Enter a command. For example: genie, goaccess, lvremove, apt cache.


Create, update or extract PHP archives (PHAR). More information:
  • Add space-separated files or directories to a Phar file:
    phar add -f {{path/to/phar_file}} {{files_or_directories}}
  • Display the contents of a Phar file:
    phar list -f {{path/to/phar_file}}
  • Delete the specified file or directory from a Phar file:
    phar delete -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -e {{file_or_directory}}
  • Display full usage information and available hashing/compression algorithms:
    phar help
  • Compress or uncompress files and directories in a Phar file:
    phar compress -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -c {{algorithm}}
  • Get information about a Phar file:
    phar info -f {{path/to/phar_file}}
  • Sign a Phar file with a specific hash algorithm:
    phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h {{algorithm}}
  • Sign a Phar file with an OpenSSL private key:
    phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h openssl -y {{path/to/private_key}}

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