Enter a command. For example: mp4box, zdb, openssl req, pve firewall.


Check file types and compare values. Returns 0 if the condition evaluates to true, 1 if it evaluates to false. More information:
  • Test if a given variable is equal to a given string:
    test "{{$MY_VAR}}" == "{{/bin/zsh}}"
  • Test if a given variable is empty:
    test -z "{{$GIT_BRANCH}}"
  • Test if a file exists:
    test -f "{{path/to/file_or_directory}}"
  • Test if a directory does not exist:
    test ! -d "{{path/to/directory}}"
  • If-else statement:
    test {{condition}} && {{echo "true"}} || {{echo "false"}}

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