Enter a command. For example: bssh, ed, robo, git reset file.


A PHP build tool based on Apache Ant. More information:
  • Perform the default task in the build.xml file:
  • Initialize a new build file:
    phing -i {{path/to/build.xml}}
  • Perform a specific task:
    phing {{task_name}}
  • Specify a custom build file path:
    phing -f {{path/to/build.xml}} {{task_name}}
  • Specify a log file to output to:
    phing -b {{path/to/log_file}} {{task_name}}
  • Specify custom properties to use in the build:
    phing -D{{property}}={{value}} {{task_name}}
  • Specify a custom listener class:
    phing -listener {{class_name}} {{task_name}}
  • Build using verbose output:
    phing -verbose {{task_name}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.