Enter a command. For example: tlmgr check, git brv, where, shasum.


Command-line interface tool to manage Kubernetes secrets. More information:
  • List all secrets:
    k8sec list
  • List a specific secret as a base64-encoded string:
    k8sec list {{secret_name}} --base64
  • Set a secret's value:
    k8sec set {{secret_name}} {{key=value}}
  • Set a base64-encoded value:
    k8sec set --base64 {{secret_name}} {{key=encoded_value}}
  • Unset a secret:
    k8sec unset {{secret_name}}
  • Load secrets from a file:
    k8sec load -f {{path/to/file}} {{secret_name}}
  • Dump secrets to a file:
    k8sec dump -f {{path/to/file}} {{secret_name}}

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