Enter a command. For example: ping, steamcmd, gt, speedtest, git subtree.


Ripgrep is a recursive line-oriented CLI search tool. Aims to be a faster alternative to grep. More information:
  • Recursively search the current directory for a regular expression:
    rg {{regular_expression}}
  • Search for regular expressions recursively in the current directory, including hidden files and files listed in .gitignore:
    rg --no-ignore --hidden {{regular_expression}}
  • Search for a regular expression only in a certain filetype (e.g. HTML, CSS, etc.):
    rg --type {{filetype}} {{regular_expression}}
  • Search for a regular expression only in a subset of directories:
    rg {{regular_expression}} {{set_of_subdirs}}
  • Search for a regular expression in files matching a glob (e.g. README.*):
    rg {{regular_expression}} --glob {{glob}}
  • Only list matched files (useful when piping to other commands):
    rg --files-with-matches {{regular_expression}}
  • Show lines that do not match the given regular expression:
    rg --invert-match {{regular_expression}}
  • Search a literal string pattern:
    rg --fixed-strings -- {{string}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.