Enter a command. For example: tlmgr platform, maestral, dash.


Distributed, highly available, datacenter-aware scheduler. More information:
  • Show the status of nodes in the cluster:
    nomad node status
  • Validate a job file:
    nomad job validate {{path/to/file.nomad}}
  • Plan a job for execution on the cluster:
    nomad job plan {{path/to/file.nomad}}
  • Run a job on the cluster:
    nomad job run {{path/to/file.nomad}}
  • Show the status of jobs currently running on the cluster:
    nomad job status
  • Show the detailed status information about a specific job:
    nomad job status {{job_name}}
  • Follow the logs of a specific allocation:
    nomad alloc logs {{alloc_id}}
  • Show the status of storage volumes:
    nomad volume status

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