Official client for ProtonVPN service from the command-line. More information:
- Log in to the ProtonVPN account:
protonvpn-cli login {{username}}
- Start a kill switch upon connecting to ProtonVPN:
protonvpn-cli killswitch --on
- Connect to ProtonVPN interactively:
protonvpn-cli connect
- Display connection status:
protonvpn-cli status
- Block malware using ProtonVPN NetShield:
protonvpn-cli netshield --malware
- Disconnect from ProtonVPN:
protonvpn-cli disconnect
- Display the current ProtonVPN configuration:
protonvpn-cli config --list
- Display help for a subcommand:
protonvpn-cli {{subcommand}} --help
This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.