Enter a command. For example: caja, ul, konsole, lshw, inotifywait.


FTP-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers. More information:
  • Connect to a share (user will be prompted for password; exit to quit the session):
    smbclient {{//server/share}}
  • Connect with a different username:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username}}
  • Connect with a different workgroup:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --workgroup {{domain}} --user {{username}}
  • Connect with a username and password:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username%password}}
  • Download a file from the server:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --directory {{path/to/directory}} --command "get {{file.txt}}"
  • Upload a file to the server:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --directory {{path/to/directory}} --command "put {{file.txt}}"

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.