Enter a command. For example: e2image, arithmetic, wine, runlim.


Yet Another Yogurt: A utility for Arch Linux to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository. Also see pacman. More information:
  • Interactively search and install packages from the repos and AUR:
    yay {{package_name|search_term}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages from the repos and AUR:
  • Synchronize and update only AUR packages:
    yay -Sua
  • Install a new package from the repos and AUR:
    yay -S {{package_name}}
  • Remove an installed package and both its dependencies and configuration files:
    yay -Rns {{package_name}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword from the repos and AUR:
    yay -Ss {{keyword}}
  • Remove orphaned packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package):
    yay -Yc
  • Show statistics for installed packages and system health:
    yay -Ps

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