Enter a command. For example: checkupdates, pihole, calcurse.


A wrapper for lrunzip to simplify decompression of directories. See also: lrztar, lrzip. More information:
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory:
    lrzuntar {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory using a specific number of processor threads:
    lrzuntar -p {{8}} {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory and silently overwrite items that already exist:
    lrzuntar -f {{archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Specify the output path:
    lrzuntar -O {{path/to/directory}} {{archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Delete the compressed file after decompression:
    lrzuntar -D {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}

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