Enter a command. For example: wpa_cli, brctl, e2label, logsave.


Monitor performance of various Linux subsystems. More information:
  • Report I/O and transfer rate issued to physical devices, one per second (press CTRL+C to quit):
    sar -b {{1}}
  • Report a total of 10 network device statistics, one per 2 seconds:
    sar -n DEV {{2}} {{10}}
  • Report CPU utilization, one per 2 seconds:
    sar -u ALL {{2}}
  • Report a total of 20 memory utilization statistics, one per second:
    sar -r ALL {{1}} {{20}}
  • Report the run queue length and load averages, one per second:
    sar -q {{1}}
  • Report paging statistics, one per 5 seconds:
    sar -B {{5}}

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