Enter a command. For example: timeout, detox, hg commit, sha256sum.


The Microsoft build tool for Visual Studio project solutions. More information:
  • Build the first project file in the current directory:
  • Build a specific project file:
    msbuild {{path/to/project_file}}
  • Set one or more semicolon-separated targets to build:
    msbuild {{path/to/project_file}} /target:{{targets}}
  • Set one or more semicolon-separated properties:
    msbuild {{path/to/project_file}} /property:{{name=value}}
  • Set the build tools version to use:
    msbuild {{path/to/project_file}} /toolsversion:{{version}}
  • Display detailed information at the end of the log about how the project was configured:
    msbuild {{path/to/project_file}} /detailedsummary
  • Display detailed help information:
    msbuild /help

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