Enter a command. For example: codespell, aws ec2, env, gocryptfs.


Tool for storing and reading passwords or other sensitive data. All data is GPG-encrypted, and managed with a Git repository. More information:
  • Initialize (or re-encrypt) the storage using one or more GPG IDs:
    pass init {{gpg_id_1}} {{gpg_id_2}}
  • Save a new password and additional information (press Ctrl + D on a new line to complete):
    pass insert --multiline {{path/to/data}}
  • Edit an entry:
    pass edit {{path/to/data}}
  • Copy a password (first line of the data file) to the clipboard:
    pass -c {{path/to/data}}
  • List the whole store tree:
  • Generate a new random password with a given length, and copy it to the clipboard:
    pass generate -c {{path/to/data}} {{num}}
  • Initialize a new Git repository (any changes done by pass will be committed automatically):
    pass git init
  • Run a Git command on behalf of the password storage:
    pass git {{command}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.