Enter a command. For example: in toto record, fdroid, dolt config.


Transform SVGs into React components. More information:
  • Transform a SVG file into a React component to stdout:
    svgr -- {{path/to/file.svg}}
  • Transform a SVG file into a React component using TypeScript to stdout:
    svgr --typescript -- {{path/to/file.svg}}
  • Transform a SVG file into a React component using JSX transform to stdout:
    svgr --jsx-runtime automatic -- {{path/to/file.svg}}
  • Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory:
    svgr --out-dir {{path/to/output_directory}} {{path/to/input_directory}}
  • Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory skipping already transformed files:
    svgr --out-dir {{path/to/output_directory}} --ignore-existing {{path/to/input_directory}}
  • Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory using a specific case for filenames:
    svgr --out-dir {{path/to/output_directory}} --filename-case {{camel|kebab|pascal}} {{path/to/input_directory}}
  • Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory without generating an index file:
    svgr --out-dir {{path/to/output_directory}} --no-index {{path/to/input_directory}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.