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openssl dgst

OpenSSL command to generate digest values and perform signature operations. More information:
  • Calculate the SHA256 digest for a file, saving the result to a specific file:
    openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -out {{output_file}} {{input_file}}
  • Sign a file using an RSA key, saving the result to a specific file:
    openssl dgst -sign {{private_key_file}} -sha256 -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -out {{output_file}} {{input_file}}
  • Verify an RSA signature:
    openssl dgst -verify {{public_key_file}} -signature {{signature_file}} -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss {{signature_message_file}}
  • Sign a file using and ECDSA key:
    openssl dgst -sign {{private_key_file}} -sha256 -out {{output_file}} {{input_file}}
  • Verify an ECDSA signature:
    openssl dgst -verify {{public_key_file}} -signature {{signature_file}} {{signature_message_file}}

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