Enter a command. For example: ts, pfetch, shards, fastmod, tlmgr remove.


Backup Utility for virtual machines and containers. More information:
  • Dump a guest virtual machine into the default dump directory (usually /var/lib/vz/dump/), excluding snapshots:
    vzdump {{vm_id}}
  • Back up the guest virtual machines with the IDs 101, 102, and 103:
    vzdump {{101 102 103}}
  • Dump a guest virtual machine using a specific mode:
    vzdump {{vm_id}} --mode {{suspend|snapshot}}
  • Back up all guest systems and send an notification email to the root and admin users:
    vzdump --all --mode {{suspend}} --mailto {{root}} --mailto {{admin}}
  • Use snapshot mode (no downtime required) and a non-default dump directory:
    vzdump {{vm_id}} --dumpdir {{path/to/directory}} --mode {{snapshot}}
  • Back up all guest virtual machines excluding the IDs 101 and 102:
    vzdump --mode {{suspend}} --exclude {{101, 102}}

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