Enter a command. For example: pivpn, arecord, cpupower, hcitool.


The word of God available right on your desktop. More information:
  • Display books:
    kjv -l
  • Open a specific book:
    kjv {{Genesis}}
  • Open a specific chapter of a book:
    kjv {{Genesis}} {{2}}
  • Open a specific verse of a specific chapter of a book:
    kjv {{John}} {{3}}:{{16}}
  • Open a specific range of verses of a book's chapter:
    kjv {{Proverbs}} {{3}}:{{1-6}}
  • Display a specific range of verses of a book from different chapters:
    kjv {{Matthew}} {{1}}:{{7}}-{{2}}:{{6}}
  • Display all verses that match a pattern:
    kjv /{{Plagues}}
  • Display all verses that match a pattern in a specific book:
    kjv {{1Jn}}/{{antichrist}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.