Enter a command. For example: trivy, az account, tldr, xcv, infection.


Dockerfile linter. More information:
  • Lint a Dockerfile:
    hadolint {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
  • Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in JSON format:
    hadolint --format {{json}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
  • Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in a specific format:
    hadolint --format {{tty|json|checkstyle|codeclimate|codacy}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
  • Lint a Dockerfile ignoring specific rules:
    hadolint --ignore {{DL3006}} --ignore {{DL3008}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
  • Lint multiple Dockerfiles using specific trusted registries:
    hadolint --trusted-registry {{}} --trusted-registry {{}}:{{5000}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}} {{path/to/another/Dockerfile}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.