Enter a command. For example: lwp request, sum, pip3, git archive.


Multi-pattern string replacement and file renaming tool. More information:
  • Do a dry-run renaming a directory of PNGs with a literal string replacement:
    repren --dry-run --rename --literal --from '{{find_string}}' --to '{{replacement_string}}' {{*.png}}
  • Do a dry-run renaming a directory of JPEGs with a regular expression:
    repren --rename --dry-run --from '{{regular_expression}}' --to '{{replacement_string}}' {{*.jpg}} {{*.jpeg}}
  • Do a find-and-replace on the contents of a directory of CSV files:
    repren --from '{{([0-9]+) example_string}}' --to '{{replacement_string \1}}' {{*.csv}}
  • Do both a find-and-replace and a rename operation at the same time, using a pattern file:
    repren --patterns {{path/to/patfile.ext}} --full {{*.txt}}
  • Do a case-insensitive rename:
    repren --rename --insensitive --patterns {{path/to/patfile.ext}} *

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.