Enter a command. For example: pactree, fakeroot, disown, tracepath.


A screencast tool to display keys pressed. More information:
  • Display keys which are currently being pressed on the screen:
  • Display keys and mouse buttons which are currently being pressed on the screen:
    screenkey --mouse
  • Launch the settings menu of screenkey:
    screenkey --show-settings
  • Launch screenkey at a specific position:
    screenkey --position {{top|center|bottom|fixed}}
  • Change the format of the key modifiers displayed on screen:
    screenkey --mods-mode {{normal|emacs|mac|win|tux}}
  • Change the appearance of screenkey:
    screenkey --bg-color "{{#a1b2c3}}" --font {{Hack}} --font-color {{yellow}} --opacity {{0.8}}
  • Drag and select a window on screen to display screenkey:
    screenkey --position fixed --geometry {{$(slop -n -f '%g')}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.