Enter a command. For example: colorls, pppd, nc, env, git var, just.


Extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. More information:
  • Attempt to extract streams from the URL specified, and if it's successful, print out a list of available streams to choose from:
    streamlink {{}}
  • Open a stream with the specified quality:
    streamlink {{}} {{720p60}}
  • Select the highest or lowest available quality:
    streamlink {{}} {{best|worst}}
  • Specify which player to use to feed stream data to (VLC is used by default if found):
    streamlink --player={{mpv}} {{}} {{best}}
  • Specify the amount of time to skip from the beginning of the stream. For live streams, this is a negative offset from the end of the stream (rewind):
    streamlink --hls-start-offset {{[HH:]MM:SS}} {{}} {{best}}
  • Skip to the beginning of a live stream, or as far back as possible:
    streamlink --hls-live-restart {{}} {{best}}
  • Write stream data to a file instead of playing it:
    streamlink --output {{path/to/file.ts}} {{}} {{best}}
  • Open the stream in the player, while at the same time writing it to a file:
    streamlink --record {{path/to/file.ts}} {{}} {{best}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.