - position " spaces away from the hidden prize. " newline ] ] ] character1: make character [] character2: make character [position: 3x3] character3: make character [position: 6x6] character4: make character [position: 9x9] character5: make character [position: 12x12] loop 20 [ prin "^(1B)[J" movement: ask "Which character do you want to move (1-5)? " if find ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"] movement [ do rejoin ["character" movement "/move"] print rejoin [ newline "The position of each character is now: " newline newline "CHARACTER ONE: " character1/position newline "CHARACTER TWO: " character2/position newline "CHARACTER THREE: " character3/position newline "CHARACTER FOUR: " character4/position newline "CHARACTER FIVE: " character5/position ] ask "^/Press the [Enter] key to continue." ] ] money: make object! [ var: 1234.56 bank: does [ print "" print rejoin ["Your bank account balance is: $" var] print "" ] ] place: make object! [ var: "Wabash" bank: does [ print "" print rejoin [ "Your favorite place is on the bank of the: " var] print "" ] ] money/bank place/bank money/var place/var deposit: make money [ view layout [ button "Deposit $10" [ var: var + 10 bank ] ] ] travel: make place [ view layout [ new-favorite: field 300 trim { Type a new favorite river here, and press [Enter]} [ var: value bank ] ] ] THIRD PARTY LIBRARIES: REBOL [title: "PDF example"] do write/binary %example.pdf layout-pdf [[textbox ["Hello PDF world!"]]] call %example.pdf REBOL [title: "PDF example 2"] do write/binary %example.pdf layout-pdf compose/deep [ [ page size 215.9 279.4 ; American Letter Size textbox ["Here is page 1. It just contains this text."] ] [ textbox 55 55 90 100 [ {Here's page 2. This text box contains a starting XxY position and an XxY size. Coordinates are in millimeters and extend from the BOTTOM LEFT of the page (this box extends from starting point 55x55 and is 90 mm wide, 100 mm tall). All the following page sizes are the default ISO A4, or 211×297 mm. That is SLIGHTLY SMALLER than the standard American Letter page size.} ] ] [ textbox 0 200 200 50 [ center font Helvetica 10.5 {This is page 3. The text inside this box is centered and formatted using Helvetica font, with a character size of 10.5 mm.} ] ] [ apply rotation 20 translation 35 150 [ textbox 4 4 200 20 [ {This is page 4. The textbox is rotated 20 degrees and translated (moved over) 35x150 mm. Graphics and images can also be rotated and translated.} ] ] ] [ textbox 5 200 200 40 [ {Here's page 5. It contains this textbox and several images. The first image is placed at starting point 50x150 and is 10mm wide by 2.4mm tall. The second image is 2x bigger and rotated 90 degrees. The last image is placed at starting point 100x150 and is streched to 10x its size. Notice that this ENTIRE layout block has been evaluated with compose/deep to evaluate the images in the following parentheses.} ] image 50 150 10 2.4 (system/view/vid/image-stock/logo) image 50 100 20 4.8 rotated 90 (system/view/vid/image-stock/logo) image 100 150 100 24 (system/view/vid/image-stock/logo) ] [ textbox [ {This page contains this textbox and several generated graphics: a line, a colored and filled box with a colored edge, and a circle.} ] line width 3 20 20 100 50 ; starting and ending XxY positions solid box edge width 0.2 edge 44.235.77 150.0.136 100 67 26 16 circle 75 50 40 ; starting point 75x50, radius 40mm ] ] call %example.pdf ; see REBOL [title: "REBOL/Flash example"] do make-swf/save/html browse %starfield1.html ; see ; and REBOL [title: "RebGUI Example"] do display/close "Tab Panel" [ main-screen: tab-panel data [ "Spreadsheet" [ x: sheet data [ A1 32 A2 12 A3 "=a1 + a2" A4 "=1.06 * to decimal! a3" ] a: area reverse button -1 " Show Data " [x/save-data set-text a x/data] button -1 " Quit! " [if true = question "Quit?" [quit]] ] "Pie Chart" [ pie-chart data ["VID" yellow 19 "RebGUI" red 81] tip "Pie Chart!" ] "Menu" [ menu #LHW data [ "File" [ "Open" [x/text: read to-file request-file show x] "Save" [write to-file request-file/save x/text] ] "About" [ "Info" [alert "RebGUI is great!"] ] ] return x: area #LHW "[CTRL-Z: Undo CTRL-Y: Redo CTRL-S: Spell Check]" ] "VID style" [ style -1 data [text bold "Back to Spreadsheet" [ main-screen/select-tab 1 ]] ] action [wait .2 face/color: 230.230.230] "Text" [ text "Tabs are a great way to maximize screen real estate." ] action [wait .2 set-focus z] "Fields" [ y: field z: field "Edit me" ] ] ] [question "Really Close?"] do-events REBOL [title: "RebGUI Table Grid Example"] do load-thru alert {Default username/password is "user1/pass1"} unless exists? %snappmx.txt [ save %snappmx.txt [ "user1" "pass1" "Bill Jones" "" "Bill LLC" "user2" "pass2" "John Smith" "" "John LLC" ] ] database: load %snappmx.txt login: request-password found: false foreach [userid password name email company] database [ either (login/1 = userid) and (login/2 = password) [found: true] [] ] if found = false [alert "Incorrect Login." quit] add-record: does [ display/dialog "User Info" [ text 20 "User:" f1: field return text 20 "Pass:" f2: field return text 20 "Name:" f3: field return text 20 "Email:" f4: field return text 20 "Company:" f5: field reverse button -1 #XY " Clear " [clear-fields] button -1 #XY " Add " [add-fields] ] ] edit-record: does [ display/dialog "User Info" [ text 20 "User:" f1: field (form pick t/selected 1) return text 20 "Pass:" f2: field (form pick t/selected 2) return text 20 "Name:" f3: field (form pick t/selected 3) return text 20 "Email:" f4: field (form pick t/selected 4) return text 20 "Company:" f5: field (form pick t/selected 5) reverse button -1 #XY " Delete " [ t/remove-row t/picked save %snappmx.txt t/data hide-popup ] button -1 #XY " Save " [ t/remove-row t/picked add-fields save %snappmx.txt t/data hide-popup ] ] ] add-fields: does [ t/add-row reduce [ copy f1/text copy f2/text copy f3/text copy f4/text copy f5/text ] save %snappmx.txt copy t/data ] clear-fields: does [ foreach item [f1 f2 f3 f4 f5] [do rejoin [{set-text } item {""}]] ] table-size: system/view/screen-face/size/1 / ctx-rebgui/sizes/cell display/maximize "Users" [ t: table table-size #LWH options [ "" left .0 "" left .0 ; don't show the first 2 fields "Name" center .33 "Email" center .34 "Company" center .34 ] data database [edit-record] reverse button -1 #XY " Add " [add-record] ] do-events REBOL [title: "Cyphre Menu and Tab Panel Example"] do load-thru insert-event-func [ either event/type = 'resize [ mn/size/1: system/view/screen-face/pane/1/size/1 my-tabs/size: system/view/screen-face/pane/1/size - 15x30 show [mn my-tabs] none ] [event] ] view/options center-face layout [ across space 0x0 origin 0x0 mn: menu with [ size: 470x20 data: compose/deep [ " File " [ "Open" # "Ctrl+O" [request-file] "Save" # "Ctrl+S" [request-file/save] bar "Exit" [quit] ] " Options " [ "Preferences" sub [ "Colors" [alert form request-color] "Settings" [request-text/title "Enter new setting:"] ] "About" [alert "Menu Widget by Cyphre"] ] ] ] below at 10x25 my-tabs: tab-panel data [ "Fields" [ h1 "Tab Panel by Cyphre" field field area area btn "Ok" ] "Data List" [ t1: text-list 400x430 data system/locale/months [alert value] ] ] ] [resize] REBOL [title: "Listview Example"] evt-close: func [face event] [ either event/type = 'close [ inform layout [ across Button "Save Changes" [ backup-file: to-file rejoin ["backup_" now/date] write backup-file read %database.db save %database.db theview/data quit ] Button "Lose Changes" [quit] Button "CANCEL" [hide-popup] ] none ] [ event ] ] insert-event-func :evt-close if not exists? %list-view.r [write %list-view.r read ] do %list-view.r if not exists? %database.db [write %database.db {[][]}] database: load %database.db view center-face gui: layout [ h3 {To enter data, double-click any row, and type directly into the listview. Click column headers to sort:} theview: list-view 775x200 with [ data-columns: [ Student Teacher Day Time Phone Parent Age Payments Reschedule Notes ] data: copy database tri-state-sort: false editable?: true ] across button "add row" [theview/insert-row] button "remove row" [ if (to-string request-list "Are you sure?" [yes no]) = "yes" [ theview/remove-row ] ] button "filter data" [ filter-text: request-text/title trim { Filter Text (leave blank to refresh all data):} if filter-text <> none [ theview/filter-string: filter-text theview/update ] ] button "save db" [ backup-file: to-file rejoin ["backup_" now/date] write backup-file read %database.db save %database.db theview/data ] ] REBOL [title: "Another Menu Module Example"] if not exists? %menu-system.r [write %menu-system.r ( read] do %menu-system.r menu-data: [ file: item "File" menu [item "Open" item "Save" item "Quit"] edit: item "Edit" menu [ item "Item 1" item "Item 2" --- item "Submenu..." menu [ item "Submenu Item 1" item "Submenu Item 2" item "Submenu Item 3" menu [ item "Sub-Submenu Item 1" item "Sub-Submenu Item 2" ] ] --- item "Item 3" ] icons: item "Icons" menu [ item "Icon Item 1" icons [help.gif stop.gif] item "Icon Item 2" icons [info.gif exclamation.gif] ] ] basic-style: [item style action [ switch item/body/text [ case "Open" [ the-file: request-file alert rejoin ["You opened: " the-file] ] case "Save" [ the-file: request-file/save alert rejoin ["You saved to: " the-file] ] case "Quit" [ if (request/confirm "Really Quit?") = true [quit] ] case "Item 1" [alert "Item 1 selected"] case "Item 2" [alert "Item 2 selected"] case "Item 3" [alert "Item 3 selected"] case "Submenu Item 1" [alert "Submenu Item 1 selected"] case "Submenu Item 2" [alert "Submenu Item 2 selected"] case "Submenu Item 3" [alert "Submenu Item 3 selected"] case "Sub-Submenu Item 1" [alert "Sub-Submenu Item 1 selected"] case "Sub-Submenu Item 2" [alert "Sub-Submenu Item 2 selected"] case "Icon Item 1" [alert "Icon Item 1 selected"] case "Icon Item 2" [alert "Icon Item 2 selected"] ] ]] evt-close: func [face event] [either event/type = 'close [quit] [event]] insert-event-func :evt-close view center-face layout [ size 400x500 at 2x2 menu-bar menu menu-data menu-style basic-style ] REBOL [title: "r3D Example"] do Transx: Transy: Transz: 300.0 Lookatx: Lookaty: Lookatz: 100.0 do update: does [ world: copy [] append world reduce [ reduce [cube-model (r3d-scale 100.0 150.0 125.0) red] ] camera: r3d-position-object reduce [Transx Transy Transz] reduce [Lookatx Lookaty Lookatz] [0.0 0.0 1.0] RenderTriangles: render world camera r3d-perspective 250.0 400x360 probe RenderTriangles ; This line can be removed ] view layout [ scrn: box 400x360 black effect [draw RenderTriangles] ; basic draw across return slider 60x16 [Transx: (value * 600 - 300.0) update show scrn] slider 60x16 [Transy: (value * 600 - 300.0) update show scrn] slider 60x16 [Transz: (value * 600) update show scrn] slider 60x16 [Lookatx: (value * 400 - 200.0) update show scrn] slider 60x16 [Lookaty: (value * 400 - 200.0) update show scrn] slider 60x16 [Lookatz: (value * 200 ) update show scrn] ] REBOL [title: "MYSQL Example"] ; First, start MySQL and create a database named "Contacts" unless exists? %mysql-protocol.r [ write %mysql-protocol.r read ] do %mysql-protocol.r db: open mysql://root:root@localhost/Contacts insert db {create table Contacts ( name varchar(100), address text, phone varchar(12), birthday date )} insert db {INSERT into Contacts VALUES ('John Doe', '1 Street Lane', '555-9876', '1967-10-10'), ('John Smith', '123 Toleen Lane', '555-1234', '1972-02-01'), ('Paul Thompson', '234 Georgetown Pl.', '555-2345', '1972-02-01'), ('Jim Persee', '345 Portman Pike', '555-3456', '1929-07-02'), ('George Jones', '456 Topforge Court', '', '1989-12-23'), ('Tim Paulson', '', '555-5678', '2001-05-16') } insert db "DELETE from Contacts WHERE birthday = '1967-10-10'" insert db "SELECT * from Contacts" results: copy db probe results close db halt ; see REBOL [title: "MySQL GUI Example"] do %mysql-protocol.r results: read/custom mysql://root:root@localhost/Contacts [ "SELECT * from Contacts" ] view layout [ text-list 100x400 data results [ string: rejoin [ "NAME: " value/1 newline "ADDRESS: " value/2 newline "PHONE: " value/3 newline "BIRTHDAY: " value/4 ] view/new layout [ area string ] ] ] REBOL [title: "SQLITE Example"] unless exists? %sqlite3.dll [ write/binary %sqlite3.dll read/binary ] unless exists? %sqlite.r [ write %sqlite.r read ] do %sqlite.r db: connect/create %contacts.db SQL "create table contacts (name, address, phone, birthday)" SQL {insert into contacts values ('"John Doe"', '"1 Street Lane"', '"555-9876"', '"1967-10-10"') } data: [ "John Smith" "123 Toleen Lane" "555-1234" "1972-02-01" "Paul Thompson" "234 Georgetown Pl." "555-2345" "1972-02-01" "Jim Persee" "345 Portman Pike" "555-3456" "1929-07-02" "George Jones" "456 Topforge Court" "" "1989-12-23" "Tim Paulson" "" "555-5678" "2001-05-16" ] SQL "begin" foreach [name address phone bd] data [ SQL reduce [ "insert into contacts values (?, ?, ?, ?)" name address phone bd ] ] SQL "commit" SQL ["DELETE from Contacts WHERE birthday = ?" "1967-10-10"] results: SQL "select * from contacts" probe results disconnect db halt ; see REBOL [title: "SQLITE GUI Example"] do %sqlite.r connect %contacts.db results: SQL "select * from contacts" view layout [ text-list 100x400 data results [ string: rejoin [ "NAME: " value/1 newline "ADDRESS: " value/2 newline "PHONE: " value/3 newline "BIRTHDAY: " value/4 ] view/new layout [ area string ] ] ] disconnect REBOL [title: "Captcha Example"] write/binary %Caliban.caf read/binary do captcha/set-fonts-path %./ captcha/level: 4 write/binary %captcha.png captcha/generate write %captcha.txt captcha/text view center-face layout [ image (load %captcha.png) text "Enter the captcha text:" f1: field [ either f1/text = (read %captcha.txt) [ alert "Correct" ] [ alert "Incorrect" ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Windows Screen Capture Example"] do the-image: view center-face gui: layout [ button 150 "Upload Screen Shot" [ unview gui wait .2 save/png the-image capture-screen view center-face gui ] ] REBOL [title: "XML-RPC Example"] xmlrpc-exec [examples.getStateName 41] defh: func [orig-call] [do orig-call] xmlrpc-serve/default [] 'defh ; see PLUGIN: REBOL Plugin for IE
Plugin Mozilla, IE, Chrome
MULTITASKING: print "Obtaining keyboard input without blocking looping program flow:" p: open/binary/no-wait console:// q: open/binary/no-wait [scheme: 'console] count: 0 forever [ count: count + 1 if not none? wait/all [q :00:00.01] [ wait q qq: to string! copy q probe qq print ["^/loop count incremented to" count "while waiting^/"] ] ] alert { GUI multitasking instructions: 1) Assign a rate of 0 to a GUI widget. 2) Assign a "feel" detection to that widget, and put the actions you want performed simultaneously inside the block that gets evaluated every time a 'time event occurs. 3) Stop and start the evaluation of concurrently active portions of code by assigning a rate of "none" or 0, respectively, to the associated GUI widget(s). } webcam-url: view layout [ btn "Start Video" [ webcam/rate: 0 webcam/image: load webcam-url show webcam ] btn "Stop Video" [webcam/rate: none show webcam] return webcam: image load webcam-url 320x240 rate 0 feel [ engage: func [f a e][ if a = 'time [ f/image: load webcam-url show f ] ] ] clock: field to-string now/time/precise rate 0 feel [ engage: func [f a e][ if a = 'time [ f/text: to-string now/time/precise show f ] ] ] h3 "Notice the delay in the timer as each image loads" ] alert { This examples achieves true multitasking by simply writing the code for one process into a separate file and running it in a separate REBOL interpreter process using the "launch" function: } write %async.r { REBOL [] view layout [ origin 10x10 clock: field to-string now/time/precise rate 0 feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if action = 'time [ face/text: to-string now/time/precise show face ] ] ] ] } launch %async.r webcam-url: view center-face layout [ btn "Start Video" [ webcam/rate: 0 webcam/image: load webcam-url show webcam ] btn "Stop Video" [webcam/rate: none show webcam] return webcam: image load webcam-url 320x240 rate 0 feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if action = 'time [ face/image: load webcam-url show face ] ] ] ] VARIOUS ADDITIONAL APPLICATION EXAMPLES: REBOL [title: "Ski Game"] tree: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJzt18sNwjAQBFDTBSVw5EQBnLjQE1XRngmBQEj8Wa/3M4oYOZKBKHkaWwTO1/sh jDkNx3N6HI7LcOzCfnz/9v5cMnEai7lj4mokT9C7XczUsrhvGSku6RkgDIbHAEP0 2EiIMBdMDuaOWZCSL91bQvCsSY4MHE9umXz7ydVi3xgltYvEKboexzVSlpTa614d NonpUauIv176dX0ZTRgJlVgzNl25A3gkGwld1bkrNFqqedQfEI02AU9PjDeMpac/ ShKeTXylROqCImlXRFd9zkQoh4tp+GpqlSTnLnum4HTEzK/gjpmTpDxSASlHFqYU EE/8nddG9n+9LIm8t9OeIEra2JZWDRSG4VEioa0UFCZFqv/aMQh2Rf790EnGgcJU SVAer0Bhcp7/epVJvkHzBHjPfz+XSe6BwryC5gmQno3mAY3tpba2KAAA } skier-left: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJyN0U8og2EcB/DvNrz+E5fJZSmRf9Ej76h3Ne1AIspyMQflpJDFU/KO1cQmSnGa A3PYkvInB3kvuyzlgJolh+fCRUq5iBvP8+5lTvKrX33ep+/zp9/b2Tthhl6zvGt5 W3nX8TYhS1//MOGnSjNEa/AUxd0UVQ3raL9IYbBvA2OBI9Q0DqB6fAujl08Yi97D Hr3F5EQYSss2OrrWEFo5xB+VO5Vx/skvnxmQbDCFvxcjMJ/b0s6LAZXGA3O0ZtTt pW3WbJmDeMC8a1gE9o3bTBFI9YvGhrOKSueyEQpu9ri60vQFXFqPMx1K+sNWrdOh 73Y/uMr85fKdcIrJ0z6vxSfsYV5KCU2JEPNIlD9dFZ65AfXwD+HsKdAZiiLdqtvt Hh65E5ZklTGmDvWLgxxKkjAivwt7XxhJEvIsrCY8ikLs0Tj3yGeCKaQtdsX9fv3G N1jCJdyv84lHJkNriiM7Li29OIDV0jcU8kuIHaiPLEDEsG9DQYxiQTi0A8sBpEvh OT65GmBYH9Jx5nf8TFFUFf5ZX2hFdG1uAgAA } skier-right: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJxz8s1jYgCDMiDWAGIJINYCYkYGFrD4D0YGOBBAMBn4++Yz6HjVMSgY1oP5gWdu M/gHTmCwNutlKJ26l6F03VUGp3XnGGo+/mGILVnMoFkwhaHm7GcGz4m7GbABFwST eQWSNXMQbM+3DAwlULbmEgaWXih75QUGzvkQJstMBwbPRRA2L1D5yS8QNudioNQF qNYPDExAZRCtDg78c6Fa7wZK3Ycq940O3L1fAcLWigpctUsZzHTSj5Jd+l7NAKS6 3HnXk6jHSiBF7sUmxi7Gl9VAZrqVOxsZuTirg8TTS0qAQs5FIPF0BhYXFkgog/zg 7gJlq5SXpaWVF4O9lZKuXl6eVl4AZLIfKS82LzYuB2nlOFxWXl5ubA6ytm1KWU65 cXExkMl09lNNR3q5eTFQPYfHE7YT6cXlJgcYGI7cPMAOMtKhgcH9wE8FBuPycgOG BoYKtl8ODL4gjccY2HSAfr4BVMvgAwyazwwsXSA7ORgY2BQYeH+Cw+sAKPo5wEHj kQAO/GZwIIHDgc0AaxQSBAAFOXD7bgIAAA== } random/seed now the-score: 0 board: reduce ['image 300x20 skier-right black] for i 1 20 1 [ pos: random 600x540 pos: pos + 0x300 append board reduce ['image pos tree black] ] view center-face layout/tight [ scrn: box white 600x440 effect [draw board] rate 0 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'key [ if e/key = 'right [ board/2: board/2 + 5x0 board/3: skier-right ] if e/key = 'left [ board/2: board/2 - 5x0 board/3: skier-left ] show scrn ] if a = 'time [ new-board: copy [] foreach item board [ either all [ ((type? item) = pair!) ((length? new-board) > 4) ] [ append new-board (item - 0x5) ] [ append new-board item ] coord: first back back (tail new-board) if ((type? coord) = pair!) [ if ((second coord) < -60) [ remove back tail new-board remove back tail new-board remove back tail new-board remove back tail new-board ] ] ] board: copy new-board if (length? new-board) < 84 [ column: random 600 pos: to-pair rejoin [column "x" 440] append board reduce ['image pos tree black] ] collision-board: remove/part (copy board) 4 foreach item collision-board [ if (type? item) = pair! [ if all [ ((item/1 - board/2/1) < 15) ((item/1 - board/2/1) > -40) ((board/2/2 - item/2) < 30) ((board/2/2 - item/2) > 5) ] [ alert "Ouch - you hit a tree!" alert rejoin ["Final Score: " the-score] quit ] ] ] the-score: the-score + 1 score/text: to-string the-score show scrn ] ] ] origin across h2 "Score:" score: h2 bold "000000" do [focus scrn] ] REBOL [title: "Chord Accompaniment Player"] play: false insert-event-func [ ; standard method to trap GUI close events: either event/type = 'close [ if play = true [play: false close sound-port] really: request "Really close the program?" if really = true [quit] ][ event ] ] flash "Downloading chord data (3.5 megabytes)..." do load-thru unview view center-face layout [ across h2 "Chords:" tab chords: area 392x300 trim { bm bm bm bm gb7 gb7 gb7 gb7 a a a a e e e e g g g g d d d d em em em em gb7 gb7 gb7 gb7 g g g g d d d d gb7 gb7 gb7 gb7 bm bm bm bm g g g g d d d d em em em em gb7 gb7 gb7 gb7 } return h2 "Delay:" tab tempo: field 50 "0.35" text "(seconds)" tabs 40 tab btn "PLAY" [ play: true the-tempo: to-decimal tempo/text sounds: to-block chords/text wait 0 sound-port: open sound:// forever [ foreach sound sounds [ if play = false [break] do rejoin ["insert sound-port " reduce [sound]] wait sound-port wait the-tempo ] if play = false [break] ] ] btn "STOP" [ play: false close sound-port ] btn "Save" [save to-file request-file/save chords/text] btn "Load" [chords/text: load read to-file request-file show chords] btn "HELP" [ alert { This program plays chord progressions. Simply type in the names of the chords that you'd like played, with a space between each chord. For silence, use the underscore ("_") character. Set the tempo by entering a delay time (in fractions of second) to be paused between each chord. Click the start button to play from the beginning, and the stop button to end. Pressing start again always begins at the first chord in the progression. The save and load buttons allow you to store to the hard drive any songs you've created. Chord types allowed are major triad (no chord symbol - just a root note), minor triad ("m"), dominant 7th ("7"), major 7th ("maj7"), minor 7th ("m7"), diminished 7th ("dim7"), and half diminished 7th ("m7b5"). *** ALL ROOT NOTES ARE LABELED WITH FLATS (NO SHARPS) F# = Gb, C# = Db, etc... } ] ] REBOL [ title: "Table/Grid/List Widget Example" file: %table-grid-list.r purpose: { One of the greatest things about REBOL/View is the built in GUI dialect ("VID"). It's great for building simple GUI layouts quickly and easily, but the native list widget can be confusing for newcomers. THIS EXAMPLE IS A FULL FEATURED TABLE/GRID/LIST WIDGET FOR VID GUIs. KEYS: INSERT DELETE ARROWS PAGE UP/DOWN - + F1 CTRL R M S O F U MOUSE: click header to sort, RIGHT-CLICK/DRAG to RESIZE, click to edit Columns can be SORTED and *RESIZED* by clicking the headers. Data can be EDITED by clicking cells. Rows can be added, removed, and moved with the INSERT, DELETE, and CTRL+M keys. Data blocks can be loaded and saved to/from files, in both "flattened" and sub-block formats, using the CTRL+S CTRL+L CTRL+F and CTRL+U keys. Column format (color, font, etc.) can be easily specified in the column code. Alternate rows are automatically shaded, and mousing-over a row highlights the current row. Up and down arrow keys, and page up/down keys can be used to scroll. The mouse can also be used to scroll (with the scroll bar). Data can be reverted to the last saved change (by clicking the "r" button in the GUI). The entire grid can be resized to any percentage, with automatic sizing of columns (use the "+" and "-" keys to resize this example). The entire grid size will also automatically adjust to fit a resized screen. Press [F1] for help. The compressed code adds all necessary functionality to VID's native list widget - paste it as-is into your script (uncompress to see how it works, or to make changes). Keep the variables and naming coventions as they are in the GUI code (the variables gui, gui-size, t-size, x, y, li, list-size, sl, sl-size, s-pos, and my-supply need to be changed in the compressed code if ever changed in the GUI layout). You can add as many columns as needed to your own GUI grids: Headers must be labeled h1, h2, h3... Put DIFFERENT TEXT in each. Columns must be labeled col1, col2, col3... Format each as needed. "header-block" must be edited to contain each of the header labels (i.e., if your table has headers h1, h2, and h3, the header block should be [h1/text h2/text h3/text]). "x" holds the data displayed in the table - you can save, load, and manipulate it directly, then refresh the display (try the CTRL+S and CTRL+O keys in the GUI example to save and load the grid data). Rows of data are each stored in a SEPARATE block within the "x" block. To "flatten" the block (i.e., to save the grid data in one large block, without sub-blocks), try the CTRL+F keys in this GUI example. To load a flattened block, try the CTRL+U keys. "y" holds a copy of the original data (click the "r" button in the GUI example to reload it and refresh the display to its last saved state). "feel editstyle" is used to make a column EDITABLE. Click any cell in the GUI example to edit. These changes are made directly to the "x" block and then the GUI is refreshed. "feel slidestyle" is used to make a column RESIZABLE (RIGHT CLICK/drag the header to expand or contract any column width). This function also contains the "sort-column" function, which allows the user to sort columns of data by clicking the header. "sort-column" sorts the selected column number. Each call to this function alternates between ascending and descending sort order. "key-scroll" enables keyboard scrolling (use the up/down cursor keys, and page up/down keys in this GUI example). "add-line" adds a row of data to the grid, at a chosen index (use the [INSERT] key in this GUI example). "remove-line" removes a selected row of data (use the [DELETE] key in this GUI example). "move-line" moves a row of data from one selected index to another (use the CTRL+M keys in this GUI example to move rows). "resize-fit" resizes the table to fit the GUI, with equally sized columns. The compressed code contains an insert-event-function which automatically resizes the table to fit the GUI window, when resized. Press CTRL+R in this GUI example to execute the function manually. "resize-grid" resizes the table a given percentage (press the "+" and "-" keys in this GUI example to see it work). Notice that the majority of user-editable code in the GUI consists of headers, column names and formatting, and "key" widgets to run the desired functions. In this example GUI, the user presses keystroke combinations to activate the desired features, but those functions could also be added to the action blocks of buttons, and/or executed by any other typical trigger. } ] x: copy [] ; The data shown in the grid is labeled "x" random/seed now/time ; Generate 5000 rows of random data: repeat i 5000 [ append/only x reduce [ random "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^&*(),.';" form random 1000 form random 1000 random "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^&*(),.';" form i ] ; all data is stored in string format ] y: copy x ; "y" holds a backup copy of the original grid data header-block: [h1/text h2/text h3/text h4/text h5/text] ; EDIT - 5 COLUMNS do decompress list-widget-functions: #{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} svv/vid-face/color: white view/options center-face gui: layout gui-block: [ size gui-size across space 0x0 style header button as-pair t-size 20 black white bold h1: header "Text1" feel slidestyle ; EDIT THESE FOR YOUR OWN NEEDS. EACH h2: header "Num1" feel slidestyle ; HEADER MUST CONTAIN UNIQUE TEXT. h3: header "Num2" feel slidestyle ; YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY OR AS FEW h4: header "Text2" feel slidestyle ; COLUMNS AS NEEDED (ALL RESIZEABLE). h5: header "Key" feel slidestyle ; THEY MUST BE LABELED: H1, H2, H3... h6: button black "r" 17x20 [if true = request "Reset?"[x: copy y show li]] return li: list list-size [ style cell text t-size feel editstyle ; EVERY CELL IS NOW EDITABLE across space 0x0 col1: cell blue ; EDIT THE LOOK AND FEEL OF EACH COLUMN AS NEEDED. col2: cell ; COLUMNS MUST BE LABELED: COL1, COL2, COL3... col3: cell red ; THEY CONTAIN THE *DATA* LABELED BY HEADERS ABOVE. col4: cell blue ; THEY ARE TYPICALLY TEXT FIELDS, BUT CAN BE ANY col5: cell ; OTHER TYPE OF GUI WIDGET DESIRED. ] supply my-supply sl: scroller sl-size [s-pos: (length? x) * value show li] key keycode [up] [key-scroll -1] ; EACH OF THESE KEYS DEMONSTRATES key keycode [down] [key-scroll 1] ; A FEATURE. THESE FUNCTIONS key keycode [page-up] [key-scroll -20] ; COULD ALSO BE ADDED TO THE key keycode [page-down] [key-scroll 20] ; ACTION BLOCKS OF GUI BUTTONS OR key keycode [insert] [add-line] ; OTHER WIDGETS, OR OTHERWISE key #"^~" [remove-line] ; ACTIVATED... key #"^M" [move-line] key #"^R" [resize-fit] key #"+" [resize-grid 1.333] key #"-" [resize-grid .75] key #"^S" [save to-file request-file/save x] key #"^O" [attempt [y: copy x: copy load request-file/only show li]] key #"^F" [fx: copy [] foreach row x [append fx reduce row]save %f.txt fx] key #"^U" [attempt [ ; load a 'flattened' block fx: load request-file/only/file %f.txt x: copy [] foreach [a b c d e] fx [append/only x reduce [a b c d e]] show li ]] key keycode [f1] [editor system/script/header/purpose] ] [resize] REBOL [title: "Table/Grid/List Widget Example"] x: copy [] random/seed now/time repeat i 5000 [ append/only x reduce [random "abcdef" form random 1000 form i]= ] y: copy x header-block: [h1/text h2/text h3/text] do decompress list-widget-functions: #{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} svv/vid-face/color: white view/options center-face gui: layout gui-block: [ size gui-size across space 0x0 style header button as-pair t-size 20 black white bold h1: header "Text" feel slidestyle h2: header "Num" feel slidestyle h3: header "Key" feel slidestyle h6: button black "r" 17x20 [ if true = request "Reset?" [x: copy y show li] ] return li: list list-size [ style cell text t-size feel editstyle across space 0x0 col1: cell blue col2: cell col3: cell red ] supply my-supply sl: scroller sl-size [s-pos: (length? x) * value show li] key keycode [up] [key-scroll -1] key keycode [down] [key-scroll 1] key keycode [page-up] [key-scroll -20] key keycode [page-down] [key-scroll 20] key keycode [insert] [add-line] key #"^~" [remove-line] key #"^M" [move-line] key #"^R" [resize-fit] key #"^S" [save to-file request-file/save x] key #"^O" [attempt [y: copy x: copy load request-file/only show li]] key #"^F" [ fx: copy [] foreach row x [append fx reduce row]save %f.txt fx ] key #"^U" [attempt [ ; load a 'flattened' block fx: load request-file/only/file %f.txt x: copy [] foreach [a b c] fx [append/only x reduce [a b c]] show li ]] ] [resize] REBOL [title: "List Widget Example"] x: copy [] random/seed now/time ; generate 5000 rows of random data: repeat i 5000 [ append/only x reduce [random "asdfqwertyiop" form random 1000 form i] ] y: copy x Alert help-txt: {Be sure to try the following features: 1) Resize the GUI window to see the list automatically adjust to fit 2) Click column headers to sort by field 3) Use the arrow keys and page-up/page-down keys to scroll 4) Use the Insert, Delete and "M" keys to add, remove and move rows (by default, at the currently highlighted row) 5) Click the small "r" header button in the top right corner to reset the list back to its original values 6) Click any individual data cell to edit the selected value.} sort-column: func [field] [ either sort-order: not sort-order [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) > (at b field)] ] [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) < (at b field)] ] show li ] key-scroll: func [scroll-amount] [ s-pos: s-pos + scroll-amount if s-pos > (length? x) [s-pos: length? x] if s-pos < 0 [s-pos: 0] sl/data: s-pos / (length? x) show li show sl ] resize-grid: func [percentage] [ gui-size: system/view/screen-face/pane/1/size ; - 10x0 list-size/1: list-size/1 * percentage list-size/2: gui-size/2 - 95 t-size: round (list-size/1 / 3) sl-size: as-pair 16 list-size/2 unview/only gui view/options center-face layout gui-block [resize] ] resize-fit: does [ gui-size: system/view/screen-face/pane/1/size resize-grid (gui-size/1 / list-size/1 - .1) ] insert-event-func [either event/type = 'resize [resize-fit none] [event]] gui-size: system/view/screen-face/size - 0x50 list-size: gui-size - 60x95 sl-size: as-pair 16 list-size/2 t-size: round (list-size/1 / 3) s-pos: 0 sort-order: true ovr-cnt: none svv/vid-face/color: white view/options center-face gui: layout gui-block: [ size gui-size across btn "Smaller" [resize-grid .75] btn "Bigger" [resize-grid 1.3333] btn "Fit" [resize-fit] btn #"^~" "Remove" [attempt [ indx: to-integer request-text/title/default "Row to remove:" form to-integer ovr-cnt if indx = 0 [return] if true <> request rejoin ["Remove: " pick x indx "?"] [return] remove (at x indx) show li ]] insert-btn: btn "Add" [attempt [ indx: to-integer request-text/title/default "Add values at row #:" form to-integer ovr-cnt if indx = 0 [return] new-values: reduce [ request-text request-text (form ((length? x) + 1)) ] insert/only (at x indx) new-values show li ]] btn #"m" "Move" [ old-indx: to-integer request-text/title/default "Move from row #:" form to-integer ovr-cnt new-indx: to-integer request-text/title "Move to row #:" if ((new-indx = 0) or (old-indx = 0)) [return] if true <> request rejoin ["Move: " pick x old-indx "?"] [return] move/to (at x old-indx) new-indx show li ] btn "Save" [save to-file request-file/save x] btn "Load" [y: copy x: copy load request-file/only show li] btn "Read Me" [alert help-txt] btn "View Data" [editor x] return space 0x0 style header button as-pair t-size 20 black white bold header "Random Text" [sort-column 1] header "Random Number" [sort-column 2] header "Unique Key" [sort-column 3] button black "r" 17x20 [if true = request "Reset?"[x: copy y show li]] return li: list list-size [ style cell text t-size feel [ over: func [f o] [ if (o and (ovr-cnt <> f/data)) [ovr-cnt: f/data show li] ] engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'up [ f/text: request-text/default f/text show li ] ] ] across space 0x0 col1: cell blue col2: cell col3: cell red ] supply [ either even? count [face/color: white] [face/color: 240.240.255] count: count + s-pos if none? q: pick x count [face/text: copy "" exit] if ovr-cnt = count [face/color: 200.200.255] face/data: count face/text: pick q index ] sl: scroller sl-size [s-pos: (length? x) * value show li] key keycode [up] [key-scroll -1] key keycode [down] [key-scroll 1] key keycode [page-up] [key-scroll -20] key keycode [page-down] [key-scroll 20] key keycode [insert] [do-face insert-btn 1] ] [resize] REBOL [title: "File-Explorer"] closer: insert-event-func [either event/type = 'close [quit] [event]] sort-column: func [field] [ either sort-order: not sort-order [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) > (at b field)] ] [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) < (at b field)] ] show li ] do-no-closer: func [the-code] [ remove-event-func :closer do the-code closer: insert-event-func [either event/type = 'close [quit] [event]] ] do file-request: [ y: copy [] append y copy read %. insert head y "../" x: copy [] my-file: %none sort-order: false foreach i y [ append/only x reduce [ i (size? to-file i) (modified? to-file i) (suffix? to-file i) ] ] slider-pos: 0 view center-face layout [ across space 0x0 backdrop white h2 390 coal rejoin ["File: (" (length? y) - 1 ")"] [sort-column 1] h2 90 coal "Size:" [sort-column 2] h2 180 coal "Modified:" [sort-column 3] h2 right 50 coal "Type:" [sort-column 4] return li: list 750x360 [ across space 0x0 text 390 bold [ if face/text [ either #"/" = last (new-dir: copy face/text) [ unless %/ = clean-path to-file new-dir [ change-dir to-file new-dir unview do file-request ] ] [ my-file: join what-dir to-file face/text unview ] ] ] text 90 purple text 180 red italic text 50 return box 0.0.240 750x1 ] supply [ count: count + slider-pos if none? q: pick x count [face/text: none exit] face/text: pick q index ] scroller 16x360 [ lst-cnt: to-integer li/size/y / li/subface/size/y value: to-integer value * max 0 (length? y) - lst-cnt if slider-pos <> value [slider-pos: value show li] ] return h3 700 0.0.120 form what-dir ; right ] ; probe my-file halt case [ #"/" = (last my-file) [] %.wav = (suffix? my-file) [ if error? try [ insert s: open sound:// load my-file wait s close s ] [close s alert "Incompatible wave file"] ] %.r = (suffix? my-file) [ launch my-file ] find [%.html %.html] (suffix? my-file) [ browse my-file ] find [%.jpg %.png %.gif %.bmp] (suffix? my-file) [ do-no-closer [view center-face layout [image load my-file]] ] find [ %.pdf %.exe %.mp3 %.mid %.avi %.mpg %.mp4 %.swf %.doc %.rtf %.xls %.ttf %.bat %.msi ] (suffix? my-file) [call my-file] find [%.dll %.bin %.sys] (suffix? my-file) [ alert "This type of file should not be opened directly." ] true [do-no-closer [editor my-file]] ] do file-request ] REBOL [title: "RebGUI Data Card File"] do load-thru write/append %data.txt "" database: load %data.txt display "RebGUI Card File" [ text 20 "Select:" names: drop-list #LW data (sort extract copy database 4) [ marker: find database pick names/data names/picked set-text n copy first marker set-text a copy second marker set-text p copy third marker set-text o copy fourth marker ] after 2 text 20 "Name:" n: field #LW "" text 20 "Address:" a: field #LW "" text 20 "Phone:" p: field #LW "" after 1 text "Notes:" o: area #LW "" after 3 button -1 "Save" [ if (n/text = "") [alert "You must enter a name." return] if find (sort extract copy database 4) copy n/text [ either true = question "Overwrite existing record?" [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 ] [return] ] database: repend database [ copy n/text copy a/text copy p/text copy o/text ] save %data.txt database set-data names (sort extract copy database 4) set-text names copy n/text ] button -1 "Delete" [ if true = question rejoin ["Delete " copy n/text "?"] [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 save %data.txt database set-data names (sort extract copy database 4) set-values face/parent-face ["" "" "" "" ""] ] ] button -1 "New" [ set-values face/parent-face ["" "" "" "" ""] ] ] do-events REBOL [title: "RebGUI Text Editor"] unless exists? %ui.dat [ write %ui.dat read ] do load-thru ; Build#117 ; do %rebgui.r filename: %temp.txt make-dir %./edit_history/ backup: does [ if ((length? x/text) > 0) [ write rejoin [ %./edit_history/ last split-path filename "_" now/date "_" replace/all form now/time ":" "-" ] x/text ] ] ctx-rebgui/on-fkey/f5: does [ backup write filename x/text launch filename ] display/maximize/close "RebGUI Editor" [ tight menu #LW data [ "File" [ " New " [ if true = question "Erase Current Text?" [ backup filename: %temp.txt set-text x copy "" ] ] " Open " [ filetemp: to-file request-file/file filename if filetemp = %none [return] backup set-text x read filename: filetemp ] " Save " [ backup write filename x/text ] " Save As " [ filetemp: to-file request-file/save/file filename if filetemp = %none [return] backup write filename: filetemp x/text ] " Save and Run " [ backup write filename x/text launch filename ] " Print " [ write %./edit_history/print-file.html rejoin [ {<}{pre}{>} x/text {<}{pre}{>} ] browse %./edit_history/print-file.html ] " Quit " [ if true = question "Really Close?" [backup quit] ] ] "Options" [ " Appearance " [request-ui] ] "Help" [ " Shortcut Keys " [ alert trim { F5: Save and Run Ctrl+Z: Undo Ctrl+Y: Redo Esc: Undo All Ctrl+S: Spellcheck } ] ] ] return x: area #LHW ] [ if true = question "Really Close?" [backup quit] ] do-events REBOL [title: "Voice Alarms"] lib: load/library %winmm.dll mci: make routine! [c [string!] return: [logic!]] lib "mciExecute" write %play-alarm.r { REBOL [] wait 0 the-sound: load %tmp.wav evnt: load %event.tmp if (evnt = []) [evnt: "Test"] forever [ if error? try [ insert s: open sound:// the-sound wait s close s ] [ alert "Error playing sound!" ] delay: :00:07 s: request/timeout [ join uppercase evnt " alarm - repeats until you click 'stop':" "Continue" "STOP" ] delay if s = false [break] ] } current: rejoin [form now/date newline form now/time] view center-face layout [ c: box black 400x200 font-size 50 current rate :00:01 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'time [ c/text: rejoin [form now/date newline form now/time] show c if error? try [ foreach evnt (to-block events/text) [ if any [ evnt/1 = form rejoin [ now/date {/} now/time ] evnt/1 = form now/time ] [ if error? try [ save %event.tmp form evnt/3 write/binary %tmp.wav read/binary to-file evnt/2 launch %play-alarm.r ] [ alert "Error playing sound!" ] ; request/timeout [(form evnt/3) "Ok"] :00:05 ] ] ] [] ; do nothing if user is manually editing events ] ] ] h3 "Alarm Events (these CAN be edited manually):" events: area ; {[8:00:00am %alarm1.wav "Test Alarm - DELETE ME"]} across btn "Record Alarm Sound" [ mci "open new type waveaudio alias wav" mci "record wav" request ["*** NOW RECORDING *** Click 'stop' to end:" "STOP"] mci "stop wav" if error? try [x: first request-file/file/save %alarm1.wav] [ mci "close wav" return ] mci rejoin ["save wav " to-local-file x] mci "close wav" request [rejoin ["Here's how " form x " sounds..."] "Listen"] if error? try [ save %event.tmp "test" write/binary %tmp.wav read/binary to-file x launch %play-alarm.r ] [ alert "Error playing sound!" ] ] btn "Add Event" [ event-name: request-text/title/default "Event Title:" "Event 1" the-time: request-text/title/default "Enter a date/time:" rejoin [ now/date {/} now/time ] if error? try [set-time: to-date the-time] [ if error? try [set-time: to-time the-time] [ alert "Not a valid time!" break ] ] my-sound: request-file/title/file ".WAV file:""" %alarm1.wav if my-sound = none [break] event-block: copy [] append event-block form the-time append event-block my-sound append event-block event-name either events/text = "" [spacer: ""][spacer: newline] events/text: rejoin [events/text spacer (mold event-block)] show events ] btn "Save Events" [ write to-file request-file/file/save %alarm_events.txt events/text ] btn "Load Events" [ if error? try [ events/text: read to-file request-file/file %alarm_events.txt ] [return] show events ] ] REBOL [title: "Little 3D Game"] beep-sound: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJwBUQKu/VJJRkZJAgAAV0FWRWZtdCAQAAAAAQABABErAAARKwAAAQAIAGRhdGEl AgAA0d3f1cGadFQ+T2Z9jn1lSjM8T2uNsM/j7Midc05PWGh4eXVrXE5DQEZumsTn 4M2yk3hiVU9fcX+GcFU8KkNmj7rR3+HYroJbPUpfdoqAbldBP0ZWbpW62OvRrohk WlleaHB2dW9bRzo1WYWy3OHbyrKObVNCVGp/jXpgRC48Vnievtfm6MCUaUVLWW1/ fXNkUkdCRlN7ps3r3cSkgm1fWFhmdH2AaVA6LElwnMja4dzNpHtXPUxje45/aVA5 PUtif6TG3uvMpHtXU1lkcnd2cGVURT0+ZJC84+HUvaGCZ1NIWm6AinVaQCtAX4Wu yt3k37aJYEBKXXOHf3FdSEJET2KJsdPr1reUcGJbW2FsdXl2YUs5MFF7qdPe3tO+ mHNUP1Bnfo59ZEkyPFFukbTR5OvGm3BMTVlpent1aVpMQ0FJcZ3I6uHMsJB2YlZR YXJ/hW5UOypEaJK90+Dg1qyBWjxKYHeLgG1WPz9HWXKYvNnr0KyFYVhZX2pydnVu Wkc7N1yHtN3h2sivjGxTRFZrgI15X0MtPVh7osHZ5ua+kmdES1tvgn5zY1BGQ0hW fqjO69vBoX9rXllaaHV9fmhPOi1Lcp/K2+DayaF4Vj1NY3uNfmhONjxLZIKnyODr yqJ4VFFYZHN3dm5iUUM9QGaTv+Th0rqdf2VTSltvgIl0WT4rQGCIssze5N60iF8/ Sl10h39vW0ZBRFFljLPU69W1kG1gWlxiYHkWb1ECAAA= } alert { Try to click the bouncing REBOLs as many times as possible in 30 seconds. The speed increases with each click! } do game: [ speaker: open sound:// g: 12 i: 5 h: i * g j: negate h x: y: z: w: sc: 0 v2: v1: 1 o: now img1: to-image layout [backcolor brown box red center logo.gif] img2: to-image layout [backcolor aqua box yellow center logo.gif] img3: to-image layout [backcolor green box tan center logo.gif] cube: [[h h j][h h h][h j j][h j h][j h j][j h h][j j j][j j h]] view center-face layout/tight [ f: box white 550x550 rate 15 feel [engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'time [ b: copy [] x: x + 3 y: y + 3 ; z: z + 3 repeat n 8 [ if w > 500 [v1: 0] if w < 50 [v1: 1] either v1 = 1 [w: w + 1] [w: w - 1] if j > (g * i * 1.4) [v2: 0] if j < 1 [v2: 1] either v2 = 1 [h: h - 1] [h: h + 1] j: negate h p: reduce pick cube n zx: p/1 * cosine z - (p/2 * sine z) - p/1 zy: p/1 * sine z + (p/2 * cosine z) - p/2 yx: (p/1 + zx * cosine y) - (p/3 * sine y) - p/1 - zx yz: (p/1 + zx * sine y) + (p/3 * cosine y) - p/3 xy: (p/2 + zy * cosine x) - (p/3 + yz * sine x) - p/2 - zy append b as-pair (p/1 + yx + zx + w) (p/2 + zy + xy + w) ] f/effect: [draw [ image img1 b/6 b/2 b/4 b/8 image img2 b/6 b/5 b/1 b/2 image img3 b/1 b/5 b/7 b/3 ]] show f if now/time - o/time > :00:20 [ close speaker either true = request [ join "Time's Up! Final Score: " sc "Again" "Quit" ] [do game] [quit] ] ] if a = 'down [ xblock: copy [] yblock: copy [] repeat n 8 [ append xblock first pick b n append yblock second pick b n ] if all [ e/offset/1 >= first minimum-of xblock e/offset/1 <= first maximum-of xblock e/offset/2 >= first minimum-of yblock e/offset/2 <= first maximum-of yblock ][ insert speaker beep-sound wait speaker sc: sc + 1 t1/text: join "Score: " sc show t1 if (modulo sc 3) = 0 [f/rate: f/rate + 1] show f ] ] ]] at 200x0 t1: text brown "Click the bouncing REBOLs!" ] ] Rebol [title: "Playing Card Framework - Freecell"] flash "Downloading card images..." do load-thru unview random/seed now loop 156 [ pos1: pick cards rnd1: (random 52) * 5 pos2: pick cards rnd2: (random 52) * 5 poke cards rnd1 pos2 poke cards rnd2 pos1 ] movestyle: [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'down [ start-coord: face/offset face/data: event/offset remove find face/parent-face/pane face append face/parent-face/pane face ] if find [over away] action [ unrounded-pos: (face/offset + event/offset - face/data) snap-to-x: (round/to first unrounded-pos 80) + 20 snap-to-y: (round/to second unrounded-pos 20) + 20 face/offset: (as-pair snap-to-x snap-to-y) ] if action = 'up [ if any [ (find cards face/offset) (face/offset/2 < 20) ] [ if (face/offset/2 < 398) [face/offset: start-coord] ] replace cards start-coord face/offset arrange-cards ] show face ] ] positions: does [ temp: copy [] foreach item cards [if ((type? item) = pair!) [append temp item]] return sort temp ] arrange-cards: does [ foreach position positions [ foreach card system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane [ if (card/offset = position) and (position/2 < 398) [ remove find system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane card append system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane card ] ] ] show system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane ] gui: [size 670x510 backdrop 0.150.0 across ] foreach [card label num color pos] cards [ append gui compose [ at (pos) image load to-binary decompress (card) feel movestyle ] ] box-pos: 18x398 loop 4 [ append gui compose [ at (box-pos) box green 72x2 at (box-pos) box green 2x97 at (box-pos + 320x0) box white 72x2 at (box-pos + 320x0) box white 2x97 ] box-pos: box-pos + 80x0 ] view/new center-face layout gui arrange-cards do-events REBOL [title: "Number Verbalizer"] verbalize: func [a-number] [ if error? try [a-number: to-decimal a-number] [ return "** Error ** Input must be a decimal value" ] if a-number = 0 [return "Zero"] the-original-number: round/down a-number pennies: a-number - the-original-number the-number: the-original-number if a-number < 1 [ return join to-integer ((round/to pennies .01) * 100) "/100" ] small-numbers: [ "One" "Two" "Three" "Four" "Five" "Six" "Seven" "Eight" "Nine" "Ten" "Eleven" "Twelve" "Thirteen" "Fourteen" "Fifteen" "Sixteen" "Seventeen" "Eighteen" "Nineteen" ] tens-block: [ { } "Twenty" "Thirty" "Forty" "Fifty" "Sixty" "Seventy" "Eighty" "Ninety" ] big-numbers-block: ["Thousand" "Million" "Billion"] digit-groups: copy [] for i 0 4 1 [ append digit-groups (round/floor (mod the-number 1000)) the-number: the-number / 1000 ] spoken: copy "" for i 5 1 -1 [ flag: false hundreds: (pick digit-groups i) / 100 tens-units: mod (pick digit-groups i) 100 if hundreds <> 0 [ if none <> hundreds-portion: (pick small-numbers hundreds) [ append spoken join hundreds-portion " Hundred " ] flag: true ] tens: tens-units / 10 units: mod tens-units 10 if tens >= 2 [ append spoken (pick tens-block tens) if units <> 0 [ if none <> last-portion: (pick small-numbers units) [ append spoken rejoin [" " last-portion " "] ] flag: true ] ] if tens-units <> 0 [ if none <> tens-portion: (pick small-numbers tens-units) [ append spoken join tens-portion " " ] flag: true ] if flag = true [ commas: copy {} case [ ((i = 4) and (the-original-number > 999999999)) [ commas: {billion, } ] ((i = 3) and (the-original-number > 999999)) [ commas: {million, } ] ((i = 2) and (the-original-number > 999)) [ commas: {thousand, } ] ] append spoken commas ] ] append spoken rejoin [ "and " to-integer ((round/to pennies .01) * 100) "/100" ] return spoken ] ; HERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USE IT: print verbalize ask "Enter a number to verbalize: " halt REBOL [Title: "Console Email"] accounts: [ ["pop.server" "smtp.server" "username" "password"] ["pop.server2" "smtp.server2" "username" "password"] ["pop.server3" "smtp.server3" "username" "password"] ] empty-lines: "^/" loop 400 [append empty-lines "^/"] ; # of lines it takes to clear screen cls: does [prin {^(1B)[J}] a-line:{-----------------------------------------------------------------} select-account: does [ cls print a-line forall accounts [ print rejoin ["^/" index? accounts ": " last first accounts] ] print join "^/" a-line selected: ask "^/Select an account #: " if selected = "" [selected: 1] t: pick accounts (to-integer selected) system/schemes/pop/host: t/1 system/schemes/default/host: t/2 system/schemes/default/user: t/3 system/schemes/default/pass: t/4 system/user/email: t/5 ] send-email: func [/reply] [ cls print rejoin [a-line "^/^/Send Email:^/^/" a-line] either reply [ print join "^/^/Reply-to: " addr: form pretty/from ] [ addr: ask "^/^/Recipient Email Address: " ] either reply [ print join "^/Subject: " subject: join "re: " form pretty/subject ] [ subject: ask "^/Email Subject: " ] print {^/Body (when finished, type "end" on a seperate line):^/} print join a-line "^/" body: copy "" get-body: does [ body-line: ask "" if body-line = "end" [return] body: rejoin [body "^/" body-line] get-body ] get-body if reply [ rc: ask "^/Quote original email in your reply (Y/n)? " if ((rc = "yes") or (rc = "y") or (rc = "")) [ body: rejoin [ body "^/^/^/--- Quoting " form pretty/from ":^/" form pretty/content ] ] ] print rejoin ["^/" a-line "^/^/Sending..."] send/subject to-email addr body subject cls print "Sent^/" wait 1 ] read-email: does [ pretty: none cls print "One moment..." mail: open to-url join "pop://" system/user/email cls while [not tail? mail] [ print "Reading...^/" pretty: import-email (copy first mail) either find pretty/subject "***SPAM***" [ print join "Spam found in message #" length? mail mail: next mail ][ print empty-lines cls prin rejoin [ a-line {^/The following message is #} length? mail { from: } system/user/email {^/} a-line {^/^/} {FROM: } pretty/from {^/} {DATE: } pretty/date {^/} {SUBJECT: } pretty/subject {^/^/} a-line ] confirm: ask "^/^/Read Entire Message (Y/n): " if ((confirm = "y") or (confirm = "yes") or (confirm = "")) [ print join {^/^/} pretty/content ] print rejoin [ {^/} a-line {^/} {^/[ENTER]: Go Forward (next email)^/} {^/ "b": Go Backward (previous email)^/} {^/ "r": Reply to current email^/} {^/ "d": Delete current email^/} {^/ "q": Quit this mail box^/} {^/ Any #: Skip forward or backward this # of messages} {^/^/} a-line {^/} ] switch/default mail-command: ask "Enter Command: " [ "" [mail: next mail] "b" [mail: back mail] "r" [send-email/reply] "d" [ remove mail cls print "Email deleted!^/" wait 1 ] "q" [ close mail cls print"Mail box closed^/" wait 1 break ] ] [mail: skip mail to-integer mail-command] if (tail? mail) [mail: back mail] ] ] ] select-account forever [ cls print a-line print rejoin [ {^/"r": Read Email^/} {^/"s": Send Email^/} {^/"c": Choose a different mail account^/} {^/"q": Quit^/} ] print a-line response: ask "^/Select a menu choice: " switch/default response [ "r" [read-email] "s" [send-email] "c" [select-account] "q" [ cls print "DONE!" wait .5 quit ] ] [read-email] ] REBOL [Title: "MP3 Jukebox"] if not exists? %libwmp3.dll [ write/binary %libwmp3.dll read/binary ] lib: load/library %libwmp3.dll Mp3_Initialize: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Initialize" Mp3_OpenFile: make routine! [ return: [integer!] class [integer!] filename [string!] nWaveBufferLengthMs [integer!] nSeekFromStart [integer!] nFileSize [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_OpenFile" Mp3_Play: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Play" Mp3_Stop: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Stop" Mp3_Destroy: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Destroy" Mp3_GetStatus: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] status [struct! []] ] lib "Mp3_GetStatus" status: make struct! [ fPlay [integer!] fPause [integer!] fStop [integer!] fEcho [integer!] nSfxMode [integer!] fExternalEQ [integer!] fInternalEQ [integer!] fVocalCut [integer!] fChannelMix [integer!] fFadeIn [integer!] fFadeOut [integer!] fInternalVolume [integer!] fLoop [integer!] fReverse [integer!] ] none Mp3_Time: make struct! [ ms [integer!] sec [integer!] bytes [integer!] frames [integer!] hms_hour [integer!] hms_minute [integer!] hms_second [integer!] hms_millisecond [integer!] ] none TIME_FORMAT_SEC: 2 SONG_BEGIN: 1 SONG_CURRENT_FORWARD: 4 Mp3_Seek: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fFormat [integer!] pTime [struct! []] nMoveMethod [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Seek" Mp3_PlayLoop: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fFormatStartTime [integer!] pStartTime [struct! []] fFormatEndTime [integer!] pEndTime [struct! []] nNumOfRepeat [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_PlayLoop" Mp3_GetSongLength: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] pLength [struct! []] ] lib "Mp3_GetSongLength" Mp3_GetPosition: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] pTime [struct! []] ] lib "Mp3_GetPosition" Mp3_SetVolume: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] nLeftVolume [integer!] nRightVolume [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_SetVolume" Mp3_GetVolume: [ initialized [integer!] pnLeftVolume [integer!] pnRightVolume [integer!] return: [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_GetVolume" Mp3_VocalCut: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fEnable [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_VocalCut" Mp3_ReverseMode: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fEnable [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_ReverseMode" Mp3_Close: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Close" waves: [] foreach file read %. [ if (%.mp3 = suffix? file) [append waves file] ] append waves "(CHANGE FOLDER...)" initialized: Mp3_Initialize view center-face layout [ vh2 "Click a File to Play:" file-list: text-list data waves [ if value = "(CHANGE FOLDER...)" [ new-dir: request-dir if new-dir = none [break] change-dir new-dir waves: copy [] foreach file read %. [ if (%.mp3 = suffix? file) [append waves file] ] append waves "(CHANGE FOLDER...)" file-list/data: waves show file-list break ] Mp3_GetStatus initialized status if (status/fPlay = 0) [ file: rejoin [to-local-file what-dir "\" value] Mp3_OpenFile initialized file 1000 0 0 Mp3_Play initialized ] ] across tabs 40 text "Seek: " tab slider 140x15 [ plength: make struct! Mp3_Time compose [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Mp3_GetSongLength initialized plength location: to-integer (value * plength/sec) ptime: make struct! Mp3_Time compose [0 (location) 0 0 0 0 0 0] Mp3_Seek initialized TIME_FORMAT_SEC ptime SONG_BEGIN Mp3_Play initialized ] return text "Volume: " tab slider 140x15 [ volume: to-integer value * 100 Mp3_SetVolume initialized volume volume ] return btn "Reverse" [ Mp3_GetStatus initialized status either (status/fReverse > 0) [ Mp3_ReverseMode initialized 0 ] [ Mp3_ReverseMode initialized 1 ] ] btn "Vocal-Cut" [ Mp3_GetStatus initialized status either (status/fVocalCut > 0) [ Mp3_VocalCut initialized 0 ] [ Mp3_VocalCut initialized 1 ] ] return tabs 50 text "Loop Start:" tab start-slider: slider 120x15 [] return text "Loop End: " tab end-slider: slider 120x15 [] return btn "Play Loop" [ plength: make struct! Mp3_Time compose [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Mp3_GetSongLength initialized plength s-loc: to-integer (start-slider/data * plength/sec) pStartTime: make struct! Mp3_Time compose [0 (s-loc) 0 0 0 0 0 0] end-loc: to-integer (end-slider/data * plength/sec) pEndTime: make struct! Mp3_Time compose [0 (end-loc) 0 0 0 0 0 0] ; TIME_FORMAT_SEC: 2 Mp3_PlayLoop initialized 2 pStartTime 2 pEndTime 1000 ; 1000x ] btn 58 "Stop" [ Mp3_GetStatus initialized status if (status/fPlay > 0) [Mp3_Stop initialized] ] ] Mp3_Destroy initialized free lib REBOL [Title: "Textris"] tui: func [commands [block!]] [ string: copy "" cmd: func [s][join "^(1B)[" s] arg: parse commands [ any [ 'clear (append string cmd "J") | 'up set arg integer! (append string cmd [ arg "A"]) | 'down set arg integer! (append string cmd [ arg "B"]) | 'right set arg integer! (append string cmd [ arg "C"]) | 'left set arg integer! (append string cmd [ arg "D"]) | 'at set arg pair! (append string cmd [ arg/x ";" arg/y "H" ]) | set arg string! (append string arg) ] end ] string ] shape: [ ["####"] ["#" down 1 left 1 "#" down 1 left 1 "#" down 1 left 1 "#"] ["###" down 1 left 2 "#"] [right 1 "#" down 1 left 2 "##" down 1 left 1 "#"] [right 1 "#" down 1 left 2 "###"] ["#" down 1 left 1 "##" down 1 left 2 "#"] ["###" down 1 left 3 "#"] ["##" down 1 left 1 "#" down 1 left 1 "#"] [right 2 "#" down 1 left 3 "###"] ["#" down 1 left 1 "#" down 1 left 1 "##"] ["###" down 1 left 1 "#"] [right 1 "#" down 1 left 1 "#" down 1 left 2 "##"] ["#" down 1 left 1 "###"] ["##" down 1 left 2 "#" down 1 left 1 "#"] ["##" down 1 left 1 "##"] [right 1 "#" down 1 left 2 "##" down 1 left 2 "#"] [right 1 "##" down 1 left 3 "##"] ["#" down 1 left 1 "##" down 1 left 1 "#"] ["##" down 1 left 2 "##"] ; [" "] [" " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [" " down 1 left 2 " "] [right 1 " " down 1 left 2 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [right 1 " " down 1 left 2 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 2 " "] [" " down 1 left 3 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [right 2 " " down 1 left 3 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " "] [right 1 " " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 2 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " "] [" " down 1 left 2 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " "] [right 1 " " down 1 left 2 " " down 1 left 2 " "] [right 1 " " down 1 left 3 " "] [" " down 1 left 1 " " down 1 left 1 " "] [" " down 1 left 2 " "] ] floor: [ 21x5 21x6 21x7 21x8 21x9 21x10 21x11 21x12 21x13 21x14 21x15 ] oc: [ [0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3] [0x0 1x0 2x0 3x0] [0x0 0x1 0x2 1x1] [0x1 1x0 1x1 2x1] [0x1 1x0 1x1 1x2] [0x0 1x0 1x1 2x0] [0x0 0x1 0x2 1x0] [0x0 0x1 1x1 2x1] [0x2 1x0 1x1 1x2] [0x0 1x0 2x0 2x1] [0x0 0x1 0x2 1x2] [0x1 1x1 2x0 2x1] [0x0 1x0 1x1 1x2] [0x0 0x1 1x0 2x0] [0x0 0x1 1x1 1x2] [0x1 1x0 1x1 2x0] [0x1 0x2 1x0 1x1] [0x0 1x0 1x1 2x1] [0x0 0x1 1x0 1x1] ] width: [4 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2] score: 0 prin tui [clear] a-line: copy [] loop 11 [append a-line " "] a-line: rejoin [" |" to-string a-line "|"] loop 20 [print a-line] prin " " loop 13 [prin "+"] print "" print tui compose [ at 4x21 "TEXTRIS" at 5x21 "-------" at 7x20 "Use arrow keys" at 8x20 "to move/spin." at 10x20 "'P' = pause" at 13x20 "SCORE: " (to-string score) ] keys: open/binary/no-wait [scheme: 'console] forever [ random/seed now r: random 19 xpos: 9 for i 1 20 1 [ pos: to-pair rejoin [i "x" xpos] do compose/deep [prin tui [at (pos)] print tui shape/(r)] old-r: r old-xpos: xpos if not none? wait/all [keys :00:00.30] [ switch/default to-string copy keys [ "p" [ print tui [ at 23x0 "Press [Enter] to continue" ] ask "" print tui [ at 24x0 " " at 23x0 " " ] ] "^[[D" [if (xpos > 5) [ xpos: xpos - 1 ]] "^[[C" [if (xpos < (16 - compose width/(r))) [ xpos: xpos + 1 ]] "^[[A" [if (xpos < (16 - compose width/(r))) [ switch to-string r [ "1" [r: 2] "2" [r: 1] "3" [r: 6] "4" [r: 3] "5" [r: 4] "6" [r: 5] "7" [r: 10] "8" [r: 7] "9" [r: 8] "10" [r: 9] "11" [r: 14] "12" [r: 11] "13" [r: 12] "14" [r: 13] "15" [r: 16] "16" [r: 15] "17" [r: 18] "18" [r: 17] "19" [r: 19] ] ] ] ] [] ] do compose/deep [ prin tui [at (pos)] print tui shape/(old-r + 19) ] stop: false foreach po compose oc/(r) [ foreach coord floor [ floor-y: to-integer first coord floor-x: to-integer second coord oc-y: i + to-integer first po oc-x: xpos + to-integer second po if (oc-y = (floor-y - 1)) and (floor-x = oc-x) [ stop-shape-num: r stop: true break ] ] ] foreach po compose oc/(old-r) [ foreach coord floor [ floor-y: to-integer first coord floor-x: to-integer second coord oc-y: i + to-integer first po oc-x: old-xpos + to-integer second po if (oc-y = (floor-y - 1)) and (floor-x = oc-x) [ stop-shape-num: old-r stop: true break ] ] ] if stop = true [ left-col: second pos width-of-shape: length? compose oc/(stop-shape-num) right-col: left-col + width-of-shape - 1 counter: 1 for current-column left-col right-col 1 [ add-coord: compose oc/(stop-shape-num)/(counter) new-floor-coord: (pos + add-coord) append floor new-floor-coord counter: counter + 1 ] break ] ] do compose/deep [prin tui [at (pos)] print tui shape/(old-r)] if (first pos) < 2 [ prin tui [at 23x0] print " GAME OVER!!!^/^/" halt ] score: score + 10 print tui compose [at 13x28 (to-string score)] for row 1 20 1 [ line-is-full: true for colmn 5 15 1 [ each-coord: to-pair rejoin [row "x" colmn] if not find floor each-coord [ line-is-full: false break ] ] if line-is-full = true [ remove-each cor floor [(first cor) = row] new-floor: copy [ 21x5 21x6 21x7 21x8 21x9 21x10 21x11 21x12 21x13 21x14 21x15 ] foreach cords floor [ either ((first cords) < row) [ append new-floor (cords + 1x0) ][ append new-floor cords ] ] floor: copy unique new-floor score: score + 1000 prin tui [clear] loop 20 [print a-line] prin " " loop 13 [prin "+"] print "" print tui compose [ at 4x21 "TEXTRIS" at 5x21 "-------" at 7x20 "Use arrow keys" at 8x20 "to move/spin." at 10x20 "'P' = pause" at 13x20 "SCORE: " (to-string score) ] foreach was-here floor [ if not ((first was-here) = 21) [ prin tui compose [at (was-here)] prin "#" ] ] ] ] ] #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Bulletin Board" filename: %bb.cgi] print {content-type: text/html^/} print read %template_header.html bbs: load %bb.db print {
Please REFRESH this page to see new messages.
} print-all: does [ print {

Posted Messages:

} foreach bb (reverse bbs) [ print rejoin [ {
Date/Time: } bb/2 { } {"Name: } bb/1 {

} bb/3 {

} ] ] ] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string if submitted/2 <> none [ entry: copy [] append entry submitted/2 append entry to-string (now + 3:00) append entry submitted/4 append/only bbs entry save %bb.db bbs print {
Your message has been added:
} ] print-all print { Post A New Public Message:

Your Name:

Your Message:

} print read %template_footer.html #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Simple Search" filename: %search.cgi] print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["Search"] ; print read %template_header.html submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string if not empty? submitted [ phrase: submitted/2 start-folder: to-file submitted/4 change-dir start-folder found-list: "" recurse: func [current-folder] [ foreach item (read current-folder) [ if not dir? item [ if error? try [ if find (read to-file item) phrase [ print rejoin [{"} phrase {" found in: } what-dir item {
}] found-list: rejoin [found-list newline what-dir item] ]] [print rejoin ["error reading " item]] ] ] foreach item (read current-folder) [ if dir? item [ change-dir item recurse %.\ change-dir %..\ ] ] ] print rejoin [{SEARCHING for "} phrase {" in } start-folder {

}] recurse %.\ print "
" ; save %found.txt found-list ; print read %template_footer.html quit ] print [
] print [
] print ["Text to search for:"

] print ["Folder to search in:"

] print [] print [
] print [
] ; print read %template_footer.html quit #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Event Calendar"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print {Event Calendar} bbs: load %bb.db date: now/date html: copy rejoin [ {
} ] days: ["Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"] foreach day days [ append html rejoin [ {} ] ] append html {} sdate: date sdate/day: 0 loop sdate/weekday // 7 + 1 [append html {}] while [sdate/day: sdate/day + 1 sdate/month = date/month][ event-labels: {} foreach entry bbs [ date-in-entry: 1-Jan-1001 attempt [date-in-entry: (to-date entry/2)] if (date-in-entry = sdate) [ event-labels: rejoin [ {} event-labels "

" {} entry/1 {} "
" {
} ] ] ] append html rejoin [ {} ] if sdate/weekday = 6 [append html {}] ] loop 7 - sdate/weekday [append html rejoin [{}]] append html {
} pick system/locale/months date/month { } date/year {
} day {
} sdate/day event-labels {
} print html quit { Events are stored in the file %bb.db, in the format: ["event 1" 18-Apr-2010] ["event 2" 20-Apr-2010] ["event 3" 20-Apr-2010] } #! /home/path/public_html/rebol/rebol276 -cs REBOL [Title: "CGI Console" filename: %edit.cgi] print "content-type: text/html^/" print {Console} selection: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string if ((selection/2 = none) or (selection/4 = none)) [ print { W A R N I N G - Private Server, Login Required:



} quit ] qq: [ print {

} ] if selection/2 = "command-submitted" [ write %commands.txt join "REBOL[]^/" selection/4 ; The "call" function requires REBOL version 2.76: call/output/error "/home/path/public_html/rebol/rebol276 -qs commands.txt" %conso.txt %conse.txt print rejoin [ {

} {
        read %conso.txt

} {Errors:

} read %conse.txt {
} ] do qq quit ] username: selection/2 password: selection/4 either (username = "user") and (password = "pass") [] [ print "Incorrect Username/Password." quit ] do qq #!./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Text Editor"] print {content-type: text/html^/} print {Edit Text Document} read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: decode-cgi read-cgi if submitted/2 = "save" [ ; save newly edited document: write to-file rejoin ["./" submitted/6 "/document.txt"] submitted/4 print ["Document Saved."] print rejoin [ {} ] quit ] if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print { W A R N I N G - Private Server, Login Required:



} quit ] userlist: load %userlist.txt folder: submitted/2 password: submitted/4 response: false foreach user userlist [ if ((first user) = folder) and (password = (second user)) [ response: true ] ] if response = false [print {Incorrect Username/Password.} quit] cur-time: to-string replace/all to-string now/time {:} {-} ; backup document_text: read to-file rejoin [{./} folder {/document.txt}] write to-file rejoin [ {./} folder {/} now/date {_} cur-time {.txt}] document_text prin { Be sure to SUBMIT when done:

} {<\/textarea>} print {

} print rejoin [{}] print {} print {
} print {} #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Event Signup" filename: %event.cgi] print {content-type: text/html^/} print {Event Sign-Up} events: load %event.db a-line: [] loop 65 [append a-line "-"] a-line: trim to-string a-line print {
" Sign up for an event:"

Student Name:

ADD yourself to this event: "

REMOVE yourself from this event:

} print-all: does [ print [

] print " Currently scheduled events, and current attendance:" print [
] foreach event events [ print rejoin [a-line {
} event/1 {BR} a-line {
}] for person 2 (length? event) 1 [ print event/:person print {
} ] print {
} ] print {} ] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string if submitted/2 <> none [ if ((submitted/4 = "") and (submitted/6 = "")) [ print { Please try again. You must choose an event. } print-all quit ] if ((submitted/4 <> "") and (submitted/6 <> "")) [ print { Please try again. Choose add OR remove. } print-all quit ] if submitted/4 = "all" [ foreach event events [append event submitted/2] save %event.db events print { Your name has been added to every event: } print-all quit ] if submitted/6 = "all" [ foreach event events [ if find event submitted/2 [ remove-each name event [name = submitted/2] save %event.db events ] ] print { Your name has been removed from all events: } print-all quit ] foreach event events [ if (find event submitted/4) [ append event submitted/2 save %event.db events print { Your name has been added to the selected event: } print-all quit ] ] found: false foreach event events [ if (find event submitted/6) [ if (find event submitted/2) [ remove-each name event [name = submitted/2] save %event.db events print { Your name has been removed from the selected event: } print-all quit found: true ] ] ] if found <> true [ print { That name is not found in the specified event!" } print-all quit ] ] print-all #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI File Downloader"] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string root-path: "/home/path" if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["W A R N I N G - "] print ["Private Server, Login Required:"

] print [
] print [" Username: "

] print [" Password: "

] print [" File: "

] print [] print [

] print [] print [
] quit ] username: submitted/2 password: submitted/4 either (username = "user") and (password = "pass") [ ; if user/pass is ok, go on ][ print "content-type: text/html^/" print "Incorrect Username/Password." quit ] print rejoin [ "Content-Type: application/x-unknown" newline "Content-Length: " (size? to-file join root-path submitted/6) newline "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" (second split-path to-file submitted/6) newline ] data: read/binary to-file join root-path submitted/6 data-length: size? to-file join root-path submitted/6 write-io system/ports/output data data-length #!../rebol276 -cs REBOL [Title: "Kindle Email"] print {content-type: text/html^/^/} print {Kindle Email} read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: decode-cgi submitted-bin: read-cgi if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print { W A R N I N G - Private Server:



} quit ] accounts: [ ["pop.server1" "smtp.server1" "username1" "password1"] ["pop.server2" "smtp.server2" "username2" "password2"] ["pop.server3" "smtp.server3" "username3" "password3"] ] myusername: "username" mypassword: "password" username: submitted/2 password: submitted/4 either ((username = myusername) and (password = mypassword)) [][ print "Incorrect Username/Password." print {} quit ] if submitted/6 = "read" [ account: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/8) mail-content: read [ scheme: 'POP host: account/1 port-id: 110 user: account/3 pass: account/4 ] mail-count: length? mail-content for i 1 mail-count 1 [ single-message: import-email (pick mail-content i) print rejoin [ i {)   } single-message/subject {   delete
        } single-message/from {
} ] ] quit ] if submitted/6 = "displaymessage" [ compressed-message: copy join "#{" submitted/8 print "
"  print decompress load compressed-message  print "
if ((submitted/6 = "send") or (submitted/6 = "delete")) [
    my-account: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/8)
    system/schemes/pop/host:  my-account/1
    system/schemes/default/host: my-account/2
    system/schemes/default/user: my-account/3 
    system/schemes/default/pass: my-account/4 
    system/user/email: my-account/5
if submitted/6 = "send" [
    print "Sending..."
    header: make system/standard/email [
        To: to-email submitted/10
        From: to-email my-account/5
        Subject: submitted/12
    send/header (to-email submitted/10) (trim submitted/14) header
    print "Sent"
if submitted/6 = "delete" [
    mail: open to-url join "pop://" system/user/email
    while [not tail? mail] [
        pretty: import-email (copy first mail)
        either all [
            pretty/subject = submitted/10
            form pretty/date = submitted/12
            form pretty/from = submitted/14
            remove mail  print "Deleted"  wait 1
            mail: next mail
print {


} for i 1 (length? accounts) 1 [ print rejoin [ i {)   } (first pick accounts i) {
} ] ] print rejoin [ {


From Account #:



} quit #! ./rebol -cs REBOL [Title: "CGI HTTP File Uploader"] print {content-type: text/html^/} print {File Upload} print {

} print {

} read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: read-cgi if submitted/2 = none [ print {
Upload File:

} quit ] decode-multipart-form-data: func [ p-content-type p-post-data /local list ct bd delim-beg delim-end non-cr non-lf non-crlf mime-part ] [ list: copy [] if not found? find p-content-type "multipart/form-data" [return list] ct: copy p-content-type bd: join "--" copy find/tail ct "boundary=" delim-beg: join bd crlf delim-end: join crlf bd non-cr: complement charset reduce [ cr ] non-lf: complement charset reduce [ newline ] non-crlf: [ non-cr | cr non-lf ] mime-part: [ ( ct-dispo: content: none ct-type: "text/plain" ) delim-beg ; mime-part start delimiter "content-disposition: " copy ct-dispo any non-crlf crlf opt [ "content-type: " copy ct-type any non-crlf crlf ] crlf ; content delimiter copy content to delim-end crlf ; mime-part end delimiter ( handle-mime-part ct-dispo ct-type content ) ] handle-mime-part: func [ p-ct-dispo p-ct-type p-content /local tmp name value val-p ] [ p-ct-dispo: parse p-ct-dispo {;="} name: to-set-word (select p-ct-dispo "name") either (none? tmp: select p-ct-dispo "filename") and (found? find p-ct-type "text/plain") [ value: content ] [ value: make object! [ filename: copy tmp type: copy p-ct-type content: either none? p-content [none][copy p-content] ] ] either val-p: find list name [change/only next val-p compose [(first next val-p) (value)]] [append list compose [(to-set-word name) (value)]] ] use [ct-dispo ct-type content] [ parse/all p-post-data [some mime-part "--" crlf] ] list ] cgi-object: construct decode-multipart-form-data system/options/cgi/content-type copy submitted the-file: last split-path to-file copy cgi-object/photo/filename write/binary the-file cgi-object/photo/content print { UPLOAD COMPLETE

Files currently in this folder:

} folder: sort read %. foreach file folder [ print [rejoin [{} file {
}]] ] print {
} #! ./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "CGI WAP File Viewer"] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string prin {Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml^/^/} prin {^/} prin {^/} if submitted/2 = none [ print {

} ; print {Name: } folders: copy [] foreach folder read %./Teachers/ [ if find to-string folder {/} [append folders to-string folder] ] print {Teacher: Submit } print {

} quit ] count: 0 parse read join submitted/2 [ thru submitted/2 copy p to "past students" ] print {} forskip p 130 [ count: count + 1 print rejoin [ {

} ] print rejoin [ {Next} ] print rejoin [{Back}] print copy/part p 130 print {

} ] print {
} quit #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "CGI WAP File Insert"] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string prin {Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml^/^/} prin {^/} prin {^/} if submitted/2 = none [ print {

} print {Insert Text: } folders: copy [] foreach folder read %./Teachers/ [ if find to-string folder {/} [ append folders to-string folder ] ] print {Teacher: Submit } print {

} quit ] chosen-file: rejoin [%./Teachers/ submitted/2 "/schedule.txt"] adjusted-file: read/lines chosen-file insert next next next next adjusted-file submitted/4 write/lines chosen-file adjusted-file count: 0 parse read join submitted/2 [ thru submitted/2 copy p to "past students" ] print {} forskip p 130 [ count: count + 1 print rejoin [ {

} ] print rejoin [ {Next} ] print rejoin [{Back}] print copy/part p 130 print {

} ] print {
} quit #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "CGI WAP Mail Reader"] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string prin {Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml^/^/} prin {^/} prin {^/} accounts: [ ["pop.server" "smtp.server" "username" "password"] ["pop.server2" "smtp.server2" "username" "password"] ["pop.server3" "smtp.server3" "username" "password"] ] if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/2 = none)) [ print {

} print {Account: Submit } print {

} quit ] if submitted/4 = "readselect" [ t: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/2) system/schemes/pop/host: t/1 system/schemes/default/host: t/2 system/schemes/default/user: t/3 system/schemes/default/pass: t/4 system/user/email: t/5 prin {

} prin rejoin [{}] prin { Submit

} quit ] if submitted/2 = "display" [ t: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/6) system/schemes/pop/host: t/1 system/schemes/default/host: t/2 system/schemes/default/user: t/3 system/schemes/default/pass: t/4 system/user/email: t/5 prin {

} mail: read to-url join "pop://" system/user/email foreach message mail [ pretty: import-email message if pretty/subject = submitted/4 [ replace/all pretty/content {"} {} replace/all pretty/content {&} {} replace/all pretty/content {3d} {} strip: copy "" foreach item (load/markup pretty/content) [ if ((type? item) = string!) [strip: join strip item] ] prin strip ] ] print {

} quit ] #! /home/path/public_html/rebol/rebol -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Remove Unwanted Emails"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["Remove Emails"] spam: [ {Failure} {Undeliverable} {failed} {Returned Mail} {not be delivered} {mail status notification} {Mail Delivery Subsystem} {(Delay)} ] print "logging in..." mail: open pop:// print "logged in" while [not tail? mail] [ either any [ (find first mail spam/1) (find first mail spam/2) (find first mail spam/3) (find first mail spam/4) (find first mail spam/5) (find first mail spam/6) (find first mail spam/7) (find first mail spam/8) ][ remove mail print "removed" ][ mail: next mail ] print length? mail ] close mail print [] quit #!./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Basic HTML Demonstration"] print {content-type: text/html^/} print {

This is some header text

This header text is smaller

In HTML, all spaces, tabs, newlines and other white spaces are compressed (i.e., this text is all printed on the same line, and wrapped to the length of the screen, and these spaces are all compressed to one space. If you want to explicitly display a certain number of spaces, use these characters:     For newlines (carriage returns), use the "br" tag:

To adjust text size and color, use the "font" tag:

Little blue text
Big red text

To display a link to a web site, use the "a" tag:

To display images, use the "img" tag:

To make an image link to a URL, use "img" and "a":

click the image:

This text is bolded.

        The "pre" tag displays preformatted text.
        Spaces, tabs, newlines, etc. are kept intact.
You can add a horizontal separator line with the "hr" tag:

Center anything on a page with the "center" tag:

Centered Text

Tables are used to display rows and columns of data. They can also be used to align portions of an HTML page in certain areas of the screen (i.e., to layout menu bar areas, headers, main content areas, and footers):

"tr" tags are rows
"td" tags are columns
You can set "td"s to span as many columns as needed, using the "colspan" setting, and you can use the "valign" property to set where in the cell text is placed. "bgcolor" sets the cell's background color. You can set size properties of all different parts of the table, using either percentage or pixel values.
Try resizing the page to see how centering, text wrapping and table layouts work. } #!./rebol -cs REBOL [title: "Generic HTML Page With Tables"] print {content-type: text/html^/} print { Generic HTML Page With Tables
Your page content goes here.

Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved.

} Table Based Page Layout, No Menu


Home : Contact

Copyright © 2010 This Web Site. All rights reserved.

Table Based Layout Template, With Menu






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REBOL [title: "chmod777to555"] start-dir: what-dir all-files: to-file join start-dir %find777all.txt write all-files "" recurse: func [current-folder] [ out-data: copy "" write/append all-files rejoin["CURRENT_DIRECTORY: " what-dir newline] call/output {ls -al} out-data write/append all-files join out-data newline foreach item (read current-folder) [ if dir? item [ change-dir item recurse %.\ change-dir %..\ ] ] ] recurse %.\ file-list: to-file join start-dir %found777.txt write file-list "" current-directory: "" foreach line (read/lines all-files) [ if find line "CURRENT_DIRECTORY: " [ current-directory: line ] if find line "rwxrwxrwx" [ write/append file-list rejoin [ (find/match current-directory "CURRENT_DIRECTORY: ") (last parse/all line " ") ] write/append file-list newline ] ] foreach file (read/lines file-list) [ call rejoin [{chmod 755 } (to-local-file file)] ] REBOL [title: "FTP Tool"] Instructions: { Enter your username, password, and FTP URL in the text field, and hit [ENTER]. BE SURE TO END YOUR FTP URL PATH WITH "/". URLs can be saved and loaded in multiple config files for future use. CONFIG FILES ARE STORED AS PLAIN TEXT, SO KEEP THEM SECURE. Click folders to browse through any dir on your web server. Click text files to open, edit and save changes back to the server. Click images to view. Also upload/download any type of file, create new files and folders, change file names, copy and delete files, change permissions, etc. } connect: does [ either (to-string last p/text) = "/" [ if error? try [ f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f ][ alert "Not a valid FTP address, or the connection failed." ] ][ editor to-url p/text ] ] view center-face layout [ p: field 600 "" [connect] across btn "Connect" [connect] btn "Load URL" [ config: to-file request-file/file %/c/ftp.cfg either exists? config [ if (config <> %none) [ my-urls: copy [] foreach item read/lines config [append my-urls item] if error? try [ p/text: copy request-list "Select a URL:" my-urls ] [break] ] ][ alert "First, save some URLs to that file..." ] show p focus p ] btn "Save URL" [ url: request-text/title/default "URL to save:" p/text if url = none [break] config-file: to-file request-file/file/save %/c/ftp.cfg if (url <> none) and (config-file <> %none) [ if not exists? config-file [ write/lines config-file ] write/append/lines config-file to-url url alert "Saved" ] ] below f: text-list 600x350 [ either (to-string value) = "../" [ for i ((length? p/text) - 1) 1 -1 [ if (to-string (pick p/text i)) = "/" [ clear at p/text (i + 1) show p f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f break ] ] ][ either (to-string last value) = "/" [ p/text: rejoin [p/text value] show p f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f ][ if ((request "Edit/view this file?") = true) [ either find [%.jpg %.png %.gif %.bmp] suffix? value [ view/new layout [ image load to-url join p/text value ] ][ editor to-url rejoin [p/text value] ] ] ] ] ] across btn "Get Info" [ p-file: to-url rejoin [p/text f/picked] alert rejoin ["Size: " size? p-file " Date: " modified? p-file] ] btn "Delete" [ p-file: to-url request-text/title/default "File to delete:" join p/text f/picked if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [delete p-file] f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f if confirm = true [alert "File deleted"] ] btn "Rename" [ new-name: to-file request-text/title/default "New File Name:" to-string f/picked if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [ rename (to-url join p/text f/picked) new-name ] f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f if confirm = true [alert "File renamed"] ] btn "Copy" [ new-name: to-url request-text/title/default "New Path:" (join p/text f/picked) if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [ write/binary new-name read/binary to-url join p/text f/picked ] f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f if confirm = true [alert "File copied"] ] btn "New File" [ p-file: to-url request-text/title/default "New File Name:" join p/text "ENTER-A-FILENAME.EXT" if ((confirm: request "Are you sure?") = true) [ write p-file "" ; editor p-file ] f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f if confirm = true [alert "Empty file created - click to edit."] ] btn "New Dir" [ make-dir x: to-url request-text/title/default "New folder:" p/text alert "Folder created" p/text: x show p f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f ] btn "Download" [ file: request-text/title/default "File:" (join p/text f/picked) l-file: next to-string (find/last (to-string file) "/") save-as: request-text/title/default "Save as..." to-string l-file write/binary (to-file save-as) (read/binary to-url file) alert "Download Complete" ] btn "Upload" [ file: to-file request-file r-file: request-text/title/default "Save as..." join p/text (to-string to-relative-file file) write/binary (to-url r-file) (read/binary file) f/data: sort append read to-url p/text "../" show f alert "Upload Complete" ] btn "Chmod" [ p-file: to-url request-text/default rejoin [p/text f/picked] chmod: to-block request-text/title/default "Permissions:" "read write execute" write/binary/allow p-file (read/binary p-file) chmod alert "Permissions changed" ] btn-help [inform layout[backcolor white text bold as-is instructions]] do [focus p] ] REBOL [title: "Jeopardy"] config: { REBOL [] ;________________________________________________________________ sizer: 4 Category-1: "Category 1" Category-2: "Category 2" Category-3: "Category 3" Category-4: "Category 4" Category-5: "Category 5" answers: [ "$100 Answer, Category 1" "$100 Answer, Category 2" "$100 Answer, Category 3" "$100 Answer, Category 4" "$100 Answer, Category 5" "$200 Answer, Category 1" "$200 Answer, Category 2" "$200 Answer, Category 3" "$200 Answer, Category 4" "$200 Answer, Category 5" "$300 Answer, Category 1" "$300 Answer, Category 2" "$300 Answer, Category 3" "$300 Answer, Category 4" "$300 Answer, Category 5" "$400 Answer, Category 1" "$400 Answer, Category 2" "$400 Answer, Category 3" "$400 Answer, Category 4" "$400 Answer, Category 5" "$500 Answer, Category 1" "$500 Answer, Category 2" "$500 Answer, Category 3" "$500 Answer, Category 4" "$500 Answer, Category 5" ] questions: [ "$100 Question, Category 1" "$100 Question, Category 2" "$100 Question, Category 3" "$100 Question, Category 4" "$100 Question, Category 5" "$200 Question, Category 1" "$200 Question, Category 2" "$200 Question, Category 3" "$200 Question, Category 4" "$200 Question, Category 5" "$300 Question, Category 1" "$300 Question, Category 2" "$300 Question, Category 3" "$300 Question, Category 4" "$300 Question, Category 5" "$400 Question, Category 1" "$400 Question, Category 2" "$400 Question, Category 3" "$400 Question, Category 4" "$400 Question, Category 5" "$500 Question, Category 1" "$500 Question, Category 2" "$500 Question, Category 3" "$500 Question, Category 4" "$500 Question, Category 5" ] ;________________________________________________________________ } do config header: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJyVj3s804v/xz/bzGyFucRGohgm1ziuuU7CNGxWuTaxbBpyLVJUpItLcyfXNIZI jkuJboqFJsNodG9uuXRyya18ncfj93t8//4+3/+9X6/H6/1+bY1ufQKQzg5ODgAI BAIo2wNsjQE4QFQEKgoVERWFisJgomIIJAIBhyNkJSR3IuVlUSh5WTk5BSWMsoKi 6m45ORVtFVV1DawWFq2so6+jqY/RxGr+GwKCwWAIMYQMAiGjqSCnoPk/s/UMkBID dAEmBLQPAEuBIFKgrZeAIgBAQP8C/D/bT4qIbS+3xUNIAASGgiFQsNhOKPRfEQSG ANtlpKT3wmQMxGT32br7X5JHHTAKiGCW75JTNbQjkk6GZzYOqGl63Hl++UrSA952 jAIIAEH/e2AbMACCbMdsa5pSABgMgkBEwJD/c4DAAERKRNpAZq8tdJ+7PzHc7lL5 gy0BsHPbAJaCSAHWwNFKVxP98V4tOkWdfD7FEjacdjSkarU//C/n4IDH8tIsGPlr F8jSOHVpqLEgNs++1taBHGuekzY4eM/ojEII4R/1Q+ZIEH2QWTpkVWn+ntRBthgZ kympJr8jt/eRTxvTS1RNGD3meRMcm4kAZ2CAnTULVlJflfeI8BVvJWeJaNZitC7j HSzwe21RvYdfbQEZcgNoufW05RxBPLziaGaLDnMiIu5cgjXhKavuH/3ewXQVtg6Q BLgRCGfHVnFmn6LPF/fJDI1/TejRG5nB2X8vi0llhhEm3Fb/XnK+KeG/sKxkl6Py E3ZteGrG4qqpYSazc72YsFrY6n0ht0oo2EEs4dhdJjJvOThxbRVx3ruRD921c4ct XXp89nPCL1Ikh1ZwlkpvLRz53sKF8WfDpRW0V7dePB2671umDPyzp0PJxckwXbHc pTnSOjTC54hLNXHdWIVdxdi9pDKhqNWOrCdNu3LPTh8e6tlxg9pQZw/KFHWY2OGM Z33g/Y140axOK5pkwP2FSiCj0RhPPofjhXBtt52xdJjhjMZC9IMH+GNXzhlmhij6 fGjVfqN1lIHPvdV686aDXaIb6tn6gH1kYn1bpyM5Fi6c6cIsFn39lXJXLybMmRTv soo4Nv7eqf/Byy2ANn2FByPXt1Xt8KZQEjhR08GMzINfIqIfBVT7HI4YKYlv/MRP bv94k1JMSbSZATZOlnwEa64bdZBL/dZ6iEmlv1FwwpnNoCoplqla0drmB70Sd/H1 sZ9ijEDcfSc3TrdMbtAs3ZOg0+s96CofOOEnUod2Xqo2TylA/5xW1LtJzLNtp8vS 1UwD/YqprdJffrIwcdFhwvmr+CKmQDfT+P2R2AvojAzZ4RItnkwq00z74hIujcx1 Mzh42OioCXKvxeU3Ze4LhSJNyZYt72K7XrxlYf0p1TZX2MXlrulNBYgLUc2umSfJ 9fPvBnVHGUEaCRImNyxX74XvEyg79i/XIB/bfxsP1DCbf7O03rV/mvFg3u344qJ6 8IDbp3PMP47rJyasP1ii1wgX3yT4Zzh8dPztIlE1r3yH+6TqFHKa0ULlS3gTzBPE oj4lDr4sEL9lrb7w2lG5jL3+g8+L+V5QmpvPdnGOED5HQNzNxvqubX52yVriGraq tO6Jrj6r7imhjdzFQqA3yqLzMDmjNeevW4r1uGeg03qjg5oeh8z8EE0fVZ7+TelY e3W27vblk7f1nIP9tWUx+PCfl50zdzXALUJVIesptLVwlles2qRi0C0KawvonDkS 0zL7bfgZvd+C5RxyaI+NmlSmpC36BtZYzzsVXrEgGDPrIzSG/uVbdKpq2DcrlPyi N42GS+7PFLRyYffvkrYAZeof6SN31Ir1RJfPpgUQok53lbrErr+803Wn8lLXOyzc bNkDgxT0n0PxnGhFDEeBBEs3nirrFOlQfMk1ZaKTK+lOZkzuhnKYwwE1xeMToRUa m1188t34vrAtIIR9quLENPsjKebLtLCelN50PXG+jtoA74lKjV7Wr3Oc3Az4bqHH fC+6atqPZVOY5d5DeF5My+8XnELv+nu97Rt08WoK2HySEbXy6rSNWuimAyaJS7A6 SX0ou0A3F0RV4b2KuCabPbAT8W5z54Vty8Izbu7qnrLNNLxwfLHB5liKIqWUNJ90 UfHge9e0PKqdZ/zrQxifKoPGRGGVylrq3QXxlbRaHMtvl1ezceO38aWZYhJPuMJH ejSw/FUCKXPtlhuR899Au2LnD/fl/tDL75bbTwxWxWELbRTCUw+KEEO4+x4f+yK7 3NIWrBDsOyJweXaOzW5N2+4XZNVQ8GIlt3u37tUzZQKfQtWQdgLrxKIsAlpsf6tD o/ZAtHwp++FX7iNdP1t88Jk0P6Rhaytfjl1r5fos47hqjFXgyu3S1PEfY9U/P058 QWn5uLJ7wslybYFUsvopb0qbc/Nnm7CRPWdKT7sQuDHZpfn5uRG+T86/YcEu3Hrt qNEbH/QR/R0a0GSdJJ3lFmDdk2+Vrw2R/IrOT3wZ3zliXC5Qzz5s5/XnCsqU3Ryv RyQmaybczOGgx6kGS0+DCivDV/LMjJpNtDiBbQ1wOFQtcMMkZZ21r+++T2P02ZpG riura80pOBzlxXNgZhgO0q4p3T6ePqo/9ojap3RR5kcx41Jp9ustIK5ctUlT/Zsb SqOttfW3g+LDtANDVTJz3ZW78YyWXH4z+5MatFYdaTpNZtaOeCzr0gsqN9pkqlnB aJE5SAUx9MS4hQRy8gt+7QTuz+hSoPD+StBsxmHcpWWzji2A+PlddStmXqvTld7D It5HXH6KH6UkVzP4LFPesu165Bzn7PU8M+Eeca0dcPOOR8hk2tBMbjM1GnG6Th4P bTaewuxw9UHqx6WXdQZ1QgV1Wfvt0esmCRs35On1p7W1RHe+rRTwm3eeS/YJwTX1 7seY44NCcNbGVr4UV7kQr2W7n+w+J+LEqePRR6qbW9KcsOJ3lRuuNGmaedb2fnia 6r+SRnLzuwMnTD0nWOqHS+iGR0zPl9NCc3fVwrTvo/6EMaQHown3/SQZuBn+85z0 A5Qn0pwjxFWWaw5bnzpBTHGiBzh3eZuO3bPe4ffgx8rpjoETl/GxCwpXrQ0rUNzI /GzFqw/+umAS0bYoPoTMSieKOYANUqVjVOt/dJl2R8VWFsLYeUcT6hG/LbnCQaWu nYh71cfoGmhOulEmjHajoedAYNc79Jq4fcZ13veLs3U0nW8efhb3IANWlUaGEXz6 SOqrnr5OXQ9lGobK/1kkW0UBoaYMwLUk0i5sSk1kr21+Yb53rXgFBIOdMpShR70h l/ejIBs3xoZzsiML7GcHNCtryNM5U3u1WxKJDfcCM+MSQKBzcHP5l27zTafCJWtB ODP3kcH3oNnHd6pC/nY/mV99Rv1tdJ6ClirctOvPIGhOXqMuuK+OWNgib6At5uzn hDUjZBUh45SPH50uEPDDVJsQc3AvvfEGL+magCbq2xiep1ZX3aYTbenXi9+g4dfh 73l5xFvLRDrUvMFD1vLgr+e/bK6GIV6m/XJ7pBB8iLQo/iu63OmYtppIog038vOe M0qCnEPH7Ds4AirpYAGrL/tc0y4lDdT3jHiSLyb1w0K38rcmQRJwaRHrX9ZPT6Y/ kzCWO9z6mFnaBuOHBH/rVhqrMcQXkE0JBz7nD3ziZVdpWE35yFO9Tq4Fz8T5lWjk U1qQiR0I1OBDbpzMpLjyzuVxCgmbtOHcvflM3HK5lPbPNYf1oj2/U72/zl+UOsEj SsbQVq/tcZMeKOMHTdJIxKZ3KaxBN7veuhaPRHBWpofxGGz2ksnNHPPlfguPGhfj r/NsDNaRd5VnDHf8s5byWOa6TG5atR7hkLEfVbytUc6X6PR6eHpj4CyLau5BBrL2 d1wP2QJsHD7ouDj3hiskzdk2zN5mlIep3NXEgk5zuwNas4+s5hwvI9ck90b4FtBD iSSWDqbMQ2IS6FIsEbJ9RxI+Y4V7c3HQSmqh4l4Vmbb0GTMNnrRjD8cyUiouJjHT kyuWUsMHnnAXTzE3nkbF6X/2ezD1aHCjwNdz691/ABEeZGXYCwAA } do-button: func [num] [ alert pick answers num alert pick questions num if find [1 2 3 4 5] num [val: $100] if find [6 7 8 9 10] num [val: $200] if find [11 12 13 14 15] num [val: $300] if find [16 17 18 19 20] num [val: $400] if find [21 22 23 24 25] num [val: $500] correct: request-list "Select:" ["Player 1 answered correctly" "Player 1 answered incorrectly" "Player 2 answered correctly" "Player 2 answered incorrectly" "Player 3 answered correctly" "Player 3 answered incorrectly" "Player 4 answered correctly" "Player 4 answered incorrectly" ] switch correct [ "Player 1 answered correctly" [ player1/text: to-string ((to-money player1/text) + val) show player1 ] "Player 1 answered incorrectly" [ player1/text: to-string ((to-money player1/text) - val) show player1 ] "Player 2 answered correctly" [ player2/text: to-string ((to-money player2/text) + val) show player2 ] "Player 2 answered incorrectly"[ player2/text: to-string ((to-money player2/text) - val) show player2 ] "Player 3 answered correctly" [ player3/text: to-string ((to-money player3/text) + val) show player3 ] "Player 3 answered incorrectly" [ player3/text: to-string ((to-money player3/text) - val) show player3 ] "Player 4 answered incorrectly"[ player4/text: to-string ((to-money player4/text) - val) show player4 ] "Player 4 answered correctly" [ player4/text: to-string ((to-money player4/text) + val) show player4 ] ] ] view center-face layout gui: [ tabs (sizer * 20) backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] style button button effect [gradient blue blue/2] ( to-pair rejoin [(20 * sizer) "x" (13 * sizer)] ) font [size: (sizer * 6)] style box box brown (to-pair rejoin [(20 * sizer) "x" (7 * sizer )]) font [size: (sizer * 3)] image header (to-pair rejoin [(132 * sizer) "x" (8 * sizer)]) [ contin: request/confirm { This will end the current game. Continue?} if contin = false [break] loadoredit: request/confirm "Load previously edited config file?" if loadoredit = true [ do to-file request-file/title/file { Choose config file to use:} "File" %default_config.txt unview view center-face layout gui break ] alert {Edit carefully, maintaining all quotation marks. You can open a previously saved file if needed. When done, click SAVE-AS and then QUIT. Be sure choose a filename/folder location that you'll be able to find later. } write %default_config.txt config unview editor %default_config.txt alert {Now choose a config file to use (most likely the file you just edited).} do to-file request-file/title/file { Choose config file to use:} "File" %default_config.txt view center-face layout gui ] space (to-pair rejoin [(8 * sizer) "x" (2 * sizer)]) pad (sizer * 2) across box (to-pair rejoin [(132 * sizer) "x" (2 * sizer)] ) effect [gradient 1x0 brown black] return box Category-1 box Category-2 box Category-3 box Category-4 box Category-5 return box (to-pair rejoin [(132 * sizer) "x" (2 * sizer)] ) effect [gradient 1x0 brown black] return button "$100" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 1] button "$100" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 2] button "$100" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 3] button "$100" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 4] button "$100" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 5] return button "$200" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 6] button "$200" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 7] button "$200" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 8] button "$200" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 9] button "$200" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 10] return button "$300" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 11] button "$300" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 12] button "$300" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 13] button "$300" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 14] button "$300" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 15] return button "$400" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 16] button "$400" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 17] button "$400" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 18] button "$400" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 19] button "$400" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 20] return button "$500" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 21] button "$500" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 22] button "$500" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 23] button "$500" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 24] button "$500" [face/feel: none face/text: "" do-button 25] return box (to-pair rejoin [(132 * sizer) "x" (2 * sizer)] ) effect [gradient 1x0 brown black] return tab box "Player 1:" effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] player1: box white "$0" font [color: black size: (sizer * 4)] [ face/text: request-text/title/default "Enter Score:" face/text ] box "Player 2:" effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] player2: box white "$0" font [color: black size: (sizer * 4)] [ face/text: request-text/title/default "Enter Score:" face/text ] return tab box "Player 3:" effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] player3: box white "$0" font [color: black size: (sizer * 4)] [ face/text: request-text/title/default "Enter Score:" face/text ] box "Player 4:" effect [gradient 1x1 tan brown] player4: box white "$0" font [color: black size: (sizer * 4)] [ face/text: request-text/title/default "Enter Score:" face/text ] ] REBOL [title: "Guitar Chords"] help: { This program creates guitar chord diagram charts for songs. It was written to help students in high school jazz band quickly play all of the common extended, altered, and complex chord types. It can also be used to create chord charts for any other type of music (with simpler chords): folk, rock, blues, pop, etc. To select chords for your song, click the root note (letter name: A, Bb, C#, etc.), and then the sonority (major, minor, 7(#5b9), etc.) of each chord. The list of chords you've selected will be shown in the text area below. When you've added all the chords needed to play your song, click the "Create Chart" button. Your browser will open, with a complete graphic rendering of all chords in your song. You can use your browser's page settings to print charts at different sizes. Two versions of each chord are presented: 1 with the root note on the 6th string, and another with the root note on the 5th string. Chord lists can be saved and reloaded with the "Save" and "Load" buttons. The rendered images and the HTML that displays them are all saved to the "./chords" folder (a subfolder of wherever this script is run). You can create a zip file of all the contents of that folder to play your song later, upload it to a web server to share with the world, etc. -- THEORY -- Here are the formulas and fingering patterns used to create chords in this program: 6th string notes: 5th string notes: 0 1 3 5 7 8 10 12 0 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 E F G A B C D E A B C D E F G A The sharp symbol ("#") moves notes UP one fret The flat symbol ("b") moves notes DOWN one fret Root 6 interval shapes: Root 5 interval shapes: ___________ ___________ | | | | 4 | | | | | | | | 3 6 9 | 7 | | | | | | 1 | | | 5 1 | | | | 1 4 | | 7 3 | | | | 3 6 | | | 5 1 4 6 9 5 1 4 | 9 5 | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | 9 | 7 | | | 5 1 3 6 To create any chord, slide either shape up the fretboard until the number "1" is on the correct root note (i.e., for a "G" chord, slide the root 6 shape up to the 3rd fret, or the root 5 shape up to the 10th fret). Then pick out the required intervals: CHORD TYPE: INTERVALS: SYMBOLS: Power Chord 1 5 5 Major Triad 1 3 5 none (just a root noot) Minor Triad 1 b3 5 m, min, mi, - Dominant 7 1 3 (5) b7 7 Major 7 1 3 (5) 7 maj7, M7, (triangle) 7 Minor 7 1 b3 (5) b7 m7, min7, mi7, -7 Half Diminished 7 1 b3 b5 b7 m7b5, (circle with line) 7 Diminished 7 1 b3 b5 bb7 (6) dim7, (circle) 7 Augmented 7 1 3 #5 b7 7aug, 7(#5), 7(+5) Add these intervals to the above 7th chords to create extended chords: 9 (is same as 2) 11 (is same as 4) 13 (is same as 6) Examples: 9 = 1 3 (5) b7 9 min9 = 1 b3 (5) b7 9 13 = 1 3 5 b7 13 9(+5) = 1 3 #5 b7 9 maj9(#11) = 1 3 (5) 7 9 #11 Here are some more common chord types: "sus" = change 3 to 4 "sus2" = change 3 to 2 "add9" = 1 3 5 9 (same as "add2", there's no 7 in "add" chords) "6, maj6" = 1 3 5 6 "m6, min6" = 1 b3 5 6 "6/9" = 1 3 5 6 9 11 = 1 b7 9 11 "/" = Bassist plays the note after the slash NOTE: When playing complex chords (jazz chords) in a band setting, guitarists typically SHOULD NOT PLAY THE ROOT NOTE of the chord (the bassist or keyboardist will play it). In diagrams created by this program, unnecessary notes are indicated by light circles, and required notes are indicated by dark circles. } root6-shapes: [ "." "major triad, no symbol (just a root note)" [1 3 5 11 55 111] "m" "minor triad, min, mi, m, -" [1 b3 5 11 55 111] "aug" "augmented triad, aug, #5, +5" [1 3 b6 11 111] "dim" "diminished triad, dim, b5, -5" [1 b3 b5 11] "5" "power chord, 5" [1 55] "sus4" "sus4, sus" [1 4 5 11 55 111] "sus2" "sus2, 2" [1 99 5 11] "6" "major 6, maj6, ma6, 6" [1 3 5 6 11] "m6" "minor 6, min6, mi6, m6" [1 b3 5 6 11] "69" "major 6/9, 6/9, add6/9" [1 111 3 13 9] "maj7" "major 7, maj7, ma7, M7, (triangle) 7" [1 3 5 7 11 55] "7" "dominant 7, 7" [1 3 5 b7 11 55] "m7" "minor 7, min7, mi7, m7, -7" [1 b3 5 b7 11 55] "m7(b5)" "half diminished, min7(b5), (circle w/ line), m7(-5), -7(b5)" [1 b3 b5 b7 11] "dim7" "diminished 7, dim7, (circle) 7" [1 b3 b5 6 11] "7sus4" "dominant 7 sus4 (7sus4)" [1 4 5 b7 55 11] "7sus2" "dominant 7 sus2 (7sus2)" [1 b7 99 5 11] "7(b5)" "dominant 7 flat 5, 7(b5), 7(-5)" [1 3 b5 b7 11] "7(+5)" "augmented 7, 7(#5), 7(+5)" [1 3 b6 b7 11] "7(b9)" "dominant 7 flat 9, 7(b9), 7(-9)" [1 3 5 b7 b9] "7(+9)" "dominant 7 sharp 9, 7(#9), 7(+9)" [1 111 3 b77 b33] "7(b5b9)" "dominant 7 b5 b9, 7(b5b9), 7(-5-9)" [1 3 b5 b7 b9] "7(b5+9)" "dominant 7 b5 #9, 7(b5#9), 7(-5+9)" [1 3 b5 b7 b33] "7(+5b9)" "augmented 7 flat 9, aug7(b9), 7(#5b9)" [1 3 b6 b7 b9] "7(+5+9)" "augmented 7 sharp 9, aug7(#9), 7(#5#9)" [1 3 b6 b7 b33] "add9" "add9, add2" [1 3 5 999 55 11] "madd9" "minor add9, min add9, m add9, m add2" [1 b3 5 999 55 11] "maj9" "major 9, maj9, ma9, M9, (triangle) 9" [1 3 5 7 9] "maj9(+11)" "major 9 sharp 11, maj9(#11), M9(+11)" [1 3 7 9 b5] "9" "dominant 9, 9" [1 3 5 b7 9 55] "9sus" "dominant 9 sus4, 9sus4, 9sus" [1 4 5 b7 9 55] "9(+11)" "dominant 9 sharp 11, 9(#11), 9(+11)" [1 3 b7 9 b5] "m9" "minor 9, min9, mi9, m9, -9" [1 b3 5 b7 9 55] "11" "dominant 11, 11" [1 b7 99 44 11] "maj13" "major 13, maj13, ma13, M13, (triangle) 13" [1 3 55 7 11 13] "13" "dominant 13, 13" [1 3 55 b7 11 13] "m13" "minor 13, min13, mi13, m13, -13" [1 b3 55 b7 11 13] ] root6-map: [ 1 20x70 11 120x70 111 60x110 3 80x90 33 40x50 b3 80x70 5 100x70 55 40x110 b5 100x50 7 60x90 b7 60x70 9 120x110 99 80x50 6 60x50 13 100x110 4 80x110 44 100x30 999 60x150 b77 100x130 b33 120x130 b9 120x90 b6 100x90 b55 40x90 ] root5-shapes: [ "." "major triad, no symbol (just a root note)" [1 3 5 11 55] "m" "minor triad, min, mi, m, -" [1 b3 5 11 55] "aug" "augmented triad, aug, #5, +5" [1 3 b6 11 b66] "dim" "diminished triad, dim, b5, -5" [1 b3 b5 11] "5" "power chord, 5" [1 55] "sus4" "sus4, sus" [1 4 5 11 55] "sus2" "sus2, 2" [1 9 5 11 55] "6" "major 6, maj6, ma6, 6" [1 3 55 13 11] "m6" "minor 6, min6, mi6, m6" [1 b3 55 13 11] "69" "major 6/9, 6/9, add6/9" [1 33 6 9 5] "maj7" "major 7, maj7, ma7, M7, (triangle) 7" [1 3 5 7 55] "7" "dominant 7, 7" [1 3 5 b7 55] "m7" "minor 7, min7, mi7, m7, -7" [1 b3 5 b7 55] "m7(b5)" "half diminished, min7(b5), (circle w/ line), m7(-5), -7(b5)" [1 b3 b5 b7 b55] "dim7" "diminished 7, dim7, (circle) 7" [1 b33 b5 6 111] "7sus4" "dominant 7 sus4, 7sus4" [1 4 5 b7 55] "7sus2" "dominant 7 sus2, 7sus2" [1 9 5 b7 55] "7(b5)" "dominant 7 flat 5, 7(b5), 7(-5)" [1 33 b5 b7 111] "7(+5)" "augmented 7, 7(#5), 7(+5)" [1 33 b6 b7 111] "7(b9)" "dominant 7 flat 9, 7(b9), 7(-9)" [1 33 5 b7 b9] "7(+9)" "dominant 7 sharp 9, 7(#9), 7(+9)" [1 33 b7 b3] "7(b5b9)" "dominant 7 b5 b9, 7(b5b9), 7(-5-9)" [1 33 b5 b7 b9] "7(b5+9)" "dominant 7 b5 #9, 7(b5#9), 7(-5+9)" [1 33 b5 b7 b3] "7(+5b9)" "augmented 7 flat 9, aug7(b9), 7(#5b9)" [1 33 b6 b7 b9] "7(+5+9)" "augmented 7 sharp 9, aug7(#9), 7(#5#9)" [1 33 b7 b3 b6] "add9" "major add9, add9, add2" [1 3 5 99 55] "madd9" "minor add9, min add9, m add9, m add2" [1 b3 5 99 55] "maj9" "major 7, maj9, ma9, M9, (triangle) 9" [1 33 5 7 9] "maj9(+11)" "major 9 sharp 11, maj9(#11), M9(+11)" [1 33 b5 7 9] "9" "dominant 9, 9" [1 33 5 b7 9] "9sus" "dominant 9 sus4, 9sus4, 9sus" [1 44 5 b7 9] "9(+11)" "dominant 9 sharp 11, 9(#11), 9(+11)" [1 33 b5 b7 9] "m9" "minor 9, min9, mi9, m9, -9" [1 b33 5 b7 9] "11" "dominant 11, 11" [1 b7 9 44 444] "maj13" "major 13, maj13, ma13, M13, (triangle) 13" [1 3 55 7 13] "13" "dominant 13, 13" [1 3 55 b7 13] "m13" "minor 13, min13, mi13, m13, -13" [1 b3 55 b7 13] ] root5-map: [ 1 40x70 11 80x110 111 100x30 3 100x110 33 60x50 b33 60x30 5 120x70 55 60x110 b5 120x50 7 80x90 b7 80x70 9 100x70 6 80x50 13 120x110 4 100x130 44 60x70 444 120x30 99 80x150 b3 100x90 b9 100x50 b6 120x90 b66 60x130 b55 60x90 ] root6-notes: [ "e" {12} "f" {1} "f#" {2} "gb" {2} "g" {3} "g#" {4} "ab" {4} "a" {5} "a#" {6} "bb" {6} "b" {7} "c" {8} "c#" {9} "db" {9} "d" {10} "d#" {11} "eb" {11} ] root5-notes: [ "a" {12} "a#" {1} "bb" {1} "b" {2} "c" {3} "c#" {4} "db" {4} "d" {5} "d#" {6} "eb" {6} "e" {7} "f" {8} "f#" {9} "gb" {9} "g" {10} "g#" {11} "ab" {11} ] f: copy [] for n 20 160 20 [append f reduce ['line (as-pair 20 n) (as-pair 120 n)]] for n 20 120 20 [append f reduce ['line (as-pair n 20) (as-pair n 160)]] fretboard: to-image layout/tight [box white 150x180 effect [draw f]] ; spacer: to-image layout/tight [box white 20x20] view center-face layout [ across t1: text-list 60x270 data [ "E" "F" "F#" "Gb" "G" "G#" "Ab" "A" "A#" "Bb" "B" "C" "C#" "Db" "D" "D#" "Eb" ] t2: text-list 330x270 data extract/index root6-shapes 3 2 [ either empty? a/text [ a/text: rejoin [ copy t1/picked " " pick root6-shapes ((index? find root6-shapes value) - 1) ] ] [ a/text: rejoin [ a/text newline copy t1/picked " " pick root6-shapes ((index? find root6-shapes value) - 1) ] ] show a ] return a: area return btn "Create Chart" [if error? try [ make-dir %chords delete/any %chords/*.* ; save/bmp %./chords/spacer.bmp spacer html: copy "" foreach [root spacer1 spacer2 type] (parse/all form a/text " ") [ diagram: copy [image fretboard] diagram2: copy [image fretboard] root1: copy root foreach itvl (third find root6-shapes type) [ either find [1 55] itvl [ append diagram reduce [ 'fill-pen white 'circle (select root6-map itvl) 5 ] ] [ append diagram reduce [ 'fill-pen black 'circle (select root6-map itvl) 5 ] ] ] append diagram reduce ['text (trim/all join root1 type) 20x0] append diagram reduce [ 'text trim/all to-string ( select root6-notes trim/all to-string root1 ) 130x65 ] save/png to-file trim/all rejoin [ %./chords/ (replace/all root1 {#} {sharp}) type ".png" ] to-image layout/tight [ box white 150x180 effect [draw diagram] ] append html rejoin [ {} ] foreach itvl (third find root5-shapes type) [ either find [1] itvl [ append diagram2 reduce [ 'fill-pen white 'circle (select root5-map itvl) 5 ] ] [ append diagram2 reduce [ 'fill-pen black 'circle (select root5-map itvl) 5 ] ] ] append diagram2 reduce ['text (trim/all join root type) 20x0] append diagram2 reduce [ 'text trim/all to-string ( select root5-notes trim/all to-string root ) 130x65 ] save/png to-file trim/all rejoin [ %./chords/ (replace/all root {#} {sharp}) type "5th.png" ] to-image layout/tight [ box white 150x180 effect [draw diagram2] ] append html rejoin [ {} ; {} ] ] append html [] write %./chords/chords.html trim/auto html browse %./chords/chords.html ] [alert "Error - please remove improper chord labels."]] btn "Save" [ savefile: to-file request-file/file/save %/c/mysong.txt if exists? savefile [ alert "Please choose a file name that does not already exist." return ] if error? try [save savefile a/text] [alert "File not saved"] ] btn "Load" [ if error? try [ a/text: load to-file request-file/file %/c/mysong.txt show a ] [] ] btn "Create Zip" [ if not exists? %chords/ [alert "Create A Chart First" return] ; rebzip by Vincent Ecuyer: do to-string to-binary decompress 64#{ eJztW+uP20hy/+6/oldGsJ7bcEU2X00Zd4bX9iILXO4AY5N8EOYAjkTNMNaQOomy PTbmf8+vqptkU3xIM4cgARICHmvYVdX1fnRrPn745a9/FsvrFy9W1VfnW75biFVZ VNnXSixfCDyr/crZlsXtwvzeeVz885IkSsJEJYEQju96bhCHrhKOF8s4CGToSgKS QeQHnh/jo1KRG8aRFzb0HD9O/CCMPA+fvciPwziUEX4RMkhkpEAIH90gAGFf0j6h lCqUbhTRPkEcY3dftvx5kUwCMBYSCU+GIO1KIh64sR+5oAo8FUWhBDnwJIJEhX4U Bgq4IJbIOIqilj/phknoRrSMz1GcuJGrSC5wBCRFvHoKLISQzSchVOwr0PMJHjyr JArjlj8CVH6SsP4iBQFiLyR6TuCrIJRhABJJ7LsBRCQg3w8j3w8U6S+KPGI1avUn HNggCsKA9ZdIpUJgJ1hIkhgSu0lEJlBeEvpgFkDYzvO8JKJ9wtiVkCgMGnqe60ZK KS8I2XQkVBzR3k4cuxArimLCk6RJ6I32gd2TOJaQgei6RKCl50Bb0JRL8jqeD39x vTCCMgWwYdYgJP3BYSRkc0mIEDYIvdCnfQJP+lC+77XyRqEXwwqK9efHWPahENID VOdJ2A94xHMko4T2CaMwdGNJvEKqIJJebNFzlAv7h2HC+oOWwFWSkFxR7IGnhPzP C8mllMv+l4BXP/LZ/+BCkZcElrwiTkLlh6Ek1/IC2N93pQyJJwgC5cAXHUgVKC8G HxxDgUdUJHuH54VQTEPPIWbJA2lrOBR4ChLaG3huHICviA0FVv1YerRPhF29wA3I F32yrSv91v+kC6XFiBGXfwtJ867PsYQHvkN2dPA/wGQYUQz5McweRz4LRL8pz2/5 g/IilYRxzC4sOSEkCcUERE1CWJhihewRKNIZ4ilCRMBTSR4J51CBp1r/U1BO7MKY gmMM1pCkJ0d6HqJAQgO8qx968EyyaUwBqRLONT4JLmPX0h+CN4CTUIoiwYIkSOKI bBrBt0PF9AQ0CgvAiwnBlyQF0Yb34iUiuPUXz4e/+WHCoSkSFSSkb9JfGMR4i1RF sSIhYBKHimMoAo8wNwUXtAd2PK/lLyQ4KJi3iwOIgqDlmIDh4bBuRLEC0jHUyj6n wlj6yqd9EBmsY7flDyaCjwQR2QMxBu1CZxxLgfQofkOOMWDCIsQTlBr6fkIJDsGF gEx87Nky6LnIXyCpONmQTZFWKdgD5B0w5VKyAZ4HHn1yQGTDIPDBIUUXIgRJTXmi 5RCxhtiCY3K4wEt8BY/kaFIhJQ+OZuI2Voqjzw0SlA6XRIopuCjFWhyCHx+lIuTs 66K6yMAnYJQkpCvgUkpAMqCADtlukfTJb8g8cF3lIUdJYdUkbAG2Ql2TAs6Yih0S kQXnTEhvKDsKviBp10C5LmKdc4JykbvAsUVQIANQRfRdjkCsJ+QJhIjcmniUvYEo FZiXigMNsuMfBbFEdkXSQ9RaHEqsgRUv4qqEihdHiUfUkQ6hfeQ7iowIe8HzyFNg fqRBN+RIgpeBhcAyigigGiklhx1kRe2OFZcRBEQEhmOXPikZIf0Q50IidFA3JaWi GC4ETwttHcLACAJPG4WqgkpYocJHeUKyIYdHrZYI5Yh6A4QatQYB9w+hQlFBeCuL QxSwGLHic0/hB1iOeHeH0lmAHEE6pOB2kd042FDIoE1FwQS3jVD/wsTiMIopMwfs bjC2knBu9nKUeKgAlYKIJFAg0iRnxQAMIF592gh5TmFjyygCFHyJxKkzMrIkJSny IfBBbQqXJo96IRmw90ewODZyyQ996BaeEUUWh/BYdFcel1+PyiYeyeEWI4uiDHFN g02gXS/k2gRXcWPuIZDEAAAci8PYRz1CeQ04DkPqtJKQnNbF5hQSFL+UPShwyFho xqjIUGNDXurD16SVvOC9iuwScdQgUSJsdXFC4kQajbmoUeeFxEuGjdDt+DCdx1GG foBSXJsaoDwXJLmYQJ9YhqOSXWNoB4mUTOJQQGMXlxtDMIi2hPIRVSrIg+xnpQbl I/BhK86uCFgoyKVWE0EVkOZZSPg1jImmh2IJFoQpKO84ktw+QuWykleM9EgFjgVD oUYUwru5PCnkyDgMOakjn8Nu3BrCi9F3UkoXAedMFNOWQ9RjlCBASM0wQiDi2ujF HrWHIduKOl4F0Ti/oByhpYkSTn2o2S6ylcUhmm1k/5gbYAHTkBlc0mGETgcGcqkT g1DcuLtc0UARfazkIKPONbECz6HyFlAAkQQOJXzEBHsekij6IF2t0PpT4eUCAGFg 4iCmCg/fRGsCh7I6TPS/KI+xrqA+Eheyp8spCnUT/knujnQCD+Yy5lGCg4dziUQd hVfDjnaFgmIQooorFNIMFVD2Qm4GYBKSDGWBLBLSRtQ6QHpu19F9INTdxLdUGEgq skFAoSYirsKBz30bumvEleIeE70cQjIgFYZU0PyYUomA3WDAGA2bVaGgnASxy85B WQfr3PyFQEMB5pQBRqkwetysYSoj1H1+e1c5h7t8UzlqITbHYmUNY7OP7fJBVHeZ +Jxuj5m4eRBK3OR4lxZrsc+q4744iLz6edagasBljnnvNtv/cC1mvzfoVSmYpIa+ bvfLcuyxF0V2m1b55+xNTaUzHTqe+FruzRLt71AfORf0kxawTm8pFVDH2uBen5Ah eALUhBi/hX3R/uQfx906rTIHE+uAkoz8pB9ApTTXWprgV8u0eHAO1T4vbkkX7+kd 1LC6y1afDsf7Fhq4Ha39VuRVnm41lz2Fbcp9lq7uQCfdm426kzQz/KpjZXp3xZra 5atPzRDOO5M+UGp5lWn+JLyeUprZ3ZfjykjFu4/vUEtrCZ+lkL5rZPe76uGNIfHy u2uexxPjbst0Lf6zzAsxe/l9JpZV6dxlX2vXaY2pCeH17HF2PSzo60N+W6QQKju8 0KRX6dbZ5NvMwcoCTBsxxMvvCONfXEydj1pFWVHtp2ERqxo2K9ZOuXFqlGFoNK8a mrh21tlhtc93VbkfAcdQ8GhkWJXF52x/yMuCDaYlAUKuj19OjfiOwTm8hfFFMk4q tnlVQRhwm2OJkCdD/t/rcNf79wMeLNzkRbp/QBJhc3XNiGX2wjbW4ZyDECSLYfRV C42WU7lXJ7F9Ho2zZKQxUQn9S3HnddKJrgYzCWEc7sp99WyNM/b/PpWfS6EAfaKj 3eS3/7CXrcuBFKDRKdw1a7dZdYFRhszAjDZs9zm0EpzYAX6KVUuXd1lKJZXCNbOM tSp3D/Ndim01eWmxf063A2H7P8t80LjF/WFdHpwqv88mBGCPYEhBkH1u6e2lzq+N bUJ2flce9+IPdACsrjpeXtZRPb/Pi2OVAciXfZDTIJgfMuy9pli46gaAlpQKz2WS EmRfUnr7RElptvyDeHWffhWuYfIhQ/w6NJe4o1KXRXWnhRZ1tzVfpw+WUOR7F9lv sy/vz1jwKf7WxV1YIazf2Dqg3eCQ6+PqtI3E0ICGvtMAwgk6IJidui2ifQ8g6DTQ WoUTDea+VktnbN/R0rD1/7u0RLuNaCmkQ2lbB+ROP7HrdAAD5V6qqvEu+1u+c6gD emjU9P1deb9D63XIKI9RJ9UZOSxmuS/TEJSFMupdVzXymhdaYNNnafB1vs9WaKMe BO+toa4fG+gihQ8tCZT0/Rf6rdwwaqentaLzX8t1vslXGGLQcPHSEMJ4E2zY1tBz lqwzINxn1V25tsRzmBxU1r455N8ycfL7qWu8RgHYlEIziaKb0TzRIIF5e9dFN7vr AYARG6geA4umyRTbrLit7nTr/mKyre84jhZ1IX48wEKW63ShXotv2/xGQJVZet9Z OdHRonnR5dxoY2MLD+VkG5gxh1v8s+D92xkvLw4V1NEhYIR5ZYt6Jf7Uvjhh5mrg 3rNm0hTM3jo9h0/5rmd8OQ5apfm2B++oHkKj63W22cJrOwDXfV5HbNOofktl5mTf Lk0rFYw5Zbqpsv2wTz7R1wYT3Gs7cVjxbx5uIF9+fxywVHcQ7C3r4fQRG5jJawIC 2r499NaNO5lg/6NR89BdeYdYAz9slQE7Gnx1gj/kBUyh96bTyHHCm9OncTjOiQy3 HtqBchw9r02W6QMM5DX76SWiIVZMNaydhdP8a3YE/qjfT1gt+4oassmz7XoMlumw HDXVQd1rkKK0KA7mBaOStqhNBJSBNecJKHHP8PDTA4zzPi4O6KdXfSn7gOiq/z8g /s8FhGVhUAVL93Cx88Dr/PCpON7fwPiHaqgqtqA0je0LJPS0Ql91g8mt70fWuaHm +okYpr8sN5tD1uflSUE/EfEtkNHTaOnUP/k/aihp2zfjJ7O/f/y3D3Rw3HbTx705 Xz78PLNHjephh3bWNI14oZvg+lQeWObjtdkcLrRLqztmoLf/92bQAeIP1OZyR23a +fvyMzp8UiwdYM7ms7b9NgxpaMK9ZOjJdb89fIOAxZfYAhG9yfeH+lBiaQYl6r1E Qd9S08J1UPXgMTjHNLwukChW5TpzGr0265xs/2k2O2GoPosAL+Crs8Rq1+ukWzGb XY+tIzIw5HUgOr4BZxU/YsRqZqtfjvl2TXMVvUz3q7v8c1aPoewccBJMBWh0PtUD zOFnTbt2JhOVWKVakcOGENCQ+rm14Rfk7Y4NhT4Z+kG0089/MAxsekNsibxqFaGr ShefuCK0X4krQsuL1fa4ziwGWgLzdZbt6DKFQQ5aFII8HG/q8Q/MWwjwqpsSY87s z/mhqhG+3JFWml60uB2c0DgBcL3maiuKG6dWjiZTIOvDP9o0Y5VpM4kyoJ7hymMl mqJguTje10GmHbWuj00OqNXecZglJhdEjFk7cfGTWrhkoIWYRLFjrre1IVDusmKu pZtry8+/7HOUPF63mv9W7oWlt4Vwx3VlIhYtzIsTh9HDHllx+Uq/ubq2XJJsuSzK iuejNwbnRANky4VZmnvdJWPFhY5BTofa9Plef+pGKotmgHvJPt1uxbJBNNvid3IA frOn2ZuJLrtkT1u+/KARUkGi8WDdnnC8GZpX9d4UIA3GG83t9QCnr0W6gzXX+ru8 RVVncrFFoAwWsfqSkqEaOUbaNnqMu/HYakKfMOaL7iHOoAIGujnbj6xYtK8260cf 0RXllxcDcpNmqSyUhQlvU0OJtzdDpDDItyEpltrNmISRqg0X42FypBk1ZEzV2qYo FFqHteuP4LE2N2zX2l0n9N5qgA8tGZq3+fHeOtByBjvU+un3wvVDljfBL0a7oj76 iGS6ctdxbin1gu5cR5fdrQwzBM3VZWC5Q5mqBqKantekr9PDRvjX4MGi9ZijzubU s6kcWX+y0/vopKlrM3efVrXrzwR3aXGb6SMgpj+XIpDtKUmbawd2Ose7HaP98mW2 G6Db15LupnugVPY0mX6Y2lXCqpQ/NaPLEOJpomSfQcvUeT3lUC0B4m1kbu7poptx e9f8neXuxEPN1dRyfYiNrTpg7SRnZTvIe9P0aIT+NJQedOecbVrocw7XisXNqWmx piZDevrQwy0J3ZM07chqS8Fsmo4aqBW51y0fC7tffp+t7NsIu2vmi7vW/9vG2fTL fy22D+JLuf+EJhK5vHPMrM8XDvVxBg1E9Qms1ULTo6Xo9MFUQupe2Oqh1w2rnUaa Bes3091riLetTC2ZLo2p9rjFoVHuFSRJj9vq6oTA3485zSrvy+LHiluHCSKDXTYf EQ3chHAmGD/uoBTraLfS6badwOvXXNubg5sGs0OTYaxY4dmMnZEPr7P9vtwfTjt2 /dZuZgl4pImnpkwriaq30fdpf16gFxnv3qlmma9AzJ7VtpsG9CReCIG4O8Xi7vEr mdK8OeHnPv2UUYrQwxhDnGOn9tU6Lds9hOnXB8KYNNy83qX7QzYnhmtiJ8lp6iD/ UA42qtXd/nju/P/VeNt51QOWukqP3xVwn6ddXsMO5sRXptf7lu3LNxp8br4NKZbm 6GKTbuFHfRZ4BxNOU1vUlz7WfbJ+NUKSA8nI90p/UaD7xQGGGEHmXqhGHuTH6le7 B6mj0HPNxOB5bEuR6Tg0Csy/Ich6kH2Gg9qGo0e0u4deogomNN2732q+7HNKZkR7 /fvgqe0GLm/bDXuLI1va6XXKiyy4jitZ70d26OfrqX160J3deqsTUnVEm3DIZrgY nyvo4TIxuNrnoS/yoMDd++3a5IOgw6wf0Jqs7uamYtfJYHxedM/Mkr2KuZgEp6f9 ppj+JvWZSwv7YY3O/uYI50+i/ISaQd3U9d9OzlPtZ3xWVeen5Ha419m2H2zTJGpp +eBqCmhitK+fM9/pHHteflf014sfgviRmvD37lvvrfuWGvHmO88X0jGXI+8J97d/ ef9xqnE/fWaEMAMiXTcsxsbBoQfzcL5GNPyxo3xx1lPqx3wt9YLLsaGnkdrTd0L0 HXuw4qGbHagXIxQU4d7kcPdsd6G+aN9HnqS3GDNIadj1dp8+HNCPXM76ozWMt1PI k9CR4Sr7PrYYKpRTBIpS39dt04FzmzHE9h6uaP9e4EJ/eYJb1s5B33aLOt8lu9xF Zr+9f/t769qDhzpDz8vvsUrePdZfa3pSSLhsiNo2dM8Hvyie4pOuoD+OFL9++PVX AUVfhPYP5G175+fbtov9pPTz4S/vWxtlxeUx8Dxux6uOXp1crr8vR5PkG0Fnhktd i/gvXujjBeXCrpSbFG3Kms7/+cBhsl42TJg5Vv8/eJB++vRbgfPZ4gJJntFh0EOT aHMD+fTsv892WVqJ/Fk1nx778LQnwkUU6Kn/EIP/jIt/6G8mXmCOaR/ULHa7qUv9 Y5zy8MrUxQWxsDzxU1NsZnXVmRFH45s+wVWf4qLDG1r3r3wkN3wBaz9D96uT3xgZ QrBPjCZtc3p9NJ1p9D3g5e55rU+jlj2MJxv+tQ7Q9jg15b+oQClr7z/GLT52VTY9 PGz6x1fzxQWI9AwcbGnc50bK9JZ0Mr1sDhyvxWG3zSu+yzpv1WE5GfeZchLuM+U0 DPUPVs+zwo5QnwReqvH6eXrKPTT3oU/zDHp6d6eL8fMp+znXJzxtpf+2e87QXa/K TiNknc6anHxSBfS3cObvc+TYY2EuRdYLpGnr5LOP1V6o0ARS5+pZna07CC0Pet62 j9hfoGv6L0cgfyluTAAA } zipfile: to-file request-file/file/save %/c/ if exists? zipfile [ alert "Please choose a file name that does not already exist." return ] zip/deep zipfile %chords/ ] btn "Help" [editor help] ] REBOL [title: "Bingo"] write/append %bingo_history.txt rejoin [ newline newline "NEW GAME: " now newline newline ] write %bingo_designer.r {rebol [] view center-face board-gui: layout/tight [ size 200x240 across space 0x0 style b button red 40x40 font-size 28 [ alert { Click the squares, then press the 'S' key to save the image. } ] style n button blue 40x40 effect [] [ either face/color = blue [ face/color: white show face ] [ face/color: blue show face ] ] b "B" b "I" b "N" b "G" b "O" return n n n n n return n n n n n return n n n n n return n n n n n return n n n n n return key keycode #"s" [ save/png file-name: to-file request-file/only/save/file %bingo-board_1.png to-image board-gui view/new layout [image load file-name] ] ] } insert-event-func [ either event/type = 'close [ really: request "Really close the program?" if really = true [quit] ] [event] ] cur-let: copy "" view center-face layout/tight [ size 1024x768 across space 0x0 style bb button 64x72 red bold font [size: 48] [ if ((request/confirm "End game?") = true) [quit] ] style nn button 64x72 black bold font [size: 14 color: 23.23.23] [ either face/font/size = 14 [ set-font face size 46 set-font face color white show face cur-num: to-integer face/text case [ (cur-num <= 15) [cur-let: "B"] ((cur-num > 15) and (cur-num <= 30)) [cur-let: "I"] ((cur-num > 30) and (cur-num <= 45)) [cur-let: "N"] ((cur-num > 45) and (cur-num <= 60)) [cur-let: "G"] ((cur-num > 60) and (cur-num <= 75)) [cur-let: "O"] ] write/append %bingo_history.txt rejoin [ now " " cur-let " " face/text newline ] box1/text: cur-let show box1 loop 3 [ box2/text: "" show box2 wait .4 box2/text: face/text show box2 wait .85 ] ] [ set-font face size 14 set-font face color white show face ] ] bb "B" nn "1" nn "2" nn "3" nn "4" nn "5" nn "6" nn "7" nn "8" nn "9" nn "10" nn "11" nn "12" nn "13" nn "14" nn "15" return bb "I" nn "16" nn "17" nn "18" nn "19" nn "20" nn "21" nn "22" nn "23" nn "24" nn "25" nn "26" nn "27" nn "28" nn "29" nn "30" return bb "N" nn "31" nn "32" nn "33" nn "34" nn "35" nn "36" nn "37" nn "38" nn "39" nn "40" nn "41" nn "42" nn "43" nn "44" nn "45" return bb "G" nn "46" nn "47" nn "48" nn "49" nn "50" nn "51" nn "52" nn "53" nn "54" nn "55" nn "56" nn "57" nn "58" nn "59" nn "60" return bb "O" nn "61" nn "62" nn "63" nn "64" nn "65" nn "66" nn "67" nn "68" nn "69" nn "70" nn "71" nn "72" nn "73" nn "74" nn "75" return box white 512x60 box 200.200.255 512x60 font-color blue font-size 52 "Prize: $" [ face/text: request-text/title/default "Enter Prize Text:" face/text ] return box1: box white 512x80 "" font [size: 50 color: (blue / 2)] box 200.200.255 512x80 font-size 38 font-color black "Current Game:" return box2: box white 512x240 "" font [size: 200 color: blue] box 200.200.255 136x240 image1: image 235.235.255 240x240 [ either true = request/confirm "Create new image?" [ launch %bingo_designer.r ] [ if error? try [ image1/image: load request-file/only show image1 ] [alert "Error loading image."] ] ] box 200.200.255 136x240 return box white 512x30 box 200.200.255 512x30 ] REBOL [title: "Time Clock"] insert-event-func [ either event/type = 'close [ really: request { To restart this program you must also restart the computer. Really close? } if really = true [quit] ] [event] ] do decompress #{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} ; Ladislav Mecir's nistclock.r make-dir img-dir: %./clock_photos/ unless exists? %employees [ write %employees {"Nick Antonaccio" "(Add New...)"} ] cur-employee: copy "" avicap32.dll: load/library %avicap32.dll user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll find-window-by-class: make routine! [ ClassName [string!] WindowName [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "FindWindowA" sendmessage: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" sendmessage-file: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [string!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" cap: make routine! [ cap [string!] child-val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] handle [integer!] val4 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] avicap32.dll "capCreateCaptureWindowA" log-it: func [inout] [ if ((cur-employee = "") or (cur-employee = "(Add New...)")) [ alert "You must select your name." return ] if set-system-time nist-corrected-time [nist-correction: 0:0] cur-time: now record: rejoin [ newline {[} mold cur-employee { "} mold cur-time {" "} inout { "]} ] either true = request/confirm rejoin [ record " -- IS YOUR NAME AND THE TIME CORRECT?" ] [ make-dir %./edit_history/ write/append %time_sheet.txt "" write rejoin [ %./edit_history/time_sheet-- "_" now/date "_" replace/all form now/time ":" "-" ] read %time_sheet.txt write/append %time_sheet.txt record if error? try [ write read %time_sheet.txt ] [alert "Error uploading to web site (saved locally)."] alert rejoin [ uppercase copy cur-employee ", YOU ARE " inout "." ] ] [ alert "CANCELED" return ] time-filename: copy replace/all copy to-string cur-time "/" "_" time-filename: copy replace/all copy time-filename ":" "+" img-file: rejoin [ img-dir (replace/all copy cur-employee " " "_") "_" time-filename "_" next find inout " " ".bmp" ] sendmessage cap-result 1085 0 0 sendmessage-file cap-result 1049 0 img-file ; call to-rebol-file img-file ] timeclock-report: does [ timeclock-start-date: request-date timeclock-end-date: request-date totals: copy "" names: load %employees log: load %time_sheet.txt foreach name names [ if name <> "(Add New...)" [ times: copy reduce [name] foreach record log [ if name = log-name: record/1 [ flag: none date-time: parse record/2 "/" log-date: to-date date-time/1 log-time: to-time first parse date-time/2 "-" if ( (log-date >= timeclock-start-date) and (log-date <= timeclock-end-date) ) [ previous-flag: flag either record/3 = "CLOCKED IN " [ flag: true ] [ flag: false ] either flag <> previous-flag [ append times log-date append times log-time ] [ alert rejoin [ "Duplicate successive IN/OUT entry: " name ", " record/2 ] ] ] ] ] append totals rejoin [name ":" newline] total-hours: 0 foreach [in-date in-time out-date out-time] (at times 2) [ append totals rejoin [ newline " in: " in-date ", " in-time " out: " out-date ", " out-time " " ] if error? try [ total-hours: total-hours + (out-time - in-time) ] [ alert rejoin [ "Missing login or Missing logout: " name ] ] ] append totals rejoin [ newline newline " TOTAL HOURS: " total-hours newline newline newline ] ] ] write filename: copy rejoin [ %timeclock_report-- timeclock-start-date "_to_" timeclock-end-date ".txt" ] totals call/show rejoin ["notepad " to-local-file filename] ] view/new center-face layout/tight [ image 320x240 tl1: text-list 320x200 data sort load %employees [ cur-employee: value if cur-employee = "(Add New...)" [ write/append %employees mold trim request-text/title "Name:" tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 ] ] key #"^~" [ del-emp: copy to-string tl1/picked temp-emp: sort load %employees if true = request/confirm rejoin ["REMOVE " del-emp "?"] [ new-list: head remove/part find temp-emp del-emp 1 save %employees new-list tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 alert rejoin [del-emp " removed."] ] ] across btn "Clock IN" [log-it "CLOCKED IN"] btn "Clock OUT" [log-it "CLOCKED OUT"] btn "Report" [timeclock-report] btn "EXIT" [ sendmessage cap-result 1205 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1035 0 0 free user32.dll quit ] ] hwnd: find-window-by-class "REBOLWind" 0 cap-result: cap "cap" 1342177280 0 0 320 240 hwnd 0 sendmessage cap-result 1034 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1077 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1075 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1074 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1076 1 0 do-events REBOL [title: "PDF Barcode Generator"] text-string: "item2342" x-offset: 10 y-offset: 257 create-pdf-barcode: func [barcode-string xshift yshift] [ barcode-width: .3 barcode-height: 12 code39: first to-block decompress #{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} convfrom: rejoin ["*" barcode-string "*"] pdf-dialect-out: copy [] x: 0 foreach char convfrom [ pattern: select code39 form char foreach bit pattern [ x: x + 1 if bit = #"1" [ append pdf-dialect-out compose [ line width (barcode-width) line ((x * barcode-width) + xshift) (yshift) ( (x * barcode-width) + xshift ) (yshift + barcode-height) ] ] ] x: x + 1 ] return pdf-dialect-out ] do load-thru barcode-layout: copy [] current-barcode-page: copy [page size 215.9 279.4 offset 0 0] append current-barcode-page create-pdf-barcode text-string x-offset y-offset append current-barcode-page compose/deep [ textbox (x-offset - 9.5) (y-offset - 8) 56 8 [ center font Helvetica 3 (mold text-string) ] ] append/only barcode-layout current-barcode-page write/binary %labels.pdf layout-pdf barcode-layout call %labels.pdf editor barcode-layout REBOL [title: "Snake Game"] do[p: :append u: :reduce k: :pick r: :random y: :layout q: 'image z: :if g: :to-image v: :length? x: does[alert join{SCORE: }[v b]quit]s: g y/tight [btn red 10x10]o: g y/tight[btn tan 10x10]d: 0x10 w: 0 r/seed now b: u[q o(((r 19x19)* 10)+ 50x50)q s(((r 19x19)* 10)+ 50x50)]view center-face y/tight[c: area 305x305 effect[draw b]rate 15 feel[engage: func[f a e][z a = 'key[d: select u['up 0x-10 'down 0x10 'left -10x0 'right 10x0]e/key]z a = 'time[z any[b/6/1 < 0 b/6/2 < 0 b/6/1 > 290 b/6/2 > 290][x]z find(at b 7)b/6[x]z within? b/6 b/3 10x10[p b u[q s(last b)]w: 1 b/3:((r 29x29)* 10)]n: copy/part b 5 p n(b/6 + d)for i 7(v b)1 [either(type?(k b i)= pair!)[p n k b(i - 3)][p n k b i]]z w = 1[clear(back tail n)p n(last b)w: 0]b: copy n show c]]]do[focus c]]] REBOL [title: "VID Shooter"] score: 0 speed: 10 lives: 5 fire: false random/seed now/time alert "[SPACE BAR: fire] | [K: move left] | [L: move right]" do game: [ view center-face layout [ size 600x440 backdrop black at 246x0 info: text tan rejoin ["Score: " score " Lives: " lives] at 280x440 x: box 2x20 yellow at (as-pair -50 (random 300) + 30) y: btn 50x20 orange at 280x420 z: btn 50x20 blue box 0x0 #"l" [z/offset: z/offset + 10x0 show z] box 0x0 #"k" [z/offset: z/offset + -10x0 show z] box 0x0 #" " [ if fire = false [ fire: true x/offset: as-pair (z/offset/1 + 25) 440 ] ] box 0x0 rate speed feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'time [ if fire = true [x/offset: x/offset + 0x-30] if x/offset/2 < 0 [x/offset/2: 440 fire: false] show x y/offset: y/offset + as-pair ((random 20) - 5) ((random 10) - 5) if y/offset/1 > 600 [ lives: lives - 1 if lives = 0 [ alert join "GAME OVER!!! Final Score: " score quit ] alert "-1 Life!" unview do game ] show y if within? x/offset (y/offset - 5x5) 60x30 [ alert "Ka-blammmm!!!" score: score + 1 speed: speed + 5 fire: false unview do game ] ] ] ] ] ] REBOL [Title: "Collect the Boxes"] random/seed now start-time: now/time level: to-integer request-text/title/default "Number of Boxes?" "10" gui: [ size 600x440 backdrop white at -99x0 key keycode [up] [p/offset: p/offset + 0x-10 show p] at -99x0 key keycode [down] [p/offset: p/offset + 0x10 show p] at -99x0 key keycode [left] [p/offset: p/offset + -10x0 show p] at -99x0 key keycode [right] [p/offset: p/offset + 10x0 show p] at -99x0 box rate 0 feel [engage: func [f a e][if a = 'time [ foreach f system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane [ if f <> p [ if within? (f/offset + 10x10) p/offset 30x30 [ remove find system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane f show system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane ] ] if (length? system/view/screen-face/pane/1/pane) < 8 [ alert rejoin ["Your time: " now/time - start-time] quit ] ] ]]] ] for counter 1 level 1 [ append gui [at random 590x420 box 10x10 random 255.255.255] ] append gui [p: btn red 20x20] view center-face layout gui REBOL [title: "Animated GIF Example"] anim-frames-block: [64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zCHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxqjufmZWdnWxS/OsPJcODoPLtKprUcW9TPLXJT V7LdFZIZuMx/Ll/rrJCkC3NZ1ztd6SpVCG+L363EsXpCTvhmtovzVCWurr7R6jG7 rzZarKFpd8XTS77Z1/Xu7Qn+vunr6+/v725rqv6nm/Oj4Or2Ll7jvDUOa8+e6FX3 3uYjbPz0fN/RKjbeWcU+Z5do2qfN2lWaelnXfbveKwkz7ytLqu0qBK6Xed1cyfhG TC58xeujhyuF422FXxQeOPybbR1nzbbP18+khtXvu/H95Ns7Gzdv5ZtfaVX64fjZ crf/d6xPvV7XmJ7PZ1/x/ueXm/nXrOfVZKyZ+DL8nt85zhWzqu8LPosvPyYZEdW8 QrJjvjdj3TOFJuXQFVEVEl0iC9L49pVJJvZcnR7XLn/w+ux64XUpizrvbF0R1PFx 4QvB3s29OxLylB9tW9Cj9+vEol5NLk+5ia7vLB74GvxbETxZRklSqI+HyWNpR7ri VbkJtreOp05nF1O/EeGW9C01/RqjmVrF3l7PZxnfPStv12qxsjBYAwBolvDW2AQA AA== } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxqjufmZWdnW6hqBUwQfnxuvkPltxaJLSsuLOTt ZWPdIPzSaal3vZUth6nWhZUsq7NsrUqzQ9f47K17qyWmdW1T2txFsreLdW/Pydu6 rXe2mHrsYuf3j86uLn95Z1/Qf6ZnWeUGD2e38V/3WVOh9viYkfzh3Fvmb1Iap+oq P7OUKH64ocH2tsisGfkvTy7nXi6nG/n11dGZzLv3RQt8On3c19zY7e8stbyDCxtf h0rLZBZuKjyYFrv6jsLdZ8xr99lGi3wueRLuGN6+zqSq7MW1700y/hHle4o/PhP8 5Xt+397f3z88Pj3ff/++v79/vGdnYbAGAJfEqNM/BAAA } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blri2cIVNC+GU2Hp6elcEX0tnsbLfPpNs++9mTE57fRcyepfJZxfFgUsdNWU s51l8ihoma+8XatU6cOQVaHCca6zQh+GrYvlrWOVnvbgxrzUo/POzrz2JmpuLuu+ VuntT+9ML316T3VWuf79HXX/t/GuKTJIPBj5UW7bzB0fko75frwVGzP1ffIRa934 tpiQp88O9Zq3q84pL3qwq593uZ621dus61NCJ097K/714b7l3tf1bAv03jfNmv/v 264t3wu2Hn0r9973y6uiy2aql235hJeef35hovexONmK8jc3rzapXLeL03r+6cXl 1fHn9+39/f3D49Pz/ffv+/v7x+fX98/v3////1NWFgZrALxatNdHBAAA } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxKZMWCZWdnSuW+urOSId11nkP+rx6JLS8C2l0n y6XO2PLyUovvXDtTCdNXV5pCl8YtnRn68tq6qOVNX6tKdW4uT+ud5sv9RTt6Xt79 Vz3a4Stu7Cq7+OitZ/i7i3tza5n4tCo+3JzWdniTz5oI1cfHNOVXt2pWqp87VaPv LZf1413C3s7pdmKys0rSL88PZGbbe+vzva1rY3+/PV32+sCubRtnnd0rkJdwj/0h 0wyemh2p644UC7fl7H778NGh3vO6fKbGX1/f2Jx9/9ze3d/fPzjczSvvv2/Pz88v Lq+Oj7dTYLAGANdbpyswBAAA } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxqjufmZWdnWxS/unNy8/Lz8x2auWR/BTVeXOwi 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eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxqjufmZWdnWxRHhRwIfu46z6Hx1xSJLSsuLOTt 1XLdFfDy0mIfTqu5t4xfOayKWMt04NRVretrAvc3yWqVrTm/LnqlUuusba9Ct6aL ctQ4mL+9syt3+jHWgO+Nd/fVPXxm88p8Q8y+Gl7/q5Il667sZjp7S0drqm7UHP/T UrJ7LNc/2zFFOXudlNWyG9uzvs6yO1NgEj29V3RXH2/1tzfTthVv9lt52+zdvcXZ zPZ/rb99OKfvLF+vu+d50Xaju3b3bSutnj+fsTx4/sra6pK3N9fed2Op/2uR/OZ5 +/pQf7GKiJ37tlb905I3LVw7s//St1W7NgW8f/l1+41qZr6O+MxvjuH3m3jMXjxo FnDTeNgiEpbxsFUibUViGyMjgzUAhlm/D2kEAAA= } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJGcFnIAgdVr2kGybtEJDernZmpnfsqp9P48bn5tvr/ZKSuPApY4Koo Fzvry8OgZb6Sdq1Sog9DZjJlh/l6mLz2ZeDfU3c3SuClwzQm+RWsC6bqOC7JOrwo Vnv72uht1gfbeK0n6MWtKW/8pbrj2/uI7QU/F9Vmf14XMbfnolxpjWlR3GGbyXZb a3ZufLY619b5H8+vnNRL8z7K6ciWbnG80B7Y3SZrrZF7bVN+ee6q6uKr9/ZFM8/X qfnx7s6xYPGrs+7oPXrWzex83qes6svaa+v/n9OrtUp9fX9ve7j/ux8fP3x61rjY vLZ6b+iNdzsPre/9l5a86itjv21cXGXk5p+Wx+fVM3K9CK15v7MtwZlL74RCAp+b xsMWkbCMh60SaSsetsmUvXjYrtCm8ahDZVrGo06NPFEBBmsAOJHArHoEAAA= } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4a8uKBYvd+6Wd i/54bFp8YjKf9yqTzk2ph6ZqxZ4S4dj87Mw00+J7IjM3Pz/Xa1v674jElecXJrom yq3NKFbwWC4/PSiE68FB5llMay/1aJkuClobLhqyV2pa9vUp8SeZBLjL1t7czDM7 S9ViukrMlpCNYj2V5YlB03x/7/uzu3RpQqsjL5tdjYFhyIF8yfehWT82Rmz3VxXf 9rvi0+VJs8zdv8lsLYo/NK2b699pqS93r20wLu/lrTbNvbYt3/rcWmv9x5f2prb7 1VZbvHxwrPO1n94u8+IzB/XV+/VsTEpfXl5pn+9Xbf3l6b2J1cHP+6psKhc/43zk d99Cs/qrXW17eW3Nl7Jfp1aff17zb2/Rjz8/v8uWMf1aGt/IobbiQROP2YsHzQJu Gg9bRMIyHrZKpK142CZT9uJhu0KbxqMOlWk7Eh0YrAGyBMCKdgQAAA== } 64#{ eJxz93SzsEwMZwhn+M4AAg1g3ACmGsCsBjDnPxj/B1P/waz/YM4oGAXDBij+ZAHT OiAClCfYOf4zMHLIeGxYcLCZQ1gr5sSGhYfbBZS95nhsXHS0W8I4686JjYuP9ys4 d8l4blpycrJG8KqYk5uWnp5ukHxqjufmZb79XEWvrlROfnRuvn21F4tXSOOFNptu JttVBisuzfURtJsrdfXBleWhnHFLZ5VqX18V18lnImW6JmwT/yamD1ofHG9tZbi0 TLV6ytrbOwqeHkrNCtePaiypntX7u+z9rTml7OIxWiZrbhy2kbbm45IsTDrevTDu GM/PgptrkzWj360qefhi9nLH+b09VUa3Z62zPN+zNkLt7fVt+eK21tHf8w40Jv7S Oxv148Pxg73y1898t4h4Pnvh9rh5c9S+XjZbH/5+757K7y/22bc716+Lzn168ln4 db/1917kfwvbOH+6/zzLD8ez7p/X9/u1/d+fiEq2+Joe3owHjRxqKx408Zi9eNAs 4KbxsEUkLONhq0SaqACDNQAYMLy/ZgQAAA== }] count: 1 make-dir %./frames/ for count 1 length? anim-frames-block 1 [ write/binary rejoin [ %./frames/ "frame-" count ".gif" ] to-binary decompress pick anim-frames-block count ] file-list: read %./frames/ animation-frames: copy [] for count 1 length? file-list 1 [ append animation-frames rejoin [ %./frames/ "frame-" count ".gif" ] ] view center-face layout [ size 625x415 backcolor black anim: anim rate 10 frames load animation-frames btn "Run Animation" [ for counter 0 31 1 [ anim/offset: anim/offset + (as-pair counter 0) show anim wait .05 ] for counter 0 24 1 [ anim/offset: anim/offset + (as-pair 0 counter) show anim wait .05 ] for counter 0 31 1 [ anim/offset: anim/offset + (as-pair (negate counter) 0) show anim wait .05 ] for counter 0 24 1 [ anim/offset: anim/offset + (as-pair 0 (negate counter)) show anim wait .05 ] ] ] REBOL [title: "FTP with symbols in username"] print "reading..." ; print read ; error write [ scheme: 'FTP host: "" port-id: 21 target: "/test.txt" user: "" pass: "pass" user-data: "some text" ] "test" halt REBOL [title: "FTP CHMOD"] website: request-text/title/default "Web Site:" " (or IP address)" username: request-text/title/default "User Name:" "user" password: request-text/title/default "Password:" "pass" folder: request-text/title/default "Folder:" "public_html" file: request-text/title/default "File:" "example.cgi" permission: request-text/title/default "Permission:" "755" write %ftpargs.txt trim rejoin [{ open } website { user } username { } password { cd } folder { literal chmod } permission { } file { bye }] call/show "ftp -n -s:ftpargs.txt" REBOL [title: "USPS Intelligent Mail Encoder"] unless exists? %usps4cb.dll [ write/binary %usps4cb.dll read/binary ] GEN-CODESTRING: make routine! [ t [string!] r[string!] c [string!] return: [integer!] ] load/library request-file/only/file %usps4cb.dll "USPS4CB" t: request-text/title/default "Tracking #:" "00700901032403000000" r: request-text/title/default "Routing #:" "55431308099" GEN-CODESTRING t r (make string! 65) alert first second first :GEN-CODESTRING REBOL [Title: "Simple Menu Example"] view center-face gui: layout [ size 400x300 at 100x100 H3 "You selected:" display: field origin 2x2 space 5x5 across at -200x-200 file-menu: text-list "item1" "item2" "quit" [ switch value [ "item1" [ face/offset: -200x-200 show file-menu ; PUT YOUR CODE HERE: set-face display "File / item1" ] "item2" [ face/offset: -200x-200 show file-menu ; PUT YOUR CODE HERE: set-face display "File / item2" ] "quit" [quit] ] ] at 2x2 text bold "File" [ either (face/offset + 0x22) = file-menu/offset [ file-menu/offset: -200x-200 show file-menu ][ file-menu/offset: (face/offset + 0x22) show file-menu ] ] text bold "Help" [ file-menu/offset: -200x-200 show file-menu ; PUT YOUR CODE HERE: set-face display "Help" ] ] REBOL [title: "Days Between"] sd: ed: now/date view layout [ btn "Select Start Date" [ sd: request-date sdt/text: to-string sd show sdt db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - sd) show db ] sdt: field to-string sd [ either error? try [to-date sdt/text] [ alert "Improper date format." ] [ db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - (to-date sdt/text)) show db ] ] btn "Select End Date" [ ed: request-date edt/text: to-string ed show edt db/text: to-string (ed - (to-date sdt/text)) show db ] edt: field to-string ed [ either error? try [to-date edt/text] [ alert "Improper date format." ] [ db/text: to-string ((to-date edt/text) - (to-date sdt/text)) show db ] ] h1 "Days Between:" db: field "0" [ either error? try [to-integer db/text] [ alert "Please enter a number." ] [ edt/text: to-string ( (to-date sdt/text) + (to-integer db/text) ) ] show edt ] ] REBOL [title: "Update My Haxelibs"] write %haxelibs.txt read the-list: read/lines %haxelibs.txt clean: copy [] foreach line the-list [ x: (parse/all form (find line ".zip") ">") if (length? x) > 2 [ y: parse form second x "<" append clean first y ] ] errors: copy [] make-dir %haxelibs change-dir %haxelibs save %list.txt clean downloaded: read %. if exists? %previously_downloaded.txt [ append downloaded load %previously_downloaded.txt ] save %previously_downloaded.txt unique downloaded foreach file clean [ if not (find downloaded (to-file file)) [ either error? try [size? (join file)] [ print join "ERROR: " file append errors file ] [ print rejoin [ {Downloading: } file { (} size? (join file) { kb)} ] if error? try [ write/binary (to-file file) (read/binary (join file)) ] [ print join "ERROR: " file append errors file ] ] ] ] save %haxe_lib_download_errors.txt errors halt foreach file clean [if find downloaded (to-file file) [print file]] REBOL [title: "Typing Tutor"] start-time: now/time random/seed now/time wrds: first system/words new-word: does [ x: form pick wrds (random length? wrds) t/text: x start: now/time/precise clear-face f show t show a focus f ] view center-face layout[ t: text 200 font-size 20 f: field [ dif: to-decimal now/time/precise - start a/text: rejoin [ either x = f/text ["CORRECT! "]["Incorrect :( "] "That took " dif " seconds." ] new-word ] a: text bold aqua 200 do [new-word] ] REBOL [title: "Print Time Clock Hours Readable"] dec-time: func [tm] [ qq: (to-decimal second q: parse form round/to tm 00:00:60 ":") / 60 write clipboard:// form round/to ((to-decimal q/1) + qq) .01 ] data1: copy read clipboard:// data2: copy parse/all data1 "^/" foreach line data2 [ if line = (trim copy line) [print line] if find line "TOTAL HOURS:" [ hours: to-time (last parse line " ") if hours <> none [ dec-time hours ask "Paste Into Paychex, Then Press [ENTER]..." ] ] ] halt REBOL [title: "Parse Prices From Sales Report"] x: parse { Item #: 1 Price: 0.99 (tax-free) 8-Nov-2012_11-30-47+rich.txt Item #: 3 Price: 1.49 (tax-free) 8-Nov-2012_11-30-47+rich.txt Item #: 2 Price: 7.49 Tax: 0.4494 8-Nov-2012_11-41-12+rich.txt } none z: copy [] g: 0 for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ if "Price:" = pick x i [ ; print pick x (i) y: to-decimal pick x (i + 1) g: g + y if y > 10 [append z y] ] ] print z t: 0 foreach i z [t: t + i] print t print g halt REBOL [title: "Enumerate Blog Photos"] count: 18 filename: "photoname" for i 1 count 1 [ num: form i if (length? num) = 2 [num: join "0" num] if (length? num) = 1 [num: join "00" num] print rejoin [ {

} ] ] halt REBOL [title: "NS Basic Image Encoder"] title-text: "NS Basic Image Encoder" if system/version/4 = 3 [ user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll get-tb-focus: make routine! [return: [int]] user32.dll "GetFocus" set-caption: make routine! [ hwnd [int] a [string!] return: [int] ] user32.dll "SetWindowTextA" show-old: :show show: func [face] [ show-old [face] hwnd: get-tb-focus set-caption hwnd title-text ] ] image-name: request-text/title/default "ID property of image widget:" "Image1" system/options/binary-base: 64 x: at (form read/binary to-file my-file: request-file/only) 4 y: parse form x "^/" z: rejoin [{myimage="data:Image/} (at form suffix? my-file 2) {;base64,"}] len: length? y for i 2 (len - 1) 1 [ append z rejoin [ newline {myimage=myimage & "} (pick y i) {"} ] ] append z rejoin [ {^/^/} image-name {.innerHTML=""} ] editor z REBOL [title: "Always on Top"] ; Windows API example user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll FindWindowByClass: make routine! [ ClassName [string!] WindowName [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "FindWindowA" SetWindowPos: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] hWndInsertAfter [integer!] X [integer!] Y [integer!] cx [integer!] cy [integer!] wFlags [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SetWindowPos" view/new center-face layout [ h4 "Try opening some other applications." h4 "This window always stays on top." area field 400 btn "Quit" [quit] ] hwnd: FindWindowByClass "REBOLWind" 0 SetWindowPos hwnd -1 0 0 0 0 3 do-events Rebol [title: "Embedded binary file demo"] ; .exe created not with Rebol program: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJztF11sU2X03K4VqJsrkZJp6OzchhFJsx8qDB9od1fHdIO6ds7AgJX2jttyey/p vWUjJuNnmNhMibzwaCSLi+EBE1ziGIkBGh0BSYTwwAMme9Dk4kgkgSiKcj3nu7es QrKFhMUQOcn5+c7fd875+vXe27FJAg4AbIiGAQwWIwZMEbqTcmODN5xRdmRi6aoy Z83YogngLlaNtV+s6kV7q9KelHeu9LYqQTXt7e/v97UqLcLuqKJIvriShnAIoJ0r gXvPn+StlDAF5dyzHLwAdlw4TZ1Mm7oQvWDu7jKLslsxBc4KQ30bb9bMHF3F/D5j MFAHEIbHD+cwb88s9riSEIjvK7EKogZs//bxAvQmYlqM5JsOUwHPWFgEAYDTvqTp eYdy1Fn5Sh/O96h9nLrrDcD4IpQm7UOkWL/nt6MlqMvxrkl+GVWS7xqWalzDzqGz 9rbyD5ehpmnl+ezt3M/RSPe7Q9/ajeh5+9Ztm3vKh9xoM7SaimLUR18C2JKf+Kg2 APoJwzDOuiAF+hHU/pHXryObdLyP+y2kEhx7UaLfo0gq/RJa60/n88Ndrpz7FmqG u5bk3L8zwdWXc0+jdOYXkn4lnYfW++/qOPLyDz7BfH3jTXVnplx949inhPvnSgw/ 8RSIHM7P8PdSUYtxlxSkONE+o/u7EkNElMbpcuRKUhTjmLH/iHbDQQ7DHqL77zbh oQxeRa9duBQHkRj+HnIdr7y/e178AvmmnHt5VQAmaNo59/EZ8QSJAY7EURJvMu2x KipYj2CaEToYve2eYYiwl4rWY6jN8RWF5XtsuWSyhO7aJG8XXQFkNdWYIqIHK8nH 8FOSFJMoteEfZfQEo1SNCPCW2/BTjWK1uXkp9dDDegjrDqpkAUtiJhNp4ma3qUrx MG6dqkyFMQ2ExQmaxgU2c/07D2ZJsCz3Q68Xh76Cvac2pZwi8jCO8rIZd4jielmc uHxmsEMe1vMBZJf0YY8Pda95yH5p+tWrI86XMZbTE5a1gVlXFKyryeowp0Cy4Wf+ hdSrWGp26N008hW4XnS6/OBS7MnUVHoK0osoTV+22qF56c95qKdtZBzB66J/imSc /Rmsg/KDdHFbA9O3RrZWByD/qPf1KTCwze3y2KCbn9vnP4ExoItiwr11zvncqq6+ oXGV//XVa5qCzXxL6M3ZfBfMZyFPBvywgD3FGDjLnGVl83o4T+HJAZ/PFxWTqrcj GxerHljRqyL9sWXxqU2/nkHki1H4HDkvJeM7vZooeLdnNU2R10K34G1XdgveTmE7 vmv7fNDcFY1u3ABpNa5J6rZd9MouqGpjw6z1GLXn6vDxV/s9o1cYvcroNUanGP2J UZ3RG4zeZPQ2o3cY/YtRqCdqZ3Qho6WMuhitYHQZ0pr6mRr21Zvv03VFuuMoX0Gd VqT7BlupKFoXw8eo/8yynUR+HvEa4g3EPxEXYuwSxOWIaxADiGHEBKKGeADxCOIx a1wXkE81zH/ut0OdG0LtjQ2+hCSBzLUKWoeSyErC+pickIQgfAmhgaSG319xPEvo ioQ6Ld9D0CL04ddZQuknaxA4W1hRtXeySa0DXWM7BHjDFhHkhLUKYs2cJTcrA0H4 mmtXYgk+m1GVTBBOsVVbXJGDsNTWKexIqpqQ4aWYqgbps4LPCDFNMPcLYXQpldrC g0bcVHcKcQ220DqyB4PTHYKWScZVgCGsw/LBEgHWsjYLZR2zRTMxWZUwfaFwOAot SXVXTIuLM9V/ZeuSMw/UxW/s4KOF6W2GNjmp8Uo6rci8ImsZRVLxG+1hZWhgrlv6 /4F/ABcSIgQAEAAA } write/binary %program.exe program call/show %program.exe REBOL [title: "Tric Trac Game"] ; Be sure to see the one liner version above! random/seed now/time count: 0 view center-face layout [ backdrop white across style tog toggle tan 50x100 [ sum: 0 show face foreach bttn [a b c d e f g h i j k l] [ do rejoin [ {if not find } bttn {/text "(" [sum: sum + to-integer } bttn {/text]} ] ] if not find u/text "(" [u/text: rejoin ["(" u/text ")"] show u] t/text: form sum show t ] a: tog "1" "" b: tog "2" "" c: tog "3" "" d: tog "4" "" e: tog "5" "" f: tog "6" "" g: tog "7" "" h: tog "8" "" i: tog "9" "" j: tog "10" "" k: tog "11" "" l: tog "12" "" return u: btn 690x50 font-size 20 "Roll" [ face/text: (form (1 + random 11)) show face count: count + 1 cnt/text: count show cnt ] return text "Score:" t: text bold "000" text "Save" [write %trictrac t/text] text "Previous High" [attempt [alert read %trictrac]] text "Count:" cnt: text bold "000" ] REBOL [title: "Tiny Tric Trac Game"] ; see one-liner & big versions above random/seed now g: [across btn "Roll" [alert form 1 + random 11]] repeat i 12 [append g compose [text (mold i) check]] view center-face layout g REBOL [title: "Little Decimal to Binary Conversion Algorithm"] x: to-integer ask "Decimal Number: " y: "" until [ insert head y either odd? x [1][0] x: x / 2 x <= 1 ] alert y REBOL [title: "Asynchronous Get Keys (Console)"] print "" p: open/binary/no-wait console:// q: open/binary/no-wait [scheme: 'console] count: 0 forever [ count: count + 1 if not none? wait/all [q :00:00.01] [ wait q qq: to string! copy q probe qq print ["^/count incremented to" count "while waiting^/"] ] ] REBOL [title: "Hand-Rolled Multi Column Data Grid #1] x: copy [] for i 1 179 1 [append x reduce [i random "abcd"]] grid: copy [across space 0] forskip x 2 [append grid compose [field (form x/1)field (form x/2)return]] view center-face layout [across g: box 400x200 with [pane: layout/tight grid pane/offset: 0x0] scroller [g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value show g] ] REBOL [title: "Hand-Rolled Multi Column Data Grid #2] x: copy [] block1: copy system/locale/months block2: copy system/locale/days for i 1 (max length? block1 length? block2) 1 [ append x either g: pick block1 i [g] [""] append x either g: pick block2 i [g] [""] ] grid: copy [across space 0] forskip x 2 [append grid compose [field (form x/1)field (form x/2)return]] view center-face layout [across g: box 400x200 with [pane: layout/tight grid pane/offset: 0x0] scroller [g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value show g] ] REBOL [title: "Hand-Rolled Multi Column Data Grid #3] grid: copy [origin 0x0 across space 0x0] forskip x 2 [ color: either (remainder ((index? x) - 1) 4) = 0 [white][wheat] append grid compose [ field 180 (form x/1) (color) edge none field 180 (form x/2) (color) edge none return ] ] view center-face layout [ across space 0 g: box 360x200 with [pane: layout grid pane/offset: 0x0] scroller[g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value / 2 show g] return box 1x10 return ; just a spacer btn "Get Data Block (INCLUDING USER EDITS)" [ q: copy [] foreach face g/pane/pane [append q face/text] editor q ] ] REBOL [title: "Hand-Rolled Multi Column Data Grid #4] x: copy [] for i 1 179 1 [append x reduce [i random "abcd"]] update: does [q: copy [] foreach face g/pane/pane [append q face/text]] do qq: [grid: copy [across space 0] forskip x 2 [append grid compose [ field (form x/1) 40 edge none field (form x/2) 260 edge [size: 1x1] return ]] view center-face gui: layout [across space 0 g: box 300x290 with [pane: layout/tight grid pane/offset: 0x0] slider 16x290 [ g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value show g ] return btn "Add" [ row: (to-integer request-text/title "Insert at Row #:") * 2 - 1 update insert at q row ["" ""] x: copy q unview do qq ] btn "Remove" [ row: (to-integer request-text/title "Row # to delete:") * 2 - 1 update remove/part (at q row) 2 x: copy q unview do qq ] btn "Col 1" [update editor extract q 2] btn "Col 2" [update editor extract/index q 2 2] btn "Save" [update save to-file request-file/save q] btn "Load" [x: load to-file request-file do qq] btn "History" [ m: copy "ITEMS YOU'VE EDITED:^/^/" update for i 1 (length? q) 1 [ if (to-string pick x i) <> (to-string pick q i) [ append m rejoin [pick x i " " pick q i newline] ] ] editor m ] ]] REBOL [title: "Hand-Rolled Multi Column Data Grid #5] x: copy [] for i 1 99 1 [append x reduce [i random 99x99 random "abcd"]] grid: copy [origin 0x0 across space 0x0] forskip x 3 [ append grid compose [ b: box 520x26 either (remainder((index? x)- 1)6)= 0 [white][beige] origin b/offset text bold 180 (form x/1) text 120 center blue (form x/2) [alert face/text] text 180 right purple (form x/3) [face/text: request-text] return box 520x1 green return ] ] view center-face layout [ across space 0 g: box 520x290 with [pane: layout grid pane/offset: 0x0] scroller 16x290 [ g/pane/offset/y: g/size/y - g/pane/size/y * value / 2 show g ] return box 1x10 return ; just a spacer btn "Get Data Block" [ q: copy [] foreach face g/pane/pane [ if face/style = 'text [append q face/text] ] editor q ] ] REBOL [title: "NS Basic Image Uploader"] image-name: request-text/title/default "ID property of image widget:" "Image1" system/options/binary-base: 64 x: at (form read/binary to-file my-file: request-file/only) 4 y: parse form x "^/" z: rejoin [ {myimage="data:Image/} (at form suffix? my-file 2) {;base64,"} ] len: length? y for i 2 (len - 1) 1 [ append z rejoin [ newline {myimage=myimage & "} (pick y i) {"} ] ] append z rejoin [ {^/^/} image-name {.innerHTML=""} ] print rejoin ["sending: " form last split-path my-file] write [ scheme: 'FTP host: "" port-id: 21 target: join "/share_image/" form last split-path replace my-file user: "" pass: "pass" ] z print "DONE" halt REBOL [title: "NS Basic Image Uploader 2"] system/options/binary-base: 64 x: at (form read/binary to-file my-file: request-file/only) 4 y: parse form x "^/" z: rejoin [{data:Image/} (at form suffix? my-file 2) {;base64,}] len: length? y for i 2 (len - 1) 1 [ append z rejoin [ (pick y i) {|} ] ] z: copy/part z ((length? z) - 1) print rejoin ["sending: " form last split-path my-file] write [ scheme: 'FTP host: "" port-id: 21 target: join "/share_image/" form last split-path replace my-file user: "" pass: "pass" ] z print "DONE" halt REBOL [title: "Edit Compress Encrypted"] if error? try [data: read file: request-file/only] [quit] compressed: find data "#{" either compressed = none [ flag: true compressed: copy data uncompressed: copy data ] [ flag: false uncompressed: decompress load compressed ] write %uncompressed.txt uncompressed editor %uncompressed.txt if true <> request "Save updated file?" [ ; alert "Changes NOT saved." delete %uncompressed.txt quit ] replace data compressed (form compress read %uncompressed.txt) if flag = true [insert head data "rebol []^/^/do decompress "] write file data delete %uncompressed.txt alert "Changes saved." REBOL [title: "Edit Compress Encrypted 2 - More Encrypted"] if error? try [data: read file: request-file/only] [quit] compressed: find data "#{^/" either compressed = none [ flag: true compressed: copy data uncompressed: copy data ] [ flag: false compressed: copy/part compressed ((length? compressed) - 1) uncompressed: decompress load compressed ] write %uncompressed.txt uncompressed editor %uncompressed.txt if true <> request "Save updated file?" [ ; alert "Changes NOT saved." delete %uncompressed.txt quit ] replace data compressed (form compress read %uncompressed.txt) if flag = true [ insert head data rejoin [ "rebol []^/^/do do form reduce " "[to-string #{6465636F6D7072657373} " ] append data "]" ] write file data delete %uncompressed.txt alert "Changes saved." REBOL [title: "Convert Compress Encrypted - from version 1 to 2"] foreach file read %. [ txt: read file if ((not dir? file) and (file <> %convert-compress-encrypted.r)) [ if find txt "do decompress " [ replace txt {do decompress } {do do form reduce [to-string #{6465636F6D7072657373} } append txt "]" ] if find txt{do do form reduce [to-string #{6465636F6D7072657373}}[ if (last txt) <> #"]" [append txt "]"] ] write file txt ] ] REBOL [title: "Embed a Folder Full of Files"] system/options/binary-base: 64 sounds: copy [] foreach file load %./ [ print file uncompressed: read/binary file compressed: compress to-string uncompressed if ((length? uncompressed) > 5000) [ append sounds compressed ] ] editor sounds REBOL [title: "Add Spaces Before Comments"] file: %/C/7-14-10/My_Docs/rebol/rebol_examples.txt lines: read/lines file newlines: "" total-lines: length? lines count: 1 foreach line lines [ print rejoin ["Line: " count " of " total-lines] line: to-string line linesize: length? line while [(length? line) < 76] [ ; currently, max length of line = 75 if not find line #";" [break] print "updating..." replace/all line ";" " ;" ] newlines: rejoin [newlines line "^/"] count: count + 1 ] editor newlines REBOL [title: "Generic CGI Form Submission Viewer"] sort-column: 4 ; even numered cols contain data (2nd col is time stamp) signups: load do create-list: [ name-list: copy [] foreach item signups [append name-list (pick item sort-column)] ] view center-face layout [ the-list: text-list 600x150 data name-list [ foreach item signups [ if (pick item sort-column) = value [ dt: copy "" foreach [label data] item [ dt: rejoin [ dt newline label " " data ] ] a/text: dt show a ] ] ] a: area 600x300 across btn "Sort by..." [ sort-column: to-integer request-text/title/default { Data column to list:} "4" do create-list the-list/data: name-list show the-list ] tab text join (form length? signups) " entries." ] REBOL [title: "Generic Form Submission Editor"] submissions: load do create-list: [ data: copy [] foreach block submissions [append/only data (extract/index block 2 4)] datastring: copy {} foreach block data [ datastring: join datastring "[^/" foreach item block [datastring: rejoin [datastring item newline]] datastring: join datastring "]^/^/" ] editor datastring ] REBOL [title: "Determine OS"] switch system/version/4 [ 2 [print "OSX"] 3 [print "Windows"] 4 [print "Linux"] 7 [print "FreeBSD"] 8 [print "NetBSD"] 9 [print "OpenBSD"] 10 [print "Solaris"] ] [alert "Can't be dertermined"] REBOL [title: "Insert HTML Into Web Page"] file: %mp3.html a-string: {} ; first way: write file read content: read file insert (skip find content a-string length? a-string) trim {

MP3 Example!

} write file content editor file ; second way: write file read content: read file begin: (index? find content a-string) + (length? a-string) altered: rejoin [ (copy/part content begin) {

MP3 Example!

} (at content begin) ] write file altered editor file REBOL [title: "Find Long Lines"] doc: read/lines to-file request-file the-text: {} foreach line doc [ if ((find/part line " " 4)) [ if ((length? line) > 78) [ print line the-text: rejoin [the-text newline line] ] ] ] editor the-text REBOL [title: "Countdown Timer"] call "" s: to-integer request-text/title "Seconds: " repeat i s [print i wait 1] loop 5 [call "echo ^G" wait 1] ; or: call "" seconds: to-integer ask "Seconds: " repeat i seconds [print join newpage i wait 1] loop 5 [call/wait "echo ^G" wait 1] REBOL [title: "Room Poll (HTML Survey Generator for LANs)"] view center-face layout [ style area area 500x100 across h4 200 "SURVEY TOPIC:" h4 200 "Response File:" return f1: field 200 "Survey #1" f2: field 200 "survey1.db" below h4 "SURVEY CHECK BOX OPTIONS:" a1: area "Check Option 1^/Check Option 2^/Check Option 3" h4 "SURVEY RADIO BUTTON OPTIONS:" a2: area "Radio Option 1^/Radio Option 2^/Radio Option 3" h4 "SURVEY TEXT ENTRY FIELDS:" a3: area "Text Field 1^/Text Field 2^/Text Field 3" btn "Submit" [ checks: parse/all a1/text "^/" remove-each i checks [i = ""] radios: parse/all a2/text "^/" remove-each i radios [i = ""] texts: parse/all a3/text "^/" remove-each i texts [i = ""] title: join uppercase f1/text ":" response-file: to-file f2/text unview ] ] write response-file "" write %poll-report.r rejoin [{ rebol [title: "Poll Report"] view center-face layout [ btn 100 "Generate Report" [ all-checks: copy [] all-radios: copy [] print newpage print {All Entries:^/} foreach response load %} response-file {[ x: construct response ?? x if find first x 'checks [ either block? x/checks [ foreach check x/checks [ append all-checks check ] ][ append all-checks x/checks ] ] if find first x 'radios [ either block? x/radios [ foreach radio x/radios [ append all-radios radio ] ][ append all-radios x/radios ] ] ] alert rejoin [ "All Checks: " mold all-checks " All Radios: " mold all-radios ] check-count: copy [] foreach i unique all-checks [ cnt: 0 foreach j all-checks [ if i = j [cnt: cnt + 1] ] append check-count reduce [i cnt] ] radio-count: copy [] foreach i unique all-radios [ cnt: 0 foreach j all-radios [ if i = j [cnt: cnt + 1] ] append radio-count reduce [i cnt] ] bar-size: to-integer request-text/title/default "Bar Chart Size:" "40" g: copy [backdrop white text "Checks:"] foreach [m v] check-count [ append g reduce ['button m v * bar-size] ] append g [text "Radios:"] foreach [m v] radio-count [ append g reduce ['button gray m v * bar-size] ] view/new center-face layout g ] btn 100 "Edit Raw Data" [ alert "Be careful!" editor %} response-file { ] ] }] launch %poll-report.r poll: copy "" repeat i len: length? checks [ append poll rejoin [ {} checks/:i {
} newline ] ] append poll {
} repeat i len: length? radios [ append poll rejoin [ {} radios/:i {
} newline ] ] append poll {
} repeat i len: length? texts [ append poll rejoin [ texts/:i {:

} newline ] ] append poll {
} l: read join dns:// read dns:// print join "Waiting on: " l port: open/lines tcp://:80 browse join l "?" responses: copy [] forever [ q: first port if error? try [ z: decode-cgi replace next find first q "?" " HTTP/1.1" "" if not empty? z [ append/only responses z save response-file responses print newpage entry-received: construct z ?? entry-received ] d: rejoin [ {HTTP/1.0 200 OK^/Content-type: text/html^/^/
} title {

} poll {
} ] write-io q d length? d ] [] ;[print "(empty submission)"] close q ] halt REBOL [title: "GUI CRUD App Builder"] ; instant app creator builder: { fields: copy [] foreach widget widgets [ if (set-word! = (type? widget)) [append fields to-word widget] ] count: length? fields write/append filename "" dlt: does [ if true = request "Sure?" [ temp-block: copy [] foreach fld fields [ append temp-block compose do rejoin ["copy " fld "/text"] ] m: reduce temp-block remove/part find f: load filename do rejoin [ fields/1 "/text" ] count save filename f clr t/data: extract f count t/sld/redrag t/lc / max 1 length? head t/lines show g ] ] tl: does [ indx: (index? find t/data t/picked) - 1 * count repeat i (length? fields) [ wdgt: fields/:i cnt: i do rejoin [wdgt "/text: pick f (indx + cnt)"] ] show g ] clr: does [ foreach fc fields [ do rejoin ["clear-face " fc] ] do rejoin ["focus " fields/1] ] sv: does [ dlt save filename sort/skip repend f m count t/data: extract f count t/sld/redrag t/lc / max 1 length? head t/lines show g ] gui: [backdrop white] append gui widgets append gui [ h2 "Existing Records:" t: text-list blue 400x100 data (extract f: load filename count) [tl] box 1x10 white across btn "Save" #"^s" [sv] n: btn "New" #"^n" [clr] d: btn "Delete" #"^~" [dlt] btn "Edit Raw Data File" [editor filename] ] view center-face g: layout gui } view layout [ h4 "Application Title:" filename: field "MyApp" h4 "Add New Data Fields to Your App:" across field-label: field 250 "(Type a new field label here - no spaces)" field-type: drop-down data ["field" "area"] [ if face/text = "field" [field-size/text: "200x25"] if face/text = "area" [field-size/text: "400x100"] show field-size ] text "Size: " field-size: field 60 "400x100" btn "Add Data Field" [ if find filename/text " " [ alert "Please remove spaces from the App Title" return ] if find field-label/text " " [ alert "Please remove spaces from the field label" return ] if field-type/text = none [ alert "Please select a field type from the drop-down selector" return ] if find code-area/text join field-label/text ":" [ alert {Duplicate field labels not allowed. Please choose a new label for any added fields"} return ] append code-area/text rejoin [ { h4 "} field-label/text {:" } field-label/text {: } field-type/text { } field-size/text newline ] show code-area ] return h4 "App Layout Code (generated automatically by adding fields above):" return code-area: area 600x300 return btn "CREATE NEW APP" [ replace filename/text ".r" "" show filename if exists? to-file join filename/text ".r" [ alert {An application by that name already exists. Please create a new application file name.} return ] write created-app: to-file join filename/text ".r" rejoin [ {rebol [title: "} filename/text {"]} newline "filename: %" to-file filename/text newline "widgets: [" newline code-area/text newline "]" newline builder ] launch created-app ] btn "Run Existing App" [ if error? try [do request-file/only] [ alert {Error running selected app. Be sure to run ".r" files.} ] ] btn "Edit Existing App Code" [ if error? try [editor request-file/only] [ alert "Error editing selected app" ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Sync Time to Web Server"] write {#! /home/path/public_html/rebol/rebol -cs REBOL [title: "time"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print now} dif: 7:00 ; difference between web server and your local time zone date: (to-date trim read + dif lib: load/library %kernel32.dll set-clock: make routine! [ systemtime [struct! []] return: [integer!] ] lib "SetSystemTime" current: make struct! [ wYear [short] wMonth [short] wDayOfWeek [short] wDay [short] wHour [short] wMinute [short] wSecond [short] wMilliseconds [short] ] reduce [ date/year date/month date/weekday date/day date/time/hour date/time/minute to-integer date/time/second 0 ] either ((set-clock current) = 1) [ ask rejoin ["Time has been set to: " now "^/^/[Enter]... "] ] [ ask "Error setting time. Please check your Internet connection." ] free lib ; see REBOL [Title: "UDP Group Chat Program"] net-in: open udp://:9905 ; This is UDP, so NO known IP addresses required net-out: open/lines udp:// set-modes net-out [broadcast: on] svv/vid-face/color: white name: request-text/title "Your name:" prev-message: "" gui: view/new layout [ a1: area wrap rejoin [name ", you are logged in."] across f1: field btn "Save Chat" [write request-file/only/save/file %chat.txt a1/text] btn "?" [alert "Press [CTRL] + U to see who's online."] at 0x0 key #"^M" [ if f1/text = "" [return] insert net-out rejoin [name {, } now/time {: } f1/text] ] at 0x0 key #"^u" [ insert net-out rejoin [name {, } now/time {: Who's online?}] ] ] forever [ focus f1 received: wait [net-in] if not viewed? gui [quit] if find (message: copy received) "Who's online" [ insert net-out rejoin [name " is online."] ] if message <> prev-message [ insert (at a1/text 1) message show a1 attempt [ insert s: open sound:// load %/c/windows/media/ding.wav wait s close s ] ] prev-message: copy message ] REBOL [Title: "UDP Signin Client Alarm"] if error? try [net-in: open udp://:9905] [ alert { This program is already running. If you want to start a new instance, please close the currently open program. If you have any problems, close "rebol" in the task manager or just restart your computer. } quit ] svv/vid-face/color: white name: request-list "Your name:" [ "alex" "brian" "chad" "chris" "david" "dorian" "doug" "emerald" "jarrod" "josh" "kevin" "kyle" "lindsey" "mark" "nick" "peter" "ryan_gaughan" "stef" "steve" ] previous-signin: [] attempt [ insert s: open sound:// load %/c/windows/media/ding.wav wait s close s ] gui: view/new center-face layout [ a1: area 600x400 wrap rejoin [name ", you are logged in."] across btn "Save History" [ write request-file/only/save/file (to-file now/date) a1/text ] btn "Quit" [quit] ; at 0x0 key #"^M" [if a1/text = "" [return]] ] arrive-sound: load %/c/windows/media/ding.wav forever [ received: wait [net-in] if not viewed? gui [quit] if find (message: copy received) name [ teacher: first parsed: parse copy message none student: at (find/match copy message teacher) 2 ; erase newline insert (at a1/text 1) rejoin [ now/time {, } now/date {: } uppercase teacher ", your student has arrived: " uppercase student ] show a1 attempt [insert s: open sound:// arrive-sound wait s close s] ] wait 1 ] REBOL [Title: "UDP Signin Server"] net-out: open/lines udp:// set-modes net-out [broadcast: on] svv/vid-face/color: white previous-signin: [] write/append %last-signin.txt "" gui: view/new center-face layout [ a1: area wrap "Server started" across btn "Quit" [quit] ; at 0x0 key #"^M" [if a1/text = "" [return]] ] forever [attempt [ if not viewed? gui [quit] if previous-signin <> current-signin: load %last-signin.txt [ insert net-out rejoin [current-signin/1 " " current-signin/2] previous-signin: current-signin insert (at a1/text 1) rejoin [ "Last signed in student: " current-signin/2 newline "Last signed in teacher: " current-signin/1 newline ] show a1 write/append %alarm_history.txt rejoin [ now { student: } current-signin/2 { teacher: } current-signin/1 newline ] attempt [ insert s: open sound:// load %/c/windows/media/ding.wav wait s close s ] ] wait 1 ]] quit {%last-signin.txt contents should be 2 strings "nick" "john smith"} REBOL [title: "Request Examples"] request "Could this be useful?" request ["Just some information."] request ["Here are 2 buttons with altered text:" "Probably" "Not Really"] request ["3 buttons with altered text:" "Probably" "Not Really" "Dunno"] answer: form request ["Complex example:" "choice 1" "choice 2" "choice 3"] switch/default answer [ "true" [the-answer: "choice 1"] "false" [the-answer: "choice 2"] "none" [the-answer: "choice 3"] ] [] alert join "You chose: " the-answer request/type ["Here's a better icon for information display."] 'info request/type ["Altered title and button text go in a block:" "Good"] 'info request/ok/type "This example is the EXACT same thing as 'alert'." 'alert request/ok/type "Here's alert with a different icon." 'info request/ok/type "Here's another icon!" 'stop REBOL [title: "AutoIt DLL Example"] if not exists? %AutoItDLL.dll [ write/binary %AutoItDLL.dll read/binary write/binary %madplay.exe read/binary ] lib: load/library %AutoItDLL.dll move-mouse: make routine! [ return: [integer!] x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!] ] lib "AUTOIT_MouseMove" send-keys: make routine! [ return: [integer!] keys [string!] ] lib "AUTOIT_Send" winactivate: make routine! [ return: [integer!] wintitle [string!] wintext [string!] ] lib "AUTOIT_WinActivate" set-option: make routine! [ return: [integer!] option [string!] param [integer!] ] lib "AUTOIT_SetTitleMatchMode" set-option "WinTitleMatchMode" 2 call/show {madplay.exe -v *.mp3} view layout [ across btn "forward" [ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "f" ] btn "back"[ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "b" ] btn "volume up" [ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "+" ] btn "volume-down" [ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "-" ] btn "pause" [ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "p" ] btn "quit" [ winactivate "\reb" "" send-keys "q" quit ] ] REBOL [title: "Word Count Example"] view layout [ i: info rate 0 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'time [ l: length? parse m/text none i/text: join "Wordcount: " l show i ] ] ] m: area ] REBOL [title: "Count Characters"] s: ask "In: " c: ask"For: " r: 0 repeat i length? s [if s/:i = c/1 [++ r]] r s: ask"" c: ask"" r: 0 repeat i length? s[if s/:i = c/1[++ r]]r s: ask""c: ask""r: 0 repeat i length? s[if s/:i = c/1[++ r]]r REBOL [title: "FizzBuzz"] repeat i 100 [ j: "" if i // 3 = 0 [j: "fizz"] ; modulo operator (can also use "mod") if i // 5 = 0 [j: join j "buzz"] if j = "" [j: i] print j ] REBOL [title: "Test Script Loop"] do test-script: [ if error? try [previous-file: read %previous-file] [previous-file: ""] current-file: request-file/only/file previous-file if current-file = none [quit] write %previous-file current-file do current-file ; launch current-file if true = request "Run again?" [do test-script] ] REBOL [title: "Black Screen"] view/options layout/tight[box black system/view/screen-face/size]'no-title REBOL [title: "Choice Button Menu Example"] menu: [ "Options" [] "_________________________^/" [] "Open File" [attempt [a1/text: read request-file/only show a1]] "Copy to Clipboard" [do-face b1 1] "Paste from Clipboard" [a1/text: read clipboard:// show a1] "_________________________^/" [] "About" [alert "This menu is just a choice button widget :)"] "_________________________^/" [] "Halt" [halt] "Quit" [quit] ] foreach i (at menu 3) [unless find i "____" [insert head i " "]] menu-color: 235.240.245 svv/vid-face/color: 253.253.253 view center-face layout [ size 440x250 across origin 0x0 space 0x0 box menu-color 8x20 choice 190x20 left menu-color data (extract menu 2) with [ para: [indent: 4x0] colors: reduce [menu-color 215.220.225] font: [style: none shadow: none colors: [0.0.0]] edge: none ] [do select menu value face/text: face/texts/1 show face] box menu-color 2000x20 origin 20x40 space 20x20 below a1: area wrap with [colors: [254.254.254 248.248.248]] b1: btn "Submit" [write clipboard:// a1/text alert "Copied"] ] REBOL [title: "Choice Button Menu Example Multiple"] request: do replace/all mold :request "bold" "" ; not required for menus menu: [[ "Options" [] "_________________________^/" [] "Open File" [attempt [a1/text: read request-file/only show a1]] "Copy to Clipboard" [do-face b1 1] "Paste from Clipboard" [a1/text: read clipboard:// show a1] "_________________________^/" [] "About" [alert "This menu is just a choice button widget :)"] "_________________________^/" [] "Halt" [halt] "Quit" [quit] ][ "Preferences" [] "_________________________^/" [] "Option 1" [alert "Option 1"] "Option 2" [alert "Option 2"] "Option 3" [alert "Option 3"] ]] foreach m menu [ foreach i (at m 3) [unless find i "_____" [insert head i " "]] ] clr: func [face] [face/text: face/texts/1 show face] menu-color: 235.240.245 svv/vid-face/color: 253.253.253 view center-face layout [ size 440x250 style mnu choice 190x20 left menu-color with [ edge: none font: [style: none shadow: none colors: [0.0.0]] para: [indent: 4x0] colors: reduce [menu-color 215.220.225] ] across origin 0x0 space 0x0 box menu-color 8x20 mnu data (extract menu/1 2) [do select menu/1 value clr face] at 70x0 mnu data (extract menu/2 2) [do select menu/2 value clr face] box menu-color 2000x20 origin 20x40 space 20x20 below a1: area wrap with [colors: [254.254.254 248.248.248]] b1: btn "Copy" [write clipboard:// a1/text alert "Copied"] ] REBOL [title: "Choice Button Menu Example"] menu: [[ "File" [] "_________________________^/" [] "File Option 1" [alert "File Option 1"] "File Option 2" [alert "File Option 2"] "File Option 3" [alert "File Option 3"] "_________________________^/" [] "About" [do-face b1 1] ][ "Edit" [] "_________________________^/" [] "Edit Option 1" [alert "Edit Option 1"] "Edit Option 2" [alert "Edit Option 2"] "Edit Option 3" [alert "Edit Option 3"] ][ "Preferences" [] "_________________________^/" [] "Preferences Option 1" [alert "Preferences Option 1"] "Preferences Option 2" [alert "Preferences Option 2"] "_________________________^/" [] "Preferences Option 3" [alert "Preferences Option 3"] ]] gui: [ a1: area wrap with [colors: [254.254.254 248.248.248]] b1: btn "About" [alert "These menus are just a choice button widgets"] ] do decompress #{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} view center-face layout gui REBOL [Title: "Quick Color Guide"] echo %colors.txt ? tuple! echo off lines: read/lines %colors.txt colors: copy [] gui: copy [across space 1x1] count: 0 foreach line at lines 2 [ if error? try [append colors to-word first parse line none][] ] foreach color colors [ append gui [style box box [alert to-string face/color]] append gui reduce ['box 110x25 color to-string color] count: count + 1 if count = 5 [append gui 'return count: 0] ] view center-face layout gui REBOL [title "Several List Widget Examples"] x: copy [] for i 1 10 1 [ append/only x reduce [form random 1000 form random 1000] ] slider-pos: 0 view layout [ across the-list: list 220x240 [across text 100 text 100] supply [ count: count + slider-pos if none? q: pick x count [face/text: none exit] face/text: pick q index ] slider 16x240 [ slider-pos: (length? x) * value show the-list ] return btn "Remove" [remove head x show the-list ] btn "Add" [ insert/only head x reduce [form random 1000 form random 1000] show the-list ] ] x: copy [ ["row 1, column 1" "row 1, column 2"] ["row 2, column 1" "row 2, column 2"] ["row 3, column 1" "row 3, column 2"] ["row 4, column 1" "row 4, column 2"] ] do qq: [view gui: layout [ the-list: list 304x100 [ across space 0 info 150 [face/text: request-text/default face/text show gui] info 150 [face/text: request-text/default face/text show gui] ] supply [ either count > length? x [face/text: "" face/image: none] [ the-list/set-it face x index count ] ] across btn "Save" [ save to-file request-file/save x ] btn "Load" [ x: copy load to-file request-file unview do qq ] ]] REBOL [Title: "Editor with Undo-Redo"] do undo: decompress #{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} base-color: 230.230.255 base-effect: [] ctx-edit: mold :ctx-edit changes: [ {style tx vtext bold 40x22 font [colors: [0.0.0 200.200.200]]} {style tx text 40x22 font [colors: [0.0.0 170.170.170]]} {vtext} {text} {btn-enter} {btn} {btn-cancel} {btn} {btn green} {btn} {btn red + 50} {btn} {[tabs: 28 origin: 4x4]} {[tabs: 28 origin: 4x4] with [ undo: [] colors: [254.254.254 255.255.255] ]} {Ctrl-V - paste text} {Ctrl-V - paste text^/^-^-Ctrl-Z - undo^/^-^-Ctrl-Y - redo} ] foreach [original changed] changes [replace/all ctx-edit original changed] ctx-edit: do ctx-edit editor none REBOL [title: "REBOL/flash Build Tool"] write %shape.rswf { REBOL [ type: 'swf file: %shape.swf background: 230.230.230 rate: 40 size: 320x240 ] a-rectangle: Shape [ Bounds 0x0 110x50 fill-style [color 255.0.0] box 0x0 110x50 ] place [a-rectangle] at 105x100 showFrame end } write %text.rswf { REBOL [ type: 'swf file: %text.swf background: 255.255.255 rate: 40 size: 320x240 ] fnt_Arial: defineFont2 [name "Arial"] some-text: EditText 'the-text 110x18 [ Color 0.0.0 ReadOnly NoSelect Font [fnt_Arial 12] Layout [align: 'center] ] place [some-text] at 105x100 doAction [the-text: "Hello world!"] showFrame end } do [ my-rswf-folder: %./ change-dir my-rswf-folder do ; do %rswf.r current-source: to-file request-file/filter/file """*.rswf" %text.rswf unset 'output-html do edit-compile-run: [ editor current-source if error? err: try [make-swf/save/html current-source] [ err: disarm :err alert reform [ "The following compile error occurred: " err/id err/where err/arg1 ] either true = request "Edit/Compile/Run Again?" [ do edit-compile-run quit ] [ quit ] ] unless value? 'output-html [ output-html: to-file request-file/filter "*.html" ] browse output-html if true = request "Edit/Compile/Run Again?" [do edit-compile-run] ] ] REBOL [title: "Generate from source and upload SWF and HTML to web site"] write %mp3.rswf { REBOL [ type: 'swf5 file: %mp3.swf background: 200.200.200 rate: 12 size: 1x1 ] mp3Stream finish stream end } source-file: %mp3.rswf output-html: %mp3.html output-swf: %mp3.swf inserted-html: {

MP3 Example!

} insert-at: {} my-ftp-info: destination-url: do ; do %rswf.r make-swf/save/html source-file content: read output-html insert (skip find content insert-at length? insert-at) inserted-html write output-html content write (join my-ftp-info form output-html) (read output-html) write/binary (join my-ftp-info output-swf) (read/binary output-swf) browse destination-url REBOL [title: "Little GUI Metaprogramming Example"] view center-face layout [ text "Select a button width, in pixels:" d: drop-down data [250 400 550] text "Enter any number of button labels (text separated by spaces):" f: field 475 btn "Generate GUI" [ created-buttons: copy compose [ style new-btn btn (to-integer d/text) [ alert join "This button's label is: " face/text ] ] foreach item to-block f/text [ append created-buttons compose [ new-btn (form item) ] ] view/new center-face layout created-buttons ] ] REBOL [title: "Math Test - Simple"] random/seed now ceil: counter: total: score: 0 calculate: does [ if error? try [ either (to-integer f3/text) = do rejoin [ (to-integer f1/text) " " oprtr/text " " (to-integer f2/text) ] [ alert "Correct!" score: score + 1 ] [ alert "Wrong!!!!" ] total: total + 1 counter: counter + 1 if (counter > 10) [ ceil: ceil + 10 counter: 0 ] f3/text: copy "" f1/text: copy form (random 9 + ceil) f2/text: copy form (random 9 + ceil) show gui focus f3 ] [alert "** ERROR: Please type a number" focus f3] ] show-score: does [ alert rejoin [ {You answered } score { CORRECT and } (total - score) { WRONG.} ] ] view center-face gui: layout [ f1: field copy form (random 9 + ceil) f2: field copy form (random 9 + ceil) f3: field key #"^M" [calculate] across oprtr: rotary 40 "+" "-" "*" "/" btn "Score" [show-score] do [focus f3] ] REBOL [title: "Random Smileys 'Sprite Sheet'"] code: [ rows: 4 cols: 3 x: 64 y: 64 random/seed now update-pic: does [ z: as-pair (random rows) * x - x (random cols) * y - y img/effect: [crop z] show img ] view layout [ backdrop white img: image 61x61 pic #"^M" [update-pic] ]] pic: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJyUu2dQE94TLpzQAkhv0ouEkiCoCEjvJQk1IXRQpAkISFcQkd6khlClkwChCUgX 6b1JCR2kg1SlSfGnvv7nnTv3832+7s6zZ8/s7uyenfN3/u8agAGhDdcGAP/hLvAu APB3CaABoCAjpyAno6AgpwCBKCipGaipqaioWejoaRhus7Cz32ZhY+PkEeLj5BLk ZmPjv8svKCwCgUI4+MTvi4veFxKFiP6PBAgCgagpqZmpqZlFOdk4Rf+f8bcTwEgJ 6AD8JQXeAZAwAkkZgX97ATwAAAkJ6b/TAv4PKEDklABSMhIg1T+xFgMASEpKQkZK Tv7PCRIQAAAkIf3nDSNAAMT0QI0Z+ZSS5Y5XKKukekohm+BDlB0G7B1We1vDp65L atLYPjx1/cfJPxpOIOB/RgD/F2Tk/4gAFP9kMoz/TJCQkVCSk5ECSP8n+ydh/KfA JPBADcn81Cs0pbD2BwXLna5JQcn1E1Z11EO7ur+LABrSf6SM/zRVAPUh2GQWOKhQ 5dC349OriOaZtKX0SNk5D1XJTbiZGMPAmfKu2h9ky14y7Mu42PLZRpxf7XOCSn1a H6TR2gwWD/w1MHPKMZBFFr9JIeOXy/vO9YFa2GY8akvc0HTfoudLPRazhor6b5yb JjEWyuOVw/tGXFUhu85Yimn5UiJ7UcDaLKHHBJVL09ZXyti/po2U3bbqAjen/Le0 2bKknfgD0U1LeDG1LV9DJQF9vm9xsWCVnzxR+etGqINpRZMwgwAj6j1/K9MKc9uN sveuNyhsCCEsY1bUZEk9KVShDouXNFmerkezqPkyJF6ODZVJJvAVjX/ai8OoolhS h+Fdg0P9vjyb43Xxv6hbVeVR4g9dfLElNqVPOtydO7ebyo1mfysFW8CGANfJXtvF n+zjmV0kn6pvcN3vlbPSbIYMnwgM9i+YKu+d9VOO78FWkfqPmZ/fnrkTujG7kGsW Qezf7UsmffAu4RWBKtF4cBPODkcNIbub2Dmzao+GbZxSfI0rfHeQQj568jnayuzt Ci6LGlT9VmKIiSId38TMrx4SGc6JKZOl7V/6VGHIUIN0G43Rwv70tMYaljRcGAvl IP8l2cvZ32Z/2Ex3Pf9cPaGXgFAHZwheYl08eENShxdOQWT2dVEU6lF3KRJdiK0h 9RwUZZrs0tlU7S8G/dtiiN8m8yqsUZfv9GI/VfCNFjery8ghT8Gk4Qk5+p8iC92z HmRdtlaWMjPlMtBkrD4eYueJNp4ukaTiTFrvy3nvKja9n/T69xeksrh24CUUudoD P1z0/xdYIZ4ypI+OmQZTUdgxTennX+dQQa8bv/nHsr6OcySLIoZuEUDgvF6a0sGD vbWExLXReeNSxcDPwq+HLZOyBFSDs2Paj36Nt/jIHxGEHRlLTB/Km1isLW0Bk5d9 tyEwBUfVZ2SbXOk8lWJ3J+488u5g0rIBRK/EYNLnwgJgZLTDAT41HOMUD/AfVh0N bKv3J0XxRxqRREup5lErM0fXRQICyZjp6uUlgY3PX2FiqaHYDQLOPX7r8Z2XZ8gl 706vxwd1yzBmq9JiarfU0I0CgGJj5/ew4sbPM80u6IrVC+j5UnUQ7EWhuOSMVPoT Xdu39L2raYpLycAdMAY4TZX9mrJYOEvcAC0Y1XabVSoafeoVvsF0v0jHOuFc8iSi FiTjYVfJmZ1djC6chaTsTm01Qbn2dl12vtw3+gtY5g6jWwuju0mZ8QwVOr715LBf ormCrnlv+xbSKOK4Myf/bnze3gEm13xNjYMrvLRS+V1UT0IWRQ0Kocf5q/D11x+4 hfNzeIX8xsqbx9zmXtPj/6UdRTSmtMgJvgkZHFp+3nrcLGD5c/lmDG5daydjqrr/ 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/q5sahuyMy4Z8/Wr3WPtqb6O3by9cx5CJ79OqlFwo4Z1fiFU2K9dvjN0FtQUlLgK TLxvyoHZvzV3GwyclNtGWkMMobZbShCAEoQkBIAAwAB2AHbW0JCQABgAYAHbXrTA AJECvNrcU4oqWZJr/9l+BsVcgFoAAA== } do code REBOL [title: "Math Test"] code: [ random/seed now ceil: counter: total: score: 0 calculate: does [ if error? try [ either (to-integer f3/text) = do rejoin [ (to-integer f1/text) " " oprtr/text " " (to-integer f2/text) ] [ alert "Correct!" score: score + 1 update-pic true ] [ alert "Wrong!!!!" update-pic false ] total: total + 1 counter: counter + 1 if (counter > 10) [ceil: ceil + 10 counter: 0] f3/text: copy "" f1/text: copy form (random 9 + ceil) f2/text: copy form (random 9 + ceil) show gui focus f3 ] [alert "** ERROR: Please type a number" focus f3] ] show-score: does [ alert rejoin [ {You answered } score { CORRECT and } (total - score) { WRONG.} ] ] update-pic: func [correct] [ z: either correct [ first random [0x0 64x0] ] [ first random [0x64 64x64] ] img/image: to-image layout/tight [ image 64x64 pic effect [crop z] ] show img ] view center-face gui: layout [ backdrop white f1: field copy form (random 9 + ceil) f2: field copy form (random 9 + ceil) f3: field key #"^M" [calculate] across oprtr: rotary 40 "+" "-" "*" "/" btn "Score" [show-score] text "" img: image 64x64 do [focus f3 update-pic true] ]] pic: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJyVlnc02w/09z9GhdRetUcTIzGqKRWxaYMgiMSmatQqNUrNIqjWFqvUFsQetVWV 1mxLEZtWja/aOpSq1q+/55znnOff5/3v69z3eZ977rn3ns+drwDsGLQBGqD5J1ka WQA4XwR0AQb6CwwX6BkYLjCAQAyMYHYwmIkJzM3Kxsx+iZuP7xI3L6+AsISogCBE iJdXTFYMIikFg8P4ReUU5KQVJKRh0v9rQgMCgcCMYC4wmEtagFdA+v9b568ADkYg Boiho7kM0HLQ0HHQnL8BhAGA5sL/pgX+r0DAv7SMdDS0TP+wOjtAQ0dHR0tPy0h/ gZ7uH6ahpfvHOQBOcdBVLm2z25f9uHkQOrjo9BJGiFMT76Vr/kSoIulQt+/rv3IB GoCW7v/xBgC6CzS09ADDP4bgAGj/edPSMTDQ0v0fRkML0NFzcIpfvaDNZXab+7Jf dEkTAw8EkX5YOtH3+ev5AsBM98+Qg44D0ASmUb9s2lIjjUOxqszbnHsdWzMDDASH llOrOGEVy4/yXK8werlSUZqNVGwG2FRtM3qzwEymx7rZvdnowU6Sfk4+w20JHKHI ZINI8xPq7hVgYW7p+uSPZa26j21zym3b9IS/6RKiCQb68L61zyusGiP0gq7RD38M tNtWLEwWTy0FMOrega/lsN3OqoL4v3QpmtUO7UMvjlxUbajL/q4X8ONZbnb4sn92 S9lmAXbR3uy5vGXae/luvhHrhWyoaxzlFGhUFr1dcOPoCmWn1ZP7VE4k88hplQKt VsNzZkJdkkc1IlLpPqwns5VObfdo1/G1110eCpO6G6ub21Ymys+/FHdFNWzPbIgP ORYr37NsPDRoazTh7gDuUAuoj9q0Pt65WFTmz48gj3TK3qxV7onkfiyWT1NkIsbK qU+3IkW/caNGt84cQvVILTWCycXbBAo/1ljuOwK1KYYSsqu3ddPh2kIjwsFlSX6f 9IUyBvOmJdGV/aEum8+cZBjlUTvxTDogaNFdFt4b++UuP4d6/36tjhunhunMRxhZ yPg9y4yJ4a99sW1SokMDO3v1AXy242UpbHDijak2r8semxSLbZd/0JxvRpM93ggf og+34hmNtMxt5+Rv9gYrCTOtDEfAs6Cp9uvkzc6+lfBWnP6qfvzRUf2nwZ9bl2Rq ncV/mPM0ptptIs9a/sbPCAo0frPy7KBag1JZ/XlEQVP+r7CR6vSoOOpCvo2zZCLV zXOqECZ/lfMpNWheG4u1jOOszUy64Dfmi1YUq7cLzNvX6KgazdMeRgjJwH65NVEh vEtPkEUllEANPht9HCO9jJpXKTY8RSkO5T0N/pMo0XIzIgDG/zpN1HpOr/D1OTDY 4DdEQQrMW6jPG3bv/fSkWoajhZF+9Lfv1jr786r0P4o04kjTvr6AlkgVsDmU/stV XpX15kQqKCadNjSROh+wTtx77jV8qoZ+PAodE6rrVxXOd/4v4z/0k0s9ZnhVjXaC tkkimGu8WGQUZ1qafpCRzIpSRjzTa/E+ZQzxIWzcPB2hSpTLRm195F2NEofQQ12S VmgK5LeVGeJkH+PtciEh09SNWb0yW+lKJbuanLwgynem4AHX6E5HthcNjz9DVzj9 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TKY/B57IF2reqtDroNw9ycpz0riell/1U3vp6jaZEw96ChfKZxFsXZ3oiNna2Km4 4eZ8lQGuzcU2dcVqH2uM77Yst4jx8B5pmY4DZQzSfvDnRgo5Nwp/LbD5vNTKb/xo qVP+wYKBzELxZYjKmD87a8CY9sFWqR4eJbmMK90LfZeZQPDot/gu9fkOJlXCjhZX Gnaorf5q/YuElf96a3ZF/eJDO/sXERItkXJ687cc/2KGUAMOBTdFy0Wt7Kynw5dX ROOP9yTdpj1Za2MHzD86yOa1ELf2Nkl69+yDl/tw0fyIdH+7+4HMPIqu1V4G50DC 8yGBWsHBgpa0XLpxQb3jMc2IEM7npnWaP8I8k+UDNhu9m3vKqOX8a59Qo4m3kIOQ 0HMgC57tpH79HNAyEOjxKYAbKtkS15/5Gye/C7I7Mc3I/5PahQAVD/OPC3ScA2wz RjUVO0FH9YoPia8HzDib/na/OizWBKtHsovEemxiT0Ea5epK2GJZPRf23po5048r B62eJkyikySTLmxLvvTd1wlU97rr74LS2BeNyeLS+isACKBZVxzNulxpLpS7se9D OAewpM9uLmRpl6QtD17TsixakyaIIXpMUih0LN7Q0NAeFY7yzUgVw3bKtX38KhDI aOumgiExqrGeA/XZ2V0mHtzL7brYIXN0BQj88kPCnOYizhugKwZoeWKjVJlZ5OT8 D95tFCxAj3/Ozm++zM4uxqRcxmZnZ3cYYn38G9XaMk6dHSTEaskp17c8PPvvJxHa dUN18oOSjW1zxzZuaqv8WjN5Ibl2rVnV3YNJFGyaBqwHCdjYNIQQVoO89joUFEjA 2pzXAcrGJkNV9WaBnJzc/Rfn8/8D1e5Xw6EgAAA= } do code REBOL [title: "Spelling Rules Pretty Printer"] rules: [ {"a" says uh} [ago alone ahead above agree] {"ai" says long a} [main rain paint wait afraid] {"air"} [chair airplane hair unfair repair] {"alk"} [walk talk] {ar says ar} [alarm farther charge garbage] {"ar" says "or"} [warm war] ] ; rules: load html: copy {

Spelling Rules

} count: 1 foreach [rule words] rules [ if count = 1 [append html {}] append html rejoin [ {} count: count + 1 if count > 3 [ append html {} count: 1 ] ] append html {

} (uppercase rule) {

} ] sort words foreach word words [ append html join form word "
" ] append html {
} write %spelling_table.html html browse %spelling_table.html REBOL [title: "Student Photo Database (variation on Data Card File)"] write %StudentList.csv {STUDENTID,LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME,DOB,GRADE 111111,Doe,Steven D,6/16/1992,12 111112,Doe,Jonathan Daniel,12/16/1991,12 111113,Smith,Karen J,12/3/1991,12 111114,Jones,Michael J,6/4/1992,12 111115,Taylor,Ryan C,1/10/1992,12 111116,Adam,Kaitlan C,4/30/1992,12 111117,Washington,Gabryela,3/31/1992,12 111118,Travolta,Juan D,1/24/1992,12 111119,Cruise,Amber E,5/8/1992,12} either exists? %data.txt [ database: load %data.txt ][ filename: %StudentList.csv database: copy [] lines: read/lines filename foreach line lines [ append database parse/all line "," ] remove/part database 5 ; get rid of headers for counter 6 ((length? database) + 12) 6 [ insert (at database counter) to-file rejoin [ "/C/Photos/image_" (pick database (counter - 5)) ".jpg" ] ] save %data.txt database ] update: func [marker] [ n/text: pick database marker a/text: pick database (marker + 1) p/text: pick database (marker + 2) o/text: pick database (marker + 3) g/text: pick database (marker + 4) i/text: pick database (marker + 5) if error? try [photo/image: load to-file i/text] [ ; alert "No image selected" photo/image: none ] photo/text: "" show gui ] view center-face gui: layout [ text "Load an existing record:" name-list: text-list blue 300x80 data sort (extract database 6) [ if value = none [return] marker: index? find database value update marker ] text "ID:" n: field 300 text "Last:" a: field 300 text "First:" p: field 300 text "BD:" o: field 300 text "Grade:" g: field 300 text "Image:" i: btn 300 [ i/text: to-file request-file photo/image: load to-file i/text show gui ] at 340x20 photo: image white 300x300 across btn "Save" [ if n/text = "" [alert "You must enter a name." return] if find (extract database 6) n/text [ either true = request "Overwrite existing record?" [ remove/part (find database n/text) 6 ] [ return ] ] save %data.txt repend database [ n/text a/text p/text o/text g/text i/text ] name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 6) show name-list ] btn "Delete" [ if true = request rejoin ["Delete " n/text "?"] [ remove/part (find database n/text) 6 save %data.txt database do-face clear-button 1 name-list/data: sort (extract copy database 6) show name-list ] ] clear-button: btn "New" [ n/text: copy "" a/text: copy "" p/text: copy "" o/text: copy "" g/text: copy "" i/text: copy "" photo/image: none show gui ] next-btn: btn "Next" [ if error? try [ old-num: copy n/text n/text: form ((to-integer n/text) + 1) show n marker: index? find database n/text update marker ] [n/text: copy old-num show n alert "No more records"] ] prev-btn: btn "Previous" [ if error? try [ old-num: copy n/text n/text: form ((to-integer n/text) - 1) show n marker: index? find database n/text update marker ] [n/text: copy old-num show n alert "No more records"] ] key keycode [down] [do-face next-btn 1] key keycode [up] [do-face prev-btn 1] at 340x340 d1: drop-down 300 data [ "Last Name" "First Name" "Birthday" "Grade" ] at 340x380 f2: field 300 "Select field above, type search text here" [ if d1/data = none [alert "Select a search field above" return] search-field: to-integer select [ "Last Name" 2 "First Name" 3 "Birthday" 4 "Grade" 5 ] d1/data results: copy [] for counter search-field (length? database) 6 [ if find (pick database counter) copy f2/text [ append results pick database (counter - search-field + 1) ] ] t/data: copy results show t if [] = results [alert "None found"] ] at 340x420 t: text-list 300x60 [ name-list/picked: copy value show name-list if value = none [return] marker: index? find database value update marker ] ] REBOL [title: "Space Invaders Shootup"] alien1: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJx9UzFLQzEQjijUOognHTIVhCd0cXJ1kLe3g7SbFKcsWQoWZ7MFhNKxg0PpH3Cx WbKUqpPoUNcOPim1Q+kPkCJekvf0NTx7cLl7d8l33+XywvL+FrFyhVpCPUY9QN0g LnG7ScjjrtM98iedToeM3kbW7/f71k4/p6R+USe9Xo/UqjUbi94jMhgMrL/8XpLm ZZP4spPyzxVTT35MM2Zir4vFYu4dM7GP2M483Fa8f8w0O/Vy24yzo8RXipfJmdb8 kJxwrdJ7K4gxiSs7/09czYpdW6vcsI+AtrEKQ7ScDPlLHO/aNQ8huzaVeSDaHrNi 3IlBjDI6mqVsWvIA0E5ZJ2OtlUIuAKHmqoS5kHOt9UPMP0sm3TU5PHdHQVIZMs3v qZTPmrMAQAj6ZXOSUtkwPKRwloKQNlexCDOvR4fpclGq76KNzC2mQPiG681i5gAw ZusVJEAh5JojBzrEGQYC2dncuh7+y83d7ASVAu8MpAQqkT9+3Gg3Q+wHI2AZSAFm 1+99FzMQkzllVUxeTFUrc4vC4Q4VV4wlLyaerjD1XPe+tLxK8SNbqTrJOIf/Bd4X V+VU7AfjSm0ZEgQAAA== } ship1: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJx1Us9L3EAU/rTbMdHE9VlYukSQFhUpvXjQXrfizR8XkYAnt0oQVsTLGlgEFdSL l3jqpXgre6sEJAgDsidPIul/sHjopeIfILj0JdnV3ez0y7zJzLx533vvY2YXhzOI scs2yfaF7QNbDxLHjzfAu4HEhpKryAgDfccC4rfAws0IjF/96HsWyH7XMNXIon9Z QJvWsNQw8XZP4NPlKD73Whi/HcZO4z207fv7jyo8/jk4r1TdFQXcSrV+flEtq3x2 5amuB44lyU+BpHRKHq4dKXnZCbLkxl9kOF5BarPVDFWyBAWcEAVFsjrhENGmhyPK UXe+XNHf9HqZW9GgyzUUoloqXcXE1wv6iSTHohSkQ8yJQ5l2RCiSvPIGbaVkTFuu Ge5/erfdurb+wM3ETZHPyjaX5NzNHPATOHMsn894sMZJWX4uH78OYSvTrUU+paI2 q8nQl5JHMFaSOZLBbHPnoR2ndHUa5NtPwubfFKziT1YqRDdY2VV3JckT3X2ZIlwW KQjmUxGhGQ0Ecm5OlhBvUsSi/NpXmjLRoFx4YWuL0789fN24m+jsK2x+wGE+JjLR DePiqdbKZqZojf1qLZ2ptdO3ZrxXwjCODzuThK3Af4EF8jYSBAAA } alien-fire: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJxz8o1jZACDMiDWAGI+IJYFYkYGFrD4CyAW5oZgAYhSBhZmFoaWphaG48eOMwQF BDFoaGgwPH36lGHZsmUM4uLiDFk5WQyzZs1iuHHzBsOfv38Ydu7cyWBhZsFQXlrO EBEVATTBaWlolAoDA/vp3bt37wHyZwPpTUCaedqpUBWGS6HLMj8AedpA0Z1QGqTK KXrNtCdgF/BLtrCD6GywOAPDabA6BobCTAMwXTfzFMh8uM7ZUBpi/p3QZdMMwLp2 796GbH7omrR2sH6Omc+h5m4C09pQuiKzHWp+O1R+D1QeQjstPQINIwag+wBUhlwj XgEAAA== } ship-fire: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJxz8t3FAAFlQKwBxOxALAjEjAwsYHEXIBbmhmABqFo2FhYG9l4eBvajbAwKSTIM /H8FGFjUOBg4tnEyGP1VYWAXZWOwadNg4KhiYdA5JMLAacbJIHNLhUFnkgiDIpMg 2IyDd2UYVMqdGNLLyxoOz7RpCJ5p2pDi4sYAwlFpSz+AcEoJkF8O5KstZWhUkvig 4uLEoAIUO7f7zQcA8m8lvboAAAA= } bottom: 270 end: sidewall: false random/seed now b: ['image 300x400 ship1 'line -10x270 610x270] for row 60 220 40 [ for column 20 380 60 [ pos: to-pair rejoin [column "x" row] append b reduce ['image pos alien1] ] ] view center-face layout/tight [ scrn: box black 600x440 effect [draw b] rate 1000 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'key [ if e/key = 'right [b/2: b/2 + 5x0] if e/key = 'left [b/2: b/2 - 5x0] if e/key = 'up [ if not find b ship-fire [ fire-pos: b/2 + 25x-20 append b reduce ['image fire-pos ship-fire] ] ] system/view/caret: none show scrn system/view/caret: head f/text ] if a = 'time [ if (random 1000) > 900 [ f-pos: to-pair rejoin [random 600 "x" bottom] append b reduce ['image f-pos alien-fire] ] for i 1 (length? b) 1 [ removed: false if ((pick b i) = ship-fire) [ for c 8 (length? head b) 3 [ if (within? (pick b c) ( (pick b (i - 1)) + -40x0) 50x35) and ((pick b (c + 1)) <> ship-fire) [ removed: true d: c e: i - 1 ] ] either ((second (pick b (i - 1))) < -10) [ remove/part at b (i - 2) 3 ] [ do compose [b/(i - 1): b/(i - 1) - 0x9] ] ] if ((pick b i) = alien1) [ either ((second (pick b (i - 1))) > 385) [ end: true ] [ if ((first (pick b (i - 1))) > 550) [ sidewall: true for item 4 (length? b) 1 [ if (pick b item) = alien1 [ do compose [ b/(item - 1): b/(item - 1) + 0x2 ] ] ] bottom: bottom + 2 b/5: to-pair rejoin [-10 "x" bottom] b/6: to-pair rejoin [610 "x" bottom] ] if ((first (pick b (i - 1))) < 0) [ sidewall: false for item 4 (length? b) 1 [ if (pick b item) = alien1 [ do compose [ b/(item - 1): b/(item - 1) + 0x2 ] ] ] bottom: bottom + 2 b/5: to-pair rejoin [-10 "x" bottom] b/6: to-pair rejoin [610 "x" bottom] ] if sidewall = true [ do compose [b/(i - 1): b/(i - 1) - 2x0] ] if sidewall = false [ do compose [b/(i - 1): b/(i - 1) + 2x0] ] ] ] if ((pick b i) = alien-fire) [ if within? ((pick b (i - 1)) + 0x14) ( (pick b 2) + -10x0) 65x35 [ alert "You've been killed by alien fire!" quit ] either ((second (pick b (i - 1))) > 400) [ remove/part at b (i - 2) 3 ] [ do compose [b/(i - 1): b/(i - 1) + 0x3] ] ] if removed = true [ remove/part (at b (d - 1)) 3 remove/part (at b (e - 1)) 3 ] ] system/view/caret: none show scrn system/view/caret: head f/text if not (find b alien1) [ alert "You killed all the aliens. You win!" quit ] if end = true [alert "The aliens landed! Game over." quit] ] ] ] do [focus scrn] ] REBOL [title: "Sheep Herder"] sheep: load to-binary decompress 64#{ eJwB/gMB/P/Y/+AAEEpGSUYAAQEBAGAAYAAA/9sAQwAGBAUGBQQGBgUGBwcGCAoQ CgoJCQoUDg8MEBcUGBgXFBYWGh0lHxobIxwWFiAsICMmJykqKRkfLTAtKDAlKCko /8AACwgAMgAyAQERAP/EABwAAAICAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBAcAAQgCA//EAC8Q AAEDAgUDAwIGAwAAAAAAAAECAwQFEQAGEiExB0FREyJxFGEygZGhweEWkrH/2gAI AQEAAD8A6oxAl1BKFBLTjQFiVOK3SkgXtyN7b89sA1zj9Qn1Fo1lStlfiUEi90m4 sbC9hc2OPnHzVGFado65raJg0qQl4WUsEX9l9lflfv4weZqgsEvtrC990gWI8jf4 /XBBpxLraVtkFKhcHG74FylrMl4BTp0FGnQqwANrg/z9iMVj1yeq6aDCpFBiyXmp ai28plBWRa2lJtwDc/64X+rVYn5faplMpk1UVCmTrQwNPtACAL8jYdvGFqgVGNnd uPluvSDEqzatcCppTdS7coVuPdtcG4vYd+b9Z1QoDQddW8tlsBThHuWQN1fJx7od cjtl1mSsIRrugge0D+B/eGe+A6XbtKdd3U97rDm3b9rYikdwDp8nFZ9VsjTsyzo8 +mSGEusshpbbyigEBRIIIB39x2thFyV06zExnqJLqkZlmDDX6gfS8FJWQLiw55ty O2OhFKSlJUogJHfAOqNtodKWQNRFybnvgu3m+mNNpbcLoWgBKhp4I5xOUNIcba1l oK0tjwBsR8XvzhH6pCsIy/HmUIul+BKRJW22TdaEhVxYfiFyCR3AOK6yWjOGYa3B zG4+XI/1CkuI9QpCWSSkjQdrW453GB9QgZ4yxPdq2h1K5inG1COS6VE8EpG3BOnu LdsWr0zpkih5IhR6q8ovrK3ChZuGtRJ0D7D/ALfE4tlyQhqPqcK1BKbDc+f2vh0F EpoAH0TJ+5Tc/rjc2M8HS7FQg6gNab2J+/g/1gDMlOxHgl+K6ls8L4F/Hz/WFqVn mDCr7VJlIeTIft6Ti29KFXvtq87W+SBzjKnnWJErselal/WSPwNobK9rE3JGw2B5 wUL0yYFJbbddA2OhskX22JA+MG8uUaQxIblzA2hQR7UDcgnm/i2GS2Mx4eabebLb yEuIPKVi4P5YoXrTJoVYr1Iy9Bfgwil4iVPJARHvsU3Hfb9dO43tIrqKZ0/6tRqr Ulol02fFLJCj6jsa+keoRyR7eR2KvG92Ux6HIgMv0xbLkR1IW2tggoUD3FtsSsZf GsZjl/OsGJ/mE5v6Vj0zIN0+mLH3eMS+sjLQzzSUBtGkxGgRpFiLcYvPp8wzGyhT mozTbTSUGyG0hKRcknYffDFjMf/Z5+qx2f4DAAA= } movestyle: [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'down [ initial-position: e/offset remove find f/parent-face/pane f append f/parent-face/pane f ] if find [over away] a [ f/offset: f/offset + (e/offset - initial-position) if overlap? home f [ if find f/parent-face/pane f [ score: score + 1 scoreboard/text: rejoin ["Score: " score] show scoreboard screen-count: screen-count + 1 ] remove find f/parent-face/pane f show screen if screen-count = count [ screen-count: 0 count: count + 2 new-screen ; loop count [append screen/pane screen/styles/animal] ] ] ] show f ] ] make-screen: func [count] [ gui: copy [ size 600x400 backdrop white at 250x0 scoreboard: text bold 100 rejoin ["Score: " score] at 250x150 home: box 100x100 "Home" effect [gradient brown red] style animal image sheep feel movestyle ] repeat i count [ append gui compose [at (random 550x350) animal] ] append gui [ box 0x0 rate 0 feel [engage: func [f a e] [if a = 'time [ if (now/time - start-time) > timer [ alert rejoin ["TIME! GAME OVER. Score: " score] quit ] ]]] ] ] check-overlap: does [ foreach item1 at screen/pane 5 [ foreach item2 at screen/pane 5 [ if ((item1 <> item2) and (overlap? item1 item2)) [ item1/offset: random 550x350 check-overlap ] ] ] ] random/seed now/time/precise score: 0 count: 1 screen-count: 0 timer: 00:00:10 new-screen: does [ unview make-screen count screen: layout gui check-overlap start-time: now/time view center-face screen ] new-screen REBOL [title: "Camera Manager"] svv/vid-face/color: white tt: "Camera Manager" do set-title: {user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll gf: make routine![return:[int]]user32.dll"GetFocus" sc: make routine![hw[int]a[string!]return:[int]]user32.dll"SetWindowTextA" so: :show show: func[face][so[face]hw: gf sc hw tt]} make-dir %./history/ write %view1cam.r rejoin [{ REBOL [] cam: first parse (first system/options/args) "." tt: uppercase form cam } set-title { blank-image: to-image layout/tight [box black 640x480] file: to-file first system/options/args gui: view/new center-face layout [ across i1: image (blank-image) return btn "Stop" [flag: false] btn "Start" [flag: true] box 0x0 [] ] flag: true forever [ wait .15 if not viewed? gui [quit] show gui if flag = true [ attempt [i1/image: (load file) show i1] ] ] }] write %viewhist.r rejoin [{ REBOL [] svv/vid-face/color: 230.230.230 change-dir %./history/ cam: to-file first system/options/args tt: uppercase form cam } set-title { files: read %./ if cam <> %all [ remove-each file files [ cam-in-file: to-file (first parse (last parse file "_") ".") cam <> cam-in-file ] ] last-file: length? files counter: 0 blank-image: to-image layout/tight [box black 640x480] update-screen: does [ attempt [ i1/image: (load cf: pick files counter) show i1 t1/text: rejoin [ "Current file: " form cf { (} counter {/} last-file {)} ] show t1 ] ] gui: view center-face layout [ across i1: image (blank-image) return btn "Reverse" feel [engage: func [f a e] [ if find [down over away] a [ counter: counter - 1 if counter < 1 [counter: 1] update-screen ] ]] btn "Forward" feel [engage: func [f a e] [ if find [down over away] a [ counter: counter + 1 if counter > last-file [counter: last-file] update-screen ] ]] btn "Select" [ selected-file: to-file request-list "Select An Image:" files if selected-file = %none [return] counter: index? find files selected-file update-screen ] btn "Save" [ save/png request-file/only/save/file (pick files counter) i1/image ] t1: text bold 370 { Select image, or scroll forward/back (arrow keys work) } key keycode [left] [ counter: counter - 1 if counter < 1 [counter: 1] update-screen ] key keycode [right] [ counter: counter + 1 if counter > last-file [counter: last-file] update-screen ] key keycode [up] [ counter: counter - 20 if counter < 1 [counter: 1] update-screen ] key keycode [down] [ counter: counter + 20 if counter > last-file [counter: last-file] update-screen ] ] }] write %localcam.r { REBOL [title: "Local Camera Test Streamer"] avicap32.dll: load/library %avicap32.dll user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll find-window-by-class: make routine! [ ClassName [string!] WindowName [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "FindWindowA" sendmessage: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" sendmessage-file: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [string!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" cap: make routine! [ cap [string!] child-val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] handle [integer!] val4 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] avicap32.dll "capCreateCaptureWindowA" gui: view/new center-face layout/tight [ at -10x-10 b1: box 0x0 pic1: image 320x240 ] hwnd: find-window-by-class "REBOLWind" 0 cap-result: cap "cap" 1342177280 0 0 320 240 hwnd 0 sendmessage cap-result 1034 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1077 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1075 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1074 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1076 1 0 counter: 1 flag: true forever [ wait .05 if not viewed? gui [ sendmessage cap-result 1205 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1035 0 0 free user32.dll quit ] show b1 if flag = true [ sendmessage cap-result 1085 0 0 filename: rejoin ["cam" counter ".png"] sendmessage-file cap-result 1049 0 filename counter: counter + 1 if counter > 24 [counter: 1] ] ] } blank-image: to-image layout/tight [box black 160x120] gui: view/new center-face layout/tight [ across btn "Stop" [flag: false] btn "Start" [flag: true] btn "Test With Local Camera" [launch %localcam.r] text "View History: " drop-down data [ "cam1" "cam2" "cam3" "cam4" "cam5" "cam6" "cam7" "cam8" "cam9" "cam10" "cam11" "cam12" "cam13" "cam14" "cam15" "cam16" "cam17" "cam18" "cam19" "cam20" "cam21" "cam22" "cam23" "cam24" "all" ] [call/show join "rebol -s %viewhist.r " value] t1: text blue "Updating Camera: 000" return i1: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam1.png"] i2: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam2.png"] i3: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam3.png"] i4: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam4.png"] i5: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam5.png"] i6: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam6.png"] return i7: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam7.png"] i8: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam8.png"] i9: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam9.png"] i10: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam10.png"] i11: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam11.png"] i12: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam12.png"] return i13: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam13.png"] i14: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam14.png"] i15: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam15.png"] i16: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam16.png"] i17: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam17.png"] i18: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam18.png"] return i19: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam19.png"] i20: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam20.png"] i21: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam21.png"] i22: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam22.png"] i23: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam23.png"] i24: image (blank-image) [call/show "rebol -s %view1cam.r cam24.png"] ] previous-files: read %./ remove-each file previous-files [%.png = suffix? file] flag: true forever [ wait .05 show i1 if flag = true [ current-files: read %./ new-files: exclude current-files previous-files foreach file new-files [ if not viewed? gui [quit] show i1 if flag = true [ do process-image: [ loaded-file: load file if error? try [ rename file to-file rejoin [ %./history/ now/year "-" now/month "-" now/day "_" replace/all form now/time ":" "-" "_" file ] ] [ ; print "error deleting" do process-image ] ] camnum: replace replace form copy file "cam" "" ".png" "" t1/text: join "Updating Camera: " camnum show t1 do rejoin [ "i" camnum "/image: " loaded-file " show i" camnum ] wait .05 ] ] ] ] REBOL [title: "PDF Composing Values Example"] do xpos: 50 ypos: 200 offset: 5 size: 5 width: (10 * size) height: (2.4 * size) page1: compose/deep [[ image (xpos + offset) (ypos + offset) (width) (height) (system/view/vid/image-stock/logo) ]] write/binary %example.pdf layout-pdf page1 call %example.pdf REBOL [title: "PDF Guitar Fretboard Note Overlay Printer"] chosen-scale: none view center-face layout [ h1 "Fretboard length:" text-list "25.5" "27.67" "30" [ chosen-scale: join "scale" value unview alert rejoin [ "Now printing " value " inch scale fretboard overlay to 'notes.pdf'" ] ] ] notes: [ [{F}{C}{ }{ }{ }{F}] [{ }{ }{A}{E}{B}{ }] [{G}{D}{ }{F}{C}{G}] [{ }{ }{B}{ }{ }{ }] [{A}{E}{C}{G}{D}{A}] [{ }{F}{ }{ }{ }{ }] [{B}{ }{D}{A}{E}{B}] [{C}{G}{ }{ }{F}{C}] [{ }{ }{E}{B}{ }{ }] [{D}{A}{F}{C}{G}{D}] [{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }] [{E}{B}{G}{D}{A}{E}] ] scale25.5: [ 36.35 70.66 103.05 133.62 162.47 189.71 215.41 239.67 262.58 284.19 304.59 323.85 342.03 359.18 375.38 390.66 405.09 418.70 431.56 443.69 455.14 465.95 476.15 485.77 ] scale27.67: [ 39.45 76.68 111.82 144.99 176.30 205.85 233.74 260.07 284.92 308.38 330.51 351.41 371.13 389.75 407.32 423.91 439.56 454.34 468.28 481.45 493.87 505.60 516.67 527.11 ] scale30: [ 42.77 83.14 121.24 157.20 191.15 223.18 253.43 281.97 308.91 334.34 358.34 381.00 402.38 422.57 441.62 459.60 476.57 492.59 507.71 521.99 535.46 548.17 560.17 571.50 ] x: 40 line-width: 30 text-width: 4 height: 5 make-overlay: does [ page1: copy [ textbox 40 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "E"] textbox 45 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "B"] textbox 50 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "G"] textbox 55 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "E"] textbox 60 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "A"] textbox 65 0 4 6 [center font Helvetica 5 "E"] ] output: copy [] for i 1 10 1 [ y: do compose [pick (to-word chosen-scale) i] notes-at-fret: pick notes i append page1 compose/deep [ line width 4 (x) (y) (x + line-width) (y) textbox (x) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/1) ] textbox (x + 5) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/2) ] textbox (x + 10) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/3) ] textbox (x + 15) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/4) ] textbox (x + 20) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/5) ] textbox (x + 25) (y - 10) (text-width) (height + 1) [ center font Helvetica (height) (notes-at-fret/6) ] ] ] append/only output page1 write/binary %notes.pdf layout-pdf output alert "Done" ] do make-overlay REBOL [title: "RebGUI Request-List"] do %rebgui.r display "Main" [ button -1 "Click for a requestor" [ rslt: "" display/dialog "Delete" compose [ text 50 "Pick a Month:" return tl1: text-list 50 data system/locale/months [ rslt: tl1/selected hide-popup ] return button -1 "Cancel" [rslt: "" hide-popup] ] alert rslt ] ] do-events REBOL [title: "Request-List2"] request-list2: func [ titl [string!] alist [block!] /offset xy /local rslt list-lay ][ list-lay: layout [ backdrop white origin 10x10 h3 titl text-list 600x400 data alist [rslt: value hide-popup] btn-cancel #"^[" [rslt: none hide-popup] ] rslt: none either offset [inform/offset list-lay xy] [inform list-lay] rslt ] x: request-list2 "asdf" system/locale/months alert form x REBOL [title: "RebGUI Point of Sale System"] write %posp.db {["username" "password"] ["username2" "password2"]} ; etc. make-dir %./receipts/ write/append %./receipts/deleted.txt "" unless exists? %scheme_has_changed [ write %ui.dat decompress #{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} ] do do login: [ userpass: request-password if (length? userpass) < 2 [quit] posp-database: to-block read %posp.db logged-in: false foreach user posp-database [ if (userpass/1 = user/1) and (userpass/2 = user/2) [ logged-in: true ] ] either logged-in = true [] [ alert "Incorrect Username/Password" do login ] ] calculate-totals: does [ tax: .06 subtotal: 0 foreach [item booth price] pos-table/data [ subtotal: subtotal + to decimal! price ] set-text subtotal-f subtotal set-text tax-f (round/to (subtotal * tax) .01) set-text total-f (round/to (subtotal + (subtotal * tax)) .01) set-focus barcode ] add-new-item: does [ if ("" = copy f1/text) or ("" = copy f2/text) or (error? try [ to-decimal copy f3/text ]) [ alert trim/lines {You must enter a proper Item Description, Booth Number, and Price.} return ] pos-table/add-row/position reduce [ copy f1/text copy f2/text copy f3/text ] 1 calculate-totals ] print-receipt: does [ if empty? pos-table/data [ alert "There's nothing to print." return ] html: copy rejoin [ {Receipt

Business Name

123 Road St.
City, State 98765

} ] foreach [item booth price] pos-table/data [ append html rejoin [ {} ] ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {
Item Booth Price
} item {} booth {} price {
SUBTOTAL: } copy subtotal-f/text {
TAX: } copy tax-f/text {
TOTAL: } copy total-f/text {

Date: } now/date {, Time: } now/time {, Salesperson: } userpass/1 {
} ] write/append to-file saved-receipt: rejoin [ %./receipts/ now/date "_" replace/all copy form now/time ":" "-" "+" userpass/1 ".html" ] html browse saved-receipt ] save-receipt: does [ if empty? pos-table/data [ alert "There's nothing to save." return ] if allow-save = false [ unless true = resaving: question trim/lines { This receipt has already been saved. Save again? } [ if true = question "Print another copy of the receipt?" [ print-receipt ] return ] ] if resaving = true [ resave-file-to-delete: copy "" display/dialog "Delete" compose [ text 150 (trim/lines { IMPORTANT - DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE HERE! Since you've made changes to an existing receipt, you MUST DELETE the original receipt. The original receipt will be REPLACED by the new receipt (The original data will be saved in an audit history file, but will not appear in any future seaches or totals.) Please CAREFULLY choose the original receipt to DELETE: }) return tl1: text-list 150 data [ "I'm making changes to a NEW receipt that I JUST SAVED" "I'm making changes to an OLD receipt that I've RELOADED" ] [ resave-file-to-delete: tl1/selected hide-popup ] return button -1 "Cancel" [ resave-file-to-delete: copy "" hide-popup ] ] if resave-file-to-delete = "" [ resaving: false return ] if resave-file-to-delete = trim/lines { I'm making changes to a NEW receipt that I JUST SAVED } [ the-file-to-delete: saved-file ] if resave-file-to-delete = trim/lines { I'm making changes to an OLD receipt that I've RELOADED } [ the-file-to-delete: loaded-receipt ] if not question to-string the-file-to-delete [return] write %./receipts/deleted--backup.txt read %./receipts/deleted.txt write/append %./receipts/deleted.txt rejoin [ newline newline newline to-string the-file-to-delete newline newline read the-file-to-delete ] delete the-file-to-delete alert "Original receipt has been deleted, and new receipt saved." resaving: false ] if true = question "Print receipt?" [print-receipt] saved-data: mold copy pos-table/data write/append to-file saved-file: copy rejoin [ %./receipts/ now/date "_" replace/all copy form now/time ":" "-" "+" userpass/1 ".txt" ] saved-data splash compose [ size: 300x100 color: sky text: (rejoin [{^/ *** SAVED ***^/^/ } saved-file {^/}]) font: ctx-rebgui/widgets/default-font ] wait 1 unview allow-save: false if true = question "Clear and begin new receipt?" [clear-new] ] load-receipt: does [ if error? try [ loaded-receipt: to-file request-file/file/filter %./receipts/ ".txt" "*.txt" ] [ alert "Error selecting file" return ] if find form loaded-receipt "deleted" [ alert "Improper file selection" return ] if error? try [loaded-receipt-data: load loaded-receipt] [ alert "Error loading data" return ] insert clear pos-table/data loaded-receipt-data pos-table/redraw calculate-totals allow-save: false ] search-receipts: does [ search-word: copy request-value/title "Search word:" "Search" ; if search-word = none [return] found-files: copy [] foreach file read %./receipts/ [ if find (read join %./receipts/ file) search-word [ if (%.txt = suffix? file) and (file <> %deleted.txt) [ append found-files file ] ] ] if empty? found-files [alert "None found" return] found-file: request-list "Pick a file to open" found-files if found-file = none [return] insert clear pos-table/data ( load loaded-receipt: copy to-file join %./receipts/ found-file ) pos-table/redraw calculate-totals allow-save: false ] clear-new: does [ if allow-save = true [ unless (true = question "Erase without saving?") [return] ] foreach item [barcode f1 f2 f3 subtotal-f tax-f total-f] [ do rejoin [{clear } item {/text show } item] ] clear head pos-table/data pos-table/redraw allow-save: true ] change-appearance: does [ request-ui if true = question "Restart now with new scheme?" [ if allow-save = true [ if false = question "Quit without saving?" [return] ] write %scheme_has_changed "" launch %pos.r ; EDIT quit ] ] title-text: "Point of Sale System" if system/version/4 = 3 [ user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll get-tb-focus: make routine! [return: [int]] user32.dll "GetFocus" set-caption: make routine! [ hwnd [int] a [string!] return: [int] ] user32.dll "SetWindowTextA" show-old: :show show: func [face] [ show-old [face] hwnd: get-tb-focus set-caption hwnd title-text ] ] allow-save: true resaving: false saved-file: "" loaded-receipt: "" screen-size: system/view/screen-face/size cell-width: to-integer (screen-size/1) / (ctx-rebgui/sizes/cell) cell-height: to-integer (screen-size/2) / (ctx-rebgui/sizes/cell) table-size: as-pair cell-width (to-integer cell-height / 2.5) current-margin: ctx-rebgui/sizes/margin top-left: as-pair negate current-margin negate current-margin display/maximize/close "POS" [ at top-left #L main-menu: menu data [ "File" [ " Print " [print-receipt] " Save " [save-receipt] " Load " [load-receipt] " Search " [search-receipts] ] "Options" [ " Appearance " [change-appearance] ] "About" [ " Info " [ alert trim/lines { Point of Sale System. Copyright © 2010 Nick Antonaccio. All rights reserved. } ] ] ] return barcode: field #LW tip "Bar Code" [ parts: parse/all copy barcode/text " " set-text f1 parts/1 set-text f2 parts/2 set-text f3 parts/3 clear barcode/text add-new-item ] return f1: field tip "Item" f2: field tip "Booth" f3: field tip "Price (do NOT include '$' sign)" [ add-new-item set-focus add-button ] add-button: button -1 "Add Item" [ add-new-item set-focus add-button ] button -1 #OX "Delete Selected Item" [ remove/part find pos-table/data pos-table/selected 3 pos-table/redraw calculate-totals ] return pos-table: table (table-size) #LWH options [ "Description" center .6 "Booth" center .2 "Price" center .2 ] data [] reverse panel sky #XY data [ after 2 text 20 "Subtotal:" subtotal-f: field text 20 " Tax:" tax-f: field text 20 " TOTAL:" total-f: field ] reverse button -1 #XY "Lock" [do login] button -1 #XY "New" [clear-new] button -1 #XY "SAVE and PRINT" [save-receipt] do [set-focus barcode] ] [question "Really Close?"] do-events REBOL [title: "Etsy"] do/args context [ Consumer-Key: # Consumer-Secret: # User-Store: %etsyusers Scope: [listings_w listings_r listings_d] ; edit permissions here Sandbox: false ; change to true when approved ] coupon-text: { ** SALE ** Enter the coupon code "893894" at checkout to receive 10% off your order <br><br> } replace-items: does [ found-items/text: copy {} show found-items replaced-items/text: copy {} show replaced-items found: copy [] x: get in (etsy/listings []) 'results for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ if find (get in x/:i 'description) search-text/text [ insert head found-items/text copy rejoin [ ; {"} search-text/text {" found in: } (get in x/:i 'title) newline ] show found-items append found (get in x/:i 'listing_id) append found (get in x/:i 'description) append found (get in x/:i 'title) append found (get in x/:i 'state) ] ] foreach [lstngid dscrptn titl state] found [ either state <> "active" [ insert head replaced-items/text copy rejoin [ titl { was NOT replaced (listing inactive)^/} ] show replaced-items ][ etsy/api-call/with put rejoin [ %listings/ lstngid ] [ description: ( replace/all dscrptn search-text/text replace-text/text ) ] insert head replaced-items/text copy rejoin [titl {^/}] show replaced-items ] ] ; alert "Done" ] sale: func [add-or-remove] [ coupon-code: copy request-text/title/default"Coupon Text:" coupon-text found-items/text: copy {} show found-items replaced-items/text: copy {} show replaced-items found: copy [] x: get in (etsy/listings []) 'results focus found-items for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ insert head found-items/text copy rejoin [ (get in x/:i 'title) newline ] show found-items append found (get in x/:i 'listing_id) append found (get in x/:i 'description) append found (get in x/:i 'title) append found (get in x/:i 'state) ] foreach [lstngid dscrptn titl state] found [ either state <> "active" [ insert head replaced-items/text copy rejoin [ titl { was NOT replaced (listing inactive)^/} ] show replaced-items ][ etsy/api-call/with put rejoin [ %listings/ lstngid ] either add-or-remove = true [ [ title: rejoin ["SALE-" titl] description: rejoin [coupon-code dscrptn] ] ] [ [ title: replace titl "SALE-" "" description: replace dscrptn rejoin [coupon-code] "" ] ] insert head replaced-items/text copy rejoin [titl {^/}] show replaced-items ] ] focus replaced-items ; alert "Done" ] create-listing: does [ itm: request-text/title/default "Title:" "Item 100" desc: request-text/title/default "Description:" "Ring #100" prc: to-decimal next find ( request-text/title/default "Price:" "$19.99" ) "$" if true = request "Would you like to see a listing of category IDs?" [ categories: etsy/api-call get %taxonomy/categories cat-list: copy [] foreach category categories/results [ append cat-list reduce [ category/long_name category/category_id ] ] chosen-category: request-list "Categories" cat-list ] if unset? chosen-category [chosen-category: "69150467"] ctgry: request-text/title/default "Category ID:" form chosen-category flash "Creating item..." etsy/api-call/with post %/listings [ quantity: 1 title: itm description: desc price: prc category_id: ctgry who_made: "i_did" is_supply: "1" when_made: "2010_2012" shipping_template_id: "330" ] unview alert rejoin ["CREATED: " itm ", " desc ", " prc] ] delete-listing: does [ itm2del: request-text/title "Listing ID #:" either true = request "Really Delete?" [ flash "Deleting..." etsy/api-call/with get rejoin [%listings/ itm2del] [ method: "DELETE"] unview alert rejoin ["Item " itm2del " deleted."] ] [ return ] ] get-image: does [ found: copy [] x: get in (etsy/listings []) 'results for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ append found (get in x/:i 'title) append found (get in x/:i 'listing_id) ] photo-item-id: request-list "Select Item:" found photo-list: etsy/api-call/with get rejoin [ %listings/ photo-item-id "/images"] [] either error? try [photo-id: first get in photo-list 'results] [ alert "No photo available for that item." return ][ photo-info: etsy/api-call/with get the-code: rejoin [ %listings/ photo-item-id "/images/ " photo-id ] [] ] editor either [] = the-photo: (get in photo-info 'results) [ "none" ] [ the-photo ] ] etsy/as "" view center-face gui: layout [ across text 80 right "If" cond1: drop-down 100 data [ "Title" "Description" "Listing ID" "Any Field" ] cond2: drop-down 150 data [ "REPLACE ALL" "Contains" "Does NOT Contain" "Equals" ] cond3: field 454 "ring" return text 80 right "Search Text:" search-text: field 720 "ring" [ replace-text/text: copy search-text/text show replace-text ] return text 80 right "Replace Text:" replace-text: field 720 "ring" return text 805 "" return box black 805x2 return text 805 "" return text 400 "Found Items:" text 200 "Replaced Items:" return found-items: area replaced-items: area return btn "List Raw Data" [editor copy get in (etsy/listings []) 'results] btn "Create Listing" [create-listing] btn "Delete Listing" [delete-listing] btn "Add Sale" [sale true] btn "Remove Sale" [sale false] btn "View Image" [get-image] btn "Replace Description" [replace-items] ] REBOL [title: "Textual User Interface"] ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ labels: ["First Name" "Last Name" "Favorite Color" "Address" "Phone"] answers: copy ["" "" ["Red" "Green" "Blue" "Tan" "Black"] "" ""] ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; if system/build/date > 1-jan-2011 [ newpage: copy {} loop 50 [append newpage "^/"] ; ] if (length? labels) <> (length? answers) [ print join newpage "'Labels and 'answers blocks must be equal length." halt ] len: length? labels lngth: 0 spaces: " " foreach label labels [ if (l: length? label) > lngth [lngth: l] ] pad: func [strng] [ insert/dup tail str: join copy strng "" " " lngth join copy/part str (lngth) spaces ] forever [ prin newpage repeat i len [ either ((answers/:i = "") or ((type? answers/:i) = block!)) [ ans: "" ][ ans: answers/:i ] prin rejoin [i ") " pad labels/:i "|" spaces ans newline] ] prin rejoin [newline (len + 1) ") SUBMIT"] choice: ask {^/^/} either error? try [num: to-integer choice] [] [ either block? drop-down: answers/:num [ print "" repeat i l: length? drop-down [ prin rejoin [i ") " pad form drop-down/:i newline] ] prin rejoin [(l + 1) ") " pad "Other" newline] drop-choice: ask rejoin [{^/Select } labels/:num {: }] either error? try [d-num: to-integer drop-choice] [] [ either d-num = (l + 1) [ if "" <> resp: ask rejoin [ {^/Enter } labels/:num {: } ] [answers/:num: resp] ][ chosen: pick drop-down d-num if ((chosen <> none) and (chosen <> (l + 1))) [ answers/:num: chosen ] ] ] ][ if ((num > 0) and (num <= (len + 1))) [ either num = (len + 1) [ prin newpage probe answers halt ; END ROUTINE ][ either answers/:num = "" [ ans: "" ][ ans: answers/:num ] write clipboard:// ans line: copy {} loop ((length? labels/:num) + 1) [append line "-"] answers/:num: ask rejoin [ newpage labels/:num ": " ans "^/" line "^/^/" ] ] ] ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Find All Occurences - Without Parse"] full-text: {asofuwbhvhfuijshbjiziuvhbwdbhfuyjnvhshgsdifud98wuhdybjnbsheuh dijcasbivhfuvu vhsd} start: "fu" end-match: "vh" start-len: length? start end-len: length? end-match full-len: length? full-text found: copy [] marker: 1 print " " while [(full-len - marker) >= start-len] [ ; if error? try [ marker: start-len + index? find/only (at full-text marker) start end: index? find/only (at full-text marker) end-match append found copy/part (at full-text marker) (end - marker) marker: end + end-len ; ][break] ] probe found halt REBOL [title: "Silly Sort - First Letter Example"] list: [ "Banana" "Hotel" "Apple" "Car" "Orange" "Fox" "Aardvark" "Consequence" "Xylophone" "Decision" ] sorted: copy [] repeat i length? list [ stopper: false current: list/:i repeat j length? sorted [ if (first current) <= (first sorted/:j) [ insert at sorted j current stopper: true break ] ] if stopper = false [append sorted current] ] editor sorted REBOL [title: "Most Complete Table/Grid/List Widget Example - Minimal"] headers: ["Numbers" "TEXT (Note Sort)" "Dates"] ; REQUIRED COLUMN LABELS ; ALL THESE ADDITIONAL SETUP PARAMETERS ARE *** OPTIONAL ***: x: [[1 "1" 1-1-2012][11"11"1-2-2012][2"2"1-3-2012]] ; some default data colors: [blue black red] ; column colors empty-space: 235 ; size of blank GUI area to appear below grid svv/vid-face/color: white ; default GUI face color gui-block: { ; GUI layout code to appear above grid h3 "RIGHT-CLICK/DRAG HEADERS TO RESIZE COLUMNS. RESIZE WINDOW..." text "Click headers to sort (note that sort is DATA-TYPE SPECIFIC)." text "Notice Arrow Keys, PgUp/PgDn Keys, Scroll Bar, and highliting" text "Click any cell to edit data. Buttons load and save data to HD." } ; the following line automatically fits grid to resized GUI window: insert-event-func [either event/type = 'resize [resize-fit none] [event]] do decompress #{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} ; APPEND ANY WIDGETS AND/OR GUI CODE TO APPEAR BELOW THE GRID, HERE: append gui-block [ ; REPLACE 'BTN' WITH 'KEY' TO HIDE BTNS AND STILL USE KEY SHORTCUTS. ; CHANGE/REMOVE BUTTONS AND/OR KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS AS NEEDED: text "" return btn "Insert (Ins)" keycode [insert] [add-line] btn "Remove (Del)" #"^~" [remove-line] btn "Move (CTRL+M)" #"^M" [move-line] btn "Grow (+)" #"+" [resize-grid 1.333] btn "Shrink (-)" #"-" [resize-grid .75] btn "Fit (CTRL+R)" #"^R" [resize-fit] return btn "Load Blocked (CTRL+O)" #"^O" [load-blocked/request %blocked.txt] btn "Save Blocked (CTRL+S)" #"^S" [save-blocked/request %blocked.txt] btn "Load Flat (CTRL+U)" #"^U" [load-flat/request %flat.txt] btn "Save Flat (CTRL+F)" #"^F" [save-flat/request %flat.txt] ; do [load-blocked %blocked.txt] ; LOAD ANY DEFAULT DATA FILE HERE ] view/options center-face gui: layout gui-block [resize] REBOL [title: "Paypal Reports"] filename: request-file/only/file %Download.csv lines: read/lines filename labels: copy parse/all lines/1 "," foreach label labels [trim label] database: copy [] foreach line (at lines 2) [ parsed: parse/all line "," append/only database parsed ] name-index: index? find labels "Name" names: copy {} foreach row database [ append names rejoin ["Name: " (pick row name-index) newline] ] editor names net-index: index? find labels "Net" amounts: copy {} foreach row database [ if find/only (pick row name-index) "Netflix" [ append amounts rejoin ["Amount: " (pick row net-index) newline] ] ] editor amounts date-index: index? find labels "Date" sum: $0 foreach row database [ if find/only (pick row name-index) "Netflix" [ date: parse (pick row date-index) "/" month: pick system/locale/months to-integer date/1 reb-date: to-date rejoin [date/2 "-" month "-" date/3] if ((reb-date >= 1-jan-2012) and (reb-date <= 31-dec-2012)) [ sum: sum + (to-money pick row net-index) ] ] ] alert form sum REBOL [title: "Simple Presenter"] slides: [ [ at 0x0 box system/view/screen-face/size white [unview] at 20x20 h1 blue "Slide 1" box black 2000x2 text "This slide takes up the full screen." text "Adding images is easy:" image logo.gif image stop.gif image info.gif image exclamation.gif text "Click anywhere on the screen for next slide..." box black 2000x2 ] [ at 0x0 box system/view/screen-face/size effect [ gradient 1x1 tan brown ] [unview] at 20x20 h1 blue "Slide 2" box black 2000x2 text "Gradients and color effects are easy in REBOL:" box effect [gradient 123.23.56 254.0.12] box effect [gradient blue gold/2] text "Click anywhere on the screen to close..." box black 2000x2 ] [ at 0x0 box 600x400 [unview] at 20x20 text "This screen is smaller, and as simple as can be" text "Click anywhere on the screen to close..." ] ] foreach slide slides [ view/options center-face layout slide 'no-title ] REBOL [title: "Presenter"] slides: [ "Slide 1 - A Few Basics" [ text "By default these slides are white and full screen." text bold "Adding images is easy:" image logo.gif image stop.gif image info.gif image exclamation.gif text { Press the space bar, right arrow key, or left click screen for the next slide. Press the left arrow key, or right click screen to go back to previous slide. Press the 'X' key to quit... } ] "Slide 2 - Colors and Gradients" [ at 0x90 box as-pair system/view/screen-face/size/1 220 effect [ gradient 1x1 tan brown ] at 20x70 text "Colors and gradient effects are easy in REBOL:" box effect [gradient 123.23.56 254.0.12] box effect [gradient blue gold/2] text { Left arrow key or right click screen to go back, 'X' key to Quit... } ] "Slide 3 - A Simple Window" [ text "This slide is as simple as can be." ] "Slide 4 - Lots of Stylized Text" [ across text "Normal" text "Bold" bold text "Italic" italic text "Underline" underline text "Bold italic underline" bold italic underline text "Serif style text" font-name font-serif text "Spaced text" font [space: 5x0] return h1 "Heading 1" h2 "Heading 2" h3 "Heading 3" h4 "Heading 4" tt "Typewriter text" code "Code text" below text "Big" font-size 32 title "Centered title" 200 across vtext "Normal" vtext "Bold" bold vtext "Italic" italic vtext "Underline" underline vtext "Bold italic underline" bold italic underline vtext "Serif style text" font-name font-serif vtext "Spaced text" font [space: 5x0] return vh1 "Video Heading 1" vh2 "Video Heading 2" vh3 "Video Heading 3" vh4 "Video Heading 3" label "Label" below vtext "Big" font-size 32 banner "Banner" 200 ] "Slide 5 - Live Code" [ h3 "Remember, These Slides Are Live, Fully Functional GUIs!" box red 500x2 bar: progress slider 200x16 [bar/data: value show bar] area "Type here" drop-down 200 data reduce [now now - 5 now - 10] across toggle "Click" "Here" [alert form value] rotary "Click" "Again" "And Again" [alert form value] choice "Choose" "Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" [alert form value] radio radio radio led arrow return ] ] indx: 1 forever [ slide: compose [ size system/view/screen-face/size backdrop white [ if indx < ((length? slides) / 2) [indx: indx + 1 unview] ] [ if indx > 1 [indx: indx - 1 unview] ] at 20x20 h1 blue (pick slides (indx * 2 - 1)) box black as-pair (system/view/screen-face/size/1 - 40) 2 (pick slides (indx * 2)) box black as-pair (system/view/screen-face/size/1 - 40) 2 key #"x" [quit] key #" " [ if indx < ((length? slides) / 2) [indx: indx + 1 unview] ] key keycode [right] [ if indx < ((length? slides) / 2) [indx: indx + 1 unview] ] key keycode [left] [ if indx > 1 [indx: indx - 1 unview] ] ] slide: layout slide view/options center-face slide 'no-title ] REBOL [title: "Minimal Bar Graph Example"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r view quick-plot [ 600x400 bars [5 3 8 2 10 3 4 9 5 7] ] REBOL [title: "Another Bar Graph Example"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r view center-face quick-plot [ 600x300 y-min 0 ; minimum value to display on y axis fill-pen blue ; set fill color pen green ; set outline and text color bar-width 80 ; set bar width bars [5 3 8 2 10 3 4 9 5 7] pen black ; set outline and text color label "Fat Bars" ; optionally add labels y-axis 11 x-axis 10 ] REBOL [title: "Exploded Pie Chart"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r view center-face quick-plot [ 400x400 pie [10 3 6 1 8] labels [A B C D E] explode [3 5] title "Exploded Sections C and E" style vh2 ] REBOL [title: "Simple Line Graph Example"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r view quick-plot [ 400x400 line [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256] ] REBOL [title: "Another Line Graph Example"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r my-block: copy [2] loop 10 [append my-block (2 * last my-block)] option-font: make face/font [ size: 30 style: [italic bold underline] name: font-serif ] view center-face quick-plot [ 500x500 scale linear line [(data: copy my-block)] title style vh1 "Linear scale" x-axis 7 border y-axis 7 border x-grid 7 y-grid 7 text font option-font "Formatted Text" color red up 50 over 40 ] REBOL [title: "Paypal Reports Charts"] transactions: copy [] saoud: copy [] dates: copy [] foreach line at read/lines 2 [ row: parse/all line "," append transactions to-integer row/8 if find row/4 "Saoud" [ append saoud to-integer row/8 append dates replace row/1 "/2012" "" ] ] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r view quick-plot [ 594x400 bars [(data: copy transactions)] label "All Paypal Transactions" ] view center-face quick-plot [ 495x530 pen blue pie [(data: copy saoud)] labels [(data: copy dates)] explode [1 2 3] title "Saoud" style vh2 ] REBOL [title: "Multi-Plots"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r m-plots: multi-plot/across 594x200 [ [ title "2 to a Power" pen green line [0 2 4 8 16 32 64 128] ] [ title "Rizing" pen white line [0 5 10 15 20 25] ] [ title "Falling" pen blue line [25 20 15 10 5 0] ] ] view m-plots REBOL [title: "Switching Plots"] if not exists? %q-plot.r [write %q-plot.r read] do %q-plot.r window: layout [ vh2 "Switching Plots" guide pad 20 button "Sine Wave" [graph/pane: plot1 show graph] button "Parabola" [graph/pane: plot2 show graph] button "Cubic Curve" [graph/pane: plot3 show graph] return box 2x204 blue return graph: box 354x204 coal ] data1: copy [] data2: copy [] data3: copy [] for i -400 400 .5 [ append data1 sine i append data2 (i * i) append data3 (i ** 3) ] graph-size: 350x200 plot1: quick-plot [ (graph-size) line [(data1)] title "Sine Wave" ] plot2: quick-plot [ (graph-size) line [(data2)] title "Parabola" ] plot3: quick-plot [ (graph-size) line [(data3)] title "Cubic Function" ] plot1/offset: 2x2 plot2/offset: 2x2 plot3/offset: 2x2 graph/pane: plot1 view window REBOL [title: "Simple Encrypt"] view layout [ across f1: field btn "Select File" [f1/text: request-file/only show f1] return f2: field "(enter password)" btn "Encrypt" [ save request-file/only/save/title/file "Enter encrypted file save name:" "" to-file f1/text to-binary encloak read to-file f1/text f2/text alert "Saved" ] btn "Decrypt" [editor to-string decloak load to-file f1/text f2/text] ] REBOL [title: "Encryption" author: "Carl Sassenrath"] request-key: has [pass] [ pass: request-text/title "Enter a pass-phrase:" if pass [checksum/secure pass] ] crypt: func [ "Encrypts or decrypts with compression. Returns result." data [any-string!] "Data to encrypt or decrypt" akey [binary!] "The encryption key" /decrypt "Decrypt the data" /binary "Produce binary decryption result." /local port ][ port: open [ scheme: 'crypt direction: pick [encrypt decrypt] not decrypt key: akey padding: true ] if not decrypt [data: compress data] insert port data update port data: copy port close port if decrypt [ data: decompress data if not binary [data: to-string data] ] data ] if none? op: request ["Select action:" "Encrypt" "Decrypt" "Cancel"][quit] action: pick ["Encrypt" "Decrypt"] op if none? files: request-file/title join "Select Files to " action action [ quit ] if none? key: request-key [quit] foreach file files [ data: read/binary file data: either op [crypt data key][crypt/decrypt/binary data key] write/binary file data ] alert join "File has been " pick ["encrypted." "decrypted."] op REBOL [title: "Send Encrypted Email" author: "Carl Sassenrath"] crypt: func [ "Encrypts or decrypts with compression. Returns result." data [any-string!] "Data to encrypt or decrypt" akey [binary!] "The encryption key" /decrypt "Decrypt the data" /binary "Produce binary decryption result." /local port ][ port: open [ scheme: 'crypt direction: pick [encrypt decrypt] not decrypt key: akey padding: true ] if not decrypt [data: compress data] insert port data update port data: copy port close port if decrypt [ data: decompress data if not binary [data: to-string data] ] data ] view layout [ style lab label right 80x24 across space 0x4 vh2 "Send Encrypted Email File:" return lab "To:" f-to: field return lab "Subject:" f-sub: field return lab "Key:" f-key: field hide return lab "File:" f-file: text 200x24 white black middle "click to pick" [f-file/text: request-file/keep] return lab button "Send" [unview] button "Close" [quit] ] dest: to-email f-to/data file: to-file f-file/data key: checksum/secure f-key/data subject: f-sub/data msg: enbase/base crypt read/binary file 64 send/subject email msg subject REBOL [title: "Decrypt Secure Email" author: "Carl Sassenrath"] crypt: func [ "Encrypts or decrypts with compression. Returns result." data [any-string!] "Data to encrypt or decrypt" akey [binary!] "The encryption key" /decrypt "Decrypt the data" /binary "Produce binary decryption result." /local port ][ port: open [ scheme: 'crypt direction: pick [encrypt decrypt] not decrypt key: akey padding: true ] if not decrypt [data: compress data] insert port data update port data: copy port close port if decrypt [ data: decompress data if not binary [data: to-string data] ] data ] view layout [ style lab label right 80x24 across space 0x4 vh2 "Decrypt Email File:" return lab "Key:" f-key: field hide return lab "File:" f-file: text 200x24 white black middle "click to pick" [f-file/text: request-file/keep] return lab "Data:" f-data: area return lab button "Decrypt" [unview] button "Close" [quit] ] file: to-file f-file/data key: checksum/secure f-key/data data: f-data/data data: debase/base data 64 write/binary file crypt/decrypt/binary data key REBOL [title: "Request-Time Simple"] request-time: func [/local the-time] [ view center-face layout [ across text "Hour:" h: drop-down 50 "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" text "Min:" m: drop-down 50 "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45" "46" "47" "48" "49" "50" "51" "52" "53" "54" "55" "56" "57" "58" "59" "60" p: drop-down 50 "am" "pm" btn "Ok" [ the-time: to-time rejoin [h/text ":" m/text p/text] unview ] return text " " return text " " ] return the-time ] x: request-time probe x halt REBOL [title: "Request-Time"] code: { hours: [ 132x72 12 159x74 1 186x102 2 199x134 3 180x163 4 165x184 5 131x192 6 103x186 7 79x168 8 71x133 9 77x101 10 103x78 11 ] minutes: [ 185x37 5 225x76 10 240x132 15 228x188 20 188x229 25 127x244 30 73x231 35 25x187 40 13x136 45 23x77 50 66x39 55 130x22 0 ] the-time: 12:00am view center-face layout/tight [ across g: at image load (to-binary decompress small-picture) feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ if a = 'down [ foreach location (extract hours 2) [ if within? e/offset location 20x20 [ h/text: form select hours location show h b1/offset: location show b1 ] ] foreach location (extract minutes 2) [ if within? e/offset location 20x20 [ m/text: form select minutes location show m b2/offset: location show b2 ] ] ] ] ] return text "Hour:" h: field 30 "12" text "Minute:" m: field 30 "00" p: drop-down 50 "am" "pm" btn "Done" [probe the-time: to-time rejoin [h/text ":" m/text p/text]] return text " " return text " " ; space for dropdown at -100x-100 b1: box red 20x20 "h" at -100x-100 b2: box blue 20x20 "m" ] probe the-time } small-picture: 64#{ eJwVmXtcy/8Xx9+f3e/7bF0s3dZ9XbAuqISte7m0LmoS1gW5lFUuhfTZam2ly1IR wipSKYaQ+7rKfXLLfSUU+X6TW8T8vr/z9/nnnMfj9TrP1+MEhQR6esVPhVjQD/D/ giAIhUKh0WgMBoPFYnE4HB6PJxAIRCKRRCKRyWQKhUKlUmk0Gp1Oh2GYwWAwmUwD AwNDQ0MjIyNjY+MpU6awWCwTE5OpU6eampqamZmZm5tbWFhYWlqy2WwrKytra2sb GxtbW1s7Ozt7e3sHBwcOh+Po6Ojk5OTs7Ozi4jJt2rTp06fPmDGDy+W6urq6ubm5 u7t7eHjMnDlz1qxZs2fP9vT09PLy8vb2njNnjo+Pz9y5c+fNmzd//nwej8fn8319 ff38/Pz9/QMCAgIDA4OCgoKDg0NCQkJDQxcsWLBw4cJFixYtXrw4LCxMIBCEh4dH RERERkZGRUUtWbIkOjo6JiZGKBQuXbo0NjZ22bJlcXFxy5cvX7FixcqVK0UiUXx8 fEJCQmJiYlJS0qpVq1avXr1mzZrk5OS1a9euW7du/fr1GzZsSElJSU1N3bhxo1gs TktLS09Pz8jI2LRp0+bNm7ds2bJ169bMzMysrKxt27Zt3759x44d2dnZO3fuzMnJ QRBEIpFIpdLc3Ny8vDyZTJafny+XyxUKRUFBQWFh4a5du4qKioqLi0tKSkpLS5VK ZVlZ2e7du8vLyysqKiorK/fs2bN3796qqqp9+/bt37//wIED1dXVBw8ePHTo0OHD h1UqVU1NTW1tbV1d3ZEjR44ePVpfX3/s2LGGhobGxsampqbjx483Nze3tLScOHHi 5MmTarX61KlTp0+fPnPmTGtr69mzZ8+dO3f+/Pm2trYLFy5cvHjx0qVLly9fvnLl ytWrV69du6bRaNrb2zs6Ojo7O7u6urq7u3t6eq5fv97b23vjxo2bN2/eunXr9u3b d+7cuXv37r1797Ra7f379/v6+h48ePDw4cNHjx49fvz4yZMn/f39T58+ffbs2fPn z1+8ePHy5ctXr169fv1ap9MNDAwMDg6+efNmaGjo7du37969e//+/fDw8MjIyIcP Hz5+/Dg6Ovrp06d//vnn33//HRsb+/z58/j4+JcvX75+/frt27fv37//+PFjYmLi 58+fv379mpyc/P37958/f/R6/d+/f13+r4D/awEQ9OAv0SxYrWrPJRg4xfWqazrl 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b2JCstVcV1oLxbKKXuI3PSpy19aMqkQG18VDpwXUifHS2bRNdoDyI3mrVb5JYVSp 6asQTNA8zOdEmV+C9gzMpn0D0TswT9H5fqujWgv8bBqClDMImQq90vRb3FAJiUrQ ITiYINLAk72dEPgPH/nE8P0A6zE1NuvtkvE4gzszpzv2VCUW8+2fzh9WnqqzegMP 3SbQUiLCTWjZAzY70hhDcj+e6gzs2mB1hMx/N3raxmR7gn8xChMMh3rGuSgkPgtQ amDbJWy6UyBcd3Ek6HdUhC/a0EPVbtRHefgi4z5/9vLN5JGIrpJo5SnS8i6XpJJF hIHW/Tv+TuRpiW/vt+b5nc3k18r9wcXwuUm27YXz/45a1RC+Bm9DyCyhoB23ta3T sW0gOorOolDY9yF7ivFAnlHskcX28Oiwlnwm6Rd9dor1V+OT5D+n2cAD+Uafe1un 95oB4KSEiuC7mTweKuZ352IM8BEj/tguXn2b+frQOyjAgiECcyFbA+ImbBrLBaEh RwOfVxdwQWD/b2kq8Bgj8/f0e8Hz5GZqjUWkbbz7HaA8dSfqklipAUZmX+55WO16 wSOwetcjbIvt2avmZmBquj1GeRmyy+b+N22P7mHmNgZ9H3sThDtrlz37FTtJh5// fWFlqcMUtgrgz1EMi1GAUxjq8+Q2fJryOHtuVv6k4gsWDTaoZ4H+dbdazlu3JIQa Zx54tcS4vnn32ykkjEZD8qFvWtRN4vVZ2tGBSLK3YvLQwRn8KA0PYDQD9G7jxFFl j1mpP47qox8W/7rsPcZDm1Sa1yai5mMCBPPWVSPBOX8p48n/Xjse9nS2qUsOoE1f UqyEhOunpT+JecskT2vdxJ8LLmqvCYcGvce5EjCVK9voWE9gqP1yLg5IIMJ/7LjM EtdSS7MRAhSax8NZ5Hl2hyBpJbkvsO7CyvXDqZBKfHtmvl8xnnKDVAdjiLatQNig lkefqrbisBGUy4BlKxr5JD4259XPMaf7KsBcgpX4TthYuHN4/11PFEXUDAURwg06 h8syk9BFf3W5eT680rHikzveo8GRruDK9awR20e/5LPiVDZ5MAKFThwyQ2cxNn/V QRuH6TZOe6Csrk4JrDdTYByT+fySPMuKXn6FWwEqFB4y2wSk8DZYFltVtrv+d5DH pmOIp7oDZgYjkEJdavJ4LN+r2pAe5si0C3CK+NFnx8VfQKEIbJRlm+YCW70rR8jY FTtUe/dqsmba5hHrSdF1jxP8Y6L0jPSeCQSFQZRoH4Quuv3Gwuh9EC+iJ1LFNGpc GKBM5PLRdA1CGtdoUscj415mohk7dWh3f5vYg7+TOEFLb95Q3oobjnjC28CA0BiN FQbwocnG+8U7MUnWNvtuCOrd0hFeNSMTwfz/iVLBtjDLdlw4jXnuVOWnDWvL8XbM Y8CW5WeWFQyYixgPapib2Xs69dXvXpShIY6KuOJmEI0iAA6s1oboT2vG8mN8PDfV JdA5VD6wsjq7/Gzziw2vJwenUB/6aEzJWd2YLXvnnembqTQd1eH9WMWFAToexlGW Nyh80o5jKnxtBz1sjyArVJykJDuXpCXBge61DGABB+GYgQSGOQRhVRKZtfOz14w+ pSLqyJwdYoDWaYL0im4USozMKzp3rmKBHXPpSKjwZjqDuU3DEEAEqqgIeqielj63 viTe+EvVjbh3XiIBYp+lQ1nNAVMiql58WjFyYMBsjde9xqA0lAoQNZIvbcdfOf9x V6GnDfvejcf/iBgwmL58xs4vx1//GT9/Tf9nxnQE7aKDDNo0uHlcqUGzDuve1k7b yc2zcRkgRrZ1GF/l5rs3D1Az2jot9iTyAJjzPxqem1UYNAAA } do code REBOL [title: "File-Request"] do file-request: [ y: copy [] append y copy read %. insert head y "../" x: copy [] my-file: %none sort-order: false sort-column: func [field] [ either sort-order: not sort-order [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) > (at b field)] ] [ sort/compare x func [a b] [(at a field) < (at b field)] ] show li ] foreach i y [ append/only x reduce [i (size? to-file i) (modified? to-file i)] ] slider-pos: 0 slider-val: 0 view center-face layout [ across space 0x0 backdrop white h2 460 coal "File:" [sort-column 1] h2 90 coal "Size:" [sort-column 2] h2 160 coal "Modified:" [sort-column 3] return li: list 750x360 [ across space 0x0 text 460 bold [ if face/text [ either #"/" = last (new-dir: copy face/text) [ unless %/ = clean-path to-file new-dir [ change-dir to-file new-dir do file-request ] ] [ my-file: join what-dir to-file face/text unview ] ] ] text 90 purple text 160 red italic return box 0.0.240 750x1 ] supply [ count: count + slider-pos - slider-val if none? q: pick x count [face/text: none exit] face/text: pick q index ] scroller 16x360 [ lst-cnt: to-integer li/size/y / li/subface/size/y value: to-integer value * max 0 (length? y) - lst-cnt if slider-pos <> value [slider-pos: value show li] ] return btn "Cancel" [unview] h3 700 right 0.0.120 form what-dir ] ] probe my-file halt REBOL [title: "Simplest Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] gui: copy [backdrop white] foreach val data [append gui compose [box blue (as-pair (val * 10) 40)]] view layout gui REBOL [title: "Simple Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] labels: [Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul] gui: copy [backdrop white across] repeat i length? data [ append gui compose [ text bold 30 (form labels/:i) button random white (as-pair (data/:i * 12) 40) (mold data/:i) return ] ] view layout gui REBOL [title: "Simple Bar Chart Maker"] data: [12 3 9 38 1 23 18] labels: ["Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul"] height: 11 width: 50 gui: copy [ backdrop effect [ gradient 1x1 180.255.255 255.255.100 grid 10x10 220.220.189 ] across ] foreach val reverse data [ append gui compose [ button random white (as-pair width (val * height)) ] ] chart: to-image layout gui gui2: [ backdrop white style txt text bold (width) tabs 20 across image (chart) effect [rotate 180] return tab ] foreach label labels [append gui2 compose [txt (label)]] view center-face layout gui2 REBOL [title: "Time Clock"] unless exists? %employees [write %employees {"John Smith" "(Add New...)"}] cur-employee: copy "" view center-face layout [ tl1: text-list 400x400 data sort load %employees [ cur-employee: value if cur-employee = "(Add New...)" [ write/append %employees mold trim request-text/title "Name:" tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 ] ] key #"^~" [ del-emp: copy to-string tl1/picked temp-emp: sort load %employees if true = request/confirm rejoin ["REMOVE " del-emp "?"] [ new-list: head remove/part find temp-emp del-emp 1 save %employees new-list tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 alert rejoin [del-emp " removed."] ] ] btn "Clock IN/OUT" [ if ((cur-employee = "") or (cur-employee = "(Add New...)")) [ alert "You must select your name." return ] record: rejoin [ newline {[} mold cur-employee { "} mold now {"]} ] either true = request/confirm rejoin [ record " -- IS YOUR NAME AND THE TIME CORRECT?" ] [ make-dir %./clock_history/ write rejoin [ %./clock_history/ replace/all replace form now "/" "--" ":" "_" ] read %time_sheet.txt write/append %time_sheet.txt record alert rejoin [ uppercase copy cur-employee ", YOUR TIME IS LOGGED." ] ] [ alert "CANCELED" return ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Payroll Report"] timeclock-start-date: request-date timeclock-end-date: request-date totals: copy "" names: load %employees log: load %time_sheet.txt foreach name names [ if name <> "(Add New...)" [ times: copy reduce [name] foreach record log [ if name = log-name: record/1 [ date-time: parse record/2 "/" log-date: to-date date-time/1 log-time: to-time first parse date-time/2 "-" if ( (log-date >= timeclock-start-date) and (log-date <= timeclock-end-date) ) [ append times log-date append times log-time ] ] ] append totals rejoin [name ":" newline] total-hours: 0 foreach [in-date in-time out-date out-time] (at times 2) [ append totals rejoin [ newline " in: " in-date ", " in-time " out: " out-date ", " out-time " " ] if error? try [ total-hours: total-hours + (out-time - in-time) ] [ alert rejoin [ "Missing login or Missing logout: " name ] ] ] append totals rejoin [ newline newline " TOTAL HOURS: " total-hours newline newline newline ] ] ] write filename: copy rejoin [ %timeclock_report-- timeclock-start-date "_to_" timeclock-end-date ".txt" ] totals call/show rejoin ["notepad " to-local-file filename] REBOL [title: "Florek Inventory"] attempt [do load-thru] tt: "Florek Inventory" user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll gf: make routine![return:[int]]user32.dll"GetFocus" sc: make routine![hw[int]a[string!]return:[int]]user32.dll"SetWindowTextA" so: :show show: func[face][so[face]hw: gf sc hw tt] make-dir %/c/florek-inventory/ datafile: %/c/florek-inventory/florek_mv_inventory.csv write/append datafile "" prcnt: .625 scanmode: true roundmode: false backup-data3: func [msg] [ write ( to-file bak-file: replace form datafile "_mv_inventory" rejoin [ "_mv_inventory-backup--" now/date "_" replace/all form now/time ":" "-" ] ) read datafile if msg = "msg" [alert (join "Data has been backed up to " bak-file)] ] check-errors-f2: does [ if ( (f2/text = "0.0") or (f2/text = "") or (error? try [to-decimal f2/text]) ) [ alert { *** ERROR: Enter a decimal in cost field (set mode to 'key' if using keyboard). } focus f2 show f2 return 0 ] return 1 ] check-errors-f3: does [ if ((f3/text = "") or (error? try [to-integer f3/text])) [ alert "*** ERROR: Enter an integer in quantity field." focus f3 show f3 return 0 ] return 1 ] enter-item: does [ if check-errors-f2 = 0 [return] if check-errors-f3 = 0 [return] backup-data3 "" write/append datafile rejoin [ mold f1/text " | " mold f2/text " | " mold f3/text " | " mold f4/text " | " mold {} " | " mold {} " | " mold {} newline ] request/timeout/ok "Done" 00:00:01 set-face f1 "" set-face f2 ".65" set-face f3 "" set-face f4 "" focus f1 ] view-data: does [ backup-data3 "" total: 0 inv: read/lines datafile if error? try [ foreach line inv [ ln: parse line "|" line-total: (to-decimal ln/3) * (to-decimal ln/2) ; probe line-total total: total + line-total ] ; probe total alert join "Total Inventory: $" total ] [ alert { ** ERROR: Improperly formed data in database. Check each line. } ] editor datafile ] calc-percent: does [ if error? try [ if scanmode [f2/text: calculate-barcode-price f2/text show f2] f2/text: form (prcnt * (to-decimal f2/text)) if roundmode [f2/text: form (round/to (to-decimal f2/text) .01)] show f2 ] [alert "*** ERROR: Enter a decimal in cost field."] ] set-percent: does [ if error? try [ prcnt: to-decimal request-text/title/default "Default Percent:" form prcnt ] [alert "*** ERROR: Enter a decimal."] ] scan-mode: does [ scanmode: not scanmode either scanmode [ b2/text: "Mode: Scan" ] [ b2/text: "Mode: Key" ] show b2 ] round-mode: does [ roundmode: not roundmode either roundmode [ b1/text: "Round: On" ] [ b1/text: "Round: Off" ] show b1 ] calculate-barcode-price: does [ scanned-price: to-integer (trim/all copy (at copy f2/text 8)) final-price: rejoin [ to-string to-integer((scanned-price -(scanned-price // 100))/ 100) "." either (scanned-price // 100) < 10 [ rejoin ["0" scanned-price // 100] ] [ scanned-price // 100 ] ] final-price ] menu: [ "Options" [] "_________________________^/" [] "View Data" [view-data] "Backup" [backup-data3 "msg"] "_________________________^/" [] "Quit" [quit] ] foreach i (at menu 3) [unless find i "____" [insert head i " "]] menu-color: 235.240.245 svv/vid-face/color: 253.253.253 ; backup-data3 "" ; insert-event-func[either event/type = 'close[backup-data3 "msg"][event]] view/options center-face layout [ size 240x400 ; menu: across origin 0x0 space 0x0 box menu-color 8x20 choice 190x20 left menu-color data (extract menu 2) with [ para: [indent: 4x0] colors: reduce [menu-color 215.220.225] font: [style: none shadow: none colors: [0.0.0]] edge: none ] [do select menu value face/text: face/texts/1 show face] box menu-color 500x20 origin 20x40 space 10x10 below ; /menu across ; btn ".60" [set-face f2 ".60"] below text "Barcode:" f1: field text "Cost" f2: field ".65" [calc-percent check-errors-f2] across btn "%" #"^x" [set-percent] b1: btn "Round: Off" [round-mode] b2: btn "Mode: Scan" [scan-mode] below text "Quantity:" f3: field [check-errors-f3] text "Description:" f4: field text 100 "" across btn 95 "Enter [CTRL+Z]" #"^Z" [enter-item] btn 95 "View Data" [view-data] do [focus f1] ] [resize] REBOL [title: "Calculator"] view layout [ origin 0 space 0x0 across style btn btn 50x50 [append f/text face/text show f] f: field 200x40 font-size 20 return btn "1" btn "2" btn "3" btn " + " return btn "4" btn "5" btn "6" btn " - " return btn "7" btn "8" btn "9" btn " * " return btn "0" btn "." btn " / " btn "=" [ attempt [f/text: form do f/text show f] ] ] REBOL [title: "Currency Rate Conversion Calculator"] view center-face layout [ origin 0 space 0x0 across f: field 200x40 font-size 20 return style btn btn 50x50 [append f/text face/text show f] btn "1" btn "2" btn "3" btn " + " return btn "4" btn "5" btn "6" btn " - " return btn "7" btn "8" btn "9" btn " * " return btn "0" btn "." btn " / " btn "=" [ attempt [f/text: form do f/text show f] ] return btn 200x35 "Convert" [ x: copy [] html: read html: find html "src='/themes/bootstrap/images/xrates_sm_tm.png'" parse html [ any [ thru {from=USD} copy link to {} (append x link) ] to end ] rates: copy [] foreach rate x [ parse rate [thru {to=} copy c to {'>}] parse rate [thru {'>} copy v to end] if not error? try [to-integer v] [append rates reduce [c v]] ] currency: request-list "Select Currency:" extract rates 2 rate: to-decimal select rates currency attempt [alert rejoin [currency ": " (rate * to-decimal f/text)]] ] ] REBOL [title: "Minimal Cash Register"] view gui: layout [ style fld field 80 across text "Cashier:" cashier: fld text "Item:" item: fld text "Price:" price: fld [ if error? try [to-money price/text] [alert "Price error" return] append a/text reduce [mold item/text " " price/text newline] item/text: copy "" price/text: copy "" sum: 0 foreach [item price] load a/text [sum: sum + to-money price] subtotal/text: form sum tax/text: form sum * .06 total/text: form sum * 1.06 focus item show gui ] return a: area 600x300 return text "Subtotal:" subtotal: fld text "Tax:" tax: fld text "Total:" total: fld btn "Save" [ items: replace/all (mold load a/text) newline " " write/append %sales.txt rejoin [ items newline cashier/text newline now/date newline ] clear-fields gui a/text: copy "" show gui ] ] REBOL [title: "Daily Total"] sales: read/lines %sales.txt sum: $0 foreach [items cashier date] sales [ if now/date = to-date date [ foreach [item price] load items [ sum: sum + to-money price ] ] ] alert rejoin ["Total sales today: " sum] REBOL [title: "Cashier Report"] report-date: request-date report-cashier: request-text/title "Cashier:" sales: read/lines %sales.txt sum: $0 foreach [items cashier date] sales [ if ((report-cashier = cashier) and (report-date = to-date date)) [ foreach [item price] load items [ sum: sum + to-money price ] ] ] alert rejoin ["Total for " report-cashier " on " report-date ": " sum] REBOL [title: "Simple POS"] make-dir %./receipts/ make-dir %./inventory/ make-dir %./users/ write/append %./inventory/sales.txt "" ; Here's some sample data to use for testing the program. ; Edit the printed %header.txt file. Log in to the program using ; "user"/"user" as username/password. Enter "11111111" and "22222222" ; as bar code items. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- write/binary %./users/users compress trim {"user" "user" "" ""} save %./inventory/inventory.txt [ ; barcode description price taxable cost date qty (8 blank fields) "11111111" "Item 1" $1.00 "y" $5.00 "24-jun-2011" 40 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "22222222" "Item 2" $1.00 "y" $.50 "23-jun-2011" 999 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ] write %header.txt rejoin [ "Company Name" newline "1234 Street Road" newline "Townsville, PA 98765" newline "800-833-7273" ] ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- users: load decompress read/binary %./users/users if not find users user: request-pass [alert "Incorrect Login" quit] database: load %./inventory/inventory.txt divider: " | " blank-line: "___________________________________________________________________" pad: func [strng lngth] [ insert/dup tail strng " " lngth copy/part strng lngth ] display-qty: does [ if error? try [idx: index? find database f1/text] [ alert "barcode error" focus f1 return ] qty: pick database (idx + 6) alert join "Quantity: " qty ] submit: does [ either f1/text <> "" [ if error? try [idx: index? find database f1/text] [ alert "barcode error" focus f1 return ] item: pick database (idx + 1) price: pick database (idx + 2) taxable: pick database (idx + 3) f2/text: copy form item f3/text: copy form price ] [ if ((f2/text = "") or (f3/text = "") or (error? try [to-money f3/text])) [ alert "Data Entry Error" focus f1 return ] item: f2/text price: f3/text taxable: either true = request "Taxable?" ["y"] ["n"] ] insert head a1/text rejoin [ (pad form item 25) divider (pad form f1/text 15) divider (pad form price 10) divider taxable newline ] recalculate-totals focus f1 show gui ] recalculate-totals: does [ my-items: copy [] my-lines: parse/all (copy a1/text) "^/" f7/text: copy form length? my-lines foreach line my-lines [ current-line: parse/all line "|" foreach item current-line [ append my-items trim item ] ] subtotal: $0 tax: 0 total: $0 foreach [item barcode price taxable] my-items [ subtotal: subtotal + to-decimal (replace form price "$" "") if taxable = "y" [ tax: tax + ((to-decimal replace form price "$" "") * .06) ] total: to-money subtotal + tax ] f4/text: form subtotal f5/text: form tax f6/text: form total show gui ] saveprint: does [ x: now y: now/time write to-file filename: rejoin [ %./receipts/ x/year "-" x/month "-" x/day "_" y/hour "-" y/minute "-" to-integer y/second "_" user/1 ".txt" ] rejoin [ (read %header.txt) newline newline newline "Item: Barcode:" " Price: Tax:" newline blank-line newline newline a1/text newline blank-line newline newline "Subtotal: " f4/text " (" f7/text " items) Tax: " f5/text " TOTAL: " f6/text newline blank-line newline newline newline "Receipt: " (replace copy filename "./receipts/" "") " Payment Type: " d1/text " $" f8/text " -" f9/text newline a2/text ] write to-file rejoin [ %./inventory/sales-- x/year "-" x/month "-" x/day "_" y/hour "-" y/minute "-" to-integer y/second "_" user/1 ".txt" ] read %./inventory/sales.txt write/append %./inventory/sales.txt rejoin [x newline a1/text] f1/text: copy "" f2/text: copy "" f3/text: copy "" f4/text: copy "" f5/text: copy "" f6/text: copy "" f7/text: copy "" a1/text: copy " " a2/text: copy "" f8/text: copy "" f9/text: copy "" show gui replace a1/text " " "" show gui ; eliminate area bug call filename ; call/show join "metapad " filename ; specify editor ] delete-item: does [ my-items: copy [] my-lines: parse/all (copy a1/text) "^/" foreach item my-lines [append item newline] a1/text: form copy at my-lines 2 show a1 recalculate-totals ] tend: does [ f9/text: form ((to-money f8/text) - (to-money f6/text)) show f9 if (to-money f9/text) < $0 [ alert "Not enough money tendered to pay for items!" ] ] svv/vid-styles/area/colors: [240.240.240 255.255.255] svv/vid-styles/field/colors: [240.240.240 255.255.255] svv/vid-styles/area/font/name: "courier" svv/vid-styles/area/font/size: 12 svv/vid-styles/field/font/size: 20 svv/vid-face/color: white insert-event-func [ either event/type = 'close [ if true = request "Really close the program?" [quit] ] [event] ] view center-face gui: layout [ size 1024x550 across style txt text bold right 90x35 font-size 14 middle style fld field 100x35 box black 984x2 return txt 70 "Barcode:" [display-qty] f1: fld 120 txt "Description:" f2: fld 200 txt "Price:" 50 f3: fld 100 loc: at txt 10 "" btn 130x35 font-size 14 "Delete Item" [delete-item] btn 145x35 font-size 14 "Save and Print" [saveprint] return box black 984x2 return text "Description:" pad 280 text "Bar Code:" pad 180 text "Price:" pad 100 text "Taxable:" return a1: area 984x300 [recalculate-totals] return loc2: at txt "" (loc/1 + 20) txt "SubTotal:" f4: fld 160 return txt "" (loc/1 + 20) txt "Tax:" f5: fld 160 return txt "" (loc/1 + 20) txt "Total:" f6: fld 160 return at loc2 a2: area 400x70 "" font-size 12 text "" 75 loc3: at txt "Item count: " 100 f7: fld 50 at (loc3 + 20x50) d1: drop-down 138 "Cash" "Credit" "Check" "Other" at (loc2 + 0x80) txt 70 "Tendered:" font-size 12 f8: field 120 [tend] txt 60 "Change:" font-size 12 f9: field 120 key #"^M" [if form system/view/focal-face/var = "f1" [submit]] do [focus f1] ] REBOL [title: "Simple POS Sales Report Printer"] nl: newline start-date: request-date if start-date = none [quit] start-time: to-time request-text/title/default "Start Time:" "12:01am" if ((start-time = none) or (start-time = 0:00)) [quit] end-date: request-date if end-date = none [quit] end-time: to-time request-text/title/default "End Time:" "11:59pm" if ((end-time = none) or (end-time = 0:00)) [quit] flash "Processing..." files: read %./receipts/ files-within-timeframe: copy [] foreach file files [ if (%.txt = suffix? file) and (file <> %deleted.txt) and (file <> %deleted--backup.txt) [ parsed-filename: parse file "_." the-date: to-date first parsed-filename the-time: to-time replace (second parsed-filename) "-" ":" username: third parsed-filename if (the-date > start-date) and (the-date < end-date) [ append files-within-timeframe file ] if (the-date = start-date) and (the-date < end-date) [ if the-time > start-time [ append files-within-timeframe file ] ] if (the-date > start-date) and (the-date = end-date) [ if the-time < end-time [ append files-within-timeframe file ] ] if (the-date = start-date) and (the-date = end-date) [ if (the-time > start-time) and (the-time < end-time) [ append files-within-timeframe file ] ] ] ] total-items: 0 total-sales: $0 total-tax: 0 total-sales-plus-tax: $0 total-taxable: 0 total-nontaxable: 0 total-cash: $0 subtotal-cash: $0 tax-cash: 0 total-credit: $0 subtotal-credit: $0 tax-credit: 0 total-check: $0 subtotal-check: $0 tax-check: 0 total-other: $0 subtotal-other: $0 tax-other: 0 a-line: copy {} loop 67 [append a-line "_"] items-sold: to-string rejoin [ {REPORT PERIOD: } start-date {, } start-time { to } end-date {, } end-time nl nl a-line nl ] foreach file files-within-timeframe [ sale: read/lines join %./receipts/ file items-start: copy next next find sale a-line items-end-index: (index? find items-start a-line) - 2 items-in-sale: copy/part items-start items-end-index either items-in-sale <> [] [ num-of-items: length? items-in-sale totals: parse (pick items-start (items-end-index + 4)) none other-info: parse (pick items-start (items-end-index + 8)) none subtotal: totals/2 current-tax: totals/6 receipt-grand-total: totals/8 filename: other-info/2 parsed-filename: parse file "_." the-date: to-date first parsed-filename the-time: to-time replace (second parsed-filename) "-" ":" username: third parsed-filename payment-type: other-info/5 append items-sold "^/--------------------------------------------" append items-sold rejoin [ nl the-date ", " the-time ", " username ", " payment-type ] append items-sold "^/--------------------------------------------" foreach i items-in-sale [ append items-sold rejoin [nl i] ] total-items: total-items + num-of-items total-sales: total-sales + (to-money subtotal) total-tax: total-tax + to-decimal current-tax ; (to-decimal replace (to-string current-tax) "$" "") total-sales-plus-tax: total-sales-plus-tax + (to-money receipt-grand-total) switch payment-type [ "Cash" [ total-cash: total-cash + (to-money receipt-grand-total) subtotal-cash: subtotal-cash + (to-money subtotal) tax-cash: tax-cash + (to-decimal current-tax) ] "Credit" [ total-credit: total-credit + (to-money receipt-grand-total) subtotal-credit: subtotal-credit + (to-money subtotal) tax-credit: tax-credit + (to-decimal current-tax) ] "Check" [ total-check: total-check + (to-money receipt-grand-total) subtotal-check: subtotal-check + (to-money subtotal) tax-check: tax-check + (to-decimal current-tax) ] "Other" [ total-other: total-other + (to-money receipt-grand-total) subtotal-other: subtotal-other + (to-money subtotal) tax-other: tax-other + (to-decimal current-tax) ] ] ] [ if true = request rejoin ["Delete empty receipt " file "?"] [ delete rejoin [%./receipts/ file] ] ] ] total-taxable: total-tax / .06 total-nontaxable: (to-decimal replace (to-string total-sales) "$" "") - total-taxable items-sold: rejoin [ items-sold nl nl a-line nl nl " Subtotal: " total-sales " (" total-items " items)" nl nl " Taxable: $" total-taxable nl " Non-Taxable: $" total-nontaxable nl nl " Tax: $" total-tax nl a-line nl nl " GRAND TOTAL: " total-sales-plus-tax nl a-line nl nl " Cash Subtotal: " subtotal-cash nl " Cash Tax: $" tax-cash nl " Cash Total: " total-cash nl nl " Credit Subtotal: " subtotal-credit nl " Credit Tax: $" tax-credit nl " Credit Total: " total-credit nl nl " Check Subtotal: " subtotal-check nl " Check Tax: $" tax-check nl " Check Total: " total-check nl nl " Other Subtotal: " subtotal-other nl " Other Tax: $" tax-other nl " Other Total: " total-other ] unview ; editor items-sold write %temp.txt items-sold call/show rejoin ["notepad " to-local-file what-dir "\temp.txt"] wait 1 delete %temp.txt REBOL [title: "Group Reminder System"] group-url: menu: request-list "" ["Create New Reminder" "Listen For Reminders"] write/append %reminders.txt "" if "" = read group-url [write group-url {""}] if menu = "Create New Reminder" [ view center-face layout [ h3 "Add a new reminder for the group:" a: area wrap btn "Submit" [ if error? try [ write/append group-url mold a/text ] [alert "ERROR: Not Saved (check Internet connection)" quit] alert "Saved" quit ] ] ] if menu = "Listen For Reminders" [ print "Listening for reminders..." forever [ wait 5 attempt [ reminders: read group-url if reminders <> read %reminders.txt [ write %reminders.txt reminders remind: copy {} foreach reminder (reverse load reminders) [ append remind rejoin [reminder newline newline] ] view center-face layout [ h3 "Reminders for the group:" area remind ] ] ] ] ] REBOL [title: "Group Notes"] url: beep: false autoupdt: false call "" write/append %notes.txt "" update: does [ if error? try [notes: copy read/lines url] [write url notes: ""] if ((beep = true) and (notes <> read/lines %notes.txt)) [ loop 4 [call "echo ^G" wait 1] ] write/lines %notes.txt notes display: copy {} count: 0 foreach note reverse notes [ either note = "" [ note: newline ] [ count: count + 1 note: rejoin [count ") "note] ] append display note ] a/text: display if a/text = "" [a/text: copy " "] show a ] autoupdate: does [ either autoupdt: not autoupdt [ time: request-text/title/default "Refresh display (seconds):" "10" b/text: join "Auto Update: " autoupdt show b forever [ either autoupdt = true [wait to-integer time update] [break] ] ] [ b/text: join "Auto Update: " autoupdt show b ] ] submit: does [ if f/text = "" [focus f return] if error? try [ write/lines/append url rejoin [ "^/^/" now " (" n/text "): " f/text ] ] [alert "ERROR: Not Saved (check Internet connection)" return] update f/text: copy "" show f focus f ] erase: func [arg] [ if true = request rejoin ["Really erase " arg "?"] [ write/lines to-file replace/all replace form now "/" "--" ":" "_" notes if arg = "all" [write url ""] if arg = "" [ indx: ( 3 * to-integer request-text/title/default "Index:" "1" ) - 2 remove/part at notes indx 3 write/lines url reverse notes ] update ] ] changeurl: does [ url: to-url u/text update focus f ] setbeep: does [ beep: not beep p/text: join "Beep: " beep show p ] insert-event-func [either event/type = 'close [quit][event]] view center-face layout [ h3 "Current notes for:" u: field 600 form url [changeurl] a: area 600x260 h3 "Name:" n: field 600 h3 "New Note:" f: field 600 [submit] across btn "Update" [update] b: btn join "Auto Update: " autoupdt [autoupdate] p: btn join "Beep: " beep [setbeep] btn "Erase" [erase ""] btn "Erase All" [erase "all"] do [update focus f] ] REBOL [title: "Group Notes (Console)"] u: if "" = form url: to-url ask join u ": " [url: u] name: copy ask "^LName: " forever [ if error? try [notes: copy read/lines url] [write url notes: ""] display: copy {} count: 0 foreach note reverse notes [ either note = "" [ note: "^/" ] [ count: count + 1 note: rejoin [count ") "note] ] append display note ] message: ask rejoin [newpage display "^/Message: "] case [ message = "" [] not error? try [indx: to-integer message] [ remove/part at notes (3 * indx - 2) 3 write/lines url reverse notes ; write/lines/append join url "-bak" reverse notes ] message = "erase" [write url ""] message = "name" [name: copy ask "^LName: "] message = "url" [ u: url if "" = form url: to-url ask rejoin ["^L" u ": "] [url: u] ] true [ if error? try [ write/lines/append url rejoin [ "^/^/" now " (" name "): " message ] ] [print "ERROR: Not Saved" quit] ] ] ] #! ../rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "Group Notes"] print {content-type: text/html^/} submitted: decode-cgi read-cgi url: print {
} if submitted/2 <> none [ if error? try [ write/lines/append url rejoin [ "^/^/" now " (" submitted/2 "): " submitted/4 ] ] [print "ERROR: Not Saved" quit] ] print {
if error? try [notes: copy read/lines url] [write url notes: ""]
display: copy {}
count: 0
remove/part notes 2
foreach note reverse notes [
    either note = "" [
        note: {
} ] [ count: count + 1 note: rejoin [count ") "note] ] append display note ] print display print {
} #! ../rebol276 -cs REBOL [Title: "Etsy"] print {content-type: text/html^/^/} print {Etsy} read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: decode-cgi submitted-bin: read-cgi if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print { W A R N I N G - Private Server:



} quit ] myusername: "some-user-name" mypassword: "some-password" username: submitted/2 password: submitted/4 either ((username = myusername) and (password = mypassword)) [][ print "Incorrect Username/Password." print {} quit ] do-etsy: does [ do/args context [ Consumer-Key: # Consumer-Secret: # User-Store: %etsyusers Scope: [listings_w listings_r listings_d] Sandbox: true ] etsy/as "" ] if submitted/6 = "sale" [ do-etsy coupon-code: submitted/8 add-or-remove: submitted/10 print "FOUND ITEMS:

" found: copy [] x: get in (etsy/listings []) 'results for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ print copy rejoin [ (get in x/:i 'title)
] append found (get in x/:i 'listing_id) append found (get in x/:i 'description) append found (get in x/:i 'title) append found (get in x/:i 'state) ] print "


" foreach [lstngid dscrptn titl state] found [ either state <> "active" [ print copy rejoin [ titl { was NOT replaced (listing inactive)
} ] ][ etsy/api-call/with put rejoin [ %listings/ lstngid ] either add-or-remove = "add" [ [ title: rejoin ["SALE-" titl] description: rejoin [coupon-code dscrptn] ] ] [ [ title: replace titl "SALE-" "" description: replace dscrptn rejoin [ coupon-code] "" ] ] print copy rejoin [titl {
}] ] ] print "

" quit ] if submitted/6 = "replace" [ do-etsy search-text: submitted/8 replace-text: submitted/10 print "FOUND ITEMS:

" found: copy [] x: get in (etsy/listings []) 'results for i 1 (length? x) 1 [ if find (get in x/:i 'description) search-text [ print rejoin [ ; {"} search-text {" found in: } (get in x/:i 'title) "
" ] append found (get in x/:i 'listing_id) append found (get in x/:i 'description) append found (get in x/:i 'title) append found (get in x/:i 'state) ] ] print "


" foreach [lstngid dscrptn titl state] found [ either state <> "active" [ print copy rejoin [ titl { was NOT replaced (listing inactive)
} ] ][ etsy/api-call/with put rejoin [ %listings/ lstngid ] [ description: ( replace/all dscrptn search-text replace-text ) ] print copy rejoin [titl {
}] ] ] print "

" quit ] if submitted/6 = "create-listing" [ do-etsy itm: submitted/8 desc: submitted/10 prc: to-decimal next find submitted/12 "$" ctgry: submitted/14 print "Creating item...

" etsy/api-call/with post %/listings [ quantity: 1 title: itm description: desc price: prc category_id: ctgry who_made: "i_did" is_supply: "1" when_made: "2010_2012" shipping_template_id: "330" ] print rejoin ["CREATED: " itm ", " desc ", " prc] quit ] if submitted/6 = "delete-listing" [ do-etsy itm2del: submitted/8 print "Deleting...

" etsy/api-call/with get rejoin [%listings/ itm2del] [ method: "DELETE" ] print rejoin ["Item " itm2del " deleted."] quit ] if submitted/6 = "view-raw" [ do-etsy print {
    probe copy get in (etsy/listings []) 'results
    print {
} quit ] if submitted/6 = "get-image2" [ do-etsy photo-item-id: submitted/8 photo-list: etsy/api-call/with get rejoin [ %listings/ photo-item-id "/images" ] [] either error? try [photo-id: first get in photo-list 'results] [ print "No photo available for that item." return ][ photo-info: etsy/api-call/with get the-code: rejoin [ %listings/ photo-item-id "/images/ " photo-id ] [] ] probe either [] = the-photo: (get in photo-info 'results) [ "none" ] [ the-photo ] quit ] default-coupon-code: { ** SALE ** Enter the coupon code "982u3445" at checkout to receive 10% off your order.<br><br> } print rejoin [ {

Add or Remove Sale:

Coupon Code:

Add or Remove:

Replace In Description:

Search Text:

Replace Text:

Create Listing:





Delete Listing:

Listing ID #:

View All Raw Listing Data:

View Image:

} ] quit #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Forum"] print {content-type: text/html^/} switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ cgi-data: copy "" cgi-buffer: copy "" while [positive? read-io system/ports/input cgi-buffer 16380] [ append cgi-data cgi-buffer clear cgi-buffer ] ] "GET" [cgi-data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] submitted: decode-cgi cgi-data if submitted/2 = "rss" [ write/append %bb.db "" bbs: load %bb.db reverse bbs stickycount: 0 foreach topic bbs [foreach item topic [ if find item {STICKY:} [stickycount: stickycount + 1] ]] print trim { REBOL Forum Recent REBOL Forum Topics } count: 1 foreach item (at bbs (stickycount + 1)) [ rss-title: copy item/1 rss-title: replace/all rss-title {&} {&} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {"} {"} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {'} {'} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {<} {<} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {>} {>} rss-description: rejoin [ (copy/part (pick item ((length? item) - 2)) 4096) ", Posted by: " (pick item ((length? item) - 1)) " " (pick item (length? item)) ] rss-description: replace/all rss-description {&} {&} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {"} {"} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {'} {'} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {<} {<} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {>} {>} print trim rejoin [ { } rss-title { } rss-description { f=printtopic&topicnumber=} ((length? bbs) + 1 - count - stickycount) {&archiveflag=new} ] count: count + 1 if count > 10 [break] ] print trim { } quit ] print {REBOL Forum
} footer: {
} unless exists? %index.html [ write %index.html { } ] if submitted/2 = "downloadreader" [ print trim/lines {

(Open the REBOL console and "do" this page URL)

    print decompress #{
    print {
} print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "api" [ print {
    print decompress #{
    print {
} print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "source" [ print trim/lines {

(Open the REBOL console and "do" this page URL)

    prin {REBOL []  editor decompress }
    print compress read %index.cgi
print footer quit ] write/append %archive.db "" write/append %bb.db "" bbs: load %bb.db displaylength: 49 captchacheck: does [ if submitted/10 <> (trim/all submitted/12) [ print {Incorrect Captcha Text

Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again.

} print footer quit ] ] random/seed now/time password: copy [] wrds: first system/words foreach ch mold pick wrds (random length? wrds) [append password ch] if submitted/2 = "addnew" [ if (submitted/4 = "") or (submitted/6 = "") or (submitted/8 = "") [ print { Incomplete submission

Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again.

} print footer quit ] captchacheck make-dir %./history/ save rejoin [ %./history/ now/year "_" now/month "_" now/day "_" (replace/all form now/time ":" "_") ".db" ] bbs entry: copy [] append entry submitted/6 ; topic submitted-message: replace/all submitted/8 {REBOL [} {R E B O L [} submitted-message: replace/all submitted-message {REBOL[} {R E B O L [} append entry submitted-message ; message append entry submitted/4 ; name append entry form (now + 3:00) append/only tail bbs entry if (length? bbs) > displaylength [ write/append %archive.db mold bbs/1 remove head bbs ] reverse bbs foreach topic (copy bbs) [ foreach item topic [ if find item {STICKY:} [ move/to (find/only bbs topic) 1 ] ] ] reverse bbs save %bb.db bbs print {New Topic Added} print footer wait :00:02 print {} quit ] if submitted/2 = "printtopic" [ if submitted/6 = "archive" [bbs: load %archive.db] current-topic: copy pick bbs (to-integer submitted/4) print rejoin [ {
Home   Archive

} (current-topic/1) {

} ] foreach [message name timestamp] (at current-topic 2) [ replace/all message newline {
} message2: copy message append message { } replace/all message2 { } {    } parse/all message [any [thru "http://" copy link to { } ( replace message2 (rejoin [{http://} link] ) (rejoin [ { http://} link { } ]))] to end] print rejoin [ message2 {

posted by:   } name {       } timestamp {

} ] ] if submitted/6 = "new" [ print rejoin [ {


Type this quoted captcha text below: "} password {"

} ] ] print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "search" [ print {

} search-all: does [ foreach topic bbs [ foreach [message name timestamp] (at topic 2) [ if any [ (find message submitted/4) (find name submitted/4) ] [ replace/all message newline {
} message2: copy message append message { } replace/all message2 { } {    } parse/all message [any [ thru "http://" copy link to { } ( replace message2 (rejoin [{http://} link]) ( rejoin [ { http://} link { } ] ) ) ] to end] print rejoin [ {} archive-note topic/1 {

} message2 {

posted by:   } name {       } timestamp {

} ] ] ] ] ] archive-note: "" search-all bbs: load %archive.db archive-note: {(Archive) } search-all print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "addresponse" [ if (submitted/6 = "") or (submitted/8 = "") [ print { Incomplete submission.

Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again.

} print footer quit ] captchacheck save rejoin [ %./history/ now/year "_" now/month "_" now/day "_" (replace/all form now/time ":" "_") ".db" ] bbs topicnumber: to-integer submitted/4 ; topic number submitted-message: replace/all submitted/8 {REBOL [} {R E B O L [} submitted-message: replace/all submitted-message {REBOL[} {R E B O L [} append bbs/:topicnumber submitted-message ; message append bbs/:topicnumber submitted/6 ; name append bbs/:topicnumber form (now + 3:00) move/to (at bbs topicnumber) (length? bbs) ; sort by most recent responded-topic: (first last bbs) reverse bbs ; move sticky messages to top foreach topic (copy bbs) [ foreach item topic [ if find item {STICKY:} [ move/to (find/only bbs topic) 1 ] ] ] reverse bbs save %bb.db bbs print rejoin [ {Response added to "} responded-topic {"} ] print footer wait :00:03 print {} quit ] either submitted/2 = "printarchive" [ archiveflag: "archive" bbs: load %archive.db head-text: "Archive" ] [ archiveflag: "new" head-text: "REBOL Forum" ] print rejoin [{
} head-text {
}] counter: 1 reverse bbs foreach bb bbs [ print rejoin [ {} ] counter: counter + 1 if counter > displaylength [break] ] message-count: 0 try [foreach record bbs [ message-count: message-count + ((length? record) - 1 / 3) ]] either submitted/2 <> "printarchive" [ print rejoin [ {} {} ] ] [ print rejoin [ {} {} ] ] print rejoin [{
  } bb/1 {} ((length? bb) - 1 / 3) {} (last bb) {, } pick bb ((length? bb) - 1) {
  ARCHIVED MESSAGES} message-count { active messages
  } message-count { archived messages   Home

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}] print footer quit #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "CGI Sitebuilder"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print ["Sitebuilder"] read-cgi: func [/local data buffer][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] data ] submitted: decode-cgi submitted-bin: read-cgi ; if no data has been submitted, request user/pass: if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print ["W A R N I N G - "] print ["Private Server, Login Required:"

] print [
] print [" Username: "

] print [" Password: "

] print [] print [
] print {} quit ] ; check user/pass every time - end program if incorrect: username: submitted/2 password: submitted/4 either ((username = "username") and (password = "password")) or ( (find submitted/2 {Content-Disposition: form-data;}) <> none) [ ; if user/pass is ok, go on ][ print "Incorrect Username/Password." print {} quit ] if not exists? %sitemap.r [ write %sitemap.r {%Home []} write %Home {} ] if not exists? %upload.cgi [ write/binary/allow %upload.cgi to-binary decompress 64#{ eJyFV21v2zYQ/m7A/+GqoYUDTFHaAV2h2A7aNVsHpEixZhgGwxsoibbZSqJKUs2M LP99d3yRZNnFBFgv5N3xubvnjvR3T84TxTNZvvjxJcS5nk5+u35zewOr9XTSKFEb eMhlbXhtYrNveAqG/2OSnanKv5LHILKav7t7f7Ocv7t+/XY5v/v17uZ6GX0Uhmet KAuuonniBueJE3lz+/bPJa4wnSjOijjfihQ2bZ3DKillzkoomGGQtZsNV+vVdAJ4 6Xth8h3ovTa8SmRjhKx1gqqI/0vLtYkrbnayAC9PV/Th9uNdNByhi4ynULHPHLRB B7ZP4PnFi4tDIbf4WOzlD69Gcvc7UXJYNVILI77yK7AeCRmANlIZnYi6aY236ays R6DoYk3D62Lo/LFMXnKmTs6u+8/Ba/TLNUXA+XwieBg6tY+dg17NP0hlOrFZKngu Cx5XbWlEw5SJN1JVsbPp8uZUmnhIljCGsTGxs0YDPsWl0AZyDAo6zEtRxRnf+jcK Qi3rOFf2UW78F75UouIxQUBkYVWylEIum72lLQ0JUjGwkW1dXMFGoMFDbBB1ziSd MxgnTJ9pVe3QWd9t0IP9Uw5mRQqfpKghiuPIidGCiWGiJAejjFAwtV9EPrDBXa+H ESDfhpMYAT9pvc6KgMQFInVUkFVT8grRQL5jSnOD6Is2RzqiWkiji+D/a9T8vhQ1 H6rR2qS4Ctn4F/qUeLkuISg4oPQMPY8LoRtJkbMhS0mT07jrJJFtJU3JRB3BWa/a s+Gyt44lSHc7h41lQP0oZMSuRlUoazTuEhFAAKv3PYn6aNOF1YAeRodtrte3bDlS H5aY/b4Mbp7C6Gy5+X7UyAHfvZHeYdsJjk3NYMfqosRi7CQ7JwPagOSsq2f3MtY8 LF5fwN7YaKyn+0Gd90O+qk3VQM0qDl9Z2dp73HgUp9dJoSEiDkbg4XIRPQbMloto EHceGSNh43upCphpXnKsrYFWRFLRgEdcmB122xmx7oqAYf871tpg+x5r+gujBbNR CwndY8Dds/H+Yl1Pj/O9/oag3WJk9gmhPRmL0BUg+h6EnhzLONaGHjXOV7i6SvSx caHpsukKnRPQUbsb0t26crDXHMXcpj11QbOdlOAfWlhRB6q3PJF1ibWF4XRatkdJ TR1pthGKdLu5M5jZkJ0hwvXYnN883bbS2xiyhlCcsNF50FqVb5bTIYOJtQkry+EG h9paIvn72nR7wqBhdIsRUL+9dvophPPQdIK32JHCUgl36Dan5vKtnfjU5n6w47mM 9nvxdHIJjZIZznRLYQci30u212B9wyU0yA1gWkG3GTYjwwvolve0JVN/KGxUlqvU 2DRXX5EIrcZjhVWWSmxFjR0isPl7W1+4S4vN3kpg9FVKsPAjJqkUSobJRDjCYDTN jlqAXcD10w510uykkUmwPJ3cE5Ykw/WUte21xgpdhfqT7jzHL66WcwY7xTeL6DzR /Sn2HPWvyP6CkNLLs4ZpvaAb0euZi8/CPaLlG5Z/plAMDsLzhC3nmVo+9ksaliG0 e1GY3eLVxVPI0BJXi+cHMgjJFF7o+cXFU2skoO0FHbHmSBVZb5e/f7i5ff0Wfrp9 /+Hm+u56nvhxq4u/Q+mfMUIa8lYptIoViUcPsxMaj1AEPD2hjev6SSS9Mpa68PSc RvEVj+o26E6kOyC6/wuK27PN6mEQ6Ucn/xAB7vRbbhZ/ZyWrPy/9eBRiF63XtmxC cAhPYgq62TeKJz7tXwz8v0F/TBDpl1aY/wDPpuhm7AwAAA== } [read write execute read write execute read write execute] if error? try [call {chmod 755 ./upload.cgi}] [ print {
./upload.cgi has been created, but there was apparently a problem setting permissions for it. Please be sure that upload.cgi is chmod to 755.

} quit ] ] ; if only user/pass has been entered, print main start page : if submitted/6 = "submit" [ ; write/append %sitemap.r "" ; make sure it exists print rejoin [ "
Path: " what-dir {
} ] print rejoin [ {
Upload File:       Files
Create New Page:
} ] pages: sort read %. ; dont-show-suffixs: [ %.html %.jpg %.gif %.png %.bmp %.exe %.pdf %.cgi %.php %.txt %.tpl %.r %.tgz ] ; remove-each page pages [find dont-show-suffixs (suffix? page)] remove-each page pages [find to-string page "/"] dont-show-files: [%rebol276 %sitemap %.ftpquota] remove-each page pages [find dont-show-files page] print "

Edit Existing Pages:

" foreach page pages [ if ((suffix? page) = none) [ print rejoin [ {} to-string page {     } ;
} ] ] ] print {

} print {Edit Site Map       } print {Build Site       } print rejoin [ {View Home Page       } ] print {Console       } print {Instructions} print {
} quit ] ; if constructed edit link has been submitted: if submitted/6 = "edit" [ write/append to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] "" if not exists? %./openwysiwyg/scripts/wysiwyg.js [ write/binary %./ read/binary print {
} do print {
} ] ; backup (before changes are made): cur-time: to-string replace/all to-string now/time ":" "-" document_text: read to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] make-dir %edit_history write to-file rejoin [ what-dir "edit_history/" to-string (second split-path to-file submitted/8) "--" now/date "_" cur-time ".txt" ] document_text ; note the POST method in the HTML form: prin rejoin [ { } {
Be sure to SUBMIT when done:

" "<\/textarea>" { Files

} ] print {} quit ] ; non-wysiwyg edit: if submitted/6 = "cleanedit" [ write/append to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] "" ; backup (before changes are made): cur-time: to-streaaaeading replace/all to-string now/time ":" "-" document_text: read to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8] make-dir %edit_history write to-file rejoin [ what-dir "edit_history/" to-string (second split-path to-file submitted/8) "--" now/date "_" cur-time ".txt" ] document_text ; note the POST method in the HTML form: prin rejoin [ {
Be sure to SUBMIT when done:

" "<\/textarea>" {

} ] print {} quit ] ; if edited file text has been submitted: if submitted/6 = "save" [ ; save newly edited document: write (to-file rejoin [what-dir submitted/8]) (replace/all submitted/10 "<\/textarea>" "") either (submitted/8 <> "sitemap.r") and ( submitted/8 <> (to-string first load %sitemap.r) ) [ print {
Document Saved

} recurse-sitemap: func [page] [ append sitemap-pages page/1 if not (page/2 = []) [ foreach block page/2 [recurse-sitemap block] ] ] sitemap-pages: copy [] recurse-sitemap load %sitemap.r prin {
Now ADD this page as a SUB-PAGE of another in your site map:

} foreach page sitemap-pages [ prin rejoin [ {} page {       } ] ] print {

If you've ALREADY added this page to your site map, or if you do not want it in your site map click here

} ] [ print {} ] print {} quit ] ; If page has been added to site map via link: if submitted/6 = "addsitemap" [ recurse-add-sitemap: func [page] [ if page/1 = (to-file submitted/10) [ new-block: copy [] append new-block (to-file submitted/8) append/only new-block [] insert/only page/2 new-block ] if not (page/2 = []) [ foreach block page/2 [recurse-add-sitemap block] ] ] recurse-add-sitemap new-site-map: load %sitemap.r save %sitemap.r new-site-map print {} ] ; If file upload has been submitted: if ((find submitted/2 {Content-Disposition: form-data;}) <> none) [ decode-multipart-form-data: func [ p-content-type p-post-data /local list ct bd delim-beg delim-end non-cr non-lf non-crlf mime-part ] [ list: copy [] if not found? find p-content-type "multipart/form-data" [ return list ] ct: copy p-content-type bd: join "--" copy find/tail ct "boundary=" delim-beg: join bd crlf delim-end: join crlf bd non-cr: complement charset reduce [ cr ] non-lf: complement charset reduce [ newline ] non-crlf: [ non-cr | cr non-lf ] mime-part: [ ( ct-dispo: content: none ct-type: "text/plain" ) delim-beg ; mime-part start delimiter "content-disposition: " copy ct-dispo any non-crlf crlf opt [ "content-type: " copy ct-type any non-crlf crlf ] crlf ; content delimiter copy content to delim-end crlf ; mime-part end delimiter ( handle-mime-part ct-dispo ct-type content ) ] handle-mime-part: func [ p-ct-dispo p-ct-type p-content /local tmp name value val-p ] [ p-ct-dispo: parse p-ct-dispo {;="} name: to-set-word (select p-ct-dispo "name") either (none? tmp: select p-ct-dispo "filename") and (found? find p-ct-type "text/plain") [ value: content ] [ value: make object! [ filename: copy tmp type: copy p-ct-type content: either none? p-content [none][copy p-content] ] ] either val-p: find list name [change/only next val-p compose [ (first next val-p) (value)] ] [append list compose [(to-set-word name) (value)]] ] use [ct-dispo ct-type content] [ parse/all p-post-data [some mime-part "--" crlf] ] list ] cgi-object: construct decode-multipart-form-data system/options/cgi/content-type copy submitted-bin ; probe cgi-object ; displays all parts of the submitted object ; Write file to server using the original filename, notify the user: the-file: last split-path to-file copy cgi-object/photo/filename write/binary the-file cgi-object/photo/content print {
Back to Sitebuilder
} print {} print {


Files currently in this folder:

} folder: sort read %. foreach file folder [ print [rejoin [ {} file "
" ]] ] print {
} quit ] ; List existing files: if submitted/6 = "listfiles" [ print {
Back to Sitebuilder
} print {} print {

} folder: sort read %. foreach file folder [ print [rejoin [ {    (edit)    } ]] print [rejoin [ {} file {
} ]] ] print {
} quit ] if submitted/6 = "listfiles-popup" [ print {
} print {

} folder: sort read %. foreach file folder [ print [rejoin [{} file "
"]] ] print {
} quit ] ; Run REBOL console (for file and OS operations): if submitted/6 = "console" [ if not exists? %rebol276 [ print "
REBOL version 276 required!

" ] print {
Back to Sitebuilder
} entry-form: [ print {

} ] if submitted/8 = "command-submitted" [ write %commands.txt join "REBOL[]^/" submitted/10 ; The "call" function requires REBOL version 2.76: call/output/error "./rebol276 -qs commands.txt" %conso.txt %conse.txt do entry-form print rejoin [ {

} {
            read %conso.txt

} {Errors:

} read %conse.txt {
} ] quit ] do entry-form ] ; Build site: if submitted/6 = "buildsite" [ if not exists? %menu.tpl [ write %menu.tpl decompress #{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} ] if not exists? %nomenu.tpl [ write %nomenu.tpl decompress #{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} ] homepage: to-string first load %sitemap.r current-path: rejoin [ {} homepage {} ] begin-recurse: true recurse: func [page current-path][ either begin-recurse = true [ print-path: (to-string page/1) ] [ print-path: rejoin [current-path { : } (to-string page/1)] ] begin-recurse: false either (page/2 = []) [ constructed: replace (read %nomenu.tpl) {} (read to-file page/1) constructed: replace constructed {} (to-string page/1) constructed: replace constructed {} print-path ] [ constructed: replace (read %menu.tpl) {}(read to-file page/1) link-list: copy {} foreach item page/2 [ link-list: rejoin [ link-list { } {
} {} (to-string item/1) {} {
} newline ] ] constructed: replace constructed {} link-list constructed: replace constructed {} (to-string page/1) constructed: replace constructed {} print-path ] write (to-file join page/1 ".html") constructed print page/1 print { ... DONE
} if not (page/2 = []) [ if (to-string page/1) <> homepage [ current-path: rejoin [ current-path { : } (to-string page/1) {} ] ] foreach block page/2 [recurse block current-path] ] ] print {
} recurse mymap: load %sitemap.r current-path print {

Back to Sitebuilder
} if not exists? %index.html [ write %index.html rejoin [{
}] ] quit ] ; Print instructions: if submitted/6 = "instructions" [ print {
    print instructions: {

    This script enables you to easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages
    on your web site.  The first step is to create and/or upload page
    content.  The built-in WSYIWYG HTML editor allows you to layout pages
    visually, without having to write any code.  It works just like a word
    processor, except it runs directly in your browser, right on your web
    site.  You can adjust fonts, colors, and all essential formatting/
    layout options.  You can add tables, images, links, and other
    elements, all without writing any code.  Of course, if you prefer to
    write your own HTML code or copy/paste from other sources, you can
    switch instantly between visual and code view, for complete control
    and instant preview.  The built-in file upload allows you to upload
    any HTML files, scripts, images, or binary files of any sort, from any
    computer.  The template system automatically builds menu links to
    other pages, using a simple and quick site map layout that you
    specify, and the generated pages are all wrapped in templates that you
    can upload or create/edit directly online (2 generic templates are
    included to get you started).  Because this whole system runs in your
    browser, you can add pages, upload files, and edit site content
    instantly from any location, using any OS, without installing any


    To create a new page for your web site, simply type in a name for the
    page and click the "Create New Page" link.  The visual editor will
    open, and you can begin editing content.  You can create new pages
    from scratch or copy/paste content directly into the visual view.
    Page names should NEVER CONTAIN SPACES (use underscores instead), and
    should not have any file extensions.  It's suggested that title case
    be used for page names (every important word capitalized).

    To upload images, scripts, or any other content that you've created on
    your local computer, simply click the "Choose" button and then the
    "Upload" button. 

    You can edit any text or code on a page, whether it was created using
    the online editor, or uploaded, by simply clicking the file name in
    "Edit Existing Pages".  To add an image to a page, simply click the
    image icon and type in the file name of any image that you've
    uploaded.  Adding, editing, and previewing scripts is as simple as
    clicking the HTML/Text button, and using the built-in preview button.
    Centering and aligning content, changing font sizes, styles and
    colors, creating bulleted lists, and all typical operations function
    just like they do in most word processors.  Just select items and
    click on the icons to adjust your layout.  It's all very easy and
    intuitive, even for absolute beginners.


    When you are done editing/uploading content pages, you will be asked
    if you want to add them as SUB-PAGES of other pages on your site.  A
    site map is automatically generated, and published pages contain
    automatically generated menus which enable users to easily navigate
    around your site.  The site map can be edited to easily arrange page
    links on your site, based on the simple sub-page layout.  Any page
    content added to the site map is also automatically framed in nicely
    designed templates, to give your entire site a consistent look and

    If you want to edit the order of pages in your site map, or add/remove
    pages from your site, click the "Edit Site Map" link.  Starting with
    the home page, every entry in your site map is simply a BLOCK
    containing 2 items: 

        This is a file name containing page content that you've created,
        which you want to appear in an .html page of the same name on your
        site.  Content file names should be listed exactly as they were
        named when creating or uploading them, as they appear in the edit
        list.  In the site map, all source file names MUST BE PRECEDED BY
        A PERCENT SYMBOL ("%").


        Each page entry in your site map must be followed by a pair of
        square brackets.  These brackets contain a block of links to other
        pages on the site, to appear in a link menu on the current page.
        The home page can contain as many sub-pages (menu links) as you
        want, and any sub-pages can contain as many sub-page links as you
        want, and so on, for as many levels deep as you want.  

    Your site map must have one and only one "home" page.  It can be any
    file name you've created - typically "Home" (a %Home file is
    automatically created when this script is first run).  This script
    automatically creates an index.html page that forwards to your home
    page, if no index.html exists.  It's recommended that you keep your
    home page file named "Home".

    Here's an example of how your site map would look if you only wanted
    one page to appear on your web site, labeled "Home.html":

    %Home []

    The file name (%Home above) contains the name of a source file to be
    processed (a content file that you've previously uploaded or created
    with the built-in editor).  The block following it (empty above)
    contains the names of any SUB-PAGES that will be processed and
    automatically linked to it (none in the case above).

    Below is an example of how the site map would look if you wanted a
    site made up of a home page and two sub-pages.  Home.html, 
    Page_One.html and Page_Two.html would all be created from the source
    files listed, and a menu bar would be automatically generated and
    placed on Home.html, linking to the 2 other pages.  Neither
    Page_One.html nor Page_Two.html would contain any menu bars with
    links, because they don't contain any sub-pages:

    %Home [                         
    ; your home page (index.html forwards to it)
        [%Page_One []]              
        ; Page_One.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Two []]              
        ; Page_Two.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html

    The next example site map below contains a home page with 5 sub pages,
    the 3rd of which contains 2 sub pages, and the 2nd of that contains 3
    sub pages.  In the generated .html pages, link menus are only placed
    on pages which have sub-pages (i.e., only Home.html, Page_Three.html
    and Page_Three_B.html below would contain link menus):

    %Home [                      
    ; your home page
        [%Page_One []]           
        ; Page_One.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Two []]           
        ; Page_Two.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Three [           
        ; Page_Three.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
            [%Page_Three_A []]   
            ; Page_Three_A.html appears in menu bar of Page_Three_A.html
            [%Page_Three_B [     
            ; Page_Three_B.html appears in menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_1 []] 
                ; Page_3_B_1.html appears in menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_2 []] 
                ; Page_3_B_2.html appears in menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
                [%Page_3_B_3 []] 
                ; Page_3_B_3.html appears in menu bar of Page_Three_B.html
        [%Page_Four []]          
        ; Page_Four.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html
        [%Page_Five []]          
        ; Page_Five.html appears in the menu bar of Home.html

    The key to understanding the site map is that any source file names
    followed by a link block will contain an auto-generated menu of links
    to those sub-pages in the created .html file.  Pages without link
    blocks do not contain any sub-page links.  They are simply wrapped in
    a template.  Of course, you can manually link to any page that you've
    created, if you don't want any auto-generated link menus or template
    design to appear on your site.  You can use this script to simply
    upload content, or to create/edit HTML/script files.  If that's the
    case, you don't need to create a site map.

    Once you've finished creating content files, and have arranged them
    into a site map, simply click the "Build Site" link.  You can then
    view the generated web site by clicking the "View Home Page" link.


    If you need to perform any file or OS operations, click the "Console"
    link.  You can run operating system commands using the following
    format (replace "dir" with any OS command):

        call {dir}

    You can also use the console to run any REBOL functions/scripts (for
    any sort of batch file operations, text searches, to download
    file/directories from other FTP sites, etc.).  This adds enormous
    power to the system:

        rename %oldfile.txt %newfile.txt
        delete %unwanted_file.txt
        foreach file (read [
            write file read (join file)
        (You can perform almost any non-interactive operation possible
        in the REBOL console)

    During use, backups are automatically created of any file which is
    edited using the built-in editor (saved in the %./edit_history
    subfolder), so you can always easily fix mistakes or revert to
    previous versions of a page or site map.  It's all extremely SIMPLE
    and QUICK to implement and use.  New users can learn the system in a
    matter of minutes (the syntax pattern for editing the site map is the
    only thing that requires any thought whatsoever, and that's only
    necessary if you want to make _changes_ to the site layout).


    To install, just copy this script and an appropriate REBOL interpreter
    to your web server, (version 2.76+ is required for console
    operations), set permissions and the shebang line of this script, then
    start adding/editing pages to your site.

    TEMPLATE FILES (for advanced users):

    Two generic page templates are built into this script, but ANY HTML
    template can be added and used on your site.  Template files are
    simply HTML files that act as a "frame" for new content that you
    create with this script.  They can be edited to radically change the
    look, feel, and design of destination .html files generated by this

    Templates are extremely simple to create.  They can be created/edited
    directly online using the built-in editor, or uploaded and edited
    later using this script.  IMPORTANT:  Code files such as templates
    should be edited using the plain text editor (with no visual WYSIWYG),
    available by clicking the "Files" link, next to the "Upload" button on
    the main page of this script.

    NOTE:  The built-in templates insert a header image at the top of
    every page (%header.jpg by default).  If you want to use the built-in
    templates, you can simply upload a header image to appear at the top
    of every page in your site.  Just create your own image, save it as
    "header.jpg" and use the built-in upload facility to upload it to your
    web site.  That's all you need to do to create a minimally unique
    design for different sites.  If you do this, try to keep the
    header.jpg image download size small.  You can reduce the .jpg quality
    and number of colors in your image editing software.  The shape of a
    header image should be like a banner - avoid letting it get too wide
    or too tall, or it will take up too much screen real estate on your
    site (500x100 pixels is a good ball park size for the built in

    Templates contain 4 short lines of code that indicate where the source
    file text/code should be placed on your destination pages, and where
    the link menu should be placed on pages with sub-page link blocks.
    You can use existing HTML pages to create templates or create
    completely new designs for every web site.  To make them work with
    this script, simply insert the codes below where you want the content
    to appear on generated destination pages:

    ; Page title in head tag  * By default same as the source file name *
    ; Link menu(s) generated by this script (as defined in your site map)
    ; Links through the hierarchy of sub-pages, back to your home page
    ; All of the data contained in the source file of each content page

    There are two main types of templates:  those with menu bars, and
    those without.  The built-in template %menu.tpl displays a menu of
    links on the left side of the page (each with a text rollover effect).
    The %menu.tpl file is used for any source pages that have ONE OR MORE
    sub-page(s) in the link block.  The built-in %nomenu.tpl template is
    used for pages with EMPTY link blocks.  You can edit the built-in
    template files, or create new HTML templates from scratch.  It
    literally takes just a few seconds to create template files from
    existing HTML pages.  Examine the built in templates to see how it
    works - it's very straightforward.  Simply name your templates
    menu.tpl and nomenu.tpl, then upload them to the folder on your server
    which contains this script.  
    print {

REBOL [title: "Sitebuilder Makedoc"]
editor decompress #{

REBOL [title: "Rebface (SDK) GUI Web Cam Example"]
do %gfx-colors.r
do %gfx-funcs.r
do %view-funcs.r
do %view-vid.r
do %view-edit.r
do %view-feel.r
do %view-images.r
do %view-styles.r
do %view-request.r
do %view.r
;WM_CAP_START: 0x400
;WM_START: to-integer #{00000400}
avicap32.dll: load/library %avicap32.dll
user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll
get-focus: make routine! [return: [int]] user32.dll "GetFocus"
hwnd-hide-console: get-focus
hide-window: make routine! [
    hwnd [int] 
    a [int]
    return: [int]
] user32.dll "ShowWindow"
hide-window hwnd-hide-console 0
view/new center-face layout/tight [
    image 320x240
    btn "Take Snapshot" [
        sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_GRAB_FRAME_NOSTOP 0 0
        sendmessage-file cap-result WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEDIBA 0 "scrshot.bmp"
    btn "Exit" [
        sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_END 0 0
        sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT 0 0
        free user32.dll
set-caption: make routine! [
    hwnd [int] 
    a [string!]
    return: [int]
] user32.dll "SetWindowTextA"
hwnd-set-title: get-focus
set-caption hwnd-set-title "Web Camera"
find-window-by-class: make routine! [
    ClassName   [string!]
    WindowName  [integer!]
    return:     [integer!]
] user32.dll "FindWindowA"
hwnd: find-window-by-class "REBOLWind" 0
cap: make routine! [
    cap [string!]
    child-val1 [integer!]
    val2 [integer!]
    val3 [integer!]
    width [integer!]
    height [integer!]
    handle [integer!]
    val4 [integer!]
    return: [integer!]
] avicap32.dll "capCreateCaptureWindowA"
sendmessage: make routine! [
    hWnd [integer!] 
    val1 [integer!]
    val2 [integer!]
    val3 [integer!]
    return: [integer!]
] user32.dll "SendMessageA"
sendmessage-file: make routine! [
    hWnd [integer!] 
    val1 [integer!] 
    val2 [integer!]
    val3 [string!]
    return: [integer!]
] user32.dll  "SendMessageA"
cap-result: cap "cap" 1342177280 0 0 320 240 hwnd 0
; 1342177280 in the line above is BitOR(WS_CHILD,WS_VISIBLE) 
sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT 0 0
sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_SET_SCALE 1 0
sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_SET_OVERLAY 1 0
sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW 1 0
sendmessage cap-result WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE 1 0


REBOL has hundreds of built-in function words that perform common tasks.
As in other languages, function words are typically followed by passed
parameters. Unlike other languages, passed parameters are placed
immediately after the function word and are not necessarily enclosed in
parenthesis. To accomplish a desired goal, functions are arranged in
succession, one after another. The value(s) returned by one function are
often used as the argument(s) input to another function. Line terminators
are not required at any point, and all expressions are evaluated in left
to right order, then vertically down through the code. Empty white space
(spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.) can be inserted as desired to make code
more readable. Text after a semicolon and before a new line is treated as
a comment. You can complete significant work by simply knowing the
predefined functions in the language, and organizing them into a useful

REBOL contains a rich set of conditional and looping structures, which can
be used to manage program flow and data processing activities. If, switch,
while, for, foreach, and other typical structures are supported.

Because many common types of data values are automatically recognized and
handled natively by REBOL, calculating, looping, and making conditional
decisions based upon data content is straightforward and natural to
perform, without any external modules or toolkits. Numbers, text strings,
money values, times, tuples, URLs, binary representations of images,
sounds, etc. are all automatically handled. REBOL can increment, compare,
and perform proper computations on most common types of data (i.e., the
interpreter automatically knows that 5:32am + 00:35:15 = 6:07:15am, and it
can automatically apply visual effects to raw binary image data, etc.).
Network resources and Internet protocols (http documents, ftp directories,
email accounts, dns services, etc.) can also be accessed natively, just as
easily as local files. Data of any type can be written to and read from
virtually any connected device or resource (i.e., "write %file.txt data"
works just as easily as "write data", using
the same common syntax). The percent symbol ("%") and the syntax
"%(/drive)/path/path/.../file.ext" are used cross-platform to refer to
local file values on any operating system.

Any data or code can be assigned a word label. The colon character (":")
is used to assign word labels to constants, variable values, evaluated
expressions, functions, and data/action blocks of any type. Once assigned,
variable words can be used to represent all of the data and/or actions
contained in the given expression, block, etc. Just put a colon at the end
of a word, and thereafter it represents all the following actions and/or
data. That forms a significant part of the REBOL language structure, and
is the basis for it's flexible natural language dialecting abilities.

Multiple pieces of data are stored in "blocks", which are delineated by
starting and ending brackets ("[]"). Blocks can contain data of any type:
groups of text strings, arrays of binary data, collections of actions
(functions), other enclosed blocks, etc. Data items contained in blocks
are separated by white space. Blocks can be automatically treated as lists
of data, called "series", and manipulated using built-in functions that
enable searching, sorting, ordering, and otherwise organizing the blocked
data. Data and function words contained in blocks can be evaluated (their
actions performed and their data values assigned) using the "do" word.
New function words can also be defined using the "does" and "func" words.
"Does" forces a block to be evaluated every time its word label is
encountered. The "func" word creates an executable block in the same way
as "does", but additionally allows you to pass your own specified
parameters to the newly defined function word. You can "do" a module of
code contained in a text file, as long as it contains the minimum header
"rebol[]". Blocks are also used to delineate most of the syntactic
structures in REBOL (i.e., in conditional evaluations, function
definitions, etc.).

The syntax "view layout [block]" is used to create basic GUI layouts.
You can add graphic widgets to the layout simply by adding widget
identifier words to the enclosed block: "button", "field", "text-list",
etc. Color, position, spacing, and other facet words can be added after
each widget identifier. Action blocks added immediately after any widget
will perform the enclosed functions whenever the widget is activated
(i.e., when the widget is clicked with a mouse, when the enter key
pressed, etc.). Path refinements can be used to refer to items in the
GUI layout (i.e., "face/offset" refers to the position of the selected
widget face). Those simple guidelines can be used to create useful GUIs
for data input and output, in a way that's native (doesn't require any
external toolkits) and much easier than any other language.

See for a complete REBOL tutorial with line-by-line
explanations of all the code in these examples.

REBOL [title: "Quick Manual"]
print "This will take a minute..."  wait 2
echo %words.txt what echo off   ; "echo" saves console activity to a file
echo %help.txt
foreach line read/lines %words.txt [
    word: first to-block line
    print "___________________________________________________________^/"
    print rejoin ["word:  " uppercase to-string word]  print "" 
    do compose [help (to-word word)]
echo off
x: read %help.txt
write %help.txt "VID STYLES (GUI WIDGETS):^/^/"
foreach i extract svv/vid-styles 2 [write/append %help.txt join i newline]
write/append %help.txt "^/^/LAYOUT WORDS:^/^/" 
foreach i svv/vid-words [write/append %help.txt join i newline]
b: copy [] 
foreach i svv/facet-words [
    if (not function? :i) [append b join to-string i "^/"]
write/append %help.txt rejoin [
y: copy ""
foreach i (extract svv/vid-styles 2) [
    z: select svv/vid-styles i
    ; additional facets are held in a "words" block:
    if z/words [
        append y join i ": "
        foreach q z/words [if not (function? :q) [append y join q " "]]
        append y newline
write/append %help.txt rejoin [
    y "^/^/CORE FUNCTIONS:^/^/" at x 4
editor %help.txt