Enter a command. For example: cal, reboot, nettop, ping, xcodebuild.


Utility to take screenshots and screen recordings. More information:
  • Take a screenshot and save it to a file:
    screencapture {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot including the mouse cursor:
    screencapture -C {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot and open it in Preview, instead of saving:
    screencapture -P
  • Take a screenshot of a selected rectangular area:
    screencapture -i {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot after a delay:
    screencapture -T {{seconds}} {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Make a screen recording and save it to a file:
    screencapture -v {{path/to/file.mp4}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.