Enter a command. For example: dvc add, git local commits.


Portable Document Format (PDF) file fonts information viewer. More information:
  • Print PDF file fonts information:
    pdffonts {{path/to/file.pdf}}
  • Specify user password for PDF file to bypass security restrictions:
    pdffonts -upw {{password}} {{path/to/file.pdf}}
  • Specify owner password for PDF file to bypass security restrictions:
    pdffonts -opw {{password}} {{path/to/file.pdf}}
  • Print additional information on location of the font that will be used when the PDF file is rasterized:
    pdffonts -loc {{path/to/file.pdf}}
  • Print additional information on location of the font that will be used when the PDF file is converted to PostScript:
    pdffonts -locPS {{path/to/file.pdf}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.