Enter a command. For example: lpstat, zellij, xml format, complete.


Command-line interface to the HandBrake video conversion and DVD ripping tool. More information:
  • Convert a video file to MKV (AAC 160kbit audio and x264 CRF20 video):
    handbrakecli --input {{input.avi}} --output {{output.mkv}} --encoder x264 --quality 20 --ab 160
  • Resize a video file to 320x240:
    handbrakecli --input {{input.mp4}} --output {{output.mp4}} --width 320 --height 240
  • List available presets:
    handbrakecli --preset-list
  • Convert an AVI video to MP4 using the Android preset:
    handbrakecli --preset="Android" --input {{input.ext}} --output {{output.mp4}}
  • Print the content of a DVD, getting the CSS keys in the process:
    handbrakecli --input {{/dev/sr0}} --title 0
  • Rip the first track of a DVD in the specified device. Audiotracks and subtitle languages are specified as lists:
    handbrakecli --input {{/dev/sr0}} --title 1 --output {{out.mkv}} --format av_mkv --encoder x264 --subtitle {{1,4,5}} --audio {{1,2}} --aencoder copy --quality {{23}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.