Enter a command. For example: nologin, eix, zip, tcpflow, mkfs.btrfs.


Help build application dependencies. More information:
  • Build a Flatpak and export it to a new repository:
    flatpak-builder {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository:
    flatpak-builder --repo={{repository_name}} {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build a Flatpak and install it locally:
    flatpak-builder --install {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build and sign a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository:
    flatpak-builder --gpg-sign={{key_id}} --repo={{repository_name}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Run a shell inside of an application sandbox without installing it:
    flatpak-builder --run {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}} {{sh}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.