Enter a command. For example: hg clone, parallel lint, pip install.


Extract tables from PDF files. More information:
  • Extract all tables from a PDF to a CSV file:
    tabula -o {{file.csv}} {{file.pdf}}
  • Extract all tables from a PDF to a JSON file:
    tabula --format JSON -o {{file.json}} {{file.pdf}}
  • Extract tables from pages 1, 2, 3, and 6 of a PDF:
    tabula --pages {{1-3,6}} {{file.pdf}}
  • Extract tables from page 1 of a PDF, guessing which portion of the page to examine:
    tabula --guess --pages {{1}} {{file.pdf}}
  • Extract all tables from a PDF, using ruling lines to determine cell boundaries:
    tabula --spreadsheet {{file.pdf}}
  • Extract all tables from a PDF, using blank space to determine cell boundaries:
    tabula --no-spreadsheet {{file.pdf}}

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