Enter a command. For example: hlint, vrms, btrfs, colrm, dolphin.


An apt like system for Slackware package management. Package sources need to be configured in the slapt-getrc file. More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and versions:
    slapt-get --update
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    slapt-get --install {{package_name}}
  • Remove a package:
    slapt-get --remove {{package_name}}
  • Upgrade all installed packages to their latest available versions:
    slapt-get --upgrade
  • Locate packages by the package name, disk set, or version:
    slapt-get --search {{package_name}}
  • Show information about a package:
    slapt-get --show {{package_name}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.