helm install
Install a helm chart. More information: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#helm-install-installing-a-package.
- Install a helm chart:
helm install {{name}} {{repository_name}}/{{chart_name}}
- Install a helm chart from an unpacked chart directory:
helm install {{name}} {{path/to/source_directory}}
- Install a helm chart from a URL:
helm install {{package_name}} {{https://example.com/charts/packagename-1.2.3.tgz}}
- Install a helm chart and generate a name:
helm install {{repository_name}}/{{chart_name}} --generate-name
- Perform a dry run:
helm install {{name}} {{repository_name}}/{{chart_name}} --dry-run
- Install a helm chart with custom values:
helm install {{name}} {{repository_name}}/{{chart_name}} --set {{parameter1}}={{value1}},{{parameter2}}={{value2}}
- Install a helm chart passing a custom values file:
helm install {{name}} {{repository_name}}/{{chart_name}} --values {{path/to/values.yaml}}
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