Enter a command. For example: sshfs, direnv, scc, kotlin, py spy.


Code generation tool provided by the Go RPC framework Kitex. Kitex accepts both thrift and protobuf IDLs, and supports generating a skeleton of a server side project. More information:
  • Generate client codes when a project is in $GOPATH:
    kitex {{path/to/IDL_file.thrift}}
  • Generate client codes when a project is not in $GOPATH:
    kitex -module {{}} {{path/to/IDL_file.thrift}}
  • Generate client codes with protobuf IDL:
    kitex -type protobuf {{path/to/IDL_file.proto}}
  • Generate server codes:
    kitex -service {{svc_name}} {{path/to/IDL_file.thrift}}

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